Ghost hunt: What they don't k...

By photograph999

48.7K 1.5K 108

First Naru leaves as if nothing happened. 5 years later he comes back as if nothings changed. He can't of bee... More

What they don't know won't hurt them.
Uninvited guests
Mai to the rescue?
This is my bar and I didn't invite you.
You are not my employer anymore Mr Davis.
How is it any of your concern?
First day.
The first case??
the beginning
Untitled Part 13
Mai... Tea...
the rest of the crew are here
talk about a welcome party...
...and the battle begins...
Naru? Embarrassed?
Walking out of hospital... MAI!
It would hurt too much...
Dreams... or Nightmares??
Demon or Demons?
Demon VS Demon
My True Devil
The Winner is?
Authors note.
The Truth...
What happened... (part 1)
Mai's Past...
Mai's past
20 questions...
...blame game.
A week...
the letter...
Authors Note
Finding her


1K 35 0
By photograph999

Humming to myself i start to walk to my bedroom ready to have a dreamless sleep. Well at lest i hope its dreamless. 

Going up the stairs i turn left to my bedroom. It took some time but i managed to persuade Naru to let me have my own room. I knew that Akayo was hurt at the fact that i didn't want to sleep with her, but to be honest i don't want to risk having a melt down and unleashing my PK onto her. I can't tell her this obviously but i hope that one day she will understand. 

"miss?" i jump out of my skin hearing the young innocent voice behind me. Turning i see a young girl who looks about 8 staring at me. She looks so cute and innocent but thats before i notice the blood all over her top. 

"How can i help you?" i ask carefully not wanting to cause any unnecessary arguments. 

"a man told me to deliver a message to you." 

"ok what is the message?" i ask tentatively. 

she pulls a knife out from behind her back. "he told me to tell you 'either leave or die'" suddenly she swung the knife at my neck. "he told me that if you didn't leave that i would have to kill you." she cocks her head to the side at a odd angle "i am sorry but if i don't do what master says then i will be punished" she brings the knife up again "...and i don't like to be punished" she started to scream a high pitched shreak that forced me to cover my ears with my hands. She used this as a advantage and started swinging at me. I suddenly felt a liquid running down my arm and i realised that it was blood. shit she cut me. i release me PK around me to make a barricade  to block out the sound and to protect myself from the knives that are appearing out of no-where. The girl charges at me again and screams in pain as she hit the blue shield. She kept on charging at me but kept on being blocked by my barrier and kept on getting hurt. 


"and guess what sherlock i don't want to die" i replied. I look around and realise that there aren't any camera's near by - good at least Naru and my friends won't come here and get hurt. 

"look if you stop and put down the knife then i can cleanse you - you will be able to get away from here before any punishments." i look directly at the girl and i can see that her hands are shaking - either from the pain or from the idea of her 'punishment'. 

"what do you mean?" she hesitantly asks.

"if you put down the knife and tell me one thing that either happened that caused you to die or one thing you deeply regret then i will be able to free you." i slowly start lowering my level of PK to show her that i mean what i say. 

"That's not possible!" she shouts raising the knife 

"what about that other girl?" 

she stops "Nia?" she whispers 

"yes Nia..." i continue "...i helped her escape - i sent her to the light and i can do the same to you." i stop all my PK showing her that she can trust me. "...Just tell me what happened to you." i didn't go any further towards her afraid of how she may react. 

but to my surprise she starts to talk "... well....i....i was the daughter of a family who owned this house and i was playing around in the woods out back. But i got lost. I tried everything i could but i kept on going in circles until this man came." she takes a deep breath "he said he could help me get out but i would have to hold his hand to make sure we wouldn't get separated" she starts to tear up "so i did what he said and he pulled me to a old shack - i asked where we are and he knocked me out..." a few tears drop down her face "... when i woke up i was tied to a wooden table and he, he..." she couldn't finish.

"He raped you didn't he." i stated

she nodded her head. 

i slowly put my hand out to her and she looked at me carefully analysing what do to. 

"it's ok. i won't take you anywhere. But i promise you that you won't see that man again." she still didn't take my hand but she dropped the knife.

"how can i trust you? i trusted that other man and he ..." she started to get offensive and i know that she could become angry.

"because i put down my barrier - i stopped my PK i could have seriously hurt you by now but i haven't. i could have exorcised you - but i haven't." i kneel down to her height. "one hug and i can send you to a better place."

she stayed still for a while but slowly she took one step towards me, then another, then another and she puts her arms around my neck and her head in between my neck and my shoulder. 

Placing my hands on her back i radiate some of my essence - the purest PK that anyone has - and my hands glow gold. As i place my hands on her back her whole back glows gold, soon followed by her whole body. 

Slowly she starts to fade leaving a gold light. "thank you..." she whispers in my ear before dissolving completely. 

i stand up dusting my legs off and start going to my bedroom, but i've used so much of my power that my legs give out and i am knocked out to meet darkness. 

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