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" I have something that I must tell you ." Dr. Nika said as I looked back up to the doctor .

" What is it ?" Obi Wan asked he walked close to the edge of the bed .

" Your body is damaged to where it is beginning to shut your body down ,Anna ." Her voice confirmed Master Yoda's words .

My tears slid down as I nodded to her words , " Is there anything that we can do ?" Obi Wan asked as his feelings felt the same as I am .

" There is one procedure that we might can try . But it is very rare that we some positive results !" Dr. Nika said as her words brought some good into my dark world .

" Tell me Doctor , I will try anything !" I said as Obi Wan and Master Yoda's eyes fell on me .

" Anna , did you not hear her ." Obi Wan said as his eyes fell on me.

" Of course I did ,Master Kenobi . But even if I have a small chance ; I have to try it ." I exclaimed as I wanted to take his hand into mine .

The memories that I saw in my mind was still running through my mind ; " Master Yoda , what are your thoughts ?" Obi Wan asked as our eyes fell on the little green creature who seemed to be deep in his thoughts.

Silence loomed in the air as we waited for him to speak ;" Key she is to our future ,Anakina Skywalker . Small chance that we must take !" Yoda said as I looked over to Obi Wan as his feelings were everywhere .

" Okay , well we will put you in a coma . So your body will get some rest from all of the damage . It is up to you when you decide to wake up !" Dr. Nika started to inform us on how the procedure would work .

She told us that they would inject me with some kind of poisen that would put me in a coma .

" When should I do this ?" I asked hoping to have some time with Anakin and Obi Wan .

" I can give you a month at the most so you can have more positive results ."

A month seemed not long enough to spend with Anakin and Obi Wan to change the future .

" Also , Obi Wan you need to be around her . You ,also seeing her memories is helping take some pressure off of her brain !" She added as she closed the bag and walked out of the room.

Master Yoda left us shortly so I can get some rest .

" I am scared." My true feelings came out as Obi Wan took my hand into his .

" Anna , a month is not long enough !" He said as he kissed my palm.

Seeing him close to tears broke my heart even more . Because I knew that unlike last time I would not leave a piece of me with him. But I had to believe that I would be back to save Anakin .

" I know my love and it's not helping us that we cannot go anywhere . " I said as I pulled him to me .

Claiming his lips with mine as I wanted to forget about for the night ; only to be in his arms was my concern .

Touching his face as suddenly we were back in Tattoine with Qui Gon, Padme , and Anakin who had found me walking in town .

" Jedi ." Qui Gon asked as I walked past them then stopped as soon as I heard his words .

" Yes , who are you ?"I asked already knowing who he was along with my grandfather and grandmother.

" I am Master Jinn and this is Anakin and Padme !" Qui Gonn said as we began to watch the events of me firsting arriving here .

Scenes of me and Obi Wan constantly bickering , I got close to Padme and Anakin , the moment that Obi Wan kissed me was two years after I arrived here . It was on one of our missions , unlike this time when we arrived . We got close but he was dedicated to the Jedi order .

" Anna , I love you but we must not break the code !" He exclaimed as I agreed with him on it .

Anakin was my number one prioty and the day came when I told Obi Wan who I truly was .

His anger was more than I had ever imagined as he told me to go home .

" Anna , go home and leave fate as it should !" His words sent coldness through me as I knew that I had fallen in love with the great Jedi master .

Flipping my eyes open as soon as I sensed blood coming from my nose .

Obi Wan stared wide eyed at me as I knew he saw the same memories that I had .

Grabbing a cloth , he wiped the blood from my nose . As he remained silent as he did it .

" Obi , are you okay ?" I asked as his blue eyes locked with mine .

Putting the cloth back in the water , " Yes , Anna . But I was not there like I needed to be . I could not protect you or our girls . Now you are dying from it ,again !" Obi Wan said as I sensed him feeling guilty .

" It was mine not yours ,Obi Wan . I had to protect you and the girls for the unknown reason !" I told him as I had the confidence for the first time .

" I will wake up soon and I will be healthy once more . " I added as I knew that one of us had to be positive about this small chance that we had .

" Then we bettee not waist anytime ." Obi Wan said as he took me into his arms to kiss my lips .

He pressed his forehead to mine as I began to savore this moment ; " I love you Obi Wan so much ; if I do not wake up from this . Finish my mission for me and I will see you again ." As I knew even though I would die that my mission would not fail this time.

" You are going to wake up ,Anna . And when you do, I will marry the love of my life and finish this mission ,together !" Obi Wan exclaimed as his words made me smile .

" And have Pamde and Palmer along the way!" He added as I still did not know where we got the name Palmer from .

" She is one of the best pilots that I knew . " His smile grew even bigger as he squeezed my hand with his

" We can do this Anna ,together !"

Looking up at him as I prayed that he was right .

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