Newsies Imagines


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Newsies, I called them imagines, but I'm pretty sure they are Preferences... Jack, Davey, Kid Blink, Spot, Cr... Еще

How Yous Met
Yous First Date
He Opens Up
First Real Kiss
He Discovers One of Your Secrets
His Favorite Place to Kiss You
How He Annoys You
What About Him Turns You On
You steal his hat
You'll Be in My Heart
The Birth of Your First Child
His Job
Your Favorite Game to Play Together
You Two's Favorite Fairy Tale
Your Favorite Place to Kiss Him
His Favorite Color on You
First "I Love You"
How You Spend Memorial Day
Love Bites
How you sleep
Tag #2...
Tender Afections
Making Him Smile
His Phobia
Come Back to Bed...
Pregnacy Cravings
Prom? Prom. (1st Modern One)
How You Turn Him On
One Way He Makes You Smile
Your Favorite Place for Him to Put His Hands
How You Two Spend Christmas
A Precious Moment With Your Toddler
What You Usually Fight About
Weirdest Place He Has Given You A Hicky
Dear Theodosia
Tag number 4...
His favorite way for you to touch him
Your favorite way he touches you.
Please don't kill me but this is just me having been tagged!
Taged times 3
Weirdest place you've given him a hicky
Your favorite place he kisses you
Something he teaches you
How you tease him
Something Old, Something New...
Tagged yet again ^^
Wedding Moments
Murphey's Law
How he wakes you up
Multiple tags
You Give Him a Hicky
How he comforts you
One time he tries to impress you

The Night You Think You Conceived (PG-PG13)

11.3K 80 89

The Night You Think You Conceived (PG-PG13).

I am going to try really hard to keep this PG or PG-13

The dialect is a little sloppy and on and off, sorry.

Could you please answer this, does anyone read Boots or Specs?

100 Votes! Thank you sooo much! You guys are awesome!


You are waiting for Jack to come back from a union meeting and it is taking forever, you are pacing the floor worried sick that something happened. Just when you are about to start panicking, you heard the door open, and since the door was locked and the only other one who had a key was Jack, you let out a sigh of relief. You saw Jack's exhausted expression lighten when his eyes met yours.

"You had me worried sick!" You exclaimed.

"Sorry." He mutters huskily snagging you by your waist and nuzzling his nose in your neck.

"Jack, you don't just come in at all hours and expect me to just be ok with it." You breath exasperated, you were frustrated with your husband, but at the same time wanting to melt into him.

"Just roll with it strambo." He whispers into your ear making you shiver. He covers your mouth with his and all your frustration flew out the window. He cupped your face with his hand and adjusted the angle of his head so that he could deepen the kiss. You weaved your hands in his hair and tugged at it lightly. Jack groaned and moved the hand under your waist band so he could untuck your shirt. You moaned as his hand toutched your bare skin. You moved your hands from his hair and moved them down so you could unbutton his shirt.

The rest went down in the history books as the night you think you conceived your first child.


"Davey, I'm nervous." You told your husband of a few hours as you entered you two's new apartment.

"Don't worry (Y/N), I'm nervous too." Davey reassured you. "What do you know about this?" Davey asked gesturing to what would be the bed room that you two would share starting tonight.

"Just that my Papa told me that I had to be your wife in all respects which included lying with you naked and something about you doing the rest." You said blushing slightly.

"Uh, well, uh," Davey tried to say something, but couldn't get any real words to come out. He was too handsome, especially when the infamous David Jacobs was at a loss for words. You giggled slightly.

"I'll take that that I know more than you expected." You said shyly.

"No, um it's just that I got a tad different explanation." Davey hesitated, a blush ceeping up his cheeks.

"What might that be?" you asked surprised.

"Why don't I show you?" David asked, his sudden surge of boldness startled you a little, so you simply nodded your head.

Davey took you hand and led you to your bedroom. Once in there, he smiled at you brightly and hugged you.

