G.F.A. [boyxboy]-Discontinued

By OxygenOverdose

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Just your average boyxboy..... enjoy! * I dont own the pictures* More

The Project [boyxboy]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter IO

362 13 3
By OxygenOverdose

Okay, sorry for the late update… I’m not allowed to use the computer at my mom’s house anymore… cause… well it’s a long story.

Song of the chapter: God Bless You by Black Veil Brides.

Song I listened to while writing this chapter: First of the Year (Equinox) by Skrillex.

                                                                                And: God Bless You by Black Veil Brides.

Chapter IO

*The Next Day*

I went downstairs to make some lunch. Last night was awesome. I got all excited whenever I thought about it. Geez, I’m such a girl.

I decided on having a piece of leftover pizza from sometime this week. If today was Sunday… then that means its 3 days old…? Whatever. It won’t kill me.

Beep Beep Beep

I heard the sound of a truck backing up. Curious, I looked out the kitchen window. A moving truck? That’s so exciting! The neighbours are moving in today! Maybe I should call Val and tell her to come with me. Or maybe I should wait until my mother got home later today or early tomorrow. Naw, I’m too impatient for that.

I picked up my phone to call Val. She answered on the third ring.


“Hellooo, How are you on this fine morning?” I greeted.

“Why I’m fine thank you, sir.” She replied, copying the same posh English tone.

“Haha. Anyway, there’s new people moving in today, want to come over and say hi to them with me?”

“Yess!! I love meeting new people!!”

“Awesome. I didn’t want to go alone, but I didn’t want to seem unwelcoming.”

“Yeah. So what time should I come over?” She asked.

“In, um, 2 hours?”

“Okay, see you then.” With that she hung up.

I finished my pizza and got ready.

*2 hours and 7 minutes later.*

Knock knock

Val was at the door.

“Hey, Val. Ready to go meet my new neighbours??” I asked, enthusiastically. I was so excited for this. There was almost nobody my age around my house.

“Yeah, sure.” She replied, sounding not that excited.

“Alright, then lets GOOOO!!” We left my house.

I knocked on the door to the house next to mine, and a short blonde woman with brown eyes, about the age of forty greeted us.

“Why hello, who might you be?” She asked politely, motioning for us to come in.

“I’m your neighbour. My name is Derek, and this is Val, my best friend. My mother is sway on a business trip, but she should be back later today.” Val waved, clearly feeling awkward.

“Why hello! I’m Sandy. Sandy Wyatt. I have a son who should be around here somewhere…” She trailed off as a boy about my age came down the stairs.

“MOM! Where’s that box with all my clothes in it?” He asked, but when he saw us he smiled. Val waved shyly.

“Somewhere… Have you looked in the car?” She replied.

“No, but who are these people?” He wondered, waving back at us.

“These, are our neighbours. Derek and his friend Val. You guys, this is Jason.”

“Uhh, call me Jay.” He corrected.

(AN: I hate writing this…. Just this part.. sorry… I’ma cut it short xD)

Val and I said ‘Hi’ awkwardly.

“Derek, why don’t you show Jay around the neighbourhood?” Sandy suggested. Oh boy.

“Mother!!” Jay groaned.

“Sure, we’d love to.” Val replied. Well, I hope that she’s do most of the talking. I’m all shy and awkward around new people, yet I love meeting them. I’m a weird kid.

“Great! I’ll be unpacking some boxes here. Have fun!” Sandy told us.

*At Derek’s house.*

“So, this is my house. It’s quite boring, the same shape as yours. My room’s up here.” I led Val and Jay up the stairs.

“Nice place. You’re right, it is in the same shape as yours.” Jay commented.

I knew his house like it was my aunts. The old hag next door – Whose name was Heather Grahams, but I was always told to call her Mrs. Grahams – was the one to babysit me when my mother was at work. Back then, she didn’t go on long business trips. Just a regular day job. (AN: Derek’s dad…. Uhmm... He doesn’t have one. I just made that up right now. I will possibly explain more about it in later chapters. I don’t feel like it right now.) I could tell you a lot of secret hiding places in that house. My absolute favourite one was the little door hidden in the closet in the top floor bedroom. I doubt Jay had found it.

Jay and Val were in the middle of a conversation when a very important question dawned upon me.

“JAY!! I must ask you a question!! NOW!” I yelled at him, even though he was no more than 4 feet away from me.

“Okay, go.” He told me.

“Are you a homophobe?” I looked him straight in the eye.

“Umm –“ He didn’t get a chance to answer before I cut him off.

“You are! Aren’t you?!” I was just too nervous to hear his reply.

“Derek I –“

“NO! I can’t believe this.”

“DEREK!! LISTEN TO ME!” He shouted.

I shut up.

“I can’t be a homophobe if I’m bisexual.”

“Haha... Sorry…“ I apologised nervously. Oops.



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