Strong(One Piece x Reader)[ED...

By Animefreak1145

1.4M 50.9K 37.4K

The Pirates Era has ships sailing all over the world to chase and find the One Piece, as well as to become Pi... More

The Straw Hat Crew
The Fistbump Duo
Smoke, Fire, and Sand
The Straw Hats See You Later!
Master and Savior
Something is Coming
Dark Justice Returned
Of Ropes and Ships
Farewell Party
One Last Time
It's Been Awhile
Two Birds One You
Your Crew
Not a Captain
Common Grounds
It's Coming...
The Ruthless Admiral
Your Father
Celestial Dragon
The Boy Named Kuro
Bites From Cats Hurt
Auctioning Yourself
Rayleigh and Your Father
It Has Come
Silver Blood Captured
I'm sorry
It's Time
The Past: Dispatched
The Past: CP9
White and Silver
This is Nothing
Meeting an Okama
The Return
A Hopeful and Crazy Idiot
Hate and Disapproval
Your Treasure
The Empress
Your Sentence
He's my friend...!
The Future Pirate King
Trust-The Best Thing in the World
Extra: Your Old Clothes and Your New Ones
The Ultimate Team
The Comedic Duo
A Gentlemen?!
An Idiotic but Likeable Clown
Halloween Event: Part 1
Halloween Event: Part 2
The Lizard
Blushing Like a Farm Girl
Let's Ride This Wave
Battle of Marineford
First Battle
Crocodile VS Flamingo
Second Battle
Questions Unanswered
Warlord's Eyes
The Harsh Truth
It hurts
Never Smile At a Crocodile
With New Determination
Garp, The Man Who Cared
Sweet Victory
The Fistbump Duo Reunited
Keep Moving!
Humiliating Defeat
Mask, Gone
The Bond of Silver and White
The End is Nearing
Slowly Fading
Buggy to the Rescue...?!
Scratches and Bites
Suspected Worries
The Mission
Your Savior
The Man Like the Sun
A Dream
The Song of Hopes and Dreams
Silver Blood's Morals
Back With a Bang!
The Call
Scarred Promises
New Nakama and New Adventures
Lost and Confused
A Mother's Love
The Possibility of Something
Find Yourself Before You Search

The Value of Nakama

9.9K 449 168
By Animefreak1145




I'm sorry Shanks shippers




Shanks, was part of Roger's crew, and he never told you? You were with your crew and the Straw Hats as Rayleigh spoke about his time at the ship. Rayleigh was visibly surprised you never knew, for Shanks spoke of you when he came by many years ago.

How is this possible? Why wouldn't he tell you? When they first met, they always shared stories. Even afterwards, they shared stories of the people around them. Shanks did always mention Buggy however...someone he was close friends with even though you believed it was more like a rivalry then friendship from what Shanks told you. But...didn't Shanks know you were curious about your father? He sailed with him! You know you spoke to Shanks about possibly trying to meet him before, why didn't he say anything. Why didn't he...?

You felt betrayed. It was stupid. It was childish. You knew he must've not said anything for a reason, Shanks isn't the type to keep secrets. Not unless it's for someone protection or something of that caliber. Still...

You felt the worried looks of the Straw Hats and your crew. They were concerned for you. And were a little angry at the Red Hair for keeping this away from their captain. They did more then he ever did when it came to looking for your father. When they were trying to get stronger, they tried to catch all the rumors of Silver. They marked their maps, tried to track him down and always seemed to fail. But they always got close. All for the captain that didn't even acknowledge them at the time.

You gave a wry thankful smile at all of them. You then suddenly standing up from your chair, asking if your ship was done with its coating yet. Shakky giving a slight no in response, Rayleigh replying that it still requires one more day of coating now that he is back from the auction house. You frowned, glanced at your crew and walked out from the shack. Only giving a small wave behind you for the Straw Hats, Luffy's concerned and serious dark eyes on your back as you left.

You felt your crew stand up to join you outside as you walked towards your ship.

