Meant To Be (Gruvia Fanfic)

By flower8244

5.7K 250 44

Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser a ship that Fairy Tail fans all love! Gray comes back to the guild with a c... More

Chapter 1: It's Gray-sama's Birthday!
Chapter 3: The Cherry Blossom Tree
Chapter 4: The Love Train
Chapter 5: Galuna Island
Chapter 6: Work Day
Chapter 7: Welcome Back!
Chapter 8: Where is She?
Chapter 9: Feelings Of Love
Chapter 10: Preparation Part 1
Chapter 11: Preparation Part 2
Chapter 12: The Fantasia Festival
Chapter 13: The Dance
Chapter 14: Mage vs. Witch 101 Contest
Chapter 15: Operation: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 16: My Water Princess
Chapter 17: Most Comfortable Night
Chapter 18: Amazing Thing That Happened
Chapter 19:Ambitious Plan
Chapter 20: It's Juvia's Birthday!

Chapter 2: The Curse of The Ruby

434 14 3
By flower8244

OMERGERD!!! I literally cried writing this part! My keyboard's probably broken by now. Anyways, enjoy this emotional chapter!

(Juvia POV)

I ran as fast as I could. As I ran farther and farther from Gray-sama, my heart started to get heavier and heavier. My damp eyes were about to explode in a waterfall. My head was pounding and my stomach ached. My feet were starting to drag and later did I know, I tripped over the wet grass. A thunderstorm appeared all around town.

In the corner of my eye, I could see mothers running with their children, hustling to get to their houses. Merchants were cursing at the rain because it destroyed most of their products. This feeling was quite familiar I thought I would never experience. It was déjà vu all over again.

I was like this when I was still in the dark guild Phantom Lord. I was stubborn to believe Master Jose was helping me overcome my fear. I was captivated by his evil power until Gray-sama came in and...No, this was too much for me. I didn't want to hurt anyone from my storm of depression.

I sniffled and sat down on a wet bench. It made my butt shiver but nothing was colder than hearing Gray-sama's words. I was now unsure if he meant it or not. He sounded serious but he didn't sound like Gray-sama. If I know that, why am I raining!?

I was about to move until an umbrella came over me. I looked up and saw a familiar face. His white spiky hair was still swept over at one side.

"I knew it was you," He said with a smirk. I sighed and looked down.

"Juvia was looking for you before, Lyon-sama," I sniffled. He came around and sat next to me, wrapping a coat around me.

"I know. I already said Happy Birthday to him," I still remember what had happened making my eyes watery again.

"J-Juvia..." I tried to say, holding back the tears. Lyon pushed back my wet hair exposing my wet face.

"It's okay. I know what happened," My heart dropped. I clenched the wrecked present. I wanted to scream and punch him. I didn't know what was going on with me. My emotions were taking control. Instead of smashing his head open, I collapsed into his arms, crying my heart out.

"LYON-SAMA!!" I wailed burying my face into his blue high collared tunic. My cold damp body didn't seem to bother him as he wrapped his left arm around me.

"Juvia. It's okay to let go. This rain of yours is not your fault." He consoled. My tears overflowed faster than the speed of light. I could hear lightning striking down. I was afraid of crying too much, scaring away Lyon, but he didn't make a move.

(Gray's POV)

My first instinct would be to find Juvia. But no matter what, I'll still be possessed by this goddamn gem. So, I just walked back to the guild, thinking about her and what I'd done. Everyone noticed when I was gone, well not everyone. Natsu and Cana REALLY hit it hard with the alcohol and most of my comrades too, sleeping soundly like babies. Mirajane and Erza were at the back throwing away the decorations. When they spotted me, it left a big lump in my throat.

"Oh. Looks like you're back, Gray...." Erza's cold eyes pierced through my soul. I tried my best to stretch a smile. Mirajane looked back and smiled like she usually does.

"Don't worry Gray. We understand how your birthday bothers you," she answered. Okay gem. What are you going to say now?

