My Mate?

By silly_girl98

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Meet Alex she’s 18 and a lot has happened to her in the past two years. First finding her mate, Jason, on her... More

My Mate?
Chapter 1- Meeting My Mate
Chapter 2- How Could You?!
Chapter 3- Pranking on the First Day!
Chapter 4-Two Years Later
Chapter 5- Back Home and Family Secrets
Chapter 6- School is so Dramatic
Chapter 8- Meeting the Parents
Chapter 9- I'm Sorry Em
Chapter 10- Date Night
Chapter 11- His Return
Chapter 12- Happy Day for Jason
Chapter 13- Finally One Whole
Chapter 14- Gone
Chapter 15- Um...Do I Know You?
Chapter 16- No Memory? What is going on?!
Chapter 17- Time Passed
Chapter 18- What do you mean I've been lied to?
Chapter 19- Finally Back
Chapter 20- What's Happening?
Chapter 21- Staying Away?

Chapter 7- Gone Too Far.....

144 6 0
By silly_girl98

Alex’s Point of view-

I made my decision………

I drove all the way to his pack house.

I knocked and Trevor answered, “Is Jason home?” I asked. This ass I would beat it if I weren’t here to talk to Jason.

“Yeah he’s in his room,” he said.

I walked in and followed Jason’s scent all the way to his room.

I knocked….no response. Weird. I opened the door and found a half-naked girl in front of Jason’s bed with him looking at her. He looked up and his eyes widened, “Alex this is not what it looks like,” he said as he pushed the slut out of the way and came towards me who was already in tears. I shook my head,

“I can’t believe this! Why is it me who always finds you in these type of situations?!” I yelled as I backed away from him. He grabbed my hands and tried to explain, “I can’t believe I actually came here to give you another chance,” I cried and ran down the hall. Right before I got to the stairs muscular arm grabbed my waist and yanked me back.

“Alex calm down, let me explain,” he whispered in my ear. I tried to calm down but the tears or the sobs wouldn’t stop, he just pulled me closer to his chest. He turned me around so I was facing him, “Alex look at me, I wasn’t doing anything with that slut, she came into my room with a robe on and just started taking her clothes off. Alex I’ m trying to reunite with you so why would I ruin it by sleeping with someone else?” he said, gosh I feel like such a bitch! I saw the truthfulness behind his words and that made me cry even more because he deserved someone better than me. He took my hand and led me to his room where the skank was sitting on his bed.

“Get the fuck out of here Brenda,” Jason growled. She looked at him seductively but when she saw me her face hardened and she glared at me.

“Who the hell is she? And why don’t you want to be with me. Jason I thought we had something before,” she said.

“Brenda get out what we had two years ago is over, get over yourself and go find someone else, because this guy right here is taken,” Jason said as he gave my hand a little squeeze which made me smile a little. Brenda huffed and left the room giving me death glares and me giving them back. We walked over and sat on his bed with his hand still in mine.

“So you’re giving me another chance,” he said.

“I came here to let you explain yourself,” I said.

“Ok look that day was the best day of my life up until Lucy pulled me into a janitor’s closet and put a spell on me, she cast a spell on me, I would never hurt you intentionally Alex,” he explained.

So he’s telling me the truth, this was the same explanation Melinda gave me.

“When I saw you leave I was devastated, I didn’t come out of my room for two months and when I did I remembered you were gone so there wasn’t any point in being out if you weren’t by my side,” he started to cry.

“And when I saw the pictures of you on the internet with that son of a b*tch, I cried and went on a bloody rampage, my dad had to lock me in a cell for a week because me and my wolf couldn’t calm down. We wanted to go to you and find you, my wolf wanted to find you and show you who you belonged to but I calmed him of that. This whole day I’ve had to restrain my wolf on a tight leash just so he wouldn’t kill that mutt or claim you in front of everyone,” he explained, I was thinking about how different this would have been if I would have never stupidly left that day without giving him an explanation and I guess I took too long to answer because before I knew it Jason was on his knees crying.

 “Please Alex, Please don’t’ leave me again, I could deal with it once but if I lost you again I won’t be able to live. Alex give me another chance,” he cried/begged.  He looked down most likely thinking that I won’t give him a chance but after this how can I not. I lifted his chin up so he could look into my eyes.

