We're The Back Pocket Believe...

By keep_the_secret

501K 10.7K 4.5K

Hazel Reede was average. Actually, she was a little below that. She is fifteen when her family dies and leave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 2

18K 404 235
By keep_the_secret

At dinner , Cait called the under eleven's down first , to the kitchen , where they scoffed down their fish fingers and beans on toast within seconds . Half an hour later , she cam looking fr the rest of us , and brought us into the kitchen .

“Chicken and pasta tonight” She told , us passing out the plates . “Meg , give that to Becca , Terri, pass that on to Sam ...”

When we all sat down with our plates in front of us , Cait began to tell us her news . “All of you here have been assigned to one of two social workers , Kiara or John . They both have the same boss , Tomas Markey , who has recently signed a contract for a charity event called Second Chance . “

This was what Cait and John had been talking about earlier , I realized .

“Second Chance is providing homes for children … well , like you . Up for adoption . It is , getting adopted . It is , a second chance at family life .”

Terri , a girl who had been here all her sixteen years and never ceased shoving it in my face , rolled her eyes . “We're up for adoption any time . Whenever they want , people can come and adopt us . How does charity come into that ?”

Cait grimaced . Obviously she had been hoping nobody would mention that . “Well , you are the charity “ She answered awkwardly . Hisses and glares were passed around the table , followed by sighs and avoiding looking in each other's eyes .

“But to answer your other comment , Terri “ Cait said , sounding brighter now , “ There is a key point in this charity work . You will be adopted by , well , celebrities , I suppose you could call them .”

“Seriously!” Terri cried , “We're all getting adopted by famous people !”

Cait looked down awkwardly . “Another catch” I muttered to myself .

“Mr Markey has signed a contract with … what was it … oh ! Hopeless Records . And Hopeless Records are going to pick two or three of their signed bands , to participate in Second Chance . Each band will be assigned two or three Children's Homes,to find a child to adopt .”

“So... There's a chance that none of us could get adopted ?” Terri said slowly . Cait nodded . “Yeah , I guess so . But still it's an honour to be included . And you never know , you could be chosen !”

“When do we find out who gets adopted ?” Asked a small boy , who's name I had no idea .

“The band that gets assigned us , will come around to get to know everyone , sometime this week .”

The boy raised his eyebrows . “So , you don't know who the band is , or when they're coming ?”

Cait shook her head . “Not yet . But I'd say … today is Thursday , right ? Then , they'll probably come around Sunday . Once I get an exact date , don't worry , I'll tell you .”

“Is everyone going to be included , or just the eleven up's ?” Terri asked , wrinkling her nose a little at the idea of being associated with the smaller children . “Just you lot “ Cait answered , “Is that all the questions ?”

We nodded , then left . “Hazel , help me with the dishes ?” Cait asked , as I got up to leave . I shrugged , and nodded . “What do you think of being adopted ?” She said , passing me plates to dry . “It's cool , I guess .”

“Cool ?” Cait repeated , then shook her head . “Young people these days .”

“I don't see the point in getting excited about it if I won't be picked .”

“You might be picked .”

“Probably won't be .”

Cait rolled her eyes . “You know , there is such thing as optimism .”

“Like there's such thing as reality ?”

“Just dry the dishes .”

When I was done , I ran upstairs to my room . The things I had just brought were dumped on my bed . I made space for me to sit down , then took a look in the box closest to me .

“Such thing as reality “ I reminded myself , and began unpacking . I was going to be here for a long time , so I might as well start soon .

Wen I was finished , my room looked much tidier , but still squashed . Under my bed lay various piles of books , photo albums , diaries and CD's , on my locker stood at least ten photographs , sleeves were hanging out of my wardrobe door , and my windowsill was overflowing from different sentimental ornaments .

It was late too , and soon , Cait came knocking on my door , telling me to go to sleep . “Long day tomorrow “ She said . I slipped into my pajamas and went to bed . My mind was restless . I though about two main things , Second Chance and living in this drab place forever . “You never know” I whispered to myself . “I could get adopted by a band .” I laughed out loud at the thought , stuffing my face in the pillow so Cait didn't come back . But , as my thoughts drifted , I wondered what it would be like to be adopted by a superstar .


I woke up in the morning , and didn't feel like P-Diddy . Thankfully , I didn't have to go to school . John had said that when a child gets moved to Care , they have until the following Monday off school , and for that , I was glad . I would have to go back next Monday , though , and I was dreading it .

