Obi-Wan's love

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Finally as we didn't see another soul for the last ten minutes . " Why is your room far away from the others ?" Obi-Wan asked as my room came in view .

" Yoda thought it was better so others couldn't hear my screams if I dream again." I answered him as I looked to the red pattern that was on the hallway's wall.

Sensing him becoming nervous as he ran his hand through his short cropped hair . Sandy blond just like dad was when he was eighteen .

" What are you nervous about?" I asked wondering if he was going to tell me something. Hoping that he didn't overhear my conservation with Yoda .

Obi-wan's eyebrows narrowed as his smile went to a frown. " Anna , we need to talk about our kiss ." he said as relieve and hurt came in at the same time.

Obi-wan eyes met with mine as conflict was him. " I'm sorry Obi-Wan , our kiss should have never been." I replied as tears threatened at my eyes .
More and more how I wished he would take me in his arms to tell me he didn't regret it .Feel the same I felt about him in every category there was.

That I always wanted to be at his side , how he takes my breath away when he smiles at me with those baby blue eyes of his , and that I was falling in love with him since the day I met him.

" Anna, do you think I'm still a padawan ?" He asked as I looked at him with shock .

Unable to think straight as my head was spinning with questions," Of course not Obi."

" Then why do you think I can't sense when you are lying ." he exclaimed suddenly coming close to me .

Dragging me by the elbow to inside my room." I don't think nobody heard us ." I cried knowing he was angry at me.

" Quit jumping to conclusions Anna !" Obi-Wan said as he brought me to my bed . "Sit Anna ."

My body obeyed him as I sat on the edge of the bed . Sitting directly beside me on the large frame bed he took my hand into his .

" I do not regret that we kissed Ann-." was all he had to say as I close the gap. Kissing him quickly , I wondered if he would pull back again.

Looking puzzled ,Obi-Wan pulled me back to him . Molding my body into his as our lips met once again.

Pulling away for a brief moment as he touched my cheek with his hand .

" We have to keep this a secret Anna so we both can still be Jedi ." he whispered as realization hit me hard .
Don't ruin the moment , I scolded myself as I nodded and smiled .

He pulled close to him again this time with urgency . My body responded quickly as I roamed my hands through his short crop hair .

" Easy Anna !" Laughing , Obi-Wan pulled back as he pushed my messy hair back .

" I'm sorry ." I replied as I could red coming to my cheeks very quickly

Shaking his head laughing and rolling his eyes ," There is nothing to apologize for Anna." He said .

Looking at him as his hair was growing longer than the padawan's buzz cut.

Here was I making out with a Jedi who will have a mark on the galaxy. Train my grandfather and my father into the great men they become . Anakin couldn't get lost to the dark side at all. I was here to make sure of that and to help Obi-Wan be the Jedi he wants to become .

" Your gotten quiet Anna .Is something wrong ?" He asked as I quickly came out of my reality.

Smiling as I stroked his face ," Of course not ."

" It's going to be hard but I think we can do this ."

Not worrying about the future because I would be here for a long time .

" Quit assuming or trying to feel my feelings ." I joked as I gave him a playful push .

" What am I supposed to do when you go all quiet on me ?" His question was serious as I hated this bad habit of mine.

" Give me a minute to tell you how I feel. Yes I want this Obi-Wan and keeping it a secret is not a big deal ."

Looking at me with that smile of his .He pulled me close to give me one more quick kiss .

"Sleep Anna ." he ordered as he tugged a piece of my hair .

Falling asleep wasn't hard at all from the day that I had.

Finding myself in a lava scene filled with rocks . I didn't understand any of my dreams at all since the last one I quit breathing .

" I can't follow the path your taking ." Padme said as they were in front of me .

" He's turned you against me." I couldn't get but strands of their argument .

Anakin started to choke her as I ran to them . " Don't do this Ani ." as I went on the hard ground where Padme was.

" Anakina tell your grandmother how you helped me kill them ." Anakin said not understanding what he meant .

"Kill who ?" I asked clutching Padme close to me .

Then the scene went where the younglings were hiding . Looking up to see a red light saber in my hand instead of my blue one .

I dropped it as screams of the children and mine pierced my ears .

Suddenly , I felt myself jolt awake with tears in my eyes . Still hearing the screams and not understanding why I held the red light saber .

I flipped the covers over me as darkness surrounded me . Needing a walk out of this room as I grabbed my cloak to pull over my night gown .

My bare feet hit the cold tile floor . I didn't worry about the light as quietness hung in the air .

I could sense that everyone was sound asleep . O how I wished father was here to hold me like he used to when I was a child .

Knowing that I would always go to him when I had a nightmare .

But here I was and I wouldn't be able to see him for a long time . Missing all of my family tore a hole in me . And the thought of me turning to the dark side like Anakin .

Could I ever finish this mission when I had the lingering thought of being a sith.

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