“Jason,” I cried, “You deserve someone so much better than me, I was the bitch that left you for two whole fucking years in misery while I was out working and dating another guy. I jumped straight to conclusions that day and it will be the biggest regret of my life,” I cried. “But I don’t deserve someone as kind hearted and faithful, as you, I’m not good enough. You deserve a good girl who won’t jump to conclusions and try to leave in the same second, look at me Jason it should be me on my knees right now begging for your forgiveness,” I said. I kneed down in front of him and I had to look up a little, “I would come back to you but I don’t deserve someone as good as you and you, you don’t deserve someone like m-“ I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. It was just like the first time we kissed, this is so cliché, but it was magically breathtaking. His tongue swept across my bottom lip and I gave in. After a couple minutes of our tongues exploring each other’s mouths we pulled apart gasping for air.

Jason hugged me tightly, “I only want you Alex, only you,” he whispered. I hugged him tighter to me,

“Please don’t leave me again,” he whispered. I shook my head which was in his neck, telling him I won’t.

“Never again,” I responded. We stayed like that for a while until we decided to lay down on the bed, talked about Aiden and his situation, what has happened in the two years and we also talked about our likes and dislikes. I also told him about Darren and of course like everyone in my family I got emotional but Jason was there to comfort me with hugs, kisses and he also murmured comforting things in my ear. When we were finished it was about 3 in the morning.

“Jason I have to go back home,” I said getting ready to get up but Jason growled lowly and pulled me back on the bed with his head in between my neck. He was inhaling my scent while I laughed.

“Jason everyone will be worried, I have to go back, Aiden is probably waiting for me,” once I finished that sentence Jason growled possessively and hugged me even tighter.

“No, you’re not going back to him…….mine,” Jason snarled.

I sighed knowing this was going to happen, “Jason tomorrow you can stop by my apartment and we can tell Aiden about us, I know it’ll break his heart but it’s the only way to break the spell he has,” I explained. He groaned, “Fine,” he grumbled. We got up and he walked me to my bike, I hugged him tightly, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” I said.

“Yeah, although you could just stay the night with me, please,” he said before he kissed me. I groaned and pulled away, “You know I can’t, we’ll talk tomorrow,” I said as I pecked him once more and got on my bike driving off before he could stop me because if he begged me to stay once more I would and I can’t do that right now.

As soon as I got to the apartment I lied on the couch and fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up to Em yelling at Christian about privacy or some shit like that.

“Christian you have to learn how to respect my privacy!” Em yelled.

“How was I supposed to know that you would be making out with Tyler at this hour in the morning,” Christian growled. Yes you heard correctly Tyler and Em are dating for real, well not really, I guess you can call it a friends with benefits thing, they decided yesterday after school, since they like making out so much, which Christian doesn’t like the idea. Aww overprotective brother.

They kept on screaming for another half hour oblivious to me trying to sleep, I growled loudly, stood up furiously and went to my room and slammed the door so hard I’m surprised that the door didn’t break.

“So are you going to tell me where you went last night,” I heard someone behind me; I jumped and turned around to face the intruder.

“Oh Aiden you scared me,” I said as I went over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He growled furiously, “Why is that mutts scent all over you?” he growled as he grabbed my wrist a little too tight for my liking.

“Aiden stop,” I said as I struggled to get free.

“Were you with him last? Did you cheat on me with him? Answer me Alex,” he growled tightening his hold on my wrist, I could feel my wrist breaking, I looked him in the eyes and they were bright purple.

“Aiden stop you’re hurting me,” I yelled, tears coming out from both pain and fright. He let go but then smashed me into a wall, i even heard some bones break, I groaned and saw Aiden grab a flower vase throwing it centimeters away from my face, smashing into the wall. I screamed a little.

“Do you still love me Alex? Or were you just using me to get over him huh?” Aiden yelled forcefully lifting me up, I tried to ignore the pain in my body.

“Of course you don’t, you’re going back to that son of a bitch you call a mate,” he screamed and pushed me to the floor making all the smashed glass sink into my back.