I turned over , and tried to get back to sleep . It was hard , because everyone else was getting up for school . I could hear the rustling of sheets , complaints about the cold , and … well , mainly it was just complaining.

At about eleven , I got up and dressed . Cait had left a note saying she had 'nipped' to the shops to get some things for dinner . Which was strange , because usually she'd do a weekly shop on Mondays and it would last for the entire week . I shrugged the thought off , and made myself some toast .

When Cait got back , she had company with her . “Hazel , this is Kiara . She works for Tomas Markey , with John . She's a social worker .”

“Hey , Hazel “ Kiara said . “I just dropped by to tell Cait about the Second Chance thing .” She turned away , “The producers are coming over tonight for dinner , to meet you and the kids . John and I will be there as well .”

“I know “ Cait replied . She tapped the shopping bags beside her . “That's what this lot is for .”

Kiara smiled , and began helping her unpack . “What are we having ?”

“Spaghetti “ Cait told her , handing me some cereals to put in the press .

“With meatballs ?”

“With meatballs .”

When we were finished unpacking , Kiara began talking to me . “Are you excited about Second Chance , Hazel ?”

Cait nodded to me desperately . I laughed to myself . “Yes” I replied .

“It's exciting , isn't it ? Do you know who the band is yet ?”

I shook my head .

“You'll find out tonight so , I'd say .” Kiara told me , smiling .

Kiara left shortly after that , before everyone came home from school .

“The producers will be here around six , and it's just half four now “ Cait told us all . “If you go upstairs , get changed , finish your homework and whatever as quickly as you can we'll be ready for them .”

It was a busy time before they came , everyone was rushing around . Anyone who was finished their homework , Cait sent them cleaning . By the time the doorbell rang , the house was spotless , every child was lined up I the hall , and the eleven ups sat in the living room , anxiously waiting for the producers to come in .

It was funny , actually , how we were waiting for what could possibly decide our future . Everyone in the room knew it , and we were quiet as we sat .

“Hello ?” We heard Cait call , and we froze , ears listening . “Welcome , come in , come in . I'm Cait , the foster mother , and you are ...”



We listened as they made their introductions . Cait introduced them to all the small children , then brought them into us .

“And these are all the children who are taking part in Second Chance “ Cait said .

“Hey “ Said the first man .

“Hello “ Said the second .

We muttered 'hello's' as well . “Guys this is Khalid , and Louis .” Cait told us .

The three of them sat down on the only empty couch .

“They're here to talk to you about Second Chance .”

The first man cleared his throat . “I'm Louis . I'm the president of Hopeless Records , the record company who're taking part in Second Chance . It's really nice to meet you all .”

He glanced at the man beside him , who took his hint .

“I'm Khalid “ the second man said . “I'm in charge of Second Chance , so if you have any questions , come to me .”

We nodded . “Why don't you introduce yourselves ?” Cait asked us .

“I'm Terri “ Terri started , “ I have been here for sixteen years , and I'd like to get adopted because I never knew my family .” She fake-sniffed , and glanced away .

Khalid and Louis looked at each other , while the rest of us introduced ourselves .

“I'm Hazel “ I said awkwardly . “I've been here about a week , and I'd like to be adopted because … Ummm … Because …I'd like to be a part of family again .”

Cait left us all to talk while she fed the under elevens .

“Does anyone have any questions ?” Khalid asked .

“Who's the band ?” Someone asked .

“Oh !” Khalid said , smiling .

“Drum roll , please “ Louis shouted . We stamped our feet obligingly .

“... All Time Low !”

All Time Low ? Never heard of … Steven liked that band .

I blinked , and looked away .

Everyone else's reactions varied . Some people screamed , others looked around in confusion , 'who?' clearly written on their face .

A/N : Hi , I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who's reading . I'm sorry it took so long to get out , it's been a busy week . I do try to put out a chapter at the weekends , and if I can during the week too . So , keep checking back !

I'd also like to say thank you to who fanned and commented , and made me smile all day .

If anyone could get me a cover , it would be great , because so can't make them .

Last thing , if anyone wants to become a character in my story , just send me a message message with the character's name , what he/she looks like , and a little bit of their personality .

Again , thanks for reading ,

keep_the_secret xx :)

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