Bringing You Closer To Me

By demi_slays

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TRIGGER WARNING Demi Lovato's career stopped when she entered treatment, she lost all her fans. After girlfri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The End

Chapter 12

1.4K 33 9
By demi_slays

Nicole's POV

"Nic, wake up.." I was shaken awake by Sapphire. "Come on, you need to get up its seven." she said walking towards the door.

 "Urgh." I groaned before checking the time on my phone, 7:05am. Great another seven hours to spend  in a building full of the people I hate.

"I'll cook you some breakfast. We need to talk." she said before disappearing downstairs. I got out of bed and shuffled over to her bathroom. I grabbed a towel from the cupboard and stripped out of my clothes. I stood under the hot shower and admired the products she had; almost as many as Demi! I selected an orange smelling shampoo and conditioner and put it through my hair, before selecting a purple shower gel and lathering it on my body, being careful of my cuts. I washed off my body and shut off the water before climbing out of the shower and drying myself.

Shit, my uniform is outside. I cant go down there in just the towel, I'm gonna have to get dressed again. I pulled back in the clothes from last night and ran through the house until i was outside. I ignores her shouts and headed straight for the little house. I entered and grabbed my uniform. I undressed once again and put on my uniform. I grabbed my phone charger and school bag before walking back to the house.

"Ready to eat?" Sapphire greeted me.

"Yep." we sat as we had done the previous night. I ate the pancakes she had made me and drank the apple juice.

"About last night, I'm really sorry I got like that." she said looking down at the table.

"Don't be, I mean we both let it go on for a while. We both wanted it I guess." I replied.

"It was just a drunk mistake."

"At least you stopped when I said though." I pointed out.

"Yeah, but only because you told me how old you really were. You told me you were eighteen. Why'd you lie to me?" she asked not sounding at all angry. Why isn't she angry?

"I thought that if you knew I was under eighteen your make me go back home to my parents." I said shakily.

"Nicole, I would never force you to go anywhere you didn't want to go. Especially not back to them after how they have treated you." she said smiling reassuringly. "I'll give you a lift to school."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've got nothing else to do, plus the little one is with a friend and they're doing the school run this morning."

"Thank you Saph." I replied before clearing up my plate. "Leave that, go dry your hair and we'll leave." I walked back up to her room and dried my hair. I styled it slightly but it still looked like crap. I need a decent cut badly. I grabbed my phone from the table I left it on last night. I switched it on and headed downstairs. Two new messages, Demi.

Demi: 'I didn't mean it quite like that.'

That was from last night. And then about ten minutes ago.

Demi: 'Am I going to see you today?'

'Yes, but just remember I can disappear through the door just as quick as I can walk in.'

That made more sense in my head.

Demi: 'Thank you. I think you might like what I have to say.'

Why would I like what you have to say? Unless you're going to tell me you'll leave me alone, I very much doubt it Lovato.

We arrived outside the school gates, I opened the door to get out. I turned to face Sapphire,


"Can you be back home by six today?" she asked quickly, cutting me off.

"Erm, yeah sure. Why?" I asked.

"I have someone coming over and I don't want to be alone with them."

"Okay, fair enough. I'll see you later. Thanks for the lift!" I got out the car and walked towards school.

 I went straight to my locker and grabbed my books before heading off to my form room. I kept my head down and walked straight through the groups of people. I took my seat at the back of the class and waited for the day to start.

Why is this day going to slowly? Its only the end of third lesson, which means I have music next. Do I go?

Demi's POV

I've got a surprise for my next class, hopefully Nicole will turn up. After about ten minutes everyone is here except Nicole.

"Okay guys, so today I thought I might surprise you with a little something. I've been at this school for just over a week and it has already been eventful. But I have to say you are my favorite class of all."

"So on my first day you asked me if I would sing for you. Well I will do now." Some smiles spread across their faces. A hand shot up from the back.

"What are you going to sing us?" Ellen asked.

"A very personal song I have written. "

I sat down at the piano and started to play the tune to Believe In Me.

"Miss, are you okay?" one of the girls asked once I had finished singing. I wiped away the tears and smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I replied.

"Who was the song for?" the same girl asked.

"Why would you think it was for someone?"

"The amount of emotion that poured through. You just sang a song that no one knows, but we all managed to connect to you."

"Yeah, only great artists can do that." Ellen said.

"Well thank you for listening and letting me sing for you. So who here wants to perform in the talent show?" I asked, about five hands went up.

