Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Li...

By callmekay21

282K 5K 674

Raines Tyler is a nerd. And she knows it. But what happens when Liam Payne wants to be her friend? Will it tu... More

Diary of A Teenage Nerd
Today Is Different
Changing For The Better..... Or Worse???
Going To Nando's
These God Forsaken Boys......
Truth or Dare
A Confession
Feeling Sorry
Sunday's Surprise
Could This Get Any Better?
Emotional Aftermath
Meeting The Parents
Blonde Moments
Little boys in BIG trouble
Another Confession?
Will Things Ever Get Better?
The Shocking Truth
School and fun? Two different worlds
Liam Payne how many secrets do you have?!?!
What The Hell Just Happened?
Don't You Dare Give Up On Me. If You Do, Then I'll Give Up On Myself
This Is A Hospital? More Like Jail.
Day One. Kill me now.
Write me a love song. Even though it's not true.
Tell me how life is. Outside of Hospital Hell.
A Suprise. Not a secret.
Why The Hell Don't You Love Me?
A Dramatic Exit
Settle things, or make them worse?
It's Too Late to Apologize
Attitude, friendships, and Harry Styles
Important Information
Getting Released
Hiding My Feelings from Everyone
A New Beginning. Will They Recognize Me?
Good Job....So Far
Thankfully Silent
Off to Mexico
The Big Day
The Second Concert
I'm So Sorry and I Hope You Understand I Always Loved You
Important Authors Note: Contest Time. PLEASE READ!!!
Author's Note
I Love Him
The Fourth Concert
Four Days in Miami
Forgive Me Liam
To Nashville
Sparks Flying
And You Left Me...
Keep Holding On
Turn Up Turn Down Turn On Turn Off
Songs About Sex
My my, my my, Give Me Love
Live Like There's No Tomorrow

One Step Closer To You

2.6K 60 9
By callmekay21

So I received a lot of good reviews on the previous chapter, so I hope I will get the same results with this chapter. I love you all and I hope you love this chapter!! Here you go!


Raines' POV

I woke up, my body cold. I groaned and reached over, trying to find the warmth of Liam's body. My hands searched a half empty bed. I opened one eye and looked, no one. I groaned again and stuffed my face in my pillow. I'm tired and cold and I don't want to get out of bed. But I have to now, because Liam wasn't here to keep me warm. What a lovely fiancé I have.

I forced my self out of bed, my hair in my face. I didn't care though. I reached for the door knob, and slammed my hand into the wall, making me close my eyes and open them again, in tired frustration. I moved my hand and grabbed the door knob and twisted the door open, revealing Katie, Liam and Harry, all laughing. Liam and Harry were cooking something that surprisingly smelled edible, while Katie sat and watched them at the bar, spinning the chair playfully. How are they all wide awake? It's so early.

"Well good morning!" Liam's voice called. I opened my eyes and looked at him through my eyelashes, not bothering to greet him. I'm too tired. I shouldn't even be awake right now. Again...what a lovely fiancé I have.

"Well you look like shit," Katie said as I sat next to her. I looked at her and nodded, agreeing with her even though I haven't looked in a mirror, yet. I don't plan on it either.

"Thanks," I said in a dull tone, my voice groggy, raspy, and tired. She laughed and I glared at her, pulling my hair up in a high bun so it isn't in my face anymore, because the thick, curly locks annoyed the hell out of me every once in a while.

"I was only kidding. You look fine. Just tired," Katie told me once she finished her laughing fit. I love how she laughs at things that aren't funny. She's always laughing. At the most random times.

I laid my head on her shoulder, and she laid her head on mine. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. I swear if everyone would have stopped talking, I would have fell asleep right there, on her shoulder. It most likely would result in my falling and busting open my head.

"Tired much?" A British accent asked me. I opened my eyes. Harold. Edward. Styles. Does he not know what a shirt is? Or what sleep is?

"I'm so tempted to get out of this chair and slap you," I told Harry. He chuckled and went back to cooking.

