Akatsuki Orphan

By mangareader90

242K 8.5K 5.1K

Akimichi Tukiko was found in the forest a few miles outside of the Akatsuki's base. Konan and Pein decided to... More

Akatsuki Orphan
Chapter 1~ The Beginning
Chapter 2~ Age Six Part One
Chapter 3~Age Six Part Two
Chapter 4~ Age Seven Part One
Chapter 5~Age Seven Part Two
Chapter 6~ Age Eight part One
Chapter 7~Age Eight part Two
Chapter 8~ Age Ten
Chapter 9~ Age Eleven
Chapter 10~Age Twelve
Chapter 11~ Sasu-nii? Naru-nii? Is it really you?
Chapter 13~Shinako's on her period....someone save me
Chapter 14~ Sasuke-nii? You....love me?
Tukiko's Theme Song
Shinako's Theme Song
Chapter 15~ Deidara is a possessive boyfriend...
Chapter 16~ New members and The bell test
Chapter 17~Who's the Drunk Old Man?
Chapter 18~ Zabuza Momochi
Chapter 19~ Surprise Visits and Flirts
Chapter 20~ It's been a while.....aniki
Chapter 21~ I had a sister?
Chapter 22~ It ends here
Chapter 23~ Four Days Passed?
Chapter 24~ Gaara of the sand and secrets of the Akimichi clan
Chapter 25~ The true feelings of Akatsuki's kunoichis.
Chapter 26~ Chunnin Exams Part One
Chapter 27~ Chunnin Exams Part Two
Chapter 28~ Chunnin Exams Part Three
Chapter 29~A Change In Plans
Akatsuki Orphan Finale Preview (Not a Joke)
Sam and Manga Real Talk

Chapter 12~ Who's Kakashi?

7K 262 99
By mangareader90

Me: Okay, now that you just burned down Disney World, where do we go?

Samanthasf: We just burned down Disney World.

Me: I don't want any part of this.....

Lucylucylooo: Me either.

Sasuke: Hn, I think it was fun.

Samanthasf: See? You guys should have Sasuke's enthusiasm.

Me: Sasuke's evil, of course he would like to create arson.

Itachi: She has a point.

Samanthasf: Shut up! The point is we are a team!

Me: Who'll go to jail if we don't move it!!

Samanthasf: Good point!

Lucylucylooo: I know! Let's ask those people if they can hide us! *points to two people*

Samanthasf: Good idea!

Me: Why do we have to involve other people?!

Itachi: Because she's insane.

Sasuke: She's your girlfriend.

Itachi: I didn't say that being insane was a bad thing.

Samanthasf: Hey, you guys!

MrYouChew: Me?

AlexanderCHA: Me?

Samanthasf: Yeah! Both of you!!

Me: Run away while you still can!!

Samanthasf: Ignore her, can you hide us? We're on the run from the cops.

Itachi: For burning down Disney World.

AlexanderCHA: Sure.

MrYouChew: Follow us.

*leads us into an abandoned house.*

Me: Are you sure this is safe?!

Sasuke: Sissy.

Me: Emo.

Lucylucylooo: Are they always like this?

Samanthasf: Yeah...

Me: Can someone do the disclaimer?

AlexanderCHA: Mangareader90 doesn't.......

MrYouChew: ........Own Naruto

Samanthasf: Enjoy the story!

Lucylucylooo: While we watch Sasuke and manga fight.....


*Shinako pov*

I woke up and instantly got an immense headache. I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head. I heard footsteps outside of my door and then a faint knocking sound. I groaned even more and hid under my covers.

"Go away Tukiko! My head hurts....." I whined.

I heard the door open, the lights turn on, and faint footsteps approaching me. Normally, I would have been alert, but today I was too tired and my head hurt so much that I wanted to seriously kill something. The footsteps stopped beside me and before I could do anything, my covers were flown off of me and a bright light blinded me.

"Ahhhh!!" I screamed, pulling the covers back over my head.

I heard someone sigh.

"You know, I can't say I feel sorry for you," I heard a voice say.