"Davey?" You questioned as he kissed your forehead.

"Mhm," David mumbled.

"We already do this, does that mean we were commiting a sin before we got married?" You asked concerned. David laughed.

"No, (Y/N), I'm just trying to not rush anything." He smiled at you with tenderness making you week in the knees. You smiled back.

Davey leaned down so that your lips were on the same level with yours and claimed them tenderly at first, but your hands became entangled in his hair as the kiss became more heated. Davey pressed you down ontop of your new bed and assaulted your neck as he held himself over you with one arm and the other snuck its way to the back of your new dress, which you had bought specifically for your wedding, to start unbuttoning it. Between David's kisses to your neck and the feel of his hands on your bare back caused you suck in a breath of air.

It was a tad painful, but after a few times, it was incredibly enjoyable, even though you are not sure when exctly you conceived, because the two of you couldn't keep your hands off of each other, but you'd like to think it had been that first night.

Kid Blink

"Do you think we'll ever have kids Blink?" You cried into your husband's shoulder.

"Of course we will." He replied tightening his grip on you.

"I had my period again two weeks ago." You mumbled.

"I talked with a doctor after work today, and he said that that that is one of the best times to try to get pregnant." He informed you.

"Oh," You muttered.

Blink kissed one of the tears off of your cheek, then kissed one corner of your mouth, then your hairline, then the side of your nose, then he cuped your face in his hands and placed a tender kiss to you lips. You demanded more of his lips as you kissed him with passion. Blink had no problem uping the intensity of the kiss. Blink deepened the kiss, and you moaned into his mouth as he brushed his fingers behind your ear. He moved his other hand to start unbuttoning your dress and you worked to unbutton his shirt. You ran your hands over his his chest that was still covered by his long underware. And you went to unbutton those as well. Your hands brushed against his well toned chest, then his abdomen, as you did so, you felt him shiver against your touch and his hands had halted their actions. You smirked into the kiss you continued to share and he groaned. You broke the kiss for air and Blink looked at you shocked, the amount of air he kept in his lungs never failed to surprise you.

"Air." You muttered breathlessly in explanation to your husband. You held his gaze as you intentionally slowly undid the rest of the buttons on your blouse and untucked if from your skirt taking it off leaving only a slip covering your upper body. Blink's eye went wide.

The two of you made love into the early morning and you found out about a month later, afer missing your period for two weeks that you were pregnant, you are not entirely sure it was that night, but it sure as well could have been.


You and Spot had been trying to concieve since you two got married, but over a year had passed and you still were not graced wth a child.

"Spot, is there something wrong with me?" You sighed one night as you sat on your bed taking off your shoes. You din't have to explain what you meant because he just knew. He sighed as well and sat down besides you. Spot took off his own shoes as well and started to take off his shirt as you went to take off your dress.

"You are perfect whether we have children or not." Spot assured you.

"You sure?" You asked.

"Of coarse I'm sure." Spot smiled at you and wrapped a hand around your waist pulling you into him. He kissed you softly, quite unconventional for rough and tumble Spot Conlins. You decided that you wanted more than tender apologetic Spot, You wanted all of Spot and you wanted him now. So you turned the kiss into a much more heated kiss and since his shirt was already off, you ran your hands over his hard abbs and moved one hand down to his pants. But before you could undo the button, he pushed you onto your bed and well let's just say two days less 9 months to the day, Spot was delivering a baby on that same bed.


When you told Mush you were pregnant he passed out, apparently he didn't know that sex led to babies. But you think you know the night when you conceived.

It was seven in the evening and he was sitting at the table reading his newspaper, and you had just finished putting away the dishes you had washed from dinner. So, you sat on his lap. Mush put down his paper onto the table and smiled at you.

"Ready for bed Sunshine?"  He asked. You giggled at the old nickname he had given you back when he didn't know your real name.

"Yup Michael." You smirked at him using the name you knew he hated.

"If you must call me by something other than Mush, call me Danial, it's my middle name and I like it better." Mush said slightly annoyed.

