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" Anna , would you listen to me !" Obi Wan exclaimed as he began to fight with me . Since it had been a week since my accident .

Looking at him , I knew that he was right but the agonying of walking away from my wretched bed was more convincing .

" I can do this , Obi Wan . Trust me !" I exclaimed as I put my hands to each of my side so I get a good boost from the bed .

Obi Wan climbed off of my bed so he could at least grab me if I fell .

" I still think that you should rest a couple more days before you try to walk ." He said as I met with his blue eyes for the first time since he had returned from his and Anakin's mission .

Smiling , as I could feel my heart go into a frenzy just like every time that our eyes met .

Looking then to his auburn hair as the sun made it even more brighter .

Knowing that , the Imperial would crumble alot easier when Jacen arrived.

And I knew Obi Wan would go to the depths of the galaxy to protect me . Including even it meant his death ,so I knew I had step up my training to become stronger.

As I ignored the screams from my body , I used all of my strength to stand on my own two feet .

Feeling as my body swayed back and forth ; I knew I had to do this .

Sensing that Obi was worried as his eyes never left my legs ." Obi Wan , you can breath . I am going to be okay !"

As I moved my left leg in front of me ; it felt like trying to move a speeder by yourself as a youngling.

Taking a deep breath , the right leg followed the left .

" Okay ,Solo, that is good enough for today !" Obi said as he came toward me .

" Solo, Obi ? You have not called me that since Master Jinn's funeral !"

He looked at me as I knew I did not dream when he was with Master Yoda .

" I have to , Anna . You see you don't even remember when I called you by your last name ." He said as I tried to shake off what they both said that night in the hospital.

I knew he knew my real name was Anakina and that I had to tell him the truth .

But I was not ready for his reaction just as my feet wasn't ready to walk .

Feeling my knees buckle beneath me as I gave everything in me to remain standing .

But as I saw Obi Wan rushed over to me , I knew I couldn't keep it up .

Tears slid down my face as I crumbled into my boyfriend's arms .

"Anna , my love, I told you this was to much for you to do. " Obi Wan's words were filled with warmth and he was in love with the wrong person.

I wasn't Leia and Han Solo 's daughter but Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker's daughter .

" Obi Wan , I am so sorry !" I exclaimed as he guided my body to my bed .

I couldn't stop crying as I knew that I have been telling everyone including myself a lie.

But now was not the time to tell Obi Wan .

" Shh, Anna, I know walking is important to you . But trust me !" His words matched his older self as I let more tears fall from myself .

Feeling Obi Wan's arms tighten around me as he pulled me closer to him.

" Why are you crying , my love ?" He asked as I could finally stop the tears .

" Obi Wan , I know that when I tell you my secret . You will hate me forever !" I exclaimed as his arms loosened on me .

Bringing his hand up to face , he wiped the remaining tears from my face . His smile turned to a frown as I sensed he was worried about what I was going to tell him .

" Not now , Anna . Wait to tell me when you can actually run to me. And listen to me , I will always love you . Do you remember that day when I wanted to go in with you to see Master Yoda for his advice . " He exclaimed as a smile crossed my face .

It was when we first arrived back in Corustant and our feelings for one another started to grow more .

" Of course I do , Obi Wan . You was so ready to go into the counsil to defend me from them ." I said as he kissed the top of my forehead .

" I love you so much ,Obi Wan . " my words came out so easily to him.

As he carried me back so I could lay down .

" And I love you as much ,Anna ."

As my body was pretty much on top of him , Obi Wan's breathing soften as I knew he had fallen asleep .

Sleep came to me as well as I rested my head on top of his head.

There hours later , I woke up to find Obi Wan missing from my bed .

Being confused , as I looked around to see if he was still in the room.

But he wasn't anywhere to be seen as I scooted my body upward in a sitting position .

Pain was more bearable now as I used my arms .

Knowing he was with either the counsil or with Anakin .

So I laid myself down so I could sleep some more .

" Are you still sleeping , Anna ?" Anakin said as I turned over to my side to see small Anakin on my bed .

" No Ani , I am awake now . " I could tell he had grown several inches since I had said goodbye to him.

" Can I stay and talk to you for a while ?" Anakin asked as I scooted upward to a sitting position.

I ran my fingers through my hair , " Come Anakin , tell me about your assignment. " I answered as I tapped on a spot that was near me .

His smile broaden, as he climbed to the spot that was beside me .

As he began to fill me in all about his and Obi Wan's assignment over the dispute on the planet Jandu.

As I couldn't help but smile at him as I listened to the small one's words .

" Anna , when is your birthday ?" Anakin asked as I looked over to see him .

" Umm?" As I couldn't believe that I would turn seventeen in a week .

As I couldn't believe I would be here for a year in another month or two .

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