Happy Tree Hero

By Raingoddess400

5.3K 114 34

Splendid Sumner, a young man (16) is a new student at Happy Tree High School is half squirrel and has super h... More

First Day
Making Friends and Meeting a Familiar Face
A Fight?
New Feelings?
Frenzy Strikes
How tiresome
A Calm Before The Storm
A Deadly Storm
Happy Tree Hero

"Red" and The Worst Schedule Ever

670 15 3
By Raingoddess400

(A/n: Ms. Rain here with the second chapter. Please enjoy)

Upon entering the school building, Splendid already wanted to head back home. People were staring and whispering among themselves about him, which was pointless because he had super hearing, but of course they didn't know that and he intended to keep it that way.

"Oh my God he is soooo cuuute."

"Yessss I know right."

"Hey wait a minute. Spencer and the new kid look alike, could they be twins?"

"Oh hell yeah...fresh meat."

Splendid wanted to roll his eyes at the last two comments, but cringe at the last one. It was obviously a male voice, but his tone made Splendid think he wasn't after him to bully him. Spencer noticed his little twin's discomfort, and did the only thing he knew how to snap him out of his mood. He smacked him upside the head. "Ignore them idiot, stand strong and show no weakness got it? Plus we need to hurry up and get to the main office so you can get your schedule, and who knows how long that'll take."

Splendid gritted his teeth in annoyance, he rubbed his poor abused head. "Oi asshole, gettin' real tired of you slappin' me upside the head. You're the one to blame if I get a concussion."

"Heh yeah right," Spencer said, tapping the top of Splendid's head. "This thick head of yours can withstand anything. Like hell you'll get a concussion."

"Asshole," Splendid grumbled. He smacked his finger away then crossed his arms. His brother laughed at his used to nickname.

The students in the hallway gawked at the interaction. Spencer was know as "Red" simply because anything can/will set him off, even the smallest and simplest things. He's a well known scary senior, next to another senior, he barely showed any emotion aside from stoic and angry. But seeing him laugh and smile with his little brother brought back memories.

No one never knew the cause of his negative attitude, but some suspected it had something to do with a certain lime-green haired half-bear.


It was his second week of his freshman year of high school and he was loving it so far...okay "loving" is a strong term of putting it so let's dim it down to "liking." He made friends immediately in the first week of school, and was liked by his teacher's for his kindness and smarts.

It brought a painful memory in Spencer, but he didn't let it show because he only had one more month until he moved out of his auntie and uncle's house. It would be him and his little brother once he took the bluenette in, Spencer was 16 and working plus he had the money to do so.

Spencer was in his AP Pre-Calculus class that day, when things changed. When he changed.

Their teacher, Mr, Weathers was called to go to the main office for something, Spencer was to absorbed in doing his morning problem to hear what the reason was. His best friend Shane Evergreen, a dark-green haired half-raccoon boy with honey yellow eyes and wore a fedora called him a nerd to which his twin, Leo Evergreen, laughed at.

Spencer always wondered how they managed to get into an AP class seeing as how they were the jokester's of the school, he also thought that they were just attention seeking idiots. He was proven wrong however when both twins answered a difficult question on the board last week.

They were so coordinated with separating the problem, they only took one glance at the hard equation, and they answered the question together less than a minute later with a proud smirk. From then on, Spencer never doubted their intelligence again nor did their teacher or anyone for that matter.

When Mr. Weathers came back two minutes later, he had a smile on his face. He stood in front of the classroom and cleared his throat for the whole classes attention. "Alright class, we have a new student joining us today. Please come in and introduce yourself," he beckoned the student in.

When the person walked into the classroom, Spencer's ruby colored eyes widened in surprise as did the girls, but for an entirely different reason. He felt like he should know the person, but from where? Then it hit him. He remembered seeing the male with Splendid that day when he was picking him up from the orphanage.

Stood there in the attire he first saw him in at the orphanage, was Fritz Kirby. He wore a camouflage army jacket with a black tank top underneath, exposing his well built body, dog tags around his neck, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. He also wore matching army pants with combat boots, but was wearing a green checkered crest beret hiding his bear ears.

The tall greenette smiled at the class then bowed his head with his hands at his sides. "Hello everyone my name is Fritz Kirby. It's a pleasure to meet you all." It's quiet for a second until a chorus of "Kyaaa" echoed throughout the classroom. The shrill sound caused all of the guys to fall out of their chair, and for Fritz to cover his ears while sweatdropping.

The teacher tried to calm the screaming girls down but to no avail, he quickly turned to Fritz. "U-umm could you wait out in the hall for a minute?" He asked. Fritz wasted no time doing as asked. Once he's out, he sighed and took off his beret. "Well that was weird and unexpected," he thought.