"Alright, let me rephrase my earlier statement, yes, I am ready for you to bed me Danial." You winked at him suggestively.

"You are incorrigible." He muttered with a huge smile plastered to his face.

"And you love it." You said laughing.

"No use denying it." Mush shook his head and took your hand leading you into your bedroom.

In a mess of kisses and fumbling fingers, you two wound up in one of the most intense love making adventures you had yet.


"Damian, is that you?" You asked as you heard the door open.

"Yeah, it's me, (Y/N)" was your husband's cheerful reply.

"How was work?" You asked.

"Not to bad." He replied hanging up his hat and removing his coat and hanging that up as well. Then pecking you on the lips, letting them linger a little. Just the simplest gesture from that man made you fall in love with him all over again.

"That's good to hear, dinner's ready." You beamed at the man you were so glad to call your husband.

"Smells amaizing (Y/N)!" He said pulling you in for a hug. You snuggled into his embrace.

"You smell good." You said breathing in his masculine sent. Crutchy chuckled.

"You always say dat."

"Well it is true." You mumbled burrowing your face deeper into his side.

"I love you." Crutchy said placing a kiss to the top of your forehead.

"I love you too!" You whispered into his shirt.

"You be disappointed if we maybe skipped dinner foa now?" Crutchy murmured into your hair. You shook your head no knowing what he ment and you were all for that.

"The dinner is a cold dinner tonight, so it can definitely wait." You said looking up into your husband's sparkling brown eyes. He grabbed your hand and wrapped it around his waist and as he hobbled, he guided you into your room. Even though no one was around, Crutchy always the gentleman closed the door behind the two of you. You giggled in anticipation.

Crutchy leaned his cruch up against the wall and you helped support him over to the bed. Since you two got married, Crutchy had become way less self conscious about his gimp leg and you were proud of him. Once you reached the bed, Crutchy sat down on it to remove his shoes, you never wore shoes around the house, but you sat down next to him and lied your head on his shoulder.

Once his shoes were off, he cupped your face and kissed you with a slow yet pationate vigor. He skillfully laid you back onto the bed and postsioned himself over top of you all without beaking the kiss. You took your good hand and started to unfasten the buttons on his shirt. The first few times you had a difficult time undoing them, but by now, slightly over a year since you got married, it was like second nature. You ran your hands from his chest down his slightly toned abdomen, you felt him shiver against your hands, and he groaned into the kiss. You broke apart for air and Crutchy smiled at you. Balancing on the arm he uses with his crutch making it quite muscular he undid the buttons on your blouse. Once he accomplished that, he leaned down to press a few kisses to your neck and shoulders making you moan with pleasure.

And the night was still young...You two endend up eating your dinner at about two in the morning. There is no guarantee that was that the night you two conceived, but it was a night close to it.


The two of you had been trying and praying for a baby for close to four years now, you were starting to give up any hope that you would ever have children of your own. You teased Race that it was because he was Itallian and all the Garlic he ate had made him sterile, but you knew deep down it was you father's beatings that had most likely made you barren. But all the negative energy changed once you found out on the 22 of May, the feast of St. Rita of Cassia, that you were pregnant. You think you know what night you became pregnant, but you're not entirely sure. But if you are right, it started with Race comming in from work looking like his dog had just died.

"Was it that bad today?" You questioned as your husband plopped down at the table to take off his shoes.

"My boss is such an ass, I was da only one who got all their shit done this week, but he yelled at me an told me dat I coulda done moa while he said nuthin to da guys who didn't eben finish what they was told to hab done." Race told you irritated.

"Would it make you feel better if I rubbed your back while you ate dinner?" You asked putting two plates, forks, knives, and glasses on the table.

Race looked at you with so much love in his expression that you almost stumbled from your knees going week. "What did I do to get such an amaizing wife?" He asked in a slightly husky tone.

