Annakia Skywalker

By snfostero2

157K 3.7K 287

Luke Skywalker oldest daughter Anakia Skywalker is sixteen years old and the best of her class . She meets so... More

Journey Ahead
Homeward Bound
Obi Wan Kenobi
not a chapter
Twin names
Back to the past
Getting adjusted to life
A Skywalker
Celebration time
Lazy Day
Kiss and Tell
Just a dream
Yoda's advice
Obi-Wan's love
Our small heaven
My protecter
Love me
Choose the path
Not a chapter
My sweet goodbye
Mission Sanity
The wise of a grandmother
Authors note
Missing him
Pain and more pain
My love
Hard training
The truth hurts
Birthday Girl
Authors note
Father's advice
Hello Truth
Sweet child
Obi Wan's love
There is evil in everyone
Anakin and Luke
Authors note
A future to see
Anchor and Jacen
A Father's love
Urgent news
Memories last
My last days
Ready or not
Goodbye Anna
Obi Wan ' s grief
Authors note

Master Yoda

1.3K 34 6
By snfostero2

Obi Wan' s pov

Dr. Nika walked in with a few of the medical driods around her .

" Has she been doing alot since I had seen her last ?" She asked as her green eyes met mine .

All I could do was nod knowing we should have went to her sooner.

" Lost her memories the girl has . " Master Yoda said as his words took me by surprise .

" How did Anakina lose her memories ?" Master Windu asked as I wanted the answer as well.

" Save her from the Dark side , her Master did !" Master Yoda said disapproving as he leaned more on his walker .

" Dark side ? Anna was the total opposite of the Dark side !" I exclaimed as even though the girl had hurt me ; I still was very protective of her .

" Feelings , young Jedi . They can lead you astray ." Master Yoda replied as I nodded to his wise words .

" Master Yoda , did you learn any of her memories ?" Master Windu asked as he looked down at the doctor who was examining Anna along with the nurse driods.

As I looked down at the small green creature , who was deep in thought from his question .
I knew that something was troubling him.

" Light and Darkness is in this child . Confusing , it is . " Master Yoda answered as he continued to look at the Jedi girl.

" Dr. Nika, have you learned any of what is wrong with Master Solo?" Windu asked as she finished checked the girl over .

Dr. Nika looked concerned as she turned around to face us ," Yes and No ." She answered as she motioned us away from the nurse droids while they worked on the patients.

" Tell us you must !" Master Yoda said as I prayed that we would find out the answer very soon.

" Anakina's brain is taking in so much information with her memories and all. That it is putting her body in shock . But I do not know she lost her memories . " Dr.Nika explained as I felt relieved and dread at the same time .

" Will she be okay ?" I asked as her face fell from my question .

" I do not know Master Kenobi . I am surprised that she is still alive from what she been through . "

I knew she wanted to say more but she was holding something .

" What are you hiding ?" I asked as I knew more bad news was about to come .

" I can tell you this from the damage that she already suffered . If she continues at the rate she is going . Anna will not make it to see her next birthday !" She added as my eyes wandered to Anna .

My heart broke at the thought of our last conversation . If I had kept my promise that I made with her so long ago instead of walking away that night . Anakina would be by my side instead of here .

" Be Wary of your thoughts ,Obi Wan . " Master Windu whispered as I knew that he knew that I was worried about my Anna .

" I will Master !" I replied as I continued to  focus on the conversation.

" Anna should be awake soon, I do not know what brought her back to conscious sooner. But it actually saved her life !" Dr.Nika  said as she began to talk to with Master Windu and Master Yoda alone .

Anna's pov

Feeling the sunlight hit my face as I smiled at the warmth . Then all of yesterday's day events came flooding back .

" Anna !" A voice called my name sweetly as I recognized  Obi Wan's voice instantly as I flipped my eyes open .

Looking at the white ceiling then to the three Jedi who was standing beside my bed .

" Did I miss something ? Why are the three most important Jedi Master in my room ?" I asked as I tried to sit up but failed .

My head felt like it had been smashed by a rock ; as I groaned in pain.

" Rest , Child , long day you have !" Master Yoda answered as he slowly walked to me .

" What happened after our meditation,  Master Yoda ?"

All I remembered was Ben pulling away from  one of my memories .

His face fell as I knew he had seen what I had seen , " Child , so many memories that your Master took from you so you would not join the dark side .Puzzling , it is to me . Meditate on this , I will !" Master Yoda exclaimed as he brought up his green hand to hold mine as best as he could .

Obi Wan's face looked puzzled as he listened keenly to Master Yoda .

" Master Solo, what made you want to join the dark side ?" Master Windu asked as tears threatened to come out .

Anakin , my twin , one of the only person in the galaxy that completely understood me was dead .

" I had a cousin who shared a birthday with me . I was raised by my Aunt till I was a toddler . He was like a brother to me in many ways . He died by the hands of a Sith who remains unknown to me . "

Obi Wan's eyes narrowed at me as I could feel sypthamy in them .

" My master made me think that he was killed by our best friend but he wasn't !" Tears slid down my face as the feeling of regret from hating Jacen went through me .

" Anna, please get some rest ." Obi Wan said as I looked up to him through my tears .

" Stay with her , Master Kenobi . Me and Master Yoda are going to see if we can find her Master !" Master Windu said as my eyes met with Master Yoda .

I knew that he would take care of it , " Yes Master ."

My heart began to thunder as I had not been alone with Obi Wan since that night .

" Well , Anna , at least now we know what is causing you these attacks !" He said as he brought a chair near the bed .

" Yea." I said as I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes .

Not even being able to look at Obi Wan in the eyes at all.

" An, listen to me , I know that I have caused more pain than you needed . Because I did not keep my promise to you . But I still am in love with you . Anakina , we will find out together why he erased your memories ." He exclaimed as I felt his hand take mine to squeeze it .

" I was broken , Obi . From his death , me and Jacen , who is Anakin's brother plan our revenge on the Darth Lord who killed him. And I was so focused on it that I might have joined the dark side ." I exclaimed as his eyes now was filled with concern .

" You are not that same person, Anna . We will complete this mission , together . " Obi Wan replied as I knew that we could complete it with each other .

" Now ,please close your eyes and get some rest !" Obi Wan added as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep .

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