 “STOP! Aiden stop it, you’re scaring me and hurting me!” I screamed. Before I knew it, the door flew off and Aiden was smashed into the wall with Jason punching him repeatedly. Christian, Tyler and Em were at my side gently helping me up and trying to take some of glass out of my back.  I groaned in pain at that, once the really big pieces were out, I whispered, “Christian, Tyler please break them apart before they kill each other,” they nodded and went to pry off Jason from Aiden.

“Alex, we have to take you to the pack doctor, you have too many injuries,” Em said as she helped me out of the apartment and into the hummer, I laid in the back on my stomach so the glass won’t go any deeper. I was still worried about the guys calming down Aiden and Jason.

“They’ll be fine, remember Christian and Tyler are with them,” Em said calmly as she started the car and headed towards my pack house. When we got there we headed straight to Melinda’s office. Em helped me lean on her as we walked and knocked on the door, we waited for her to say come in.

Me and Em entered and she gasped when she noticed my wrist, it wasn’t that ba- I gasped along with Em. My whole wrist was purple and blue and really big, in a weird angle.

“Oh my, Alex what happened?” she asked as she helped me sit on the bed.

“Aiden forcefully grabbed my hand a little too tight while we were arguing and he wouldn’t let go, when he did he threw me to a wall then smashed a vase centimeters away from my face and then forcefully lifted me only to push me down on the smashed glass,” I explained.

She put on her gloves and started to carefully examine my hand, and ribs then she got some quick x-rays.

“Well Alex, your wrist is definitely broken, you have four broken ribs and your cuts are pretty deep,” Melinda said as me and Em gasped.

“How did this happen? i didn't know that spell would be so violent,” I asked.

“Well Aiden isn't himself anymore, oh and I’m going to have to pop some bones in your hand and ribcage back into place in order for your wolf to start healing them and for the glass I’ll have to take out the glass and then put a lot of disinfecting liquids which will burn a little,” Melinda said

"What do you mean Aiden is not himself and what spell?" Em asked.

"I'll explain everything after ok?" I asked as she nodded.

“Emilia can you lock the door, if her mate is on our territory he’ll want to get to Alex as soon as possible and he’ll kill me if his wolf sees her in pain,” Melinda explained. Em nodded and locked the door.

 “But won’t he be able to knock the door down?” Em asked.

“Nope, this door is werewolf strength proof, he can’t take it down, but he will be in pain,” Melinda said.

“Why?” I gasped.

“Because he will feel your pain,” she said.

“Just fix it before he comes,” I said. She stared at me for a while and I knew she was communicating with the pack, telling them to leave the house unless they want to die by an angered alpha looking for his mate, they immediately agreed and left.

She started and I felt like dying, I screamed at the top of my lungs as she fixed my wrist, somewhere when she was fixing my ribs I heard roaring on the other side of the door, Jason. I saw Em covering her ears and crying as she heard me in pain, after that I tried to swallow as much screams as possible but it was impossible. Gosh this hurt like a bitch! Throughout the whole thing I could hear Jason’s growling, roaring and constant pounding on the door trying to break it. When Melinda was done I was sweating like crazy; she wrapped my hand and cut my shirt off so she could work on my back. This didn’t hurt as much, but when she put alcohol and other disinfecting things, I was once again screaming my lungs out which resulted into Jason once again pounding and roaring. Once the pain subsided, Melinda put bandages all around my body, she said that I would fully heal in two days. She gave me some pain killers and went to stand behind the door for when Jason came in they would leave.

When Melinda opened the door Jason flew in like a bullet and in less than one second was holding my hand and rubbing my head. He was breathing hard probably because of my screams, I tried to move but I couldn’t so I grunted in pain.

“Alex it’s ok, I’m here,” he murmured in my ear.

“it hurts,” I whimpered at the pain in my body.

“I know baby, it’ll be ok,” he said before I let the darkness consume me.