"Okay, you guys come and sit over here, the rest of you complete the worksheet. Guitars and keyboards are at the back. Any questions come and ask." I told them, they got up and moved to where they needed to be.

"Basically you need to choose what you want to do. As soon as you know tell me and we'll put you through auditions." I said looking around the group. There she is. Nicole's just sitting at the back of the group staring at me.

"So discuss between yourselves for a while and I'll be right back." I went over to the other side of the classroom and helped them with the work. After about five minutes I went back and sat next to Nicole.

"Hey." I greeted her.

"Hi." she said looking at the table in front of her.

"I've been asked to tell you that the head wants to see you after school."


"Because you walked out of yesterdays detention and failed to stop for either of us."

"Okay, whatever." she replied.

"Can you stay back at lunch?" Its a long shot, but maybe she'll stay. I mean she is talking to me right now.


"I just wanna talk to you properly. I owe it to you to explain myself." she looked up slightly.

"Maybe." I guess that's all in going to get.

"So what do you want to sing?"

"I was thinking an original, but I'm not sure." she said.

"Can I hear it?"

"If you want."

She picked up a guitar from the back and started playing. The class fell quiet and just listened to her.

The bell went for lunch and the class slowly left the room until it was just Nicole and I. Honestly, I'm amazed she's stayed.

"That was amazing!"

"Thanks. What do you want?" she said coldly.

"I want to apologise for everything. I was stupid, I never should have let you go. All I want to do is help you, but I cant unless you forgive me and let me back in. I get that you might not be able to trust me again straight away. Please just let me try." I'm so close to actually getting on my knees and begging. That's how desperate I am.

"I don't know Demi." she said.

"Okay, what are you doing tonight?"

"Sapphire asked me to be with her because she doesn't want to be alone tonight, why?"

"I thought maybe you'd like to come round for dinner or something. Catch up with Josh and we can talk properly." I said.

"Maybe I can swing it."

"Okay, just text me if you can."

"Shit. No i cant, not if I have this this detention."

"I'll tell him you did the time now if you stay for the rest of lunch."

"Okay, thank you." she said, getting eye contact with me for the first time.

"Getting along with this Sapphire?" i asked.

"Yeah. She's sweet, doesn't judge me and is really down to earth."

"How old is she?"

"Twenty seven." she replied looking down once again.

We worked on some of her music before the bell went for registration. Nicole left and my form came in. After taking the register and dismissing them I went down to the head teachers office. He agreed to Nicole not having to spend after school with him.

I drove home, Jennel is picking up Josh again for me so i have a bit of free time. I walked into the music room and played a few tunes and warmed up my vocals. I set up the recording equipment and began to sing Heart Attack, I followed this with Give Your Heart A Break.

I stopped recording, I'll get Jen to edit it properly, she's always been good with that stuff.

 I got a text from Eddie saying a record company was looking for a 'strong female vocalist' a few days ago. I've decided its got to be worth a shot, I mean the worst they can say is no right?

We have to send off this tape with us talking about ourselves, kinda like a spoken cv I guess. I packed up the equipment and went back out to the kitchen. Jennel and Josh should be home soon.

Jennel's POV

Today is the day I have to see her again.  I don't want to see her. I think I'm just being a chicken. I don't want to see her incase she's moved on, but I also don't want to see her in case she hasn't moved on. I need to grow up and deal with the consequences of my actions i guess.

"Want do you want for dinner?" I asked Josh as we drove home from his school.

"Chicken nuggets!" he replied. Its just as well I brought some today then. We eventually arrived home and Josh ran upstairs to do his homework. I grabbed the shopping bags from the boot and lugged them into the house.

 "Hi baby." I greeted Demi  dumping the bags in the kitchen.

"Hey Jen, how was work?" she asked smiling. I walked over and kissed her softly.

"Yeah, it was good. Yours?"

"Yeah same here. Um, Nicole might be coming round later for dinner. I think I might have made a lot of progress today." she said, the smile on her face growing even more.

"Dem, that's great!" I replied. "I've gotta go over to Sophie's in a but and pick up my stuff. I could pick her up on the way back or something?" I suggested. Demi nodded. I started to unpack the bags and put the food away.

"Don't go?" she said suddenly.

"What are you on about Demi?" I continued to put the food into the fridge, keeping my back to her.

"Please don't go to Sophie's. We can buy you new stuff." she said sounding like she was about to cry. I out down the food and walked over to her. She has tears in her eyes.

