Come Closer

Por VerifiedFaniston

19.6K 287 69

Jennifer Aniston has gone through so much, shes a fantastic role model, so i wanted to write my version of wh... Mais

Come closer
Come closer 2
Come closer 3
Come closer 4
Come closer 5
Come closer 6
Come closer 7
Come closer 8
Come closer 9
Come closer 10
Come closer 11
Come closer 12

Come closer 13 - Unexpected

971 15 7
Por VerifiedFaniston

The next morning Justin wakes up and sees that he’s home alone. He goes to the kitchen and sees a note from Jen hanging on the refrigerator.

                                - I’m with Chris doing the Living Proof stuff, it will take us the whole day so I’ll get home late! Love youuu! Xoxo

 It’s 11 am and his cellphone gets a Whats app.

              - What if I go to lunch? We’ll have more time to talk!

 Shit. Shit shit shit shit. He completely forgot about that, he forgot to tell Jen. Fuck. He thinks. He doesnt know what to do. If he tells Jen that Heidi is coming to have lunch she will think she will leave before dinner, but wants to stay the whole day. Fuck.

 After five minutes thinking Justin decides what to do.

                 - Okay, come on now, but you have to go before dinner, okay?

                 - Ok, ok, see you now then : )

 Justin goes to change his clothes. He’s nervous, it’s been such a long time since the last day they met, their relationship did not end so well. He doesn’t know what to wear. He doesn’t know if he puts jeans or just a tracksuit. He doesn’t know if he should wear a normal t-shirt of his or a sleeveless shirt. He doesn’t know if he wants to impress her or not. She is his ex-girlfriend. He doesn’t know if he wants to make her know that he’s perfect without her or just wants to have a nice chat. He decided himself for the jeans and the sleeveless shirt.

 He drinks orange juice and eat a couple of cookies.

 Time to call Jen. He picks up the phone and calls her.

 No answer.

 He tries again. Nothing.

 He doesn’t give up. After a while she calls back.

 - Honey, what's up?

 - Why didn’t you answer your phone?

 - I was doing an interview!

 - Damn... well just wanted to say that Heidi... - Justin turns around. He just heard the doorbell. Shit. He heads to the door still with the phone in hand.

 - Heidi, what. Justin. Finish the sentence!

 - Wait a moment.

 - No! Justin, I have to keep on recording! - Justin doesn’t care and doesn’t answer. He opens the door and sees how Heidi is walking towards him. She’s wearing a tight black dress that reaches well above the knees. Justin doesn’t know what to say. He just waits until she gets closer to him and gives her a hand signal to not talk.

 - Sorry, what I meant is that Heidi is coming to lunch, okay?

 - Okay, okay, cool, have fun, by the way, tonight we'll have a super romantic dinner you and me huh?

 - Okaaaay... - Justin says smiling.

 - Oh, and you cook, goodbye. – Jen hangs up fast and he giggles. Heidi stares at him with her eyes meaning something like "helloooo, I'm here, I've come to your house, talk to me?"

 - Oh, uh... hi Heidi! - Justin says looking at her and giving her a hug. – Come in, come in.

They go to the living room and sit down.

 - How's it going? - Asks Justin.

 - Well, the truth is that everything's great... What about you? I heard that you’re engaged...

 - Yes, I’m engaged. – He answers smiling uncomfortably.

 - How long have you been together?

 - Did you come to ask me about my relationship?

 - No... I just don’t think we have any other subject to talk about.

 - Heidi... - sighs - What do you want?

 - What? I don’t want anything; I just want to talk...

 - About what? We broke up almost three years ago and now, out of the blue you talk to me...

 - I... I don’t know, it's that I saw you on TV the other day with Jennifer in Cabo and you didn’t look that happy...

 - I didn’t look happy? Are you telling me that just seeing a couple of paparazzi photos you know that I'm not happy with Jen? Well you're wrong Heidi. - Justin gets up from the couch. - I think it was a bad idea for you to come.

 - No, Justin, sit down, I just wanted to talk, this is not what I wanted. I want to fix things between us. You left me, and I'm the one who is trying to fix this. - Justin sits down but looking everywhere but her.

 - And why are you wearing that dress. – He asks seriously.

 - What? You don’t like it? - Justin doesn’t answer; he sighs and goes to the kitchen to get the phone.

 - I'm going to order a pizza! – He shouts reluctantly.

 Five minutes later he returns and sees how Heidi is gossiping everything with the look.

 - It will take about fifteen minutes.

 - Okay. - They stay silent. - Why did you lie? – Asks Heidi not restraining it more.

 - Heidi. I did not lie.

 - Justin, you told me that nothing was happening when it clearly was.

 - I told you I had feelings for Jen! I didn’t lie!

 - You said you had feelings for Jennifer, yes, but you also told me that nothing was wrong.

 - Because I thought nothing could happen. - Justin is getting tense.

 - But how... we were good together...

 - I don’t know Heidi, I know Jen from about six years ago, I joined her more than ever on the set of Wanderlust, I had never felt so happy, I'm fine Heidi. And so should you.

 - Should I? 'After I find out that my boyfriend of almost fourteen years lies to me that he isn’t sleeping with another, should I be happy?

 - Heidi, it’s BEEN ALMOST THREE YEARS. - Justin cries rising from the chair.

 - I know, that is why I want the truth. – She also rises to stand in front of him.

 - The truth? What truth? That I didn’t sleep with Jen until I was sure I broke up with you at all? That every time we kissed I couldn’t stop thinking about what YOU would say? That every time I saw a magazine with my face I said to myself "fucking asshole"? Heidi that’s the truth! But also the truth is that I love her! I love Jen! I can’t even express how much I love her, Heidi, I've forgotten you! - Justin is looking into her eyes, she doesn’t answer. The doorbell rings. - Take the pizza if you want. I'll pay.