"No. I'm sorry. I was out of it today. I just came back from a job and it screwed me up," I said bluntly. I was shocked. Wait, I can speak normally now? Before I was just-

"I'll let this pass. But, you still have to make it up to Juvia. She's the one who put all her effort into this," Erza said, patting my shoulder. I bit my lip. Juvia.... I didn't tell them about what I did. I desperately want to apologize to her.

(Juvia POV)

After the rain stopped, Lyon brought me to the front steps of the guild. He embraced me making me      all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Just give him some space. He'll cool down eventually," he shouted waving back at me. I waved back realizing that I was waving his coat.

"Lyon-sama! What about your coat?" I asked. He turned to face me and made a smile that made me flush.

"Keep it," Then he went off. My shocked face softened as I brought the jacket close to my chest.

"Lyon-sama..." I said softly, and then I let go of the ripped present.

(Gray POV)

That night, I wasn't able to go to sleep. Once in a while, I would hear Juvia calling "Gray-sama" to me. I'll try to grab her hand, but then she'll disappear right before me. What was going on with me!? I've never felt this way. Usually, when I turn her down, she wouldn't care and keep on bugging me. But this time, this time was different. Thinking about her gone, made my heart ache. Seeing her cry drowned me, literally. But not seeing her smile anymore, killed me.


The air was cold, even for me. Even though I could hear myself breathing, I couldn't move a muscle. Why do I feel like this, father? I've finally met you but yet you still have to go. For all these years, I thought you were dead. But when I finally got to meet you, I saw you die a second time. I don't know if I can be myself again. If you're mad at me for pitying you, then I'm sorry. Silver's wooden grave tilted to the side, motionless, slowly getting covered with snow.

I just kept on staring at it, until I couldn't blink. I was about to fall asleep until I heard a soft voice.

"Gray-sama?" I turned around to see her looking down, five feet away from me.

"Juvia. Did you follow me here!?" I said harshly.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," she said quickly. I turned my back against her not saying a word. I could hear her squeeze her dress.

"J-Juvia has to tell you something," I still said nothing. Her face expression changed. Puddles of tears filled up her eyes. I glanced at her in the corner of my eye.

"Juvia...was the one who destroyed the necromancer, that killed your father," My eyes widened in fury.

"It was you?" I said. She whimpered, her legs shaking.

"Juvia now doesn't have the right to love Gray-sama. Juvia killed your father," I gritted my teeth. I marched towards her making screeching sounds in the snow. I grabbed her dress tightly, pulling her towards me.

"It was you!?" I growled. I heard her sniffle and I felt her shaking. I tried to hide it but I just couldn't. My head buried into her chest seconds later. Juvia gasped, but felt relieved. I fell down on my knees dragging her down with me.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" I cried. She was so warm and I could feel her heart beating. My knees fell weak and my cheeks turned a little pink. She could feel me trembling and gently wrapped her arms around me.

"You're warm," she said softly. I was warm? My heart palpitated and that moment, more tears were coming out. I felt so cold but yet felt so warm when I was close to her. I didn't know what to think. My father, chose her to kill him, because he trusted her. Maybe I should trust her too.

Flashback Ended

I looked up at the ceiling and made an exasperated sigh. I had to meet this old man again. I need to find an end to this curse. I need to apologize to Juvia. My heart fell apart when I saw an image of her and her beautiful smile.

"Juvia...." I whispered as one tear cascaded down my face.

(Juvia's POV)

The bright ray of sunlight hit my face, helping my eyelids open up to a new day. I sighed and turned over to see my Gray-sama plushie staring at me. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't worry Gray-sama! I'm not mad! Juvia knows you need some space so Juvia will do as you wish!" I said happily. I took a quick shower, put on my regular attire and headed towards the guild. This was a little bit hard for me. I've never been so nervous being in public. Maybe Gray-sama has kept me safe knowing he would always be there to protect me. But now, I'm not so sure anymore.

I took a deep breath before opening the double doors. I stretched out a smile as I said hello to my fellow friends. Lucy and Wendy were over by the request board finding out new jobs. Erza was eating strawberry cake and talking to Levy about Gajeel. Natsu and Gajeel were wrecking the guild as usual. Everyone seemed fine. They probably didn't know about what happened yesterday. I intend to keep it a secret. I don't want them to feel sorry for me. This was my doing and it's my responsibility.