You chuckled, "I was thinking how lucky I am to have you as my husband." You blushed. After being married for four years, you would have thought you wouldn't blush at every little thing, but you still did. As you put the pasta and tomato sause on the table, Race stood up and wraped you in his arms.

"You haven't kissed me hello yet." Race said making a face like kids make when they want something. You chuckled then pecked him on the lips and tried to move away from him.

"Race, I need to finish grabbing the bread and milk, can you let me go?" You asked when you couldn't seem to get him to let go of you.

"But it feels so good to be next to you, it feels like home." Race mumbled into your hair. His comment made the already crazy butterflies in your stomach go even crazier.

"You still give me butterflies." You mumbled into his shirt as you wraped your arms around him to reciprocate the embrace. Race laughed a deep chuckle, not making your butterfly situation any better.

"I would love that backrub after dinner." Race mumbled followed by something you couldn't quite make out, probably something in Italian. He had taught you to cook, and speak a little Italian, but you couldn't make out what he had said.

"I got the part about the back rub, but what else did you say?" You asked breathing in his old scent of cigars and the new to Chicago smell of fresh air. He went all over selling properties, so he was out in the fresh air a lot.

"I wanted to know if you would mind if I made love to you after you give me that back rub." Race said in a deep husky voice. You blushed.

"Have I ever minded?" You giggled like a little school girl. Race growled a little and moved his lips against yours is a heated furry. Your hands found his hair and you ran your fingers through his greasy black hair. He had one hand in your hair, trying to undo it from the knot you kept it in, and his other on your waist. Race played with you, nipping your bottom lip and running his tongue against where he had gently bit. You gasped and that allowed Race to slip his tongue into your mouth and you grunted in approval. The two of you battled with your tongues until you needed to let go for air. As you breathed in air breathlessly, Race asulted your ear lobe, nipping at it and running his tongue over it making you shiver. "Ah.." You moaned in delight. "Race, shouldn't we eat dinner befor this goes any farther?" You asked haltingly and out of breath gasping here and there as your husband assaulted you neck with kisses and love bites.

Race didn't say a word; he just looked down into you eyes your breath hitched a little at his small smile. He just grabbed your hand and lead you into your bed room and layed you down gently. He took off his his vest followed by his shirt. Your eyes racked over his toned body, he was still extremely fit.

"Like what you see?" He teased huskily. You nodded not trusting your voice. You sat up and started to unbutton your dress, but Race stalked up behind you and parted your hair over your shoulders and kissed the back of your neck. You gasped as his rough hands skillfully unbuttoned the back of your dress skimming your skin with his fingers.

That night, you made slow sweet love well into the night and you fell asleep in each other's arms. The Pasta well forgoten.


Boots and you got married about three months ago and though life is not that easy, the two of you are happy, and you have just missed yout period for the third month in a row, and you have been throwing up, you knew you were in the family way and you would like to accredit to that one night...

It was a week after the two of you got married and Boots came into the apartment all happy and smelt of turpentine.

"I just got da contract of da century!" Boot exclaimed happily, picking you up and spinning you around.

"That's great honey, what is it?" You laughed.

"The Govener's mansion, I'm painting all of it!" He exclaimed before kissing you on the lips. You kissed back with a smile. Once he broke the kiss, you smiled at him widely.

"I am so proud of you!" You said before taking his hand and dragging into your bedroom. "How about we celebrate?" You asked a mischevious glint in your eye.

"Don't have to ask me twice." Boots grinned at you and pulled you into a passionate kiss. You smiled into the kiss as he began to undo the back of your dress and you moved your hands to undo the buttons on his paint splattered shirt.

The two of you spent the entire night entangled within eachother and the two of you couldn't have been happier.


Specks was always away for work, so it was not hard to pinpoint what night you two conceived your twins.

"Specs, you're home!" You yelled running into his arms. He picked you up and pressed kisses all over your face till you grabbed his face and pulled his lips to yours. Once you pulled away for air, Specs looked around.

"Something smells good, besides you," He said sniffing the air.

