Angel Valhalla

By CennamonGurl

278K 9.7K 878

It's a typical party night for Lilith until things take a turn for the worst. Knocked out by drugs and alcoho... More

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thirty-three~a forever.


4.9K 215 20
By CennamonGurl

Hello guys! Thanks for reading this far, commenting and voting. You guys don't know how much it means to me. I joined this website about four years ago because I love reading, and had always had my own little stories but I wasn't brave enough to put them out there, until one day i said, ' yolo' and did it. And to see that there are a couple of you that actually read my stuff, this book in particular, is dope as hell. Thank you so much, even if its not a lot, it is to me. W that being said, I just wanna say that I have went ahead and sketched out the rest of the plot for this book and estimated about nine-ten if i push it- chapters left. Hope you continue reading this book for the remaining chapters  and that you enjoy it, thanks! -sandi x


"Lilith what's wrong? You've been acting all weird ever since we left the store." Lacey said to me in a hushed tone after detective Wolf dropped us off at my house. I looked at his black, glossy car as he drove off, and then straight at the sun above us, the sheering sunlight made my eyes hurt. But at least I had an excuse to make the face I was making.

"I saw Cam."

I heard the sadness in my own voice, and I hated it. Why did I feel this way? Even still? I wanted to forget him, forget us.

It was like a nightmare, and it's pain for me, because no one wants to live like this. I remember the day we met, and its like a dagger to my heart.

"Wait, Cam as in Cam the guy with the sexy blue eyes, and pitch black hair whom stole your freaking heart, Cam?"

I don't know why she was acting like this. Describing him the way I had described him to her. She was only confirming my feelings, those words had come out of my very own mouth after wall.

"Yeah, that Cam."

"Where? At the boutique? I didn't see him?

"Yeah the last one we went to. He walked right by us, and I-I couldn't look away. "

"Did he say anything? Do anything? Did he say 'Hi' at least?" Lacey's voice was now getting under my skin, because it was reflecting the same wariness I wanted to feel, but couldn't.

"No." I looked away from the sun and headed towards my front door,"He didn't say anything. He looked at Wolf, then at you. And then at me. It was a mean look...I think he was mad." I whispered the last words, I knew he was mad.

She followed me inside."Mad? Why would he be ma-"

"I don't want to talk about it."


And if you hurt me, that's okay baby only words bleed. Inside these pages you just hold me. I won't ever let you go.

Ed Sheeran's voice blasted through the ballroom. Yes, ballroom. Our prom was being held in a ballroom. And at first I didn't mind. I didn't care. But then everything started annoying me. My peers in their expensive outfits. The teachers who stood against the walls chaperoning, and even the music. They were all so happy. Even the teachers were in a better place then me. They didn't feel the way I did. They weren't thinking about that someone. Even Ed Sheeran with his romantic lyrics because it was like throwing it in my face. The way I felt about him.

"You look dreadful."Lacey said as she handed me a glass of champagne (I know, ridiculous).

I took it from her and swung it back drinking it all in one gulp and handing Lacey back the empty glass. She looked rather lovely in a silky, black gown that hung to her body in a very sexy, gothic way. Her bleached short hair was slicked back to show off her face more. Her blue eyes were a shade lighter than Cam's. A baby blue, almost angelic where Cam's were a dark royal blue. Her lips stained in a dark red lip color that suited her pasty white skin perfectly. She was so pretty in every which way, so much that Chase, yes that Chase, had asked her to dance.

She respectfully declined and walked away.

And now here we were. I don't know why I had came. All I'd done was sulk in the corner drinking champagne as I declined dance after dance from random boys who went to my school. An hour and a half I was bored and done with it.

"C'mon on." I grabbed Lacey by the hand and steered her off to the exit.

"What's going on? Where are we going?" Confusion written all over her face.

"To have some real fun."

We got inside my white car and a couple minutes later I had driven us to one of my favorite places in the world.

"A water park?" She said squinting her eyes and trying to look in the dark, as I turned off the car.

"This place is the best, C'mon on." I said getting off and walking towards the fence.

"But it's locked."

"So?" I replied grabbing fistfuls of my dress and running to the fence. I used to come here since I was twelve, with Nate. We had our first kiss here. I'd lost my virginity to him a couple of years later at the ripe age of fifteen in this place. We had our own pools, but nothing compared to the adrenaline that rushed through our bodies as we climbed the fence at night, plus this place had awesome slides.