"What are we doing today?" I asked them, my eyes closed once again, as a yawn escaped my parted lips.

"Well, in one hour we're leaving for North Carolina," Liam told me and I groaned again, not wanting to get on the bus with a loud ten, now eleven people. I mean I loved them all deeply, but you know I am not in the mood for loud people. It's too early and I am way, way too tired.


After the concert, we all, meaning Andy, Sandy, Josh, Jon, Louis, Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Katie, and I, all stood on the beach shores, laughing and messing around. The sun was setting, so the sky was a greyish blue color, and it was gorgeous. The wind blew my curly locks behind my head as I walked on the shore, letting the waves wash over my feet, watching the sun slowly set into the Pacific ocean, letting the moon rise and breath.

"Raines! You have a phone call!" Liam said behind me. He has been holding my phone for me all night, because I had on a dress for the concert and couldn't carry it myself. (Dress on side.)

I turned around, resulting in my hair blowing in my face once again. Liam and I met halfway as I read the unfamiliar number and frowned. I answered it anyway, tucking my hair behind my ear, so I could talk without it getting in my mouth.

"Hello?" I answered, hand on my hip as I walked away from the group, so I could hear the person better. Liam still stayed close behind me. I heard his heavy footsteps sloshing in the water, a few feet behind me, enough to keep a close eye on me, but also enough to give me the personal space I needed.

"Miss Tyler?" A deep, unfamiliar voice asked on the other line. My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"That's me. May I ask who's calling?" I said as I stopped walking, a hand placed on my hip.

"This is Dr. Franklin. I'm calling about your father. The cancer cells have spread, and I'm afraid he doesn't have much time before-"

"Excuse me?" I said, interrupting the doctor, not quite being able to process what the doctor had just said.

"Your father. He's in the hospital. The cancer has spread to his heart."

My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't breathe. The world stopped spinning. Everything got eerily quiet. The waves no longer touched my feet as I ran from the beach, towards the house. I ran, the sand scraping my feet, but I didn't care. My dad. He's the only thing on my mind. The only thing that matters.

"Paul!!" I yelled as I neared the beach house we rented for the night.

"Paul!" I yelled louder, my throat scratching. It burned. But yet again, I didn't care.

Paul's figure appeared at the door, face full of confusion and worry as he saw me running full speed towards him

"I need the keys to the car! My dad he's in the hospital. I need the jet back to Wolverhampton. I need to go back. I need to see him. I-"

"Raines," He said, hands on my shoulders. "Calm down. What happened?" Tears began falling down my face as he asked that question and the realization sunk in that he was going to die. This time we knew for a fact that he would die. It was never confirmed before, but now we knew. That the end is near. It could happen at any time. The thought made my head spin and my heart hurt.

"My dad, the cancer spread to his heart and he's about to..." That's where I choked on my words. I held my hand over my heart as if it would help the fact that I was choking on my own breath.

"Okay Raines. I'll drive you to the jet ok? You need to calm down. Come on, let's go."


The plane ride was the longest thing ever. I sat in the car crying as Paul drove borderline recklessly through the highways, trying to get to the jet as fast as possible. I swear every time we turned we almost got in a car wreck. Each time, a centimeter from missing the car next to us. I felt like I was in some cliché racing movie with Vin Diesel.

It seemed I was on the plane for hours, staring out the window into now the darker night. I felt incredibly alone, and cold, the strapless dress exposing the bottom of my legs, my shoulder, half of my back, and my arms. I never liked dresses, but Lou convinced me tonight.

I left without explaining. Liam chased after us for a little while, but eventually we got too fast, and he disappeared, making me cry harder. He called me multiple times, but I ignored the calls. I couldn't talk now. I was too worried. I couldn't speak. I had no words. No voice.

  All of the boys were calling me. Katie was calling me, Lou was calling me, Andy, Josh, Sandy, and Jon were all calling me, trying to get ahold of me, but I didn't answer, my phone laid on my lap, buzzing. It was annoying but I was too numb.