It sounded familiar. It was Tukiko......

"Shut up Tukiko....I'm in enough pain already," I told her.

Everything was silent for a second, before I heard something being put on the ground beside the bed and footsteps leaving outside the door, turning off the light, and then closing the door. I waited a few seconds before I put the covers off of me and looked at the ground. My vision was blurry.

I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dark and after five minutes I could see clearly. I saw that there was a glass of water, medicine, and a note on the floor. I picked up the note first and read it.


Take one of these and after two hours you'll be back to normal. I had to do this whenever Hidan-nii and Kisame-nii got drunk, so I'm used to it by now. Anyways, get better soon because we have to learn how to do all of the lightning jutsus, and after that we have to go grocery shopping. Not clothes, groceries. I won't be home for a while since I have to be at the academy. Which reminds me, the genin tests (yawn) are today and tomorrow I'll get assigned to my new team. I'll meet you at the hokage's office, after all, we still need to find out who's training us. Get better and don't drink today. Oh, and remember how you have blackmail on me for taking a picture of me with a stuffed animal? Well we're even now because I have blackmail on you for getting drunk.

See ya,


S****. Tukiko now had blackmail on me. Great....well, I should probably take the medicine now.

I opened the lid on the medicine and took a pill, drank the water, and layed back down on my bed, feeling sleepy. I should probably sleep, the medicine won't take effect until two more hours anyways, and my head hurt like h***.

I pulled the blankets over me again and fell into blissful darkness.


*Tukiko pov*

I put down medicine and glass of water along with a note beside Shinako's bed. I then proceeded to walkout the door, turn off the light, and close the door behind me. I leaned against the door and sighed.

"I should probably get ready now," I thought out loud.

I walked into the kitchen and remembered that we had no food. I sighed, angry that I had to skip the most important meal of the day. I began walking to my room and once there I shut the door. I went to my dresser and picked out a fresh pair of clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and then went back into my bedroom. I put my ninja shoes on and glanced at my bedside clock. 7:26 a.m.

'Doesn't the academy start at 7:30 a.m.?' I thought.

I ran out of my room, grabbed my weapon pouch and a spare key, and zoomed out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. As I turned back around I bumped into someone.

"Oof!" I said, landing on my butt.

I looked up to see Naruto-nii on his butt too.

"Watch where you're-" Naruto-nii began.

He stopped when he noticed it was me.

"Tukiko-chan! Do you live here?" Naruto-nii asked me, getting up, and helping me up as well.

"Yeah, I live in that apartment," I told him, pointing to the apartment I came out of.

"I live down there," Naruto-nii said, pointing down towards the right.

"Cool, we're gonna be late though, we better get going!" I told Naruto-nii.

"Oh, yeah! I'll race ya!" Naruto-nii said, running ahead of me.

"That's cheating!" I said, running to catch up.

Naruto-nii just laughed.


* Five minutes later*

Naruto-nii and me reached the academy just one minute after it began.

"Crap!" Naruto-nii and I said at the same time.

We ran inside and everyone stared at us as we took our seats.

"Naruto! You're late again!" Iruka-sensei said.

He looked at me.

"Tukiko, you're late too! Since you're new I'll let you off with a warning," Iruka-sensei said.

"Thanks Iruka-sensei!" I told Iruka-sensei.

"No problem, just don't let it happen again," Iruka-sensei said.

"Okay!" I promised him.

I looked over at Sasuke-nii but found that there was already two girl sitting next to him. He looked really annoyed. I shrugged and saw that no one was sitting next to Naruto-nii. He looked kinda down. I walked over to Naruto-nii and sat down beside him. He seemed surprised but grinned.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sasuke-nii glare at Naruto-nii. It must have been my imagination though, Sasuke would never glare at anyone. He was always happy and nice.

(A/N: Tukiko obviously didn't know the Sasuke that we know.)

"Okay! Today is the genin tests, Tukiko, you don't have-" Iruka-sensei started to say before I interrupted him.

"No way Iruka-sensei! I can definitely do this!" I told Iruka-sensei.

