
By morgsxash

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•COMPLETED• "I love you, you know that right?" He looked at me and smiled. "I love you too babe" He grabbed m... More



405 43 30
By morgsxash

One Week Later
We are going to the hospital today and they are taking my mom off life support. I have been dreading this day since the doctor told me last week. Solo has not been taking it easy at all. She doesn't even want to go today but I am forcing her to go.

I just woke up and I am down stairs cooking breakfast. Yes, I can cook. Don't try it. I didn't cook anything big, just some pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

I heard some footsteps walking behind me. I turned around to see Solo. She has been depressed and so out of it. She cried everyday and I try my best to cheer her up.

"Hey Solo"

"Hey Thu" she said sitting down. I could tell she was about to break down.

I went over to her chair and hugged her. She hugged me back and I tried to cheer her up. While trying so I found myself crying and we both ended up crying.

I wanted to stay strong for her so bad but to see her like this was so hard and to think about my mom dying is even worse.

Jay walked in on the catastrophe and had a guilty look.

"Come on. Both of you."

We got up and went to him. He dragged us to the living room from the kitchen and sat us down on the couch.

"Now both of y'all going to have to pull it together. Your mother does not want you to be sad. I can be sure of that. She has lived her life and if she was here to tell you that she would have. Y'all have to stay strong for her. It's sad, I've been through it but she is in a better place were she doesn't have to be in pain anymore. She is in finally at peace.. and that is what she deserves."

Everything he said was true. We have to stay strong for momma and I know she doesn't want us to be sad on this day.

I got up and went to the bathroom and pulled myself together before getting Solo some tissue.

"Come on solo, he's right. We have to do this for her so she can be at peace."

"I know Bey, this is so hard. What am I going to do without my momma."

"We will figure that out. But right now we have to get to the hospital before they send her off."

That's what we are saying instead of 'putting her down' or 'pulling the plug'. They seem so harsh.

"Okay. I'm just ready to get this over with." She got up and went to her room.

"Let's go eat baby." Jay said grabbing my hand.

We walked in the kitchen and he say me down while he made our plates.

"Can you make Solo a plate so I can go take it to her."

"Sure thing."

He made our plates and put it on the table and he went back and made Solo plate. When he was done I took it from him and walked upstairs.

I went upstairs and knocked on Solo door.

"Solo, open up."

She didn't answer.

I turned the knob and seen her on her bed in a ball.


She looked at me

"I brought you some food."

She took her gaze off of me and back on the wall in front of her. I put the food on the counter and was about to walk out.

"Why are you here." She said.

"What you mean why am I here."

"Beyoncé, you have been gone for years and the only reason you came back is because Mama is dead."

"Okay, I'm not about to have this conversation with you Solo. So eat and get ready to go."

"Why not, because you know I'm right" she yelled at me.

I took a deep breath and proceeded to walkout the room.

I know she is upset and to fuss at her right now is only going to make it worst, so I am just leaving it alone... for now.

I walked downstairs and Jay was looking at me.

"Everything good?"


"What was she yelling for?"

I shrugged my shoulders and sat down and started eating. I guess he got the memo cause he didn't say nothing else.

Once I was done eating, I washed my dishes and went upstairs to get ready to go.

I jumped in the shower, didn't my morning routine, and put on a yellow jumpsuit. I threw my hair in a bun and called it a day.

Jay came in and got ready so we went downstairs and waited on Solo. I went upstairs and knocked on her door again to see she was doing her hair.

"How much longer do you need Solo."

"Give me 5 minutes." She said sternly.

I rolled my eyes and left.

At the Hospital
We went straight upstairs because everyone knew us by now. It was 2 in the afternoon and they were sending her off at 5. So we had a good 3 hours with her.

"Can I talk to her by myself." I asked. They both walked out and I grabbed her hand.