I never slept. I sat, unblinking, staring into the night, headphones on, blaring 'Give Me Love' by Ed Sheeran, the song only making me cry harder than I already was.

Once we landed, I threw my headphones into my bag, grabbed my phone and shoes and ran off the plane. I ran to the nearest road, barefoot, my feet killing me. I didn't care. I couldn't care. My dad was the only thing on my mind right now. Nothing else. It'd be incredibly selfish if I stopped running just because my feet were hurting when my dad was on death's door.

I finally was able to flag down a taxi. I swear I've never been more relieved in my life. My feet felt like they were being cut off, and my calf muscles felt as if Dwayne Johnson had pounded them with a hammer.

I immediately jumped in, not even buckling up.

"I need you to get me to the St. Bradley hospital as soon as possible, my dad he's..." I tried to speak, but I couldn't. The guy just nodded, understanding and drove off quickly.

I leaned back in the seat, looking out the window, tapping my foot impatiently against the floor of the cab. I need to put on my shoes, but honestly heels wouldn't help, at all. They would make my feet hurt more and would slow me down, especially if I broke one wile running.

Tears stopped falling, but the trails remained fresh on my face. At least I think I stopped crying. I don't know for sure. I don't know. I just don't know. I don't know anything anymore.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the hospital. I jumped out of the cab, not paying the guy, making him yell behind me, but the shouts faded as I entered the doors. I ran into the hospital, skidding to a stop at the front desk, scaring the lady that was standing at the computer, typing something.

"Tyler. I'm looking for the room Mr. Tyler is in," I said quickly.

"He's in room 147, but you can't go in. You can stand outside, or sit in the waiting room," She told me, looking back down at the computer.

Tears began falling again as I walked towards his room. I couldn't see anything through the window, so I slid down the wall and rested my head in my hands. My body slightly shook as I cried, my shoes and phone laid beside me. My phone buzzed and buzzed beside me. I ignored it. I didn't care about the people calling me, who were probably worried as hell.

A nurse stood on the wall in front of me, watching me as I cried. I didn't even bother to look at her. I probably looked like a mess, or more like a raccoon. Mascara covered, hair is a mess because I've been running my hands through it, and pulling at it, because I got impatient and anxious, as I sat in the car, the plane, and the cab.

My dad can't die. I wonder where my mom and Daniel are. They have to be here. I just didn't have the strength to get up and look for them. I can't do it. My strength is gone. It's drained from me. The life has been drained from my body in time that has passed since Dr. Franklin called me and told me the news.

"You can come see him now. Just be gentle, and don't stress him out too much," A female voice said above me. I turned my head and looked up, seeing a tall, tan nurse standing above me, with a blank expression on her face, a hidden emotion behind her eyes.

I grabbed my stuff and stood up, walking into the room, shutting the door and the nurses out behind me.

"Hey sweet girl," My dad croaked out.

"YOU LIED TO ME DAD!" I yelled, throwing my shoes across the room, fresh tears rolling down my cheeks as I yelled at him. A sad expression immediately appeared onto his face as he realized what I said. My voice was raspy from all the crying that I've been doing. My throat burned and craved for water. I couldn't care less about my body's needs right now.

"You lied dad! You told me you were going to be okay when I left! And I left and you are not okay daddy! This is NOT okay! You said the cancer wouldn't get any worse!! You...you said you wouldn't die! You said it wouldn't get that bad! You told me and Daniel and Mom that you were safe! Dad you promised me! You promised us!" I yelled. He flinched and stared at me, a tear rolling down his cheek as I continued to yell, my voice getting weaker and weaker as the tears continued to fall. I took a couple hesitant steps toward him.

"Why? Why?" I asked him, tears falling even more, landing on the cold tile beneath my bare feet. I stepped on some, cooling the bottom of my bare, aching feet.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered, his voice low. I could tell he was weak, he could barely even talk for God's sake. I knew it. He's going to die soon. And I can't stop it.

"I love you. Please don't leave me..." I whispered, hugging him. His arms immediately wrapped around me, as I cried into his shoulder.

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