Julian's Girl // DIRTY

By al3jandraaaa

51.3K 1.3K 395


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (this chapter is gonna be really dirty)
Chapter 13 (getting nasty again)
Chapter 14 (Kind of clean)
Authors note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (They took her)
Not in update until later in the day
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (short)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Not an update
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Second Book!

Chapter 6

1.5K 37 2
By al3jandraaaa

Andreas POV
I went to sleep and Julian was just rubbing my arm
I woke up and I wasn't feeling well I got up and ran to the restroom and I threw up Julian was still asleep so I went to Wendy's room "Wendy I'm not feeling well" I said "are you ok did you want Julian have sex" Wendy asked "yes" I responded, me and Wendy went to the store and bought a test we got home a I took the test it came out positive "no I can't be no" I said " Baby are you ok wake up" Julian said "I am fine I was just dreaming something scary" I said not telling him the truth I checked the time and it was 7:00 am so I got up and went to the restroom. "Andrea we are going to go eat with your friends" Julian said "ok babe" I said I brushed my teeth and grabbed clothes from the dresser and changed in to a dark blue dress with come high heels I went back into the restroom and did my makeup. "DAMM babe you look amazing" Julian said "Thanks you don't look that bad" I said laughing. We got ready and I did breakfast really fast Wendy came down with Lara and Mandy also Helen they got ready to and we ate and then we left. Julian drove us to this really fancy restaurant
Sitting chart
Other side
So we ordered our food and I felt someone's hand on my thigh it was Julian I look at him and he moves his and "ok guys so we are going to Mami for four days" Julian's said "Ahhhha" well screamed we got your food then we ate and then we finished once we finished we payed and went back home I started packing Jovani came in with Lara "we have news" Jovani said "me and Lara are dating" Lara said "really ahhhhh" I said "yes I'm so happy for you guys" I added.
Once I finished packing I got different clothes and changed and got my brand new vans and put them on, me and Julian where leaving today to Mami so I said bye to everyone I'll see you guys in two day over there "see you later" everyone said, Maria drove me and Julian to Mami and left us in this really fancy hotel and me and Julian went in got out key to our room and it was pretty late so me and Julian went to sleep. I woke up with Julian on my waist I smiled and wiggled out and went to the restroom, Julian woke up so he told me to change to a bikini because we where going to the pool that was outside the hotel so I changed to my bikini and put a see threw dress on top and we went to the pool while I was making my self a messy bun Julian grabbed me and said hold your breath I so I did and we both jumped in the pool we got to the top of the water and he kissed me he put his hand on my butt and I stopped and told him we where in public so he stopped.
Julian's POV
Me and Andre stayed at the pool for 1 hour but then she wanted to leave so we left. We got to the room and Andrea went to go take a shower I heard knocking on the door everyone was already here so I told them that Andrea was taking a shower so the all left to there rooms. I knocked on the restroom door Andrea came out and I grabbed her and took her to the bed kissing we both where alone so I took of her shirt and I took of mine "Wait" andrea said "what's wrong" I asked "not today" she said "oh ok" I said "I'm sorry, who knocked on the door?" She asked "everyone came already" I told her "great there here I'm so happy" she said " yea Wendy said to go to her room it's across from ours" I said " oh ok" she said putting on her shirt "bye I'll see you in a bit" she said "ok I'll see you" I responded.
Andreas POV
I can't believe that Julian wants to have it. I walked out the door and when to Wendy's room "hey Wendy it's me Andrea" I said "come in" she says. Me and Wendy went to the mall for 4 hours and we bought Starbucks and went back to the hotel it was late so I went to me room with Julian I open the door and I went to the restroom I got my pjs and changed in the restroom I went out the restroom and I turned on the tv and hear hunters voice I open the door "Hunter?" I said "Andrea I haven't seen you in a long time" hunter said "I know right I think it's late and you should go to your room before Julian comes an thinks something else ok" I said "ok I'll see you tomorrow" hunter responded, I went back into the room and laid down Julian came in and laid down next to me he hugged me and started kissing me and I kissed back but we didn't do anything else and then I was sleepy so I stopped and I turned around we both fell asleep and then it was morning I woke up Julian wasn't here the was a note saying he went to go buy food so I went to the restroom and brushed my teeth and then took a shower I forgot to lock the door when I heard someone come in the restroom "Julian is that you?" I said " yes I breakfast already" Julian said "ok thanks" I said he puts the breakfast down in the counter "I'll wait for you" Julian says "ok" I said I turn of the water and lock the door and change I brush my hair and blow dry it and put it in a bun. I come out "Andrea where leaving today" Julian said "ok" I said grabbing my food, we started eating Julian had finished before me and I didnt finish my food I started packing "did everyone leave?" I asked "yea they got bored being over here" Julian said I finished packing also Julian we when to the lobby and a taxi took us home it took 2 hours to get home I got home and went unpack my stuff  Julian came in after me and he also unpacked "my mom is coming to check in us" Julian said "ok" I said "but why" I asked "I don't know" Julian said (knocking) "it's my mom I'll open" Julian said "ok babe" I said Julian runs down stairs and he opens the door and his mom comes in and they walk upstairs "hi Andrea" she says "hi " I respond "I wanted to bring you this cake" mama jara says  "Awwe thank you and leave it on the counter" I said putting my bag on the other side of the room.
This chapter was really long sorry

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