
By HangmanJury

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*A Duff McKagan Fanfic* *As of May 2020, number one rated Duff McKagan fanfic* Anastasia Fisher has just move... More

Jet Lagged
Sucker Punched
Wine and Dined
Figured Out
Moved In
Hit On
Made up


1.1K 31 7
By HangmanJury

About a week and a half later... August 12, 1987


We leave in two days for the first leg of our tour with The Cult. Today though, we were shooting the video for 'Sweet Child O' Mine'.

"Axl?" I hear her call from just outside the door.

"Yeah, come in sweetheart." I tell her, and she pushes the door open slowly.

Erin was here because I asked her to be in the video. We decided as a group a few weeks ago that the video would be dedicated to our significant others with a main focus around the person the song was written about-- Anastasia. 

But ever since the whole thing went down, I'm not so sure it would be a good idea for her to be the focus. 

Sure, she was beautiful and crazy talented, but she wasn't mine anymore. Erin was mine, and that's why I wanted her to be the center of this video. 

Plus, Erin was a model and her dad was one of the Everly brothers. She grew up around music. 

"What time are we leaving?" she wants to know, and I glance at the clock. 

"10 minutes." I tell her, pulling her into bed with me. 

She giggles and brushes a strand of her long curly hair behind her ear. 

"Sounds good to me." she smiles and I proceed to kiss her pretty lips.



Duff and I spent all morning in bed, but the band had a big day today. They were going to record the music video for Sweet Child, and I was going to be the leading lady. 

I turned over in bed to see a sleeping Duff, with his blonde hair messily spread across his face. His chest rose and fell gently, and I was careful not to wake him up. It was going to be another long day. 

I got out of bed and made for the bathroom, nearly tripping over the four or five suitcases that were scattered throughout the room. We were packing to leave for Canada, and the room was absolutely trashed with everything you could imagine. I turned the hot water on and stepped inside the shower. The warm water cascaded over my skin gently and I leaned my head back carefully, soaking my blonde hair. 

Today's music video should be fun. It was supposed to be more or less unscripted-- just me, the band, and the rest of the girlfriends doing what we always do-- fucking around. 

I grab the bottle of shampoo and squeeze a little into my hand, lathering it through my long hair. I try my best to work out all the tangles and start on the rest of my body. 

I take a minute to relax, because I know there won't be much of that today.

When I'm satisfied with the progress, I run a brush through my hair and go to turn off the water.

"Wait." I hear a voice say, and in comes the sleepy head himself.

Seems like my shower is gonna last a little longer then expected. 

I wait patiently as he strips out of his clothes and climbs in to the shower with me. 

"Good morning. To both of you." I say with a chuckle, and my eyes flick downwards.

Duff doesn't say a word, because he's not a morning person-- especially when he's hungover (Which is often). It takes a while for him to get around to waking up, but that doesn't mean I'll stop picking on him.

I grab a clean wash cloth and apply soap as Duff stands under the warm water. I start with his ears and work my way down, stopping at his neck to observe the dark purple hickeys. 

Oops. Totally my fault. 

"What?" he asks plainly.

"Your neck." I tell him, and he just chuckles.

"You should see yours." he says, and I lean out of the shower to look at myself in the mirror. 

Sure enough, my neck was covered in them. I'd have to wear my hair down for the video today.

"Turn around." I instruct, and I proceed to start on his back, which still has my nail marks from our forbidden tryst.

I watch as Duff steps back into the water and rinses the soap from his body. 

I couldn't help  but admire the way the water cascaded over his tattoos on his biceps and down over his chest. 

"What are you thinking about?" he asks, and I realize I've been staring. 

"Nothing, really." I smile, biting my lip.

"I know it's not nothing, Ana." he says, pulling me tight to his chest. He kisses my cheek and I can't help but smile. 

"Don't you think we should get out now?" I question. 

"Probably, or we're going to be late." Duff responds

I reluctantly pull out of his embrace and grab us both a towel, turning off the water. 

Music video, here we come. 



Erin and I get to the shoot early because I want to talk to Nigel, the director, about the whole video. 

I slink my hands around Erin's waist and pull her in tight against me. 

She was gorgeous. 

"Hey, Nigel. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask him, and he turns around.

