Goodbye Anna

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As my eyes glued to Obi Wan as I managed to put a smile for him , " Anakina , I know your in pain ; Close your eyes and fall asleep !" He said as he picked my hand up and kissed it .

Sweet blackness came but it did not remain as the scene turned to a crisp blue sky .

My eyes wandered across the meadow and I knew exactly where I was ,home .

Walking was a breeze as I did not feel any pain or any stiffness in my legs .

Smiling, for the feeling of being normal again like I did as a young child .

As I began to pick up my speed to a small jog ; I could see Obi Wan sitting among the wildflowers .

Sliding in beside him , I could see that he was looking at the beautiful waterfall .

" This was my favorite place to come to as a girl ! How did you know exactly know what it looked like ?" I asked as I wrapped my arm around his and nestled my head on his shoulder.

Smiling , he kissed my long loose hair , " You told me !" He exclaimed as I gave him a confused look.

" I did not !" I stated as I picked my head up to look him in the eye .

" Fine , I saw it in your memories when you had a vision of being a child two weeks ago !"

I could not but help but laugh at the twenty year old boy who was still trying to grow a beard .

A soft warm breeze blew past us as I tilted my head back to take in the sun .

" The sun is so warm ! I miss this ." I exclaimed as he gave me a confused look .

" Miss what ," Obi Wan asked as I felt his stare on me .

" I miss being a child ." I replied as I knew that I had no worries at all but going to the academy .

" Being a child is overrated !" Obi Wan exclaimed as I gave him a playful nudge .

" I do not think so , children sees the galaxy in a pure light . That we adults tend to forget !"

" As a child , I had a family , friends , and I mattered ." I added as the missing of my family was even greater now than it had ever been before .

" You do matter ,Anakina !" Obi Wan protested as he wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer to him.

" No I do not , I failed in you and Anakin twice from my selfish desires and attitude . But you do matter Obi Wan , you are going to become one of the best Jedi in this galaxy ! " I replied as his eyes beg me to stop talking .

"Do you know you are ruining a perfect day from all of your bibble babble depressive talk !"

His words made me laugh as I knew that he truly did love me .

" Well then Master Kenobi ; will you enjoy the fresh air with me ?" I asked him as he nodded to my question.

" For a while !" He said as he kissed me on top of my head .

" Will I see them or you again ?" I asked as Obi Wan pulled me away so he could see my eyes .

" I think you will wake up and I will be standing right by your side !" He exclaimed as I intertwined my fingers with his .

" Thank you for this !" I exclaimed as I had not been this painless in a very long time .

" Your welcome love !" He replied as I pulled him close to me .

I snaked my arm around him as I claimed his lips .

Obi Wan followed my lead as he pulled me to where we were laying on the soft grass .

Taking in the familiarity of our kiss : I knew that this would be our last kiss for a long time .

" You know I am not afraid anymore . " I said as I pulled away from him.

" I hope you would not be since I was here !" Obi Wan joked as I hit him playfully.

I jumped up quickly to get away from him ; " Race me to the trees !"

Obi Wan sat up as I offered my hand to help him up ; willingly he took it .

Catching me by surprise , Obi Wan pulled me down toward him into his arms .

His kiss was rough yet soft ; as he took my arms to wrap around his neck. So that way , we could be close as possible to one another .

" Do you know that you are the love of my life !" Obi Wan said as he moved my hair from my face .

" And you are mine as well ,Master Kenobi !" I replied as I took his hand into mine . I made us stand up as his weight seemed light as a feather .

" Now race me to the trees !" I proclaimed as I gave him a small push .

" Okay Anna , whatever you say !" Obi replied as he took a stance like he was getting ready to run .

" On the count of three !"

Obi Wan nodded to my words as his eyes bore into mine .

" One !"

" Two !"

Obi Wan's pov

" It is time to say goodbye ,Master Kenobi !" Nika's voice broke my trance as suddenly I was back in the hospital room.

I nodded as I squeezed Anna's hand one last time as I could hear her sweet voice

Obi , I do not know if you can hear me or is it just me talking to myself . But here I go ; If I wake up to find you married with small children or even grandchildren who are my age . Then I know that I did not fail this mission at all . I do love you so much ,Obi . But I want you not to cry for me or even miss me at all . Find happiness , teach Anakin that turning to the dark side is not the solution for saving Padme's life . Instead stick to the light of the force , go to you if he needs advice for loving a brown haired girl to much . Tell him of us and our love for one another . Obi Wan , you are the love of my life . So goodbye for now and I will see you when I wake up.

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