Julian's Girl // DIRTY

By al3jandraaaa

51.3K 1.3K 395


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (this chapter is gonna be really dirty)
Chapter 14 (Kind of clean)
Authors note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (They took her)
Not in update until later in the day
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (short)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Not an update
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Second Book!

Chapter 13 (getting nasty again)

1.7K 27 3
By al3jandraaaa

Julians POV
Andrea looked at me and then she went to go get her Starbucks when they called my name Andrea walk back to where we where sitting and then she pulls out her phone and i walk back "baby girl what are you doing?" I said "Nothing say hi to snapchat" Andrea said "Hey snapchat" I said "Lets go back now" I added "ok" Andrea said. We walked to the parking lot and then went inside the car, Andrea turns the radio breaking the silence but i turned it off "hey" Andrea said "What i want to talk to you" I said "Oh ok whats up" Andrea said "Well when we get home put on the clothes ok" I said winking.

Andreas POV

I got scared because julian wanted me to put on the clothes that he got me, ohh well after a while of thinking we got home and Julian got his clothes and i got mine i peeked through the bags and saw 😳 something that julian bought me  "Ohh gosh" I said loud/quite "whats wrong you saw it already" Julian said i walked up to my room julian goes to the guest room, i tried on the clothes and some of the clothes where sexual and i saw a really nice dress and tried it on i liked it "Baby are you done" Julian said "No still need 3 more bags sorry you got me to much clothes" I said he opens the door when i was taking off my dress he saw me and came towards me he pushed me to the bed.