"Of course, Axl. Good morning, Erin." he says to my girlfriend.

"Good morning" She responds quietly.

"I'll be right, back, baby." I tell Erin, and follow Nigel to a room offset.

"I want to talk about the leading lady of this video." I tell him.

"Of course, of course. Anastasia. Did you have an idea about what she should be wearing? We were just discussing that." Nigel responds. 

"No, actually. Quite the opposite." I reveal. "I want her out." 

Nigel looks surprised and at the same time displeased, but I don't give a fuck either way. 

"Anastasia is one of the most gorgeous and talented actresses I've ever seen. Every music video she's been in so far is predicted to be ridiculously successful. The song was written about her and for her, for heavens sake. I don't think it's a good idea to cut her out." he says. 

I'm annoyed. It's my band's music video, and I have final say. "Listen, Nigel." I say exasperatedly 

"She can play the background with Duff, but I want Erin as the lead." I tell him.

The look on Nigel's face is priceless, but I can tell he's not happy. "Erin is a beautiful lady as well, but Ana is a very talented actress. I don't like the idea of this." he says

"If Erin's not the lead, I'm not doing the video" I decree. 

He stares impassively across the room for a good minute.

"I guess I'll let wardrobe and make-up know."



We get to the shoot right on time, with Ana looking as sexy as ever in her black off the shoulder cropped shirt and tiny black skirt.

"Let's go find Nigel." I tell her, and we head towards the set. 

When we get there, Axl's girlfriend Erin is fooling around with a camera. She's dressed in a white jacket and skirt with short pumps. 

"Duff, Anastasia." I hear a voice regard us both, and I turn around to see Nigel.

"Are they ready for me in hair and make-up?" Ana asks, and Nigel's face goes as white as a sheet. 

"I guess no one told you." He says solemnly, and then turns to talk to Ana. "Axl wanted you off and Erin on as the lead of the video. We tried to convince him that you were a much better choice, but he insisted he wouldn't do the video unless Erin was the lead."

What a prick. 

I knew all along that Axl was mad. He was still pissed that he screwed up his chances with Ana, and now he was taking it out on her and her career. 

Before I can turn to comfort her, she's gone. 

I watch her walk right across the set in front of the shot and up to Axl, and naturally, I have to follow her. 

"What the fuck, Axl?" she seethes, batting her lashes furiously at him.

Everyone has stopped what they're doing and is watching the argument go down, including Erin.

"This song was written about me and for me, and I get replaced with some stupid fucking bitch whose only your girlfriend because you can't have me. She's a replacement so you don't have to sleep alone every night and think about how you fucked up. Well guess what? I'll happily step to the back, because I can't even fathom the idea of having to pretend to be in love with you again." she says spitefully, and she takes her place at my side once more. 

It's rare that Axl doesn't get a word in, but Ana managed to shut him right up.

I walk with her to the back of the set, where Steven's new girlfriend and Ana's good friend Cheryl is being prepped for her shot. 

"You don't have to do this, you know. I can take you home right now if you want." I whisper in her ear so no one else hears.

She takes a deep breath as if to gather herself. "I'm fine Duff. I'm gonna do it-- for you." she says.

It's a bold move and one that I respect very much. She wasn't staying on her own regard. She was staying to support me. 

That in itself spoke volumes to me. The simple fact that a person is willing to give up a part of their own success and happiness for somebody else shows how much they really care. 

Ana really does care.

"I love you." I tell her, and she manages to shoot me a little smile.

"I love you, too Duff." she says, and I kiss her chastely on the lips.

"I guess I have to go get ready" I tell her. 

"Guess you do." she smiles.

"I'll catch you in a few minutes?" I ask her. 

"Of course, babe." she responds, and I go off to hair and make-up.



Duff has just left to get all done up for the video, and I'm fuming mad. 

I didn't understand how Axl could do this to me, especially since we talked about the whole situation just a week or so ago. 

Every video I did was boosting my career a little more, and the song was written about me. There was no reason I should be bumped from the lead spot, especially to Erin, who had no actual experience in acting. Sure she was a model, but she couldn't work a live shot like I could. 