"Dinner?" You questioned.

"Yeah, that's what it smells like, and it smells heavenly. I haven't had a good meal in the two months I've been away." He sighed pecking you on the cheek. "I had thought about having you for the main course, but I'm highly considering saving the sweetest thing in the world for desert." Specs waggled his eye brows at you suggustivly. You swatted him playfully.

After dinner, Specs could not get you to the bedroom soon enough. Once in there, the two of you released all the frustration that had accumulated in his two month absence in a furry of kisses. You franticly undressed each other and climbed into bed savoring every toutch and kiss, spending the night just basking in eachother.


After your wedding  in Wisconson, with only the parish caretaker as a witness, Skittery and you retreated into one of the rooms in the hotel...

"Did your mom tell you anything about this?" Skittery asked. You shook your head in the negative.

"She did not, but my older sister who is married, told me that you and I would be naked and," You stopped, blushing at the memory of that conversation. "and you would um, oh this is so weird." You blushed even more. "She said it would hurt at first for me, but not to worry cuz it would be enjoyable for you. Then it would after a while become enjoyable for me too." You said as red as a tomatoe.

"Well, she was wrong, I would never enjoy your pain, if there was a way around it, I would do it." Skittery said on the verge of tears. At the sight of your new husband on the verge of tears you did cry. "Sh," Skittery comforted you pulling you into his strong arms and kissed the tears from your face. Your tears stopped after a little while.

"I'm scared." You confessed.

"If it makes you feel any better I'm scared too." He muttered into your hair.

"Really?" You asked looking up at him.

"This is my first time, as well, it is going to be awkward as hell, but as they say practice makes perfect right?" Skittery smiled at you playfully. You smiled back.

Skittery was right, it was extremely awkward, but the two of you worked out the kinks and it truly did become your favorite part of the day. A month later when you found out you were pregnate, you were overly excited and so was Skittery, athough you could tell he was nervous, but you assured him you were nervous as well.  


"You should have seen my brother's face when I told him we were married." You giggled rinning your fingers over Bumlet's chest. He grabbed your hand as you left your family's apartment.

"Unless you want to lose your virginity, right here, right now, I would suggest keeping your hands to your self until we got to our new place." Bumlets warned. Startled at his bluntness, you staired at him wide eyed. "You don't have a clue of how much an effect on me (Y/N), do you?" He asked. You looked at him bashfully. That just caused him to shake his head.

Once you reached your floor, He picked you up and walked you through the door way to your new home. He planted a kiss to your lips and you kissed him back. Bumlets closed the door behind the two of you with his back and he carried you into the room you two were going to share.

"Now can I touch you?" You asked innocently.

"What am I going to do with you?" He chuckled.

"Make love to me?" You said putting on your best little girl face.

"Do you have any ida what you are asking for?" Bumlets asked cautiously.

"Yeah." You responded starting to slowly undo his shirt buttons. Bumlets closed his eyes and groaned.

"Where did this come from?" He questioned.

"Does it matter?" You giggled. He shrugged and put you down on the ground. You unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and he shrugged it of. Your eyes went wide at his well toned body. He chuckled deeply.

"Like what you see?" He asked cockily.

"Mhm," You hummed as you started to undo your own buttons but you felt Bumlets hands over top of your own, and he finished with the process and you shrugged off the dress leaving you standing in just a slip and with it being summer one petticoat. You knew you should be wearing two, but you didn't care.  

"Wow." Was all he said for a minuet. He gulped and finished by saying. "You are so beautiful." You blushed.

"Bumlets, I love you." You muttered stalking closer towards him to give him a hug."

"Love you too." He smiled widely wrapping his strong muscular arms around you. He kissed you passionately on the lips, and one thing led to another and all you know is that it hurt! "I am so sorry." He whispered.

"It get's better right?" You questioned.

"From what I've heard." Bumlets replied kissing your temple.

But even though his speculations proved to be accurate, you still think it was that first time that created your first child.

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