He could still hear the commotion from inside and he shook his head. "Girls sure are crazy," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Tell me about it," a voice agreed behind him. Fritz turned around to see a smirking redhead just now leaving the room, Fritz glanced into the classroom to see the teacher get hit upside the head with someone's purse. He stifled a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Spencer asked.

"Nothing. Hold on, you look familiar..."

Fritz eyed Spencer intently, the redhead cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. After about ten seconds of uncomfortable staring, Fritz snapped his fingers with a smile. "Oh yeah, I remember you now. You're Splendid's older brother right? How's Splendid been?"

Spencer blinked then gave him a small smile. "Took ya long enough and Splendid's doing fine. I'm home schooling him since he isn't ready for the public yet, let alone school."

Fritz nodded in agreement, he placedd his beret back on his head. "Yeah I could never forget what he told me about him being hated by everyone cuz he isn't "human," so it's understandable." Before Spencer could say anything else, Mr. Weathers opened the door looking like he had just gotten out of a battle with a lion or two. "Y-You two can w-wander around u-until the bell rings," he told them, on the verge of passing out.

Spencer decided to show Fritz around, but before they could get anywhere a chorus of "Oi wait" stopped them.

Mr. Weathers couldn't get out the way fast enough and was run over by the Evergreen twins, both smiling. "We wanna ditch too," they chorused. "The girls fangirling can kill a guys ears," Shane commented, digging in his ear. "Plus the teach is practically dead," Leo added.

Spencer rolled his eyes. "It's you two's fault for running him over." And with that, the four walked away from their chaotic classroom.

During the school tour, the twins headed to another class to most likely distract the students in said class, Spencer decided to ask Fritz a question. "If you don't mind me asking, what brings you here to Happy Tree High? I take it you finally got adopted?"

"Nope, I took myself out. Just last year," Fritz answered.

"Wow they let you do that?" He asked, curious.

"Yeah but not without begging of course, but it was worth it," Fritz answered, shrugging.

They walked out into the breezeway and decided to stay there until the next period bell rung. "So where have you been staying then? I mean you were what, 15 years old right? So how did you manage to live without a guardian looking after you?" Spencer asked again while they sat on the steps.

The half-bear raised an eyebrow at the teen's constant flow of questions. "What is this 20 questions? Why so interested?"

Spencer blushed in embarrassment. "No it's not like that, it's just ya know I thought it would do Splendid some good to hear that his best friend's doing well."

Fritz shook his head. "No don't tell him that I'm here, I want him to see me in person so keep me a secret until then." Spencer gave him a look, but agreed none the less. The two sat in comfortable silence until the second period bell rung three minutes later.

They stood on their feet, Spencer was going to ask him about his next class, but Fritz already knew what he was going to say and held up his hand. "Don't worry, before I went to first period I did a little tour around so I know my way. But now I fully know the school's layout thanks to your tour."

Spencer sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "It was no problem." Then they parted ways.

Time skip: After School

Spencer was waiting by the school gates for the lime-green haired teen, they only have first and third period together and he wanted to be nice and walk Fritz home...Wow that sounded gay, but he still wanted to do it because he's nice like that. After waiting for a minute or so, Fritz appeared. The half-bear spotted the redheaded teen, he gave him a look confusion as he approached. "What are you doing standing here for?" He asked.

"To walk you home, duh," Spencer answered a matter-of-factly.

"Dude that sounds so gay, but okay. Oh hey I rhymed," Fritz said, smiling at his unintentional rhyme.

"Yeah yeah, I know," Spencer said, blushing in embarrassment. They start walking away from the school.

"Plus I'm gay anyway and a cute red haired squirrel walking me home is a good way to end my somewhat interesting school day," Fritz commented nonchalantly.

That statement caught Spencer off guard, and he stopped walking to look at the teen, to see if he was joking. But Fritz kept a straight face, stopping also when he stopped. "A-are you serious?" Spencer questioned. "You have to be joking I mean-"

"The hell would I lie for?" Fritz interrupted, a bit irritated, "I might not look it but I am. I told every girl that wanted me to be their "sexy" boyfriend that I was gay, but all they did was get mad at me and say that I could've just said no and not to lie in their face. But like I said before, girls are crazy but I didn't think they would be stupid too. I would never lie about my sexuality, I'm not that kind of person plus I know you're not gay and I was obviously joking."

Spencer was still looking at him, but shortly after he gave him an apologetic look. "Look I'm really sor-"

"Nah it's ok, no need to apologize," Fritz said, waving him off. "Oh I should tell you this now but I like your brother, liked him ever since I first saw him in the orphanage."

Spencer stared at him in silence. "Still wanna walk me home now?" Fritz asked after some seconds of silence.

"He likes my little brother?" For some odd reason, that angered Spencer, he narrowed his eyes. "No, there's no way you can like my brother. For one he's not gay, and two I refuse to let you go anywhere near him. I don't mind you being gay an' all, but not for my brother." He's not a homophobic but the thought of another guy liking his brother didn't sit well with him.

