All About Revenge (#1) [NOT E...

By pumpkinyara

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{Completed} Book #1 He finally answered the phone after the third ring. " You wanted to destroy me right ? D... More

Chapter 1 - Her
Chapter 2 - Him
Chapter 3 - The Game
Chapter 4 - First Kiss
Chapter 5 - The Confession
Chapter 6 - I Love You Too
Chapter 7 - You Are Hired
Chapter 8 - Marry Me ?
Chapter 9 - Happily Ever After.. Or ?!
Chapter 10 - He Promised Me !
Chapter 11 - He is Dead
Chapter 12 - letting him/me GO !
Chapter 13 - I'll help you
Chapter 14 - "Time Heals" is a lie !
Chapter 15 - The Truth !
Chapter 16 - Plan mode : ON
Chapter 17 - First step
Chapter 18 - Sweetheart
Chapter 19 - Chocolate Kiss
Chapter 20 - Not Happy !
Chapter 21 - True Nightmare
Chapter 22 - Back Home
Chapter 23 - I am not alone
Chapter 24 - The slap
Chapter 25 - Safe
Chapter 26 - What is happening ?
Chapter 27 - Daddy's Issues
Chapter 28 - New Crush
Chapter 29 - Facing My Fears
Chapter 30 - He's Here
Chapter 31 - Slow dancing (Part one)
Chapter 31 - Slow Dancing (Part two)
Chapter 32 - The Almost Kiss
Chapter 33 - Mr. Friend
Chapter 34 - The drunken kiss
Chapter 35 - The Actual Truth
Chapter 37 - The Hot Coffee
Chapter 38 - Should I Apologize ?
Chapter 39 - To Grandma's
Chapter 40 - The Last Dance
Chapter 41 - Don't Leave
Chapter 42 - She's my girlfriend !
Chapter 43 - Picnic Day
Chapter 44 - Too Good to be True
Chapter 45 - The Last Goodbye
Chapter 46 - Forgiven ?
Chapter 47 - Change in Plans
- Sequel -

Chapter 36 - Honey Bunch

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By pumpkinyara

Ashotn's POV

The look in her eyes was unreadable , she looked at me with her big brown eyes in a way i wasn't able to describe , i don't know it is pain or hate i can see in them.

But she said it earlier , she hates me , of course she does , why wouldn't she ?

"You have the total right to hate me." My words froze her  , she stopped walking , "I don't blame you , i hate myself too" And that was the truth , i don't love myself and that's why i know why she doesn't either.

She turned around and i couldn't help the pain that hit my heart because of her tears , i hate seeing her crying , i don't know why but i can't handle seeing her like this.

I don't know how it happened but i just saw her loosing her balance , she tried to hold the wall beside her but failed, adrenaline rushed in my veins as i instantly ran toward her holding her body before hitting the ground.

"Katherine." I called her name , rubbing her cheek in attempt to make her wake up.

"Katherine , please wake up." I said my voice breaking , i directly held her small figure and placed her on the bed , i placed some water on my hand and rubbed it over her face , i don't know what to do , i feel paralyzed that i am not able to think of anything , my mind totally blocked out.

I was scared ..

Scared as hell...

She opened her eyes slightly and then started opening them gradually until they were looking directly at me and i couldn't help the relief that invaded my chest knowing she is okay.

Without thinking i just pulled her to my chest and hugged her , i closed my eyes and buried my face in her hair , "You scared me." I mumbled in her hair.

I thought she may flinch away , but instead she surprised me by wrapping her arms around me , hugging me back tightly, "I am sorry." She mumbled in my chest.

Why she is apologizing, she did nothing wrong , i am the one who screws everything up, "I didn't know , i am sorry." She said again and i didn't quite understand but i think she is referring to what i told her moments ago.

I broke the hug, my hand went toward her tears strained cheek and tried to wipe away the falling tears , "Don't apologize , you did nothing , i am the one who should be sorry." I said looking directly at her eyes , her eyes are so beautiful , she is so beautiful , and i hate seeing her weak and crying , i feel the need to protect her.

You should protect her from you first .

I kicked that thought to the back of my mind, trying to just think of this utterly beautiful girl in front of me, trying maybe to sooth her pain.

"But.." She tried to said but i placed my finger on her lips silencing her, "No buts." I said giving her a small smile fighting the urge to crash my lips into her soft ones.

"Do you feel okay ? Is something hurting you ?" I asked concerned about her health , she just passed out,but she just shook her head.

"Are you sure ? I think we should go to the hospital." I said when i noticed how her skin is pale , i think she hadn't eaten anything yesterday.

"No , i am okay , really." She said assuring me , she gave a smile but i know it is fake , because her eyes are showing something else.

My hand was still on her cheek, i kept on looking at her not wanting my hand to leave her skin, till now i can't interpret the look in her eye , but whatever it is, it is just pulling me closer toward her , i couldn't fight it anymore , i want to taste her soft lips badly.

She didn't move away which made me move closer , once our lips touched , i felt volts of electricity running in my body , but it didn't last long because my phone started ringing.