"Are you sure?" Iruka-sensei asked me.

"I don't back down, I give everything my all, this test will be easy anyways, what is it?" I asked him.

"You'll find out," Iruka-sensei said.

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Who does she think she is anyways?" I heard Ino whispering to another girl.

I turned around and looked her straight in the eye.

"I think I'm Akimichi Tukiko," I told her.

She stared at me like I was an idiot, but I just shrugged it off and turned back around.

"Alright, when I call your name, go into the testing room. Wait for your name to be called," Iruka-sensei instructed.

"Aburame Shino" Iruka-sensei called.

I saw a kid that was covered by his coat and wearing sunglasses walk up and leave the classroom. Iruka-sensei followed after him.

"Do you know that kid?" I asked Naruto-nii.

Naruto-nii hesitated before answering.

"Kind of, all  know about him is he likes bugs," Naruto-nii said.

I nodded my head.

"Hey, you, the one with the green hair," someone called to me.

I turned around and saw a boy that had a coat with his hoodie on him, face paint on his cheeks in triangle shapes, and a puppy next to him.

"Me?" I asked.

"Who else in this class has green hair?" he asked, rolling his eyes.

"At least people can see my hair," I retorted.

The boy just stared at me and started laughing.

"You're all right," he told me.

I smiled.

"What do you want Kiba?" I heard Naruto-nii ask him.

"Pipe down Naruto, I wasn't even talking to you," Kiba said.

Naruto got irritated at this. He was about to say something before I cut him off from doing so.

"It's alright Naruto-nii," I told him, smiling.

He smiled back.

"You're name's Akimichi Tukiko right?" Kiba asked.

"Yes?" I said, in a questioning manner.

What was his point?

"Are you related to Choji?" Kiba asked me.

Choji? Why did that name sound so familiar?



*Eight years ago*

"Tukiko-chan!!" I heard a voice calling out to me.

I turned around. A chubby boy was running towards me, he had happy eyes, and little swirls on his cheeks. I smiled in return.

"Choji-kun!!" I exclaimed, running towards him too.

I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Do you know who Nara Shikimaru is?" Choji asked me.

I shook my head.

"He's my best friend!" Choji said.

I pouted.

"I thought I was your best friend!" I protested.

Choji chuckled.

"You're my cousin Tukiko-chan!!" Choji reminded me.

"So?" I pouted.

"That means you're even greater than a best friend!" Choji told me.

I smiled at him.

"Wouldn't that make Tadashi better than a best friend to you too though?" I asked him.

Choji shook his head repeatedly.

"I hate that guy!" Choji said.

"Because he calls you fat?" I asked him.

"That and the fact of what he does to you," Choji told me.

I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

"Promise me that you won't take his crap forever Tukiko-chan," Choji told me.

I nodded my head.

"I promise that I wont take my brother's crap much longer," I told Choji.

Choji smiled at me.

"Good, now that that's settled, let's go get barbeque!" Choji told me, grabbing my hand and running towards the nearest barbeque place.

I laughed.

"I love you Choji!" I told him.

"I love you too Tukiko!" Choji told me.


*End of flashback*

"Yeah, he's my cousin," I answered him.

Naruto-nii looked at me surprised.

"What?! You never told me!!" Naruto-nii complained.

"Sorry Naruto-nii..." I apologized.

"That's still surprising, you two don't look anything alike," Kiba told me.

"Yeah, I guess we don't, but he's still my cousin," I told him.

Iruka stepped into the room again.

"Akimichi Choji," Iruka-sensei called.

I looked up to see a chubby boy with swirls on his cheeks, goggles on his head, and a bag of chips in his hand stand up and start walking towards the door. As he was walking by he and I shared a glance and he stopped for a second before shaking his head and moving on.

It looks like Choji-kun has already forgotten me.

"Looks like he didn't recognize you," Kiba told me, scratching his head.

"No dip Sherlock," I told him.

He started laughing.

"Sorry, guess it was poor timing, huh?" Kiba asked me.