I grabbed on to the fence and began to climb. I was half way up when I stopped to look down at Lacey who was looking up at me as if I've gone insane.

"Don't be a pussy." I challenged.

That set off Lacey and then she too was climbing the fence, dress and all. It wasn't till I got to the top, that the dress became a hindrance. It got stuck and I had to pull hard, ripping the cloth and creating a large slit.

Lacey looked at me incredulously," You do realize that dress costs more than everything I own?"

I shrugged it off and began to climb down. When I was close enough to the floor I jumped off, followed by Lacey.

"Now what?" She asked looking around.

"We strip." I said and began to do just that until I was only wearing my bra and thong. I looked up to find Lacey in only panties.

I smiled at her playfully and then I threw her into the water.

Her body hit the water hard and she dove in pretty deep. When she swam back up, she was shivering and screaming mad.

"Lilith, you ass!" She said furiously swimming awards the edge of the pool before grabbing on to my hand and pulling me inside with her.

Okay, maybe I had gone over board. The water was freezing cold. It was the end of summer, and Chicago weather was crazy to say the least.

I shivered and wrap my arms around myself as I turn around and face Lacey. She's also shivering.

We look at each other, blue eyes against blue eyes. Her skin is paler under the moonlight. She also looked like me. Pale hair, black hair, blue eyed. Like him. Her irises suddenly came closer and she was millimeters away from me.

"You know what you should do?" She whispered in a throaty voice. Goosebumps formed on my skin, but I don't know if it was because I was cold.

"What?" I dared asked.

"You have to forget about him...and say good bye. You need closure. Holding on is only making it worst." and then I realized she was talking about him.

"I know." I looked down at the water, at my own reflection in it. I could see the sadness in my own eyes. For a second I thought I was crying, it felt like I was but then I realized they were only water drops on my face, and not tears.

"It's hard. I don't know how to." I finally said.

Little whirl pools formed around me, splashing against the walls of my body. I looked up and lips were coming down on me. Thick, large lips that had been stained a dark red.

"I'll help you forget." I heard the murmur and then I was being kissed softly and gently.

Her hands wrapped around me, safely. Showing me warmth. I wrapped my own arms around her small waist. So tiny and fragile. Girls were so feminine and pretty. How could you not be attracted to one? I let her lips tear mine apart, with a hunger I had only felt once. It ripped me apart, and created a knew me. It told me to stop being sad. To move on. So that's what I did as I slipped out off the remainder of my clothes.
Her finger tips caressed my body like no other boy had. When her lips took in my left nipple it didn't  feel wrong.
Only natural. I closed my eyes and let out a moan as her fingers slid under and inside of me.

I needed closure.


A week after prom and here I stood. It had taken me a week to gather up courage. I repeated the words over and over in my head. Recited them in the car on my way here. I blocked his face out of my mind. Forgot the sound of his voice. I remembered the day I met, and pain would come, because I would think to myself, 'Who knew this would all happened between us?'

I knocked on the door once, twice. A third time. My fingers cold and thin against the door. Then I realized they had a doorbell. I was so nervous I hadn't even looked for it. I was about to ring it, when the door opened and the floor before me disappeared. I lost myself.

The tall man in front of me was not him, but nevertheless seeing this man brought memories.

"Lilith?" James said as he cocked an eyebrow and looked at me from head to toe. His face became a grimace, he didn't like me I suspected. Wait, no he strongly disapproved of me. But the look he was giving me now was more than that. It was like he just simply did not like me.

"What do you want?" He asked in a condescending tone.

"I-I came to see Cam." I simply replied.

"Why? So you can tell him you hate him and hurt him even more than you've already have?" He said in a very defensive tone, and then I understood the grimace from before. He was being protective? Me hurt Cam? That was ridiculous, nothing hurt Cam.

"Can I please just see him? I need to talk to him." I replied avoiding eye contact this time.

"I'll go get him."He finally gave in to me, but closed the door in my face. I played with the hem of my shirt, if I ran now I could still make it. I wouldn't have to see him. But Lacey's voice rang in my head along with the word closure.

The time ticked by and with every second that passed I felt more and more unstable. I was going to see him. Talk to him.

The door opened.

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