I woke up the next day feeling a lot better than before. I looked up and noticed that I was in Jason’s room, he must’ve brought me here after I fell asleep. I was on his chest while he had a protective hand around my waist. I stayed there for a while studying him, gosh I felt like a stalker by doing this. After about an hour I got bored so I was going to go to the bathroom to see how horrible I look. I moved a little bit and Jason started to stir so I stopped. When he stopped also I moved a little bit and this happened until I was standing up and he was hugging my pillow. It reminded me of when I did that to Aiden a couple days ago, I shivered at the thought of him, he hurt me, I know it was probably part of the spell he was under but it still felt horrible and the pain I had to go through after that. I shook my head of those thoughts and walked into the bathroom, when I looked in the mirror I gasped. My brown hair was everywhere, my cheeks were red most likely from all the crying yesterday, my green eyes were surrounded by red and they were puffy, also from the crying. I was in one of Jason’s shirts and it felt so comfortable, I decided to check on my injuries. I went to the door and locked it, I took off the shirt and the bandages, my skin had a few faint scars but other than that it was healed so I put Jason’s shirt on. How long have I been out?

I washed my face and brushed my hair. I also found a new tooth brush so I opened it and brushed my teeth. I heard a growl come from the bedroom, then it turned into a...... whimper? It was probably Jason, then the bedroom door slammed and I heard someone running. I unlocked the bathroom door and found it empty. I searched Jason’s closet and found some basketball shorts so I put them on and walked out. I could hear Jason growling from downstairs so I decided to check it out. I saw Jason running around frantically,

“Jason?” I asked softly.

He froze and looked up, in two seconds he was up the stairs hugging me. “Where did you go?” he asked.

“I was freshening up in your bathroom, are you alright?” I asked as I looked up at him.

“When I woke up and noticed you weren’t there I thought something happened to you so I was running around like a mad man trying to find you,” he explained as he put his head in my neck and inhaled.

“Jason, why didn’t you check the bathroom first,” I chuckled while he shrugged.

“You need to be resting Alex, you just woke up,” he said as he looked at me.

“But I feel fine, anyways how long have I been out?” I asked.

“About three days,” Jason said as he lifted me up and carried me bridle style to his room.

My eyes widened, “three days?!” I asked in disbelief.

“Yup,” Jason said.

For the rest of the day I spent it in bed with Jason talking about random things. He told me that Christian sent Aiden back to headquarters so he can calm down for a while before finishing the mission with us, he also asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I accepted. We talked for the whole day about random stuff about ourselves, well mostly me since Jason wanted to know more about what happened after I left. He told me he had a younger sister, Lana (short for Alana) she’s only a year younger than us and she’s coming home tomorrow form his grandparent’s house in California, she stayed with them for a month but she missed home so she’s coming back.

The next day I woke up wrapped in Jason’s arms, I sighed and decided to quietly get up so I won’t wake Jason up but that didn’t work because when I tried to move a little Jason’s eyes instantly popped open and he held me tighter.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“To the bathroom, I’ll be back in a few,” I said as I got up.

“Ok I’ll get you some clothes,” he said as he headed towards his closet and came back with a black t-shirt and black basketball shorts.

“Thanks,” I said as I pecked his lips. When I was finished I walked out of the bathroom, Jason was slowly almost teasingly putting on his shirt. When I froze he was putting it on even slower, his muscles bulged when he would bend his arms, his back would flex, gosh what a sight, I felt like jumping him on the spot. He chuckled when he finally had on his shirt.

 “Tease,” I muttered. He turned around and laughed as he held me in his arms.  He pecked me on the lips a couple times before kissing me for real. When we pulled away we were both breath,

“Well I’m hungry so I’m going downstairs to get something to eat,” I said as I got out of his arms.

“No! Remember you’re resting,” he said as he pulled me back into a hug.

“Jason, I’m fully healed,” I said as I rubbed his back.

“But what if something happens to you out there,” he whispered.

“Jason, I’ve been in worst situations and nothing has ever happened to me before, what happened with Aiden was just a moment of weakness because I was in shock that my best friend was doing that to me,” I explained.

“Next time I see that asshole, I’ll kill him for doing this to you,” Jason growled.

“It’s fine Jason, Christian already sent Aiden back to headquarters to calm down for a couple of days,” I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

“I know,” he sighed. “Anyways, I’ll let you go downstairs on one condition,” he said.

I raised an eyebrow, “What?” I asked.

“That you come for dinner tonight and have dinner with my family. My sister gets here in five hours and I want you to meet her and my parents,” he said.

I looked up, “Yeah ok,” I said.

“Finally you’ll meet my parents and my sister,” he said.

“Oh yeah, finally another girl friend I can go shopping with,” I squealed as Jason groaned.