"It's fine, sorry," I told him.

"Eh, people have called me worse," Kiba said.

"Well at least you're honest," I told him.

Kiba chuckled.

"What happened to that Shino kid?" I asked Naruto-nii and Kiba.

They looked around and shrugged.

"Maybe he went home early?" Kiba suggested.

"Couldn't have, everyone has to wait until it's time to go, which will be when everyone's done," Naruto-nii said.

"Then where is he?" I asked.

"I'm right here," I heard a voice behind me say.

I jumped back and ran into Naruto-nii.

We crashed onto the floor. I was on top of him so I got off and helped him up.

"Jeez! Warn me next time, okay?!" I told him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Shino told me.

"You kinda scared all of us Shino," Kiba told him.

"I thought you guys saw me come back in," Shino told us.

"Sorry, we were talking about something and got occupied I guess," I told him.

"What was it about?" Shino asked me.

"Nothing important," I told him.

Naruto-nii and Kiba looked at me but said nothing.

Iruka stepped into the room again and so did Choji-kun.

"Akimichi Tukiko," Iruka-sensei called.

I stood up and saw Choji look at me. He stopped chewing his chips for a second and just stared at me. I stared back, but after a while I walked out of the door with Iruka-sensei, knowing full well that Choji-kun's eyes never left my back.

Iruka-sensei and I walked into another room where there was another chunin. He had silver hair, black eyes, and a fake smile. I don't like him. I smiled and stood in the middle of the room.

"Alright Tukiko, do three clone," Iruka-sensei instructed me.

"Wait, only three?" I asked him.

"Only?" Iruka-sensei asked me back.

"Whatever, shadow, solid, water, fire, crystal, earth, or ice?" I asked him.

The other chunin and Iruka-sensei both looked at me in shock.

"Just solid," Iruka-sensei said, going back to normal.

"I kind of want to see the little girl do the other clones Iruka," the other chunin said.

I smiled sweetly at him.

"Okay, let's establish some rules. 1. I only listen to Iruka-sensei. 2. I have a name. 3. If you ever call me little again it will be the last word you utter, am I clear?" I asked him.

Him and Iruka-sensei looked at me shocked.

"S-sure," the man answered.

"Okay, if you go by my rules, then do all of the clones as Mizuki suggested," Iruka-sensei told me.

"Hai, sensei," I answered him back, performing hand signs.

I poofed and all around me there were fire, ice, water, crystal, earth, shadow, and solid clones. There were five per one, so 35 in all.

Iruka-sensei and Mizuki looked at me stunned. Iruka picked up a headband and tossed it to me. I caught it and nodded, putting it on my arm. The clones all disappeared and I nodded to Iruka-sensei before walking out of the doorway and back into the classroom.

 When I walked into the classroom I saw Choji-kun talking to the boy with the pineapple head, Naruto-nii and Kiba arguing, Sasuke glaring at his desk, and his fan girls spying on him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl with short purple hair blushing and eyeing Naruto-nii. I wanted to go introduce myself, but instead I went over to Choji-kun. I had to make him remember me.

"Hey Choji," I said, walking up to him and smiling.

He just stared at me and narrowed his eyes.

"I feel like I know you," Choji-kun told me.

'That's because you do know me!' I screamed inside of my head.

"You might remember me, I'm Akimichi Tukiko, your cousin," I told him.

The pineapple head boy widened his eyes as did Choji-kun.

"I knew that you were familiar!" Choji-kun told me, pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back and after five seconds we broke apart and he got a look of confusion on him.

"Where have you been all this time?" Choji-kun asked me.

"I've been hiding from my brother for the past seven years," I told him.

He nodded his head and looked at pineapple head who was watching us.

"Oh, I forgot! Tukiko-chan, this is my best friend Nara Shikimaru, he's the one I was talking to you about eight years ago, you two never really did get to meet," Choji-kun explained, rubbing the back of his head.

"Hiya! I'm Tukiko!" I introduced myself, holding out my hand for him to shake.

After a few seconds he shook it.

"Shikimaru," he said, introducing himself.

