Episode one: A Cold Whisper {...

By vernona101

9K 352 99

Marei struggles with life in the brothel, it's not for her and she is ready now to decide what to do with her... More

Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
Elena Caron
*Final notes*


185 6 0
By vernona101

The heat from the sun blasted it's way into Chataya's brothel through the open double doors.

Marei lay silently, Dancy's shiny black beads around her neck. The brothel was quiet, the men must be training, she thought, for the war.

There had been many rumours. Marei and the other girls had all been told there was an upcoming battle to be held in Kings Landing. That Stannis Baratheon was coming to attack the castle and take the iron throne for himself, declaring himself King of the seven kingdoms.

Load of rubbish politics is, she thought. Marei was perfectly happy being a simple girl, with simple dreams.
But I don't have simple dreams, she thought to herself.

Dragons aren't simple.

A dark figure strode into the brothel.

The girls bounced up, each wanting to do some work, bored from siting around waiting for a lustful man to walk through the doors and choose one or two lucky ladies to bed.

But he strode straight over to Marei. She scrunched up her face, and glanced up.

Stefon pulled out a gold coin.


Marei paused for a moment out of shock.

Stefon had dark marks beneath his eyes. His cheeks were more hollow than usual and his eyes sunken. He looked gaunt and slightly ill, although he had the same charming black eyes and dashingly good looks.

Marei jumped up,
She took his hand and led him to her private quarters, like she did last time, Stefon smirking as she did so. The other girls watched with envy as the dark haired, sexy man disappeared with Marei.

When they reached the room Marei closes the door behind them.

They turned to one another. Stefon smiled kindly.

"It's good to see you, Marei."

Her cheeks reddened and she gave him a coy smile before her facial expression turned serious.

"You look unwell... is everything okay?"

Stefon's face fell ever so slightly before perking up once again.

"I'm fine love, just been... busy."

He closed the distance between them.

"I have something to ask you."

Marei bit her bottom lip, "Stefon... don't forget who I am."

He scoffed, "what, a whore? Fuck that. You are Marei," he paused and took her hand in his, "I'm leaving Kings Landing, Marei. I wondered..." he paused once again, "would you like to come with me?"

Marei was taken aback, "what and leave Chataya's? I've been here my whole life Stefon... I couldn't!"

"You could," he replied, "you're capable of more than you think you are, love."

She stood frozen, her mouth hung open and her eyes were wide.

"Where will you go?"

"It doesn't matter where I'm going. I want you to come with me."

"Why?" she asked simply, "why, Stefon? Why me?"

He didn't respond immediately to her question. He opened, and closed his mouth. His mouth curved upward, hinting at a smile that threatened to break apart his lips. He looked her once over and sighed through his nostrils.

"Because you, Marei, are both stunningly beautiful and incredibly intelligent."

Marei's entire face slowly turned pink, "I don't subject to flattery," she said, her voice quivering.

Stefon grinned, "whaddya say? Will you leave all this," he gestured to their surroundings, "leave the brothel, leave the city, will you runaway with me, Marei?"

Marei held her tongue.

She wanted to scream yes, to let Stefon scoop her up in his arms and carry her bridal-style from the smelly whore house and jump on a horse, with her still in his arms, and gallop far away from the poisonous city. She wanted to get married and have beautiful intelligent children and live happily ever after with this gorgeous man and their babies.

Stupid brain, stop thinking like that! You barely know the guy!

"Uh," she breathed, "Stefon I just... I can't leave this place... it's my home..."

No it's not, you hate it here!

Stefon nodded, "yeah, I guess," he gazed into her eyes, his black eyes bore into her green, "but if you ever change your mind, I'm leaving at sundown in exactly five days... you'll find me - just south of here actually - you know where they keep the horses, in cobblers square?"

Marei nodded her head vigorously.

Stefon gave her a sad smile and turned to leave.

"And by the way," he whipped his head around as he reached the door, "those are horrible black beads."

Marei frowned, "I won them, in a bet with Dancy."

"I could tell they weren't yours," he grinned his charming grin, "they take the attention away from your beautiful face and your gorgeous neck."

Giving her a cheeky wink and a nod of his head, Stefon swiftly turned and left her alone in the room, just like he did the last time.

I finally found a picture of Chataya's brothel! Hope you guys like it, and if it's not how you imagined it then just keep imagining it your way (it's not even really how I am imagining it ;P)
Anyway, thank you for reading!! X

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