Your gaze was determined, your gait proud and with conviction as you stood in the middle of your ship. When you felt everyone was in, you turned towards them.

"Listen to me. And listen to me closely. What I'm about to say, you must follow. You must. If you cannot follow these commands, then it is best if you leave." The crew said nothing but nodded, but their faces grew concerned and filled with worry as they noticed how their captain was behaving. You sighed and told them your plan.

"I'm going to go to Smoker and let him send me to Impel Down to—." Before you even finished your sentence, you were already met with protests and varying levels of shock at your words.

"No! You crazy?!" Taka yelled as Wes looked at you with wide hazel eyes.

"Captain...dangerous." The second half of the shipwright duo said, only to be not heard as Jet and Hak looked at you with angry gazes.

"How can you even–? Like what?!" Jet yelled, his blue eyes seeming to shake as his black hair got in the way.

"What are you thinking? Why?!" The navigator yelled, as the one after the other yelled at you. Your eyes narrowed.

"Be silent!" The crew froze from your loud voice, you quickly continued with grim eyes.

"I heard this from Doflamingo. Ace got captured and is in Impel Down. His execution is going to be in two weeks, so I have a plan. But don't tell Luffy at what I'm doing."

They were eerily silent, but Korra spoke up.

"How can we trust him? Captain, he's probably manipulating you to—."

"Korra." She flinched from how cold you said her name. "I believe I would know if I was being used. And I can tell Doflamingo was telling the truth, since he was spouting nonsense about it."

You then told them they must stay here. The crew was about to protest again, you gave them a glare. Immediately silencing them with a mere look.

"I do not wish to lose my crew in this war that the marines started. I want you to stay safe, which the best way is, is to be away from me."

"What about you Captain?" Jet asked quietly. You turned towards him with a raised eyebrow.

"What about me?" Jet clenched his fist as he said that you always do this. You asking on what do you always do.

"Protect us! Since even before you knew us, you protected us. Each and everyone of us here, was helped and saved by you." Jet's voice showed strong emotion, but his voice did not waver as you looked at him with hidden eyes behind your cap. "Strangers. We were just strangers and yet you wanted to help. Afterwords, when we wanted to be in your crew, you pushed us away. You were scared." You clenched your teeth. "You were scared that we were going to die if we were near you. So you protected us by pushing away. You always protected us! Let us now protect you (Y/N)!"

You said nothing as you glanced around to the other crew members under your signature cap. They all had the same fierce determination that Jet had within his eyes.

"Do you all agree?"

Immediately everyone nodded. Hak adding that they didn't train for nothing. Taka saying they were strong, and if something happens, she's always there to stitch them back together. Korra and Wes looking at you with caring eyes, while Zuko clenched his fists quietly.

"You're not alone Captain. Not anymore. We're with you now!" Jet proclaimed loudly, followed by loud 'Aye's'.

You felt touched. Your crew... Your wonderful sweet, gentle and caring crew. You don't deserve them. Their loyalty is something you'll never understand, but you treasure it. You treasure them. They're...they're your Nakama. And you'll do anything to keep them from getting hurt.


You lifted your head up and gave a small smile.

"Thank you." The crew slowly let out relieved smile's and sighs. A thrum of strong power was released within you, stronger then you normally use. And the crew was suddenly on the floor, even though it was difficult to knock them all out.

"And I'm sorry."

You'll protect them as long as you can. You have to do this alone. You won't let anyone touch them, your eyes narrowed.

Especially not Akainu.

You quickly went over and grabbed one of the shipwrights inventions of a smaller ship but still had a small couch within the little room it had. You ignored the calls for you as you quickly steered away, with the ships motor engine within and unique sails.

You'll finally get to see Smoker.




Dun. Dun! DUN!!

Plan revealed! Sort of...

But really Reader-San, what are you thinking?

And again... ^_^' Sorry Shanks shippers. Had to be done.


Shanks: 10
Doflamingo: 7
Smoker: 3
Lucci: 5







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