I smiled and he had a bored expression on his face.

"Are you sure you guys are related? You don't look anything alike," Shikimaru asked/told us.

"I'm pretty sure I know she's my cousin," Choji-kun told him.

"And yeah, we don't look anything alike, my family was different," I told him.

"I can tell," he told me.

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Punch.

"Have you ever seen Choji when someone calls him fat?" I asked Shikimaru when Choji was too busy eating his chips.

"Yeah, why?" Shikimaru asked me.

Iruka-sensei stepped into the room and called out another name.

"I react the same way whenever someone makes fun of my hair for a while," I told him.

Shikimaru's eyes widened.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to-" he started to say.

"You're fine, I'm sorry I snapped at you," I told him.

Shikimaru calmed down a bit and sighed.

"I can tell that you're going to be troublesome, but you're Choji's cousin, so, I guess I can learn to live with you," Shikimaru told me.

I smiled at him.

"Thanks," I told him.

"What a drag, why can't everyone be done already?" Shikimaru asked.

"Probably because it takes a while," I told him.

He rolled his eyes and I laughed. 

It looks like Shikimaru and I were gonna get along just fine.


*After genin tests*

"Woah! I'm finally a genin!"

"Mommy! Look, I'm a real ninja now!"

"I can finally go on missions!"

"Mom! Dad! I'm now a real ninja!"

"This is so cool!"

I listened to everyone talk and smiled. The genin test was so easy! I know for a fact that Naruto just had to have passed it! I spotted Sasuke-nii and ran over to him, ignoring the glares from his fan girls.

"Sasuke-nii! Looks like you passed too, huh?" I asked him.

"Hn, it was easy," he told me.

I heard other girls behind me giggle.

"No duh! I'm still surprised you passed it though," I teased him.

I felt the fan girls glares on me. I shrugged them off though.

"Very funny," Sasuke-nii told me, rolling his eyes.

I giggled.

"I thought so!" I told him.

I heard people talking behind us.

"That's the Uchiha kid, who's that girl though?"

"How cute! The Uchiha and that girl must be dating!"

"I didn't know that the Uchiha had a girlfriend."

"Why does that girl have green hair?"

"What is that girl doing around my Sasuke-kun?!"

"Who does she think she is?!"

I ignored them and continued to talk to Sasuke-nii.

"Have you seen Naruto-nii?" I aked him.

"Hn. I don't care where the dobe is," Sasuke-nii told me.

I pouted.

"Why do you two hate each other so much?" I asked him.

He hesitated.

"That's a secret," Sasuke-nii said, smirking.

I narrowed my eyes. Sasuke-nii knew I hated secrets.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Naruto-nii on a swing, he didn't look too happy.

"I'll see you later Sasuke-nii, I need to talk to Naruto-nii," I told Sasuke-nii, running off to go see Naruto-nii.

"Naruto-nii!" I called out, reaching him.

He looked up, but his mouth still had a frown on it.

"Hey Tukiko-chan," Naruto-nii told me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

He pointed to his forehead. It still had goggles on it, not a headband.

"Don't worry Naruto-nii! I know for sure that you'll get it soon! And I'll be there rooting for you the whole time," I told him.

He gave me a half smile and nodded. I heard people whispering behind me.

"Why is she near him?"

"The demon fox child didn't pass? Good."

"I bet she has a demon just like him, that's the only reason for her to be near him."

"What is up with her hair?!"

"I heard that girl scored the highest on the test, why would she want to hang around a loser like him?"

I got enraged by all of the comments, Naruto-nii's aura just got sadder.

"You should go Tukiko-chan, it's alright, you don't need to get mocked because of me," Naruto-nii told me.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! I have green hair for crying out loud! I'm gonna get mocked anyways! Besides, you're my best friend, you feel like a brother to me Naruto-nii. That'll never change," I told him.

He gave me a small smile and nodded his head in the right direction.

"I think that girl is waiting for you, you should go now Tukiko-chan, I'll talk to you later," Naruto-nii told me.

