A Skywalker

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Looking at Yoda in shock as no words could come out of my mouth . " Anna , you mistake me for a fool you do ?" The little green Jedi 's words brought me out of shock ." I apologize Master Yoda, Ben told me to only tell two people . "

Placing my eyes straight into his as it was better to act like myself than someone who says sorry all of the time . " You are young for a Jedi even if your father is a great Jedi . Tell me you must all about the future on your grandfather ! " He declared as I must not tell him who he becomes . Then it hit me like a brick as I knew the answer ," War still rages on with the dark side like always , Dad started a Academy for the young , and Grandad does kill the main Dark Lord that everyone hates . But tragedy does strike when he dies saving my father from him ."

Yoda laughed as I knew I talked way to fast to him . " Lie to me you did young Jedi but do you have a good reason for it ."

Blushing from embarrassment , " Sir , there is truth to that but you must not know what the future holds . Because if my mission fails , history will take place and you cannot do anything about it . And there is no way to live a life like that ."

Finally ,I told anouther truth to someone and it felt really good . Growing up one of the worst things I hated to was tell a lie . " You look like Anakin when he gets older , you do ."

I nodded and couldn't wait to see him in person at eighteen . ." Yoda ; why didn't you call me out in front of Jin or Obi-Wan . "

Staring at the small creature as he pondered the question that I requested for a answer .

" Annie ; a pure light you are to us . "

Thirty minutes later , finding my way to my room . Opening the door with my finger without a thought .

The small room held a comfy look with common brown walls and covers . It held a small window that had a perfect view of the city .

I placed my bag that held my clothes on the small desk beside the bed . Knowing that I couldn't save the whole galaxy tonight so sleep is what I needed .

It took us officially three days between visiting Jar Jar's people and making a plan to save the planet . My job was to protect Queen Amadala and her maidens with everything that I had .

But the plan fell apart when Jinn and Obi took after the Dark Lord . This being my first real mission without dad or mom scared me senseless . Knowing that we would win but at the cost of a very dear friend .

" What's wrong , we on our way to victory ." Padme asked as tears slid down my eyes . Gripping my arm for support as more tears slid down my face .

" It's Jinn , he's gone ." I answered before I could catch myself .

Her shocked eyes began to water ," How do you know that he's gone ." Padme demanded . " I just know , its a Jedi thing ."

She wrapped me in her arms as I couldn't control my crying .

" I hope you are wrong . " Her last words made wish it was true for once .

Annakia SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now