My last days

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My last three weeks was filled with Obi Wan ,Anakin , and the rest I was close to at the temple .Three days were remaining left till I would go to the medbay and slip into my coma .

" What is wrong my dear ?" I asked as Anakin and me was in the library .

" Anna , please do not leave me ." His eyes were full of pain and sorrow .

Taking a deep breath, as I put my lightsaber and comlink on the table beside me .

" Ani , I do not want to go either . But if I do not go through with this then I will surely will die in six months !"

Anakin's smile disapeared on me as I ran my hands through his hair , " I knew you were sick ,Anna but I did not know you were dying . I need to tell Master Yoda and Obi Wan so they can do something about this ." Anakin urgently said as he stood on his two feet and began to walk away from .

Wishing I was not useless ,I grabbed his hand and the pain spread through me as he fought my hold on him.

" Anakin !" A voice called as I looked up to see Obi Wan standing with his arms cross .

" Master , Anna is dying and she is not telling anybody . We must do something to prevent her ."

His words began to break my heart ; as he would do anything to save me .

But this was our only way to prevent me from dying and Jacen from coming here when I was weak .

Two weeks ago , I had another vision where I could send people back in time and Jacen learned of it . So when I was wounded from one of the battles in the Clone Wars he came and began to choke me to death .

But the Palpatine had bigger plans for me and Jacen as he took Jacen as one of his apprentice.

" Anakin , the council knows about this and her procedure is the only way to save Anna ." Obi Wan looked weary and tired from staying with me all of the time .

" Master , why wasn't I told of this ." Anakin implied as he turned around to face me .

" Do not blame Obi Wan ,Anakin . You are only ten and you need to think of the galaxy as a good place as long as you can . This was me totally alone ; because I wanted to spend my last days as normal as I could get . " Tears slid down as pain was to much for me to lift my arm .

As his shoulders sagged ,Anakin looked to me as I knew that this going to be hard on him .

" Anakin , it's time for your meditition lesson . Anna will still be here when you finish ; I will make sure of it ." Obi Wan's voice broke the silence as Anakin gave me one more look as if it was his last one .

" Yes Master ." Anakin followed his order as he began to walk away from us .

" I thought he knew of you going into the coma . " He said as I nodded to him.

" I told him of that but never when and why . Obi Wan , I know that I have failed you both . Because I could not keep our daughters safe from the Sith .So instead of turning to you and Master Yoda ; I took it into my own hands . Why didn't I do that instead of turning to the only person that means the whole world to me . "

Knowing that by now I could have been with Obi Wan and my two daughters .

" My sweet love , do not regret for your choices . You are the most selfless Jedi master that I have ever met in my life . "

Looking up to meet his eyes, I could see the love in them .

" Anakina Skywalker , I love you !" Obi Wan whispered as he kissed my cheek .

" I know !"

His surprised look made my smile grow even bigger .

" Where did you get that saying from?" He asked as I sensed sarcastism in his words .

" My Uncle Han and Aunt Leia !" I pronouced smuggly as I burst into laughter from the look on his face .

" Well I can not wait to meet them !"

Shaking his head at me as we heard footsteps coming toward us .

We both looked up to see Anakin looking at me , " Anakin , why are you back so early ?" I asked as I could sense him with mixed emotions .

" Master Yoda had to leave early to discuss matters with the council ." Anakin replied .

" He did not let you have another lesson with another master Jedi ?" Obi Wan asked as I heard concern in his master's voice .

" I was put with Master Rebecca who was teaching Tatiana the basics of meditation. "

Smiling , I knew that he had walked out of their lesson.

" Anakin , be mindful . Sometimes relearning the basics help us more than you think ." Obi Wan exclaimed as he must have heard Anakin's feelings .

" Anakina ." Anakin pleaded as I knew he wanted me to defend him from his master .

" Your only ten ,Anakin . Master Kenobi is your Jedi master and I knows what is best for you ."

Anakin nodded to me as he bowed to us ans walked away from us . So that he could finish his lesson with Master Rebecca .

Looking to Obi Wan who had a surprise look on his face .

" Why are you looking like that ?" I asked as he hid his emotions were I could not read them .

" Master Skywalker, I can not believe you stuck with me on my words to Anakin instead of defending me ."

As I gave him a weird look ; Obi Wan leaned over to kiss my nose .

" Obi Wan , I love you !" I exclaimed as he leaned in more so our foreheads could touch .

" I know !" He replied as I playfully punched him in the arm .

Three hours later , Obi Wan helped me walk to my room. As we walked down the hall ; I could feel everyone's eyes on me .

Great . Now my legacy would be the crazy Jedi girl who was slowly killing herself from her crazy visions .

" Anna , do not worry about their thoughts on you . The council thinks very highly of you . " Obi Wan whispered in my ear but his words did not convince me otherwise .

" Anna !" A girl's voice gasped behind us as we turned around to see Padme looking shocked toward me .

" Padme , what are you doing here . I thought you had important matters you had to take care of in Naboo ?" I asked her as I had seen her for a short brief time two weeks ago .

Padme was dressed in her royal red dress with white paint covering her face , " Master Yoda sent me a message telling me that you were doing worse . And now I see that he was right !" She said as she came closer to me .

Signing , as I would not even look myself in the mirror anymore so I would not feel sorry for myself .

" Queen Amidala, I am sure Naboo affairs are far more important than me ." I stated as I felt a disapproving look from her and Obi Wan .

" Anna Solo , you are one of my best friend . And if you do not have long left I want to be by your side ." Her words made me smile as I knew that father and mother would love to have a chance to get close to her as I was.

" And you are mine as well ,Padme . " How would I tell her that I would rather for her to remember me the way I was . Instead of this weak person who was killing her own self .

" Well then , I will get dress comfortably and I will see you in your room.

Watching her leave ,I could Obi Wan's eyes on me .

" Why are you looking like that ?" He asked me as we began walking slowly down the long hall.

" Because I feel like I am going to be like one freak that everyone sees . " I retorted to him.

Looking down , I knew that my journey was not over but it was just beginning of a new one .

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