I looked behind me and saw Shinako tapping her foot and jerking her head, signaling me to hurry up. I looked at Naruto-nii and hugged him, then let go.

"I'll see ya tomorrow!" I told him.

I ran towards Shinako and when I reached her she sighed.

"Finally, took you long enough! Come on, we have to go see who's training us!" Shinako told me.

"But the hokage's still at the academy!" I protested.

"I know, I talked to him and he told me to bring you to the tower, our trainer will be there already!" Shinako told me.

"Oh," I answered.

She kept dragging me along the town and I had to resist the urge to go back and try to comfort Naruto-nii. I had a strange feeling something bad was going to happen to him. I hope I'm wrong.


*A few minutes later*

We arrived at the hokage tower and Shinako dragged me to the hokage's office, before going up to his office and bursting the door open.

"Shinako! Can you ever knock?!" I asked her.

"We'll find out eventually," Shinako answered me.

We saw a man with white hair, a mask covering half of his face, and a black eye standing in the middle of the room, reading Icha Icha Paradise......where have I seen that book before? Oh yeah, in Hidan-nii's room.....WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! THAT BOOK'S REALLY PERVERTED!!! Nuh uh! I do not want a perverted trainer!!

Then again I have a perverted brother....so I guess it really wouldn't make a difference.

The man looked up from his book and gave us a peace sign.

"Yo. I'm Hatake Kaksahi, I'll be teaching you the lightning element from now on, starting tomorrow," he told us.

Shinako and I sweat-dropped.

We had never heard of this man before. Wait.....was he the infamous Copycat ninja?! I guess I did hear of him. Wait.....what did he mean 'tomorrow'?

"What do you mean tomorrow?" Shinako asked him.

Can she read my mind? Hopefully not.

"I'm a little busy today, I have to get ready to be assigned to a genin team," he told us.

Shinako was about to say something before I interrupted her.

That is the third time I have interrupted someone today. I'm not very polite, am I?

"Okay, tomorrow it is! We have to go now," I told him.

We left the office and when we were outside of the tower Shinako narrowed her eyes.

"Who are you and what did you do with Tukiko?" Shinako asked me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Tukiko always gets mad when she can't train! Who are you?!" Shinako said.

"I really want to train Shinako, but we have to get groceries, and I'm starving," I told her.

As if on cue, my stomached rumbled.

"Oh, good point. I'm kind of hungry too," Shinako told me.

Her stomach growled.

"When you're hungry it sounds like someone is dying," I told her.

"Shut up and let's go eat," Shinako told me, grabbing my hand and running off to find the nearest restaurant.

"Um, Shinako?" I asked her.

"Hm?" Shinako responded, not looking at me.

"You do know that I used to live her right? Or did you already forget?" I asked her.

She stopped in her tracks and turned to me.

"I keep forgetting that!! So, where's the nearest restaurant?" Shinako asked me.

"Ichiraku's Ramen is right over there," I told her, pointing to Ichiraku's.

I remember that Naruto-nii and I would eat there all the time. It brings back memories. We used to have food eating competitions all of the time.....Naruto-nii would always beat me.....

We entered the shop and sat down. After looking at the menu for five minutes the chef came out.

"Hello, what would you like to eat?" the chef asked us.

"I would like pork ramen," I told the chef.

"Miso soup," Shinako told him.

"Coming right up," he told us.

He went into the kitchen and Shinako and I waited.

"You're paying," I told her.

"D***," she told me.

She got out her wallet and took out fifteen dollars.

She laid it on the table and after five minutes the chef returned and took the money, then went to help other customers. Shinako and I ate in silence as I thought of today. It was long and exhausting, and I still had so much more to do.

When we finished and left Shinako turned to me.

"Where do we get the groceries?" Shinako asked me.

I sighed.

"I forgot! And I'm the one who reminded you! Follow me," I told her.

I ran along the streets of Konoha and Shinako followed me. We visited every market and when we got enough groceries to last us a month.....okay a week with me around.........we headed back to our apartment.

We stopped in front of the door and looked at each other.