"F*ck." I cursed under my breath, why my phone have to always f*ck up with me when i am having my kisses !

Angrily i grabbed it from my pocket , without looking at the caller ID i answered ,"What ?" I snapped at whoever is calling , because he chose the perfect time.

"Ashton ! Where the hell are you man ? " Alex said on the other line , i am so going to kill him once i see him.

"What do you want Alex ?" I replied back annoyed, what does he want ?

"Is Katherine with you ?" He asked sounding worried.

"Yes , she is here." I said looking at Katherine, she gave me a questioning look.

"What the- we were worried as shit , she just disappeared yesterday night and i was calling her but her phone was closed , i though something happened ." He said , Katherine still have a questioning look on her face , i mouthed to her your phone.

She started looking around , but she didn't find it , "I think i dropped it somewhere." She said wandering around trying to find it.

"She may had dropped it somewhere yesterday." I said , why Alex is caring so much anyway !

"Give the phone to her ." He said , "Why ?" I couldn't help but snap back , why he want to talk to her , i just told him she is here.

"Damn it Ashton , just give the phone to her." With that i gave her the phone angrily.

"Hello." She said placing the phone on her ear.

"Alex i am okay." She said , "Yeah really." then she chuckled about something he said.

Why she is laughing with him !

"Tell her i am okay , it is just i got bored and Ashton brought me back to the hotel." She said looking at me.

I couldn't take it anymore , Alex was playing on my f*cking nerves , i grasped the phone from her hand and walked a bit further for her not to hear me , "You better not let me see your face today , why you took them to such a place." He started explaining , but i ignored him , "Just don't let me see your face." with that i hanged up.

I looked at Katherine , " Go take a shower and i'll order breakfast for us, you must be hungry." I said before getting out of her room and went to take a shower too, thinking about one thing :

Alex better not show me his face today...


Katherine's POV

I walked leisurely to the shower,The water started pouring down, it drips by my side, as my mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind of things. All the things I honestly don't want to think about. My mind swirls, and it's like I'm standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but it can never last, I know i have to get out and and face him again , face the real truth , the truth that Ashton is innocent but yet i hurt him in many ways.

What is going to be his reaction when he discover what i did ?

What i she going to do when he'll know that coming to his company wasn't a coincidence , that what his company lost was because of me..

My eyes widened when i remembered what i did before , i sent to Caleb new files !

No , No , i have to talk with him, i have to make him stop all this , i have to see him as fast as i can , before more damage is going to happen.

Getting out of the shower , i dried my body and hair before wearing a pants with a navy blue blazer and a white shirt underneath, fixing my hair in a presentable way , i applied light make up to lighten my pale face a little.

After work i have to go directly to Caleb and tell him the truth, i can't afford more loss to happen to Ashton because of me , and after that i am going to get out of his life , i've already did enough , i can't screw things more now.

A knock on the door , jerked me out of my thoughts , "Food is here." he said his eyes traveled from my face down my body , why he always have to look at me like this, he makes me uncomfortable.

I nodded my head and followed him , when i passed beside him , his expensive cologne filled my nose , "You look beautiful." He whispered his mouth inches away from my neck , i tried to avert my gaze looking anywhere else from him not to notice the effect he had on me but the sudden rosiness of my cheeks gave me away , exposing me , and i can see he noticed that because of the smirk that made its way to his perfectly shaped lips.

We ate together in silence , Ashton would just glance at me every now and then , as if checking if i am okay , he even suggested to go the hospital but i refused , i am fine , i mean physically fine,

We finished our food , and Ashton went toward his room to put his tie , and i headed toward my room to get my bag but a knock on the door stopped me , i think it is the room service.

I went and opened the door , there was an old women standing there , despite her age and the wrinkles on her face she looked beautiful , her hair was pulled up in a perfect way and not to mention her elegant clothes, but what grabbed my attention the most is her big blue eyes.

She cleared her throat to grab my attention , damn i was acting like a total creep checking her out ,  "Am i in the right suite or what ?" she mumbled to herself her eyes looking around.

"U-umm how can i help you ma'am ?" I asked politely.

"Katherine did you see my wat.." Ashton's voice made us snap our head in his direction , but when he spotted the old woman , his eyes widened a little , "Grandma !" He exclaimed.

So she is his grandma ,i felt that.

Damn what is wrong with the Ryder's genes , do they all have such breathtaking eyes !

I stepped aside allowing Ashton's grandma to pass , "You don't seem happy to see me little boy." She said stepping closer.

"W-what ? no , sure i am happy." He stuttered while talking , it is the first time i see him as if scared of someone.

"So you are here for three days and you didn't visit your grandma ?" She said pinching Ashton's ear , i bite my tongue to hold the chuckle that threatened to escape my lips.

This thing should be recorded , Ashton's grandma holding Ashton from his ear insulting him , i've never expected to see this in my whole life.

"Grandma i was busy." He said trying to remove her hand from his ear.

