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Jinn's body blazed as Ani clung to my dress as tears soaked his face . Glancing my eyes toward Obi Wan as he didn't have a single tear on his face . His face was stern as Dad was when me and Mom fought that day before tragedy struck . I knew how they all felt when we had my cousin's funeral .

" I promise , you will be a Jedi ." a voice said as I looked down and saw Obi talking to Anakin bending down to his level . His eyes averted to me as he stood back up . " Jinn saw potential in you Solo that I cannot see ." He replied as I hished at him before even realizing it . Looking snugged as Obi patted Anakin on the head then walked out of the room.

" Don't pay any attention to him ." Yoda said as I nodded and wondered why he hated me so much .

" I won't , he's just grieving in his own way !" I replied .
" Smart child you are . Now let's go rest before the celebration ."

I knew he was right as exhaustion hit me all of a sudden . It had been a long day let alone a long week.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep as I crawled in my bed.

" Solo ." a voice called as someone was shaking me awake . Groaning knowing it hadn't been long since I fell asleep .

My eyes wouldn't even budge to open as I groaned and pulled the covers over my head . Sleep is what Master Yoda told me to do as I tried to drift off again. " Your being difficult ,Solo."
recognizing Obi Wan's voice wondering why he was waking me up .Let alone on top of my bed like I was important to him .

" I know I am." Sarcasm in my voice made him laugh . My eyes flipped open as I saw him inches from my face . Red shot across my cheeks as I noticed how crisp his eyes were .

I sat up as he scooted over for me to have some room in the bed . "What's wrong ?"I asked as I tried to calm my wild hair do down a little . " I talked to Yoda; your going with me and Anakin ." he exclaimed as I looked at him weird .

"Why, I am not a padawon anymore !"
"No your not but you need more training than what you got ." Obi replied to my question .

I knew I needed this so I could win Ani over if anything happened to him.
But I was one of the top padawons in the academy that Dad taught . He said so himself back before things went down.

" I will agree to go with you but I don't need more training ." I protested as I looked at him and smiled .

He was handsome in his own way as I got off the bed . Obi tailed me  as he suddenly grabbed my night cloak as I stopped in shock . " I do not want these men to take advantage of you because your cloak is very revealing ." his breath was hot as he whispered in my ear .

He buttoned the back as I could feel chills down my back . " Are you sure you don't need more training. I opened my mouth to close it again . I knew I needed to get close to my kid grandfather .

" You and Anakin have the same nickname so mine for you will be Anna ." Obi exclaimed as he walked to be in front of me . I looked at his small braid of hair that he was about to lose . " Anna , that sounds perfect ." I said as I reached up to touch his small braid . Knowing he was using my name so he could be nice to me for once .

Obi didn't say anything as our eyes locked for a split second . He eyes seemed to pierce mine as they locked with one another.

" You can't be scared of what you can't explain ." my words eased out as I remembered my Father used to tell me that all the time.

Being the daughter of a great generation you had a lot of responsibility to take on even as a child . Mom always used to tell me " You are a of a great line so carry the torch on to your children ." as she brushed my hair when I came home from the academy .

" I'm not scared just don't know how to go on without Jinn . " Obi said as he eyes shot to the floor . " I know you don't know me that well. But trust me as I say that your going to be a legend to people . " I explained to him as I saw his face come up and smile . " But why did it take me longer to become a Jedi than you ?" He questioned as I didn't know the answer to that question. " Because great legends take longer to grow ." I answered as we were inches apart from each other . My thoughts were screaming for me not to get close to him let alone fall in love .

He backed away quickly and turned around to leave ." Padme , wants to see you . So get ready and don't look like you been sleeping ."

Laughing at his words as he left . Putting on a dress that she gave me for the celebration and my cloak after that . I brushed my curly long hair that was pretty tangled from sleeping . I knew this journey was going to be a good one just a long one .

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