Fritz eyed him in a calming manner, the red half-squirrel couldn't help but notice that Fritz's eyes quickly flashed from seafoam green to a piercing gold, but then reverted back to his original eye color.

"Look," Fritz said calmly. "I understand you have an overprotective brother complex thing goin' on...but know this...," His eyes narrowed as they revealed a striking gold color. "Don't ever tell me what I can't do, that's what I hate the most from people especially from adults. I don't even know why I came to this shitty place knowing damn well I can't stand people ordering me around. Stupid Fritz and his logic for wanting to fit in," he ended with a groan.

Spencer was so shocked that the only thing he comprehended was him saying his own name in third person. "W-wait F-Fritz you-"

"Nope I'm not Fritz," he said, cutting him off. "My names is Frenzy and I'm..." He leaned in close to the redhead's ear. "Fritz's alter ego." And with that, he smirked and walked away, leaving the frozen redhead alone. Spencer stared at the half-bear's retreating back in both shock and confusion. His golden eyes were not normal, they were anything but.

From that day on Spencer never smiled, laughed, answered any questions nor talked to any of his friends whom distanced themselves from him. Instead Fritz took his spot immediately, further dampening his attitude.

Spencer would blow up on anyone who talked to him, and would just sit in class barely participating thus giving him the nickname "Red."


Splendid and Spencer entered the main office, they walked up to a black haired half-cat lady on the phone, her name plate showed that her name was Mrs. Cherrybright. She noticed them and told the person on the other line to hold on a minute, she smiled sweetly at the twin half-squirrel's. "Yes how may I help you?" She asked politely.

"He's new," Spencer answered, jabbing his thumb at his twin.

Suddenly, her eyes widened. She hung up the phone, forgetting that she was talking to someone then turned to face her computer. "Alright name please," she asked, her voice serious.

"Splendid Sumner," Splendid answered. She typed in his name into the computer, after some seconds, she smiled in relief.

"Alright Splendid," she said, directing her attention back to the bluenette. "It says here that you are indeed a new student aaand before you say anything, we have been getting false new students lately and we don't know why. I just had to make sure you weren't one of them. Anyway, I'll have your schedule printed shortly so please have a seat until then." She got up and went to the back of the office.

"False new students? Since when is that a thing?" Splendid asked as they sat down.

"Hell if I know," Spencer answered as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "I didn't hear about it till I entered sophomore year about an idiot coming into the school stating he was new. And from there we've been getting more claiming the same thing." Splendid hummed and leaned his head back, he inwardly prayed that he got a good schedule.

Two minutes later, Mrs. Cherrybright returned to her seat and motioned Splendid over. He got up and she slipped the paper under the window, he took it then scanned it. Almost immediately, his eyes widened, he scanned his schedule again. Do his eyes deceive him? "Umm, could you pleeeease change Algebra to something else or at least change the period. Pleeeease?"

Mrs. Cherrybright gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry no can do. Once a schedule has been made, you can't change it until two weeks have passed."

Splendid paled, he dropped to his hands and knees. Spencer rolled his eyes at his over-dramatic younger twin, he got up and walked over to him. He took the paper from his handd to look at it himself:

1st period- Algebra I (7:45 a.m-8:15 a.m)

2nd period- Economics (8:15 a.m-11:45 a.m)

3rd period- Environmental Science (1:05 p.m-2:30 p.m)

4th period- Gym (2:30 p.m-3:45 p.m)

Lunch (11:45 p.m-2:10 p.m), C-lunch- (12:15 p.m-1:05 p.m)

Spencer cocked an eyebrow. "These are senior classes except for Algebra I and gym so why..." He just decided not to question it, and smacked his brother upside the head with his schedule to snap him out of his depression phase.

Splendid jumped up, rubbing his innocent head. "Oi! Seriously asshole, quit hitting my head, God. You even hit hard with paper."

"Then quit acting like an idiot and I will, idiot," he retorted.

Mrs. Cherrybright giggled at the interaction then the office phone rang . She signaled them to leave by shooing them away with her hand...Ruuude. As they walked out, Spencer took out his phone to check the time, his lock-screen showed him and Splendid smiling in their younger days. The time was 7:30 a.m.

"Alright we have 15 minutes to spare. How 'bout I show ya around?" Spencer offered, putting his phone back into his pocket.

Splendid shrugged. "Sure." The first thing Spencer did was show him where his classes were, Splendid groaned when he remembered that he had math first thing every morning now. He's already not a morning person so math would make him even crankier.


His day was going swell so far (Note the sarcasm).

(A/n: Poor Splendid but I don't blame him, having math first thing in the morning really sucks, but on the bright side he can get the class over with and not worry about that class again until the next day lol So yeah I hope you enjoyed please fave and review, the next chapter will be up soon)

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