"You're always busy ! How long it has been since i last saw you,  a year ? ha ? " She said pulling him closer by his ear.

Believe me i was trying hard not to laugh at the scene in front of me.

"What if i died before seeing you." She said frowning , "Grandma you are still young , don't talk like this." He said, "Can you leave my ear now." He sounded like a small boy who had ate more sweets and he is getting punished.

They look so cute though !

She released his ear , it was red from her hold , Ashton started rubbing it with an annoyed expression on his face, "Sh*t" he started cursing something under his breath.

"It is just i missed my honey bunch , and watch your language little boy !" This time i wasn't able to hold the chuckle back , Ashton gave me one of his I-am-gonna-kill-you-later glare.

Honey bunch ! Seriously ?

Ashton is a honey bunch , i need to laugh or i am going to explode.

"Grandma stop calling me like that , i am 28 years old now." he said annoyed.

"I will never stop calling you that , even when you're a father or a grandfather , you will always be my honey bunch !" She said which just earned an irritated look from Ashton,  she sound so cute , lucky him to have her.

"Tomorrow you are coming to my home , and you will stay the weekend , i am throwing a party because of your upcoming birthday."

Ashton's Birthday !

"I am busy , you know that.." he wasn't able to continue , "Shut up because you are coming or i'll never forgive you." Her tone was daring him to say no , "And your sister is there too , so you are coming."

Ashton have a sister , i didn't know that , why he is always like this away from his family, it is weird.

"You can work from there." she was trying to convince him and he gave up finally.

"You have to bring this pretty lady with you too." She said and my eyes widened at her comment , "U-hh no i am just his personal assistance." I said, she probably though i am his girlfriend or something.

"What is your name sweety ?" she asked stepping closer toward me.

"My name is Katherine , Mrs. Ryder." I said nervously.

"Don't Mrs. Ryder me , just call me Cecile." She said giving me a bright smile , i smiled back and nodded my head.

"He must be giving you hard time , right ? I don't know how you handle him , he is just a tough boy." she said referring to Ashton.

"Grandma , i am still here." Ashton said whining like a kid.

"I know honey bunch , that's why i am talking." She said not bothering to look at him.

"I'll be waiting for you tomorrow." she said placing her hand on my shoulder , "But.." i was about to refuse but she interrupted me , " You are coming , he needs you." she said , i couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach at her comment.

"For work i mean." she continued and then gave me a wink.

I felt my cheek warming , damn what does she mean by that !

"I'll see you both tomorrow." She said heading toward the door , "Bye Katherine ." she said and i waved my hand.

"See you grandma."

"See you honey bunch."

Ashton let out a sigh and closed the door , he turned and then looked at me , "Did you see my watch ?" he asked wanting to change the subject about what just happened.

"No i didn't." I said trying to hide my smile ,"But if you want we can search for it ..Honey bunch." I said teasingly then burst laughing unable to hold it anymore.

His eyes widened at the beginning surprised by my comment , but then he started walking toward me , "What did you say ?" he asked stepping closer , with every step forward i was taking one backward.

"U-umm i said u-umm i can help you find it." I stuttered , the teasing expression on his face made it hard for me to concentrate .

I kept moving backward till my back hit the door , and he was one step away, "What did you say after that ?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"U-umm nothing." his hands went at each side trapping me in the middle , his face was inches away.

"No you said something." He said again his voice lower this time , i just shook my head unable to talk due to his closeness , "You want to play this in the hard way ?" he asked teasingly.

"Because i know exactly how to play." He said and I felt his hot breath on my neck, then the tender brush of lips. Burning as they make contact with my neck. A hand runs through my hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around my waist, and pulls me close to his pine scented body.

But Then he suddenly stopped, and me being disappointed was an understatement , his eyes looked into mine , they were a darker shade of blue and i couldn't help the rush feeling in my whole body because of his touch, "So Do you want to play it in the hard way ?" He was teasing me , this stupid hot jerk .

"How ?" I managed to ask trying to tease him back, Two can play this game Mr. jerk !

"Lets see..Umm.. I will start by kissing those lips." He said looking at my lips hungrily.

"What if your phone started ringing ?" i asked , "I will not answer." He said his eyes still fixated on my lips.

"What if my phone started ringing ?" I was trying badly to hold myself, " You don't have your phone ." damn him always have answers.

His eyes were still on my lips ,i bit my lip nervously, "What if someone knocked on the do..",i wasn't able to continue, because his lips brushed over mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I want to pull away before I lose myself but I can't seem to...In this minty moment, my senses have been seduced and I can no longer think straight. "Shut up Katherine and let me kiss you." he whispers slowly, prolonging each letter of my name as if to savor them. I smile, my heart fluttering at his voice as I run my hand in his hair. Never before has my name ever felt so wonderful a one, I think, as I lean in for another...


I should be studying but here  i am writing :P

On my physics exam tomorrow i'll be writing about Ashton and Katherine's kiss, i forgot all the equations 😂

Anyway hope you liked it , and i hope it wasn't boring 😊

Comment and vote please.

love ya❤️

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