Julians POV

I saw her changing and i walk towards her i pushed her to the bed and i pushed all the clothes to the floor, I start kissing her roughly making her let out a moan and I take off the rest off the dress off her leaving her with panties and bra I take her bra off also same with her panties I grab a condom "You ready" I ask she looks at me "Yea go slow first" she said she moaned and it hit me hard I start kissing her also her neck "You better not leave me a hickey" Andrea said "Oh ok babe" I said trying to breathe. "Julian" Andrea said "Yes honey" I said "I can't no more" Andrea said "What why" Julian said "I'm playing I love you Julian" Andrea said kissing my neck "Honey stop it tickles" I said "Oh really" Andrea said "Yea really" I said we stopped and changed Andrea changed to a pink co sweats and pink shirt. I fixed the bed "Awwwe thanks baby"Andrea said "No problem baby girl" I said, we walked to the movie room "What movie you wanna watch?" Andrea said "50 shades of gray" I said "No I've had enough baby" Andrea said, I go to Andrea and put my arms around her waist and kiss her neck "Julian stop that tickles" Andrea said laughing "Ohh really" I said "yea are you coping my Julian" Andrea said "Maybe" I said i turn her around and lean in for a kiss but she turns before I get to her lips "Are you mad" I ask "No why" Andrea said.
Andreas POV (5:00pm)
I turn before Julian kissed me "Are you mad"Julian said "No why" I said "Beca.." I cut him off with a kiss "Happy" I said "Yea but I want more" Julian said "oh ok" I said jumping on him and kissing him "there you go you read my mind" Julian said, I started to play with his hair also kissing him mean while, I jump off and he leans down to kiss me "Julian I love you but let's cuddle and watch a movie" I said "ok your wish is my command" Julian said picking me up bride style, he put me down "What movie" Julian asks "The conjuring" I said, Julian gets it and puts it on "Babe grab a blanket from that cabinet" I said "ok baby what ever you want" Julian said, he puts the movie and lays down next to me and pull me to him which now I'm on top of him, we cuddled the movie starts and in middle of the movie Julian falls asleep (lazy ass) "Julian wake up I'm scared" I said "Julian wake up" I said he doesn't move and I get scared "Baby wake up" I said, he wakes up and he starts to kiss me and stands up and lays on me "Julian we just had it why are you like this you scared the duck out of me" I said "Oh really" Julian said between the kiss "Yea and never do that again" I said "oh ok" Julian said he stops kissing me and we watch the movie we both fell asleep when someone calls (Lara😂👏)
Lara😂👏: Andrea we are gonna stay at Mario's
Me: Oh ok bye have a good day with Mario and cat also the squad
Lara😂👏: Ok bye see you
Me: Is Jovani with you
Lara😂👏: Yea
Me:Ok bye now
Lara😂👏:ok bye love you
Me:Love you to Lara have fun bye
I hang up I look at Julian and he was still asleep I turn off the TV and walk to my room and grab a bra, panties and a towel to take a shower I go to the restroom and take a shower out of no where the light turn off of the restroom "Ahhhh Julian help Julian help" I scram I heard a lot of foot steps and locked the door of the restroom door and turn off the water when I heard someone come in my room I got scared and started to breathe fast "Julian is that you" I said "Yea babe there was something wrong with the lights but thy should go on by now" Julian said "oh ok" I said the lights turn on and I continued my shower I finished and changed, brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair and put it in a bun it was around 8:00 or 9:00 in the night I walk out and see Julian in the bed with a condom in the side "who are you waiting for" I said "I was waiting for you babe" Julian said "Uggh no no more please I'm tired but we can just kiss? Idk" I said "Fine" Julian said, I lay down next to him and put the condom on my counter and start to kiss him/playing with his hair "Babe you know I've loved you ever since you moved here"Julian said between the kiss "Really babe" I said between the kiss "well I've loved you ever since I've met you if it wasn't for Maria I would of never known you" I added I kissed Julian and the light went off again "It's probably just because of the wind you know lets leave it dark" Julian said "that's fine with me" I said kissing Julian I got on top of Julian and he started to kiss me again "where's everyone" Julian asked "well they all stayed at Marios" I said getting off and cuddling next to him I lay my head on his chest and feel his skin "When did you take off your shirt" I said "Right now" Julian said "Oh ok babe" I said "oh..th.." I didn't let him speak because I kissed him "God dam God bless me with you babe" Julian said "Really babe" I said before he kissed me because I said babe we had a make out session out of no where and used the condom he took off his pants also mine and we had it "Julian I hope that God blesses us because we have it to much"I said laughing also trying to catch my breath, "uggh baby I love you" Julian said "I love you to don't worry" I said he took the condom and through it on the floor, laid down and next to me "Julian baby" I said "uh yea" Julian said I fell asleep and I cuddled with him he also cuddled and our legs got tangled together.
Next morning/ Julian's POV
I woke up me and Andrea had it again hope that God blesses me and Andrea I giggled. I change and grab my wallet to buy an 1 year anniversary flowers or something like that and walk out and take the car I go to a store and buy Andrea a necklace that has a J on it and I bought one for me that has an A once I bought that I went to another store to buy her a giant teddy bear and a balloon that says One year anniversary, I payed and went back home and went to see if Andrea was awake or asleep she was asleep so I set up everything and when upstairs to put clothes on Andrea "Babe what are you doing" Andrea said waking up "I'm putting on your clothes" I said "If you want you can change by yourself" I asked "Yes thank you" Andrea said smiling " Ok I'll wait for you downstairs" I said "ok baby" Andrea said I walk down and here running I got scared and went up stairs running "Andrea babe are you ok" I said "No babe I think I'm pregnant" Andrea said "Really so Ima be a dad!!" I said really excited "Yea hand me a pregnancy test there's one in the dresser" Andrea said I went running to the dresser and got it opened it and handed it to her "Here babe" I said "Thanks" Andrea said I suppose she took the test and came out "Julian" she said sniffing "What's wrong" I said scared "IM PREGNANT" Andrea said happy "Ima be a dad" I said "Yea your gonna be a dad" Andrea said excited I kissed her a picked her up and I was spinning her around "Babe stop your gonna make me throw up" Andrea said she walked back to the restroom and brushed her teeth "I have a surprise for you babe" I said "what is it" Andrea said "Well you have to see" I said I grabbed her by the hand and we walked down to the kitchen cover your eyes, she covered her eyes and took her in the kitchen "3...2....1.. Open your eyes babe" I said she takes her hands off her eyes "Happy one year anniversary babe" I said "Happy One year anniversary babe" Andrea starting to cry "Thanks babe for everything and now with our little bundle of joy that's coming in our away we are gonna be so happy together and no one will ever separate us ok babe" I said "I love every moment with you babe and I really love you I don't know what I would do without you babe" Andrea said I leaned in and kissed her, I heard someone coming in and kept kissing her 😏 (lol he savage and salty love it 😂😂🔫) "Hey g.." Lara said "we will leave now" Wendy said Andrea broke the kiss "No come in" Andrea said "Yea come in" I said, they walk in "Awwe that's so cute" Wendy said (lol tbh I don't remember how many months Wendy was pregnant but let's say 9 months any time now) "Andrea my water just broke" Wendy said "Baby are you ok" Mario said "No I'm not ok my water just broke" Wendy said Mario picked her up and took her to the car we went to the hospital and waited for Wendy and Mario to come out "Hope Wendy and the baby are ok" Andrea said "They will be fine baby" I said to Andrea "Yo bro what would you do if Andrea got pregnant" Jovani said  me and Andrea look at each other "Well we have news" I said "Omg bro is she pregnant" Jovani said "Yes your gonna be an uncle" Andrea said "Omg Andrea your pregnant" Lara said " Yea Lara I'm pregnant I just found out today" Andrea said "Wow omg Ima be an aunt" Lara said "Yea do you know where Helen Jessica Zoe are at?" Andrea said "Yea they are at Helens house" Lara said "hey babe I love you" I said " I love you to baby" Andrea said I put my head on her shoulder and my hand on her belly and started to rub it, and kissed her neck then her lips "Family members of Wendy and Mario selman" Doctor said "Yea it's us" I said raising my hand "Ok so you guys walk straight then take a left and the first room Wendy is gonna be there ok" the doctor said "Ok thank" Andrea said we walked to Wendy's room.

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