Lovers Have Fallen (Editing I...

By JadeJones4

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When Jake and Raven meet, they get caught in the remnants of their parent's war that had left Jake an orphan... More

Chapter one: Meeting of the witch hunter
Chapter two: the truth behind Raven Elizabeth Jones
chapter three: the unlikely lovers
Chapter four: Willow returns
Chapter five: Raven loses her innocent's
Chapter six: The present Raven will never forget
Chapter seven: the beginning
Chapter eight: the battle part one
Chapter ten: The power of the witches
Chapter eleven: The wedding went wrong
Chapter twelve: Raven's true power
Chapter thirteen: New enemy
Chapter fourteen: The enemy shows his power
Chapeter fifthteen: The love isn't always bad
Chapter sixteen: Angles fall
Chapter seventeen: the revenge
Chapter eighteen: Micheala's true form
Chapter nineteen: The questioning
Chapter twenty: Mother and daughter come together
Chapter twenty-one: The baby
Chapter twenty-two :The kidnapping
Chapter twenty-three: Safety
Chapter twenty-four: Jake's power
Chapter twenty-five: Living Forever
Chapter twenty-six: Micheala finds a mate
Chapter twenty-seven: Josh and Eve forever
Chapter twenty-eight: Jake's protection
Chapter twenty-nine: The real truth about Daniel
Chapter thirty: The birth of the hybrid
Chapter thrity-one: Love and happiness
Chapter thirty-two: Willow protection
Chapter thirty-three: Adien's mate
chapter thirty-four: The awakening
Chapter thirty-five: true form
chapter thirty-six: final battle

Chapter nine: The battle part two

47 0 0
By JadeJones4

"What is it?"  Eve asked Jake. 

"I need you to keep them busy while I grab Willow. I think if you take away Willow, they won't know what to do, "Jake said to Eve. 

Eve soon grabs the demons with vines from the trees. "Jake, go now. I can't hold them forever, so make it quick," Eve said with her arms crossed into an x and her hands into a fist. 

Jake started to run as he reached Willow; Eve got knocked out. Raven was then grabbed from behind and got knocked out. "Jake, if I were you, I would stop, or else Raven would die. Now, if you stop and put down your weapon, then we might not hurt Raven as severely, "Willow said, getting her powers back and holding Raven. 

Jake dropped his weapons but not all of them, but he had a knife with poison on it. "I would also drop that knife if you wish to see your son and daughter be born alive," Willow said with a smirk. 

"Raven's pregnant with twins, but she never told me. Please let her go and don't hurt her, "Jake said, putting his weapon down. 

Willow put Raven down gently. "I can never be the mother you remember, but I don't want my granddaughter and grandson hurt," Willow said, making sure she didn't hurt Raven. 

Jake ran up to Raven and made sure she was OK. The following week, Raven woke up in her bedroom with Jake on her stomach, listening to the baby's heartbeat.

"I can't wait to be a mother," Raven said, petting Jake. 

Raven thought back to last night. "I will defeat you will and take back my mom that I had before. At first, I didn't get why you turned evil. Then I realized one night I tried a black magic spell you want. I wanted you to show me your power. When I did. I went to bed because of the spell to turn people into whatever you want. I wanted you to show me your strength. When I did the spelling. I went to bed because the spell didn't take effect until the next day. That day you left and met Sara. After a year of going out, she was killed. Then you killed Jake's parents. I will get you back. " Raven said, punching the mirror. 

Jake heard glass breaking and went to the bathroom. "Are you OK? Your hand is swollen and bleeding profusely, baby, " Jake asked Raven, looking at her. 

Jake picked up Raven and poured rubbing alcohol on Raven's hand. Raven hissed in pain as the alcohol entered the wound. When it was cleaned, Jake wrapped it in cloth. "I was angry, and I punched a mirror" Raven looked at Jake with puppy dog eyes. 

Jake returned Raven's gaze and kissed her on the cheek. "Be careful with yourself and the twins," Jake said into Raven's ear, making her shiver as heat crept up her cheeks.

Jake smiled at her blush, then licked her neck and kissed it. Then he licked her earlobe and bit it. "Baby, your teasing is making me wet. God, I wish I could have sex. " Raven blushed a bit redder, making Jake smile. 

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