“Ok so let’s get some lunch,” I said.

“Why can’t I just bring you something,” he said.

“Because I’m tired of being cooped up in here,” I said as I walked out of his room. I looked back to see if Jason was following and didn’t notice I bumped into someone.

“Oh I’m sorry,” I said.

“It’s fine,” the guy said as he looked up from the floor, I noticed that it was Trevor.

“Trevor,” I growled.

“Alex now that I see you can we talk real quick,” he said.

“No,” I stated.

“Please, I just need help getting Em back,” he begged, I have a lot of people doing that recently.

“Fine, but not here, take me somewhere more private we can discuss this situation, and more so because if Jason sees me with you his wolf will come out,” I said as I heard Jason coming towards us.

“Ok, come we can talk in his office,” Trevor said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs into Jason’s office.

“Ok, so what is it that you want to do,” I asked.

“I want Em, I want her back,” he said as we sat down on the couch.

I laughed, “You think that after you looked Emilia in the eyes while making out with someone else she’ll want you back?”

“I know what I did that day was stupid, but I want to make it up to her and since you’re her best friend I need your help,” he explained.

“And what is it that you need to know?” I asked curious to actually know.

“First, are she and Tyler a real thing?” he asked.

“At first yes, but then they decided that it would be better for them to have a friends with benefits situation,” I said as he growled, ha! Now he wants to be a real mate, idiot.

“Ok,” he said as he calmed down a bit, what do you think I should do in order to get her to give me a second chance?” he asked.

“Em likes romance, so do something romantic, do what she wants you to do,” I said.

“Which is?” he presses.

“Beg for forgiveness, and when Em is mad you have to do something big, maybe make a whole rally at school and beg for forgiveness in front of everyone,” I said.

“Ok, then I have to get planning, thanks Alex,” he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran out.

 I laughed, wow he really wants to be with her, I thought.

I was walking upstairs to check up on Jason since I hadn’t heard him come downstairs yet, or so I thought. As soon as I reached Jason’s room I felt a familiar, muscular arm wrapped around my waist.

“Where were you?” he asked.

“When I walked out I bumped into Trevor and he was asking me what can he do to get Em to give him a second chance, so I was giving him some tips,” I explained.

“Wow, he wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted her back,” Jason laughed.

“Yeah, but I feel bad for Tyler, his mate is a total bitch,” I said.

“Don’t feel bad, Ari already begged for her forgiveness yesterday,” Jason said.

“What?! And nobody told me this?” I growled.

“Well, I was going to tell you but I got a little distracted,” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and tried to walk downstairs, come on I’m hungry,” I said and Jason being the childish person he is wouldn’t move.

I sighed, “Well then I guess the both of us will go downstairs,” I said as I dragged him down the hall. We got quite a lot of amused looks from his pack, well who wouldn’t be amused if you see a small girl trying to drag her mate down some stairs, and by the way weighs a lot! The kitchen was still a little far and he wouldn’t move unless I put all my effort into dragging him. I was tired in a couple minutes.

“Jason either you walk with me or I get some pack members to drag you for me,” I said as I stopped on top of the stair case. He chuckled but wouldn’t move his head from my neck so everything he said was muffled.

“What was that Jay,” I said sweetly.

He lifted his head up and repeated, “I said I’d like to see them try,” he said right before he put his head back in my neck. I gave a frustrated sigh and called the only two people that were almost as strong as him.

“Trevor! Ryan!” I yelled out to his beta and third-in- command. They were at the stairs in less than a second.

“Yes?” they asked.

“Can you drag your alpha into the kitchen for me,” I said sweetly.

They hesitated but agreed. They tried to take hold of Jason’s hands but they wouldn’t budge, so Trevor took hold of his legs and Ryan his upper body. They took him half way to the kitchen; it was a little hard because as soon as Jason wasn’t touching the floor he was fighting to get free.

 “Fine, I’ll walk,” he grumbled as Trevor and Ryan put him down.

“Thank you guys,” I said as I gave them a kiss on the cheek while Jason growled and tried to reach for me again, but I slapped his hands away. Possessive much!

“Into the kitchen now,” I said as I pointed into the kitchen.

He glared but walked inside. All the while Trevor and Ryan had amused grins on their faces as they walked back upstairs. I smiled in victory and walked behind Jason who was pouting.