"Mommy" I wiped my tears before continuing "I love you so much and I don't want you to leave without me saying sorry. I'm sorry for the trouble I put you through, I'm sorry for the stress, the long nights, the missed calls, everything. I'm sorry. I feel so guilty for not coming to see you earlier but we had so much on our plate and so much going on and that is still not a good enough excuse to forget about you. I hope you could forgive me." I paused and I felt her grip tighten on my hand. That made me cry a lot harder. "I love you so much mommy."

Jay walked in because he probably heard my sobs. He grabbed me and pulled me away from her and took me out the room.

Solo looked at me and just walked in the room. It just added even more guilty on me.

"Come on Bey, pull it together."

"Why, there is no need anymore, Solo hates me, my mom hates me. What's the point?"

He hugged me and I pushed him and walked away.

"Bey..BEY" I kept walking until a officer stopped me.

"Ma'am, are you Beyoncé Knowles."

"No sir."


"BEY!" Jay said. I turned around. He looked at me and I looked at him.

I turned around and looked at the officer and started running. Me and Jay ran and ran until we got to a door that lead to the back of the hospital.

We stopped to catch our breath.

"You good?"

"Yeah, what's the pl-"

"Beyoncé and Shawn, you are surrounded. Please come out the hospital with your hands up."

"Shit, here" he mumbled. He handed me a gun. "We are going to go out the back, shoot and run Bey, okay." He continued "If you can..wait on me, but if not we are going to meet back at your moms house okay?"

I nodded my head.

"Come on Bey, talk to me."

"I gotchu babe." I said looking at him.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed my forehead and we walked out.

I found myself in this predicament way to many times. I'm so over it. We were running around the back of the hospital and we found a ambulance.

Shawn hopped in and started to hot wire it.

"Come on, come on." He mumbled.

The engine roared and he smiled.

"When we start driving you gotta shoot okay?"


He sped off around the front and the police automatically started to open fire into the ambulance. My first instinct was to duck.

"Shot Bey, SHOT!" He yelled.

I took a deep breath before sticking my head out the window and started shooting. Next thing I know Jay yelled.

I looked over at him as he held his stomach.

"Omg Jay." I screamed touching his stomach.

He kept driving "stay focus Bey" he said just above a whisper. I jumped on his lap right before the ambulance crashed into the side of a alle

"Bey what are you doing" he said looking at me crazy.

"Just keep your eyes open baby."

"I'm sleepy baby."

"No baby, look at me." I cried.

I dragged him down this alley and his behind a dumpster.

"Come on Baby, stay with me." I observed his wound and there was nothing I could do.

He grabbed my hand, "I love you baby. I told you, you was going to be the death of me ma."

"Don't talk like that baby. Your going to be fine." I sniffed.

"Tell baby girl, I love her okay. Tell her daddy loves her so much."

I looked at him and smiled with tears running down my cheeks "I will baby." I wiped my tears and ran my hands down his cheek. "You are going to live Jay."

"I love you Bey."

"I love you too baby."

I heard sirens nearing but they seemed so far away. I looked at him and kissed him. We just communicated through eye sight.

"Where is your phone?"

He looked down at his pocket.

I checked his pocket and pulled out his phone. I unlocked it and called two people.


"Solo, tell momma I love her okay."

"Bey what's wrong."

"I love you Solo. I love you so much and I am sorry for everything."

"Thu talk to me."

"Bye Solo."

"Wait. Bey"

"What solo."

"Mama is awake."

"She is what?"

"She woke up. She's alive Bey."

I cried. "Tell her I love her Solange. I'm serious."

I hung up and called the next person.


"Nicki, where's Heaven."

"She is asleep, why? What's wrong?"

"I need you to promise me two things." I took a deep breath. "I need you to take care of Heaven like she is your Nick and don't tell her about me. Let her grow up and think you are her mom. Okay?"

Nicki sniffed into the phone.

"Come on Nicki, don't do this right now. I need you right now."

"Okay Bey."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Now can you tell me what's going on?"

"Bye Nicki"

I hung up before she could say anything else. I looked at Jay as he laid on my lap.

I leaned down and kissed his lips, "Thank You." I smiled and got up as the police surrounded me.


"He's dead."


The End!
Epilogue coming soon.


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