"You open it," we said at the exact same time.

"I'm older," Shinako told me.

"I'm carrying your sake bottle," I told her.

She cursed and put her groceries down, pulled out her key, unlocked the door, picked up the groceries again, and walked inside. I followed behind her, kicking the door closed behind me. We went into the kitchen, laid the groceries down, and started putting everything away.

We were just about done when we heard a tapping at our window. I looked over and saw Shinako's raven that Itachi had given her for her eight birthday.

(A/N: The funny thing was I had forgotten about this bird, so I thought that I should bring it back in.)

Shinako smiled and ran over to the window, opening it. The raven flew in and landed on Shinako's arm. I looked out the window and saw that it was already dark, with a pale moon and light stars surrounding it already out.

"Masato! I didn't expect you to be here!" Shinako told the bird, scratching it's head. It cooed at her and I saw a note attached to it's foot. I detached the note and opened it up, then started reading it out loud.

Dear Tukiko-chan and Shinako,

What's up? Even though it's only been two days since you've been gone leader-sama wanted me to send you a note, apparently we have to send you guys a note every week, each week will be a different member. Anyways, things aren't the same without you guys here to pick on, Deidara and Sasori are fighting 24/7 now, and Tobi 'accidently' hit Hidan with a kunai when he found out that Shinako and Hidan were dating. Needless to say, just by dating people you guys create a mess! Still, we all miss you. Especially Konan. She misses trying to make you dress up squirt. I'm talking to Tukiko, Shinako, in case you didn't know. Tukiko is squirt now and you are shrimp. Funny, right? Hidan and Tobi miss you like crazy shrimp. Sasori and Deidara miss you too squirt. Which reminds me, are you guys training? You better be, especially in taijutsu.....you guys both suck. Remember to gain their trust, okay? That's what this whole mission is about. Oh, and squirt? Kakuzu told me to tell you not to spend a lot of money and that you better go on harder mission to get more money. Sasori wants me to tell you to try not to overdose on chocolate, and Itachi wants me to tell both of you to be careful around some guy named Morino Ibiki. Apparently he's the leader of the decipher corps. That's it, oh and before I leave shrimp, the boss told me to tell you not to get drunk.



I started to laugh.

"It's too late about the drunk one," I told Shinako.

"Shut up, looks like we have to find a taijutsu instructor too because according to Kisame, we both suck," Shinako told me.

I stopped laughing.

"Kisame-nii sucks....." I mumbled.

"Well, goodnight," Shinako told me, heading into her room.

"Goodnight!" I told Shinako, turning off the lights. I stroked Masato's head and he cooed at me.

"Goodnight Masato, sweet dreams," I told him.

I went into my room and climbed into my bed, yawning.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I'll finally be on a genin team.....but whose?


 Me: Well, at least I didn't try to kill my best friend!

Sasuke: I ended up letting him live!

Me: Sure you did....

Lucylucylooo: I bet you just were too weak to kill him.....

Itachi: This is true.

Sasuke: Shut up! Nobody asked you!!!

AlexanderCHA: Did you guys hear something?

MrYouChew: It sounded like a thumping sound.

Me: What could it be?

Lucylucylooo: A ghost?!

Itachi: Ghosts aren't real.

Sasuke: Hn, Itachi's right.

Me: Well, if you two don't believe in ghosts, then I dare you to check it out.

Itachi: Hn, fine.

Sasuke: It's not like we'll find anything.

*they leave to the source of the sound.*

AlexanderCHA: What do you think it is?

MrYouChew: A mouse maybe?

Samanthasf: Ugh, I hate mice.

Lucylucylooo: Me too.

Itachi and Sasuke: AHHH!!

Samanthasf: What was that?!

AlexanderCHA: Are they in trouble?!

MrYouChew: Let's find out!!

*we all leave to check on them.*

Lucylucylooo: Comment, vote, like...

Samanthasf: Read my story Konoha College....

AlexanderCHA and MrYouChew: Help Itachi and Sasuke with whatever is happening....

Samanthasf: Well, help Itachi.....

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