I was happy though, in some ways, because I wouldn't have to act like Axl's girl all over again. I could just be what I am, and that's not hard to portray at all because it comes so naturally to me- Duff's girl.

I bummed a cigarette off of one of the sound techs and took a deep drag. Luckily, the majority of this shoot was the band playing. The rest of it was Erin and Axl, so I wouldn't have to do much. 

I took another drag off my cigarette and almost immediately the camera was in my face. 

"Okay, now suck on that cigarette like it's the last one you'll ever have, then look at me, Ana." Nigel directs, and I do as I'm told. 

I can see Erin seething at me from the other side of the room, so I shoot her a glare.

Even when I'm not the lead, I'm the center of attention, bitch.

After a few minutes of them videoing me doing random things, they decide it's time to get started.

"Alright Anastasia, you can take a seat in the middle of Cheryl and Erin." the camera guy said. 

I fluffed my hair down some more to cover the love bites that scattered my neck. I sat down in the chair and crossed my legs carefully, looking over at Erin, who looked like she was modeling for a photoshoot rather then having a live video taken of her. 

They turn on the fan, which causes my hair to fly all over the place. 

Great. Hickeys for everyone to see.

"Wait. Before we start. Beth, can we get some cover up on Ana's neck please." Nigel instructs, and I'm immediately covered in a skin colored powder. 


"Okay. No scripts. Just act natural, talk, smile, do whatever you want to do." Instructed the camera man.

I immediately turned to Cheryl, completely ignoring Erin. "What's up baby?" I ask her, and she smiles.

"Nothing much, you going out with us after this?" she wants to know.

"Depends on how long this takes. Usually it's a few hours." I tell her. 

"Okay girls, now everyone look at the camera for me." the camera man instructs, and he films us just looking pretty for a good couple of minutes.

"That's it ladies. Thank you very much." Nigel says, and I immediately stand up to find Duff, who is standing around, waiting to get started.

"Hey" He says to me, with that sexy hit in his voice. I blush inadvertently. 

He's wearing his CBGB shirt and one of his pairs of leather pants. He has his cowboy boots on and they've fixed his hair up the way he usually wears it.

"You look hot, babe." I tell him. He smiles and pulls me into his chest, kissing me on the cheek. 

I look over to see the camera in my face once more. 

"Really? Another freaking surprise shot? Are you guys ever gonna leave me alone?" I joke with the camera man, and he laughs. 

"You know I tried to fight for you, Ana. At least if you can't be the lead, we can put you in as much as we can." Nigel says. 

I turn my attention back towards Duff. 

"Looks like they covered you up too." Duff says to me with a smile, gesturing towards my neck. 

I pick my hair up so he can see the cover up job they did. I look at his neck, which has also been caked with make-up. 

We both laugh.

"Okay boys, we'll be done with Erin in 20 minutes, then you'll all be on." Nigel calls from the other side of the set. 

I look around the large warehouse, taking in the surroundings. The set is scattered with equipment, including instruments, lighting, sound, make-up, wardrobe, and chairs. People are scrambling everywhere to get things done, and people are fussing over Erin and Axl, who sit next to each other in a chair. Izzy's dog is sitting on top of Cheryl, who is sitting between Steven's legs. Slash and his new girlfriend Sally were no where in sight.

"Anyone know where Slash is?" One of the make-up people ask.

Steven chuckles. "Yeah, him and Sally are getting it on in the storage closet." 

I roll my eyes and everyone laughs.

Duff takes my hand. "Come on, looks like we're gonna be waiting awhile."

He leads me over to the waiting area and sits down in a chair. He pulls me down on top of him and I cuddle myself into his arms.

"How was your shoot?" He asks, and I sigh in contentment. It was nice to be in his arms, right where I belonged

"It was fine." I answer simply.

Everything goes silent, but then Duff begins to speak.

"I'm sorry that happened today." he says simply. "No one knew anything about it except for Axl."

I think about it a second, but I've already come to a conclusion. 

"I don't care anymore, Duff. He's an asshole. He's no one to me." I respond.

"But you deserve it, Ana. You deserve everything and more. I just want you to know I'm gonna do anything and everything I can to make you happy." he says. 

I smile. He's just too damn perfect. I don't know how I got so lucky. 

"As long as I have you, I'm happy, Duff." 

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