 - No Justin, I'm staying. I want to talk about it. - Justin sighs and goes to get the pizza.

 They go to the dining room to eat and start talking.

 - You never told me that.

 - What. - Asks Justin.

 - That you didn’t sleep with Jennifer when we were still dating.

 - I had no chance. You weren’t talking to me. - They stay silent.

 - The other day your brother called.

 - What did he say?

 - Nothing... we just talked. - They become silent again. They don’t know what to say.

 - I'll be honest with you, I almost slept with Jen before we broke up, but we stopped it before anything happened. - Heidi listens and waits for Justin to go on. – We  realized what we were doing. It was a couple of months after finishing Wanderlust.

 - Can you explain how it all started?

 - Is it necessary?

 - Yes...

 -Well, see... We kissed for the first time on the set, but we did nothing... And then we realized that kiss itself meant something... but I was with you so when I finished the movie I told you how I felt. So the same month after finishing recording, she and I were alone for the first time, and well, we... it went a little out of hand.

 - Who stopped. Jennifer or you.

 - I don’t know Heidi... What kind of question is that...

 - I want to know who is a better person. You or her. Because you haven’t shown much truth lately...

 - If I tell you that it was me who stopped, are you going to hate Jen? Or how does this go...

 - What? No, I won’t hate anyone. Just want to know who was the one to say no.

 - Well, I don’t remember...

 - Well, I’ll wait for Jennifer to arrive.

 - What! Why? Why is it so important?

 - Because! Justin! It is important to me! - Justin sighs and leaves the pizza.

It’s 7pm and Jen hasn’t arrived yet. Justin is bored. He's sitting on the couch watching TV. There’s nothing interesting on. Heidi is gossiping in the bathroom.

 - The bathroom is very nice! – Heidi shouts to make Justin hear her. - Hey, Why do you... - Little by little she shuts up.

 - What?! – Justin shouts in response.

 Heidi doesn’t answer. Justin gets up and walks to the bathroom. He opens the door and sees Heidi with a pregnancy test in hand.

 - What the fuck...? - Justin asks puzzled. They hear how the front door closes. - Hide it! Hide it! – He whispers to Heidi. Heidi quickly hides it in and they get out of the bathroom. They go to the living room and Justin receives Jen with a good kiss. When they separate Jen sends him a hint with the look. Justin turns and looks at Heidi.

 - Heidi, this is Jen, Jen this is Heidi. - The two smile and they kiss.

 Now what. Justin doesn’t know what to do. He just saw that his fiancée has a pregnancy test in the bathroom and his ex-girlfriend is now checking out his body muscles at his house.

 Awkward silence. Jen doesn’t know what to do either. She thought Heidi went to lunch, not dinner. She doesn’t know where to look. First she looks at Justin, he looks back, then she looks at Heidi, she smiles and Heidi smiles back.

 Justin turns to Heidi.

- Heidi! Weren’t you going to leave already? - Says Justin ironically slowly pushing her to the door.

 - In fact... Jennifer, I wanted to ask you something. – She turns to Jen and she nods.

 -What's that?

 - I know we don’t know each other enough to ask this but I need to know. - Jen looks into her eyes without knowing what she means. - When was the first you and Justin slept together? - Justin thinks "Shit" and Jen opens her mouth without knowing what to answer.

 - W... Well, no... I… I don’t remember... – Says Jen and Justin sighs with relief. – W... why?

 -For nothing... – Heidi answers quick suspicious. - Well, I think I'm going. – She says smiling approaching the door.

 - Oh, do you have a date? - Asks Jen looking at her up and down without disguise.

 - What? No, no... - Heidi replied, she turns and walks out the door.

 - Aaaaaand... that's why I love you. - Justin says approaching Jen rapidly with a smile on his face.

 - Why was she dressed like that? Did she hit on you? – Jen asks worried.

 - No, don’t worry about that. - He holds her face with both hands and smiles.

 - How can I believe you? - Justin looks into her eyes and his smile erased.

 - What? You don’t trust me? - He takes his hands away from her face.

 - Yes, I trust you. But I don’t trust Heidi.

 - But you don’t even know her, Jen...

 - I know, but just seeing her in that dress...

 - You dress like that too huh... – Jen looks at him seriously.

 - Are you calling me a slut?

 - What? What are you saying?

 - Justin, that girl is wearing a micro skirt.

 - God. Jen, please. We have done nothing. And you know it.

 Jen sighs and nods.

 - Okay, yes, you're right. Please prepare dinner.

 Justin goes to the kitchen and Jen to the bathroom.

 - Justin? - Jen screams from the bathroom.

 - What’s up? - Justin approaches the bathroom and sees Jen with the pregnancy test box.

 - You have not touched this. Who did.

 - It was me. I found it before.

 - Justin, this box was sooooo well hidden at the bottom of the drawer.

 - Fuck... - Justin whispers.

 - How long has she been here?

 - From lunch.

 They stay in silence not knowing what to say. Her feelings now are mixed.

 Jen puts the box on top of the sink and leaves the room angry.

 - What happened? - Justin asks following her.

 - Nothing. - Is standing in the living room looking out the window.

 - Jen, tell me what happened now.

 - I said NOTHING.

 - Jen, fuck, tell me! - Justin shouts grabbing her arm tightly causing her to turn around.

 - Fuck! Justin, you find a pregnancy test in the bathroom and you don’t even bother to ask if I have done it! You haven’t even asked how work was today! Or how my knee is doing! - Jen can’t hold back the tears. She's angry, upset, sad. - Justin, fuck that we're fucking married. - Justin doesn’t know what to say. He is also angry. - Maybe it was a bad idea to get married.

 - Good, because we're not. - Justin answers quickly.

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