Blue Exorcist: 'Little Sister...

By Madge2001

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Rin and Yukio have just closed the Gate of Gehenna and are finally beginning to relax again when the gate is... More

Chapter 1 Just another normal day
Chapter 2 Demons, Exorcists, Gehenna Gate, oh my!
Chapter 3 The Escape Girl
Chapter 4 Starting School
Chapter 5 Do NOT mess with the Daughter of Satan
Chapter 6 Learning the ways of the exorcist
Chapter 7 Transformation -Part 1-
Chapter 8 Transformation -Part 2-
Chapter 9 Getting out of Invisible City
Chapter 10 Let The Traveling Begin
Chapter 11, Part 1: The Final Task
Sneak Peek: Chapter 12
Chapter 12: The End (Part 1)
Chapter 13: THE END. FINALLY.

Chapter 11 Part 2: The Trip Down

1.6K 55 3
By Madge2001

~quick author note~
Thank you so much for over 6 thousand reads, like holy crap! If it weren't for you guys this story would not be where it is now. So thank you. This is still in Michiko's POV, so LET'S GO!

"GO BACK TO GEHENNA!?" Rin shouted, struggling to sit up. I helped him to his feet after he almost fell over. Flinging his arm over my shoulder, I carried him out of the dorm, Kuro following closely behind. "Yes, Rin. Back. I know what needs to be done," I heaved him up again to make him keep walking. The commotion was still going on, and I dodged a few exorcists who tried to stop us and ask what happened.

When we reached the room, I was so thankful. I helped Rin sit down and told Kuro to stay. Everyone began working to heal him. "Michiko, what happened?" Shiemi asked, tears in her eyes.

"Rin was trying to help, got hurt." I lied as best I could. Before anyone could stop me, I jumped out the window again and slammed it shut. I had work to do. My first order of business was how the heck I was supposed to get to the portal. I knew flying wouldn't work, I would be shot down. I'd have to go the old fashioned way, which was running.

I ran through a small crowd of exorcists that tried to grab my arms. One of them did, but I was able to shove them off. "Oi!" They shouted, but I didn't come back. I knew about my running skills, but god damn these stairs were hard to climb. There was so many! It didn't stop me though, as I ran up the stairs, huffing and puffing my way along. 

When I got up there, I could feel the portal's power sucking me closer and closer. There were a few exorcists lying around, and a few still standing, fighting it off. I sprinted to the edge of the portal. "What are you doing up here, kid?! This is dangerous territory! Get down!" An exorcist shouted. "How long do you think you can keep this open?!" I shouted the question to him.

"Why the hell do you need this open?!"
"I know what to do to close it! Just help keep it open! Please!"

I could tell he wasn't buying it. "Kid, we're trying to close it! You need to leave!" He yelled again. "That won't work! Now just do it!" I shouted as I took a running start and leaped into the portal, the voices and sound becoming nothing but silence.


When I finally hit the ground, it wasn't a very soft landing. I grunted in pain when I landed, feeling a few demons growling at me for landing on them. I rose quickly, and walked off. I had to find my father. He was the only chance I had on closing this portal and saving the academy.

As I walked along, I could hear the whispers and I could feel power surging through me. Gehenna was one of my main sources on power, and I guess being back brought it back. I let my horns show and my tail flip out, the tip of my horns and tail lit up with blue fire. More demons surrounded, whispering louder. The sound disgusted me.

"The Princess?"
"Yes, she is back..."
"Why did she leave?"
"Maybe she's changed."

I didn't know who the voices belonged to, but the one I could pick out was not far ahead of me.

"When this portal is fully ready, I want a new body host to-"

"FATHER!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. All heads turned towards me, as if I had spoken out of turn. Which, in this case, I had. "Michiko, what a pleasant surprise. Did you enjoy your time out there?" My father said. Satan was maybe attractive to most. He had silvery hair, bright blue eyes, and black large horns that rose from his head. He had Rin and Yukio's complexion mixed into one, so it was fascinating. He was tall, muscular, with scars placed all over, with some on his face, some on his hands. He had new ones almost every two days.

"Yes, I did. And I'm determined to go back once you decide to close this portal after I do," I stated. A few snarled but Satan just smiled. "Did you complete the mission? I was quite curious," he remarked, looking at his finger nails like a sassy salon lady.

"I've told you, I'm not taking part in your mission. I only came back to stop you from trying to hurt anyone. Not my brothers, especially, that I never knew I had until I left!" I shouted at him. My father looked at me with utmost curiosity. I could feel my flames growing, the power surging through my veins. My blood was pure down here, and I knew it all too well.

"Oh, my dearest daughter, I understand. You needed to be a teenager for a while. But if you bring Rin, Yukio, and Kuro down here, we can all be a happy family," My father said with a smile playing on his lips. "I hate being related to you. AND I ALWAYS WILL!" I screamed. My breathing was getting faster, and I tried to slow it down to shaky breaths. "No..." I whispered. "I won't end like you..."

"Now, what would that satyr think of you now? Panae, was it?"

I looked up at him. He mentioned Panae, one of my weakest points. He KNEW about what he did to Panae. "Don't you dare bring her into this, you know what you did to her," My words stumbled out, pushed almost together as the anger built again. "Well, my darling, you would like to see her again, would you not?"

After the words were spoken, a familiar figure stumbled into existence. She looked crumpled, lumpy, almost zombie-like. Her eyes were glazed over, almost looking a crystal color. Her skin had been torn off in places as she stood by my father with  no expression on her face. "She's a very good little helper, aren't you?" His head turned toward her as he said it.

I growled. 'This can't be happening, this isn't really happening,' I thought. If I let loose now, there would be no turning back. I'd be stuck forever. "Leave her alone," I declared. There were demons on either side of me, ready to attack if I snapped. "Why should I? Panae has been a very big help in getting your attention and to help me open this portal. Soon, I will be able to join the real world and we will conquer all. Isn't that what YOU wanted? To rule the world with me?" His eyes flashed, and flames grew around him.

"I didn't want to rule the world, I just wanted to see the world for what it was! I would NEVER want to destroy the world." My voice was starting to lose power. He was building up on me, trying to get me to crack. "Michiko, you are my daughter. The world out there does not have much to offer for someone like us. Even your precious brothers know that. If you join me, you will be able to see the world. We will see the world as a family," Satan said with a soothing voice. He opened his arms. "Come. We will be together."

I slackened my muscles and walked slowly forward. A few demons were shocked, but some grinned in excitement. When I got close enough to my father, I spread my wings and flew right next to his ear. "You can't get me to do anything," I whispered softly before flying into Panae and tearing her to pieces. Soon enough, demons were on me, but I blew them off with a blast of fire. I turned to face my father after I was done. "I knew this would come, but not that simply," he remarked as he began to change. Suddenly, his eyes were bright blue, his wings large and filled with holes. I knew this was it. I was ready.

It was time to finish.

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