“Gosh your such a child,” I sighed as I took his hand and squeezed it, yeah that made him smile.

“Get used to it babe,” he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I sighed but kept walking, we walked in the kitchen and there were older woman cooking, but they stopped once they saw us.

“Ladies, I present to you my mate Alexandria, but she likes to be called Alex,” Jason introduced me. They looked at me and smiled, before I knew it I was in the middle of a group of women asking me questions about our relationship. I was being overwhelmed and I guess Jason noticed because he said, “Alright ladies, I think my mate is a little overwhelmed,” as he pulled me out of the group and gave me a peck on the lips.

“Aww,” we heard as we turned back to the group of women, I blushed and hid myself in Jason’s chest as he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me. Again they went ‘aww’ which made me blush even more.

“Alright can someone make us a sandwich,” Jason asked.

“Of course Alpha,” they said and got to work. I slapped Jason’s chest, “I could have made us both a sandwich,” I said.

“Let me pamper you a while longer,” he said and hugged me tighter. After we ate our sandwich we were back in his room lying on his bed.

“Jason, I have to go back to my apartment,” I said.

“I know, I just thought you would have stayed a while longer,” he mumbled before he gave me a kiss.

“Yeah, but I have to get back to work and school,” I said.

“Yeah, are you still coming tonight for dinner?” he asked.

“Of course, I’ll be right back I have to call to come pick me up,” I said before I got up and went to call Em.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Em, hey it’s me Alex,” I said.

“OMG! Alex, how have you been? Are you feeling better?” she asked.

“Yeah I’m good and feeling much better,” I said.

“That’s good,” she said.

“Em can you come pick me up, I still have some unfinished work, back home,” I said.

“Yeah, I’ll be there in 5,” she said before she hung up.

I walked back to Jason’s room and he was lying down with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb him so I closed the door silently and went to wait outside. Now I have to go home and discuss with Christian and everyone else what we are going to do about the rogue problem and the whole Aiden thing. After a couple of minutes of waiting on the porch Em pulled up in the hummer my dad let me keep, how sweet was he!

“Hey Em,” I said as I entered the car.

“Hey chika, been a while since I seen you,” she said as she took off.

“Yeah well my mate went all protective on me,” I chuckled.

“Yeah, so how have you been since you know…the incident” she said.

“Well besides the pain I went through that day I’ve been alright. I woke up yesterday and Jason has been pampering me since yesterday. He wouldn’t let me leave his room all day thinking something would happen to me, but it’s all good now. And I’m officially his girlfriend,” we squealed, “ Oh and I’m meeting his family tonight for dinner,” I said.

“Cool, so are we going shopping for a new outfit?” Em asked.

“Hell yeah, let’s just go to the apartment so I can change out of Jason’s clothes please,” I said.

“You got it girl,” she said as she drove us to my apartment.

Once we got to my apartment we walked in and there was Christian, Tyler, Daniel and Cali under a sign that said ‘welcome home!’ in big, bold letters.

“Welcome home!” they yelled.

“Aww thanks guys you’re the best,” I said back.

Before I knew I was in the middles of a group hug.

“Ok guys I just recovered I don’t want any more injuries, “ I chuckled.

“Ok, well we’re glad your back sis,” Daniel said.

“Yeah we really missed you,” Cali said as she gave me one more hug.

“Yeah, I missed my partner in crime,” Tyler said as he slung a hand around my shoulder I laughed, “Thanks,” I said.

“So Em and I are going to the mall anyone want to come?” I asked.

“Shopping!” Cali yelled making Daniel flinch since he was next to her and we have sensitive ears, she probably pulled an ear drum.

“Ok, let’s go before I go deaf,” Daniel said as Cali blushed and gave him a quick peck.

“Let me change first,” I said and went to change. When I entered the room I remembered everything like it was yesterday, I remember Aiden yelling, me flinching and cowering into the corner. I shook my head to forget the horrible memories that I had with my best friend. I hope the spell he has wears off soon. I sighed and blinked back tears, then I went to change so I can get a new outfit to meet Jason’s parents tonight, I hope all goes well……


hope you guys like it!!!!

Aiden on the side>>>>>>>cute 



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