"Dem, I'm just going to get my stuff. If I could do that without seeing her I would, but I can't. Anyway, Jess said something about her being with someone else." I told her, wrapping my arms around her body and holding her close to me. "You're the only girl for me Dem."

Her face was buried in my chest. "I'm sorry." she said her voice muffled.

"It’s okay, I get it." she probably thinks I'll leave her for Sophie. That's never going to happen, not again anyway. "If I could bring you with me I would, but I don't think she would appreciate that." I told her kissing the top of her head.

“Mmh.” She replied. “Get changed and go, I’ll sort out dinner and I’ll let you know if Nicole is coming.” She said pulling away from me. I headed up to our room and undressed. I pulled on some skinny jeans and a striped t-shirt. I headed back downstairs and said goodbye to Demi. I kissed her, grabbed my keys and phone before heading back out. I drove over to Sophie’s. Well, here goes nothing. I got out the car and walked up to the house and knocked on the door. The door opened and I was greeted by Sophie.

“Hi Sophie.” I greeted her. “How are you?” I asked. Maybe that’s a stupid question, I don’t know?

“I’m fine. How are you?” she replied as we walked further into her house. It’s changed a lot over the past week. All the photos of us are gone, replaced with photos of her and George. Should I say anything about George and Josh?

“Yeah, I’m good thanks. Erm, can we talk about George for a minute if that’s okay?” I asked nervously.

“Sure.” We went into her kitchen and sat opposite each other on the table.

“So, um. A friends little brother is in the same year as George at the same school and um, he is being bullied.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But why are you telling me this?”

“I guess there’s no easy or nice way to say this. George is the one bullying him.”

“What?! How dare you come back into MY house and accuse MY son of bullying someone. You have no right.” She screamed.

“I know that, I’m sorry for everything Sophie and you know it. But you also know me well enough to know that I would not lie about something like this.” I replied calmly. “Just give me my stuff and I’ll leave. You never have to talk to me again.” I said standing up.

“JUST GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!” She screamed getting up and throwing a black bin bag full of stuff at me.

“Thank you Sophie.” The back door slammed open as I turned to walk out.

“Saph? You alright?” a female voice. Is that? No, I can’t be. I turned around.

“Nicole?” I asked.

“What?” she snapped looking at me. Shock registered on her face. “W-what are you doing here?” she asked.

“I came to pick up my stuff. What are you doing here?” I asked, she looks fine. Like she belongs here if I’m honest. But she doesn’t, she belongs with Demi. With us.

“Sapphire took me in. She’s been looking after me.” She replied.


“Jennel, just leave.” Sophie spoke up.

“No Sophie. Tell me why Nicole thinks your name is Sapphire?” I retorted, she looked down.

“Nicole, I’m so sorry. I just didn’t want to be Sophie anymore. Sophie was the girl who had the love of her life and her son. She had her perfect little family. And then it was suddenly just gone and I couldn’t get my head round it. I wanted to start a fresh, a clean slate.” Sophie said to Nicole.

“Wait, what? Jennel how do you know her?” Nicole asked motioning to Sophie.

“This is who I cheated on Demi with and then left to be back with her.” I said.

“Jennel, shut the fuck up please.”

“Look I’m sorry Sophie, but what’s done is done. I can’t take back my actions and you can’t take back yours.”

“How do you know Jennel?” Sophie suddenly asked Nicole.

“Erm, remember I said someone took me in and then wanted me out?”


“Well that was Demi. Jennel, looked after me as well. She helped my brother and I a lot. We had a lot of injuries and stuff.” Nicole said looking at me. I smiled at her.

“Oh. I think you should leave.” Sophie said looking at me.

“Okay. Um, Dem mentioned something about you coming to dinner?” I asked Nicole.

“Yeah, if that’s  alright I mean.” She replied.

“Of course, grab your stuff and I’ll meet you out in the car.” She nodded and walked out the back door. This is one big mess. “I am sorry Sophie. I’m going to leave, but I hope you think about what I said before.” With that I grabbed my bin bag and walked through the house and out the front door. I put my bag in the boot and got into the driver’s seat. Nicole joined me about five minutes later. She put her bags on the back seat and we drove back to the house in silence.

“Can you not mention any of this to Demi please?” she asked as I parked the car.

“I don’t know Nicole.”

“Please, I’ll tell her in my own time. She’s already pissed off at me.”

“She isn’t pissed at you.”

“Yeah, okay.” She said sarcastically before getting out the car and entering the house. I grabbed my bin bag again and followed her in.

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