"Juvia! You're okay!" Happy whined wrapping his small blue arms around my neck. I giggled hugging him back.

"Juvia is always fine!" I said cheerfully. Carla smacked him with a fish which kind of scared me a little. She smiled at me, resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't blame yourself for what happened yesterday. It's Gray's fault for not appreciating what you've done," Carla consoled. I just nodded and went over to the bar. Mirajane was cleaning the dishes as usual.

"Good morning Juvia! We're really sorry the party didn't work out the way you wanted it to," she said, feeling guilty. I shook my head, then looked down so Mira-san wouldn't see my depressed self.

"It's okay Mira-san. This is Juvia's doing. I'm sorry I let all of you help me," I whimpered.

"You don't need to apologize, Juvia," Erza interrupted, sitting next to me with her empty plate. Erza-san was a person I looked up to for advice, especially for me and Gray-sama. I wanted her to help me but she didn't deserve to be brought down into my melodrama.

"See Juvia? We're all here for you. Don't you ever give up on Gray!" Mira said cheerfully. She gave Erza another piece of strawberry cake, enlightening Erza.

"You still have a chance. The Fantasia Festival is coming up soon. You can ask Gray to go with you," Erza devoured her cake in a matter of seconds. Mira gave me a flyer about the Fantasia Festival.

"Thank you Erza-san, Mira-san. Juvia will try her best!" I said, determined. They gave me a thumbs-up as I ran out the door. Once no one could see me, I sat down, against a cherry blossom tree crumpling the flyer in my hand.

"There's no more point in trying Juvia. You'll hurt yourself again," I sniffled, biting my lip. Was it time for me to let go?

Gray's POV

I ran faster than I could've imagined. Not after that race I had to run against all of my comrades to not get punished. Damn, it was like a nightmare. But this time, I was more determined to get to that finish line. This time, my goal was to get Juvia back.

I spotted a wooden shack on the mountains. The OPEN sign was visible on the door. Good. I wanted to get this done as soon as possible.

Out of breath, I opened the door and saw the old man fixing an old clock. He looked up at me, and squinted as he had terrible eyesight, despite his bulky spectacles.

"Oh, it's just you my boy. I thought you were my grandma. She can be a pain in the neck sometimes," he laughed in a raspy voice. Offended, I sat down in a nearby wooden chair, staring at him right in the eye.

"How do I get rid of this curse?" The old man gently placed his miniscule tools down in front of me and adjusted his broken glasses.

"That gem is called a ruby. It means passion and love. Did you say things that you never thought of saying?" I nodded. He made an exasperated sigh and cracked his knuckles.

"Was the curse stronger on a specific person?" An image of Juvia appeared in my mind. I clenched my fists and buried my face into my spiky black hair. Though I couldn't see, I could feel the old man's warm smile. It was like he knew something that he wanted me to find out.

"Since it is a gem about love, the curse becomes its strongest on the person you mostly care about," He explained looking at my guilty self. He then patted my shoulder when I looked up at him.

"It seems like you're a person who doesn't like to open his feelings. But I can already tell in your eyes that you truly love this person," I shot up. Me? Love Juvia? Of course she was my friend that I trusted, but I never thought of actually loving her.

"I don't want to hurt her or anybody anymore. How do I get rid of this curse?" I asked. The old man snickered and stood up. I cringed hearing his back crack as he went over to a shelf. I couldn't really see but it seemed like he was getting some sort of chocolate from a jar. Then he came back to his seat.

"You have to spend time with her and open up your feelings. Only then you can break the curse," He handed me the chocolate. "Eat this. This will temporarily sedate the curse so that you may be able to approach her without feeling it's presence," I squeezed the chocolate in my hand and got up.

"Thank you sir," It was all I could say. When I was about to head out, I heard him say, "What is her name?" I turned around, and smiled.

"Juvia. Juvia Lockser," The old man laughed in a weird way. I was unsure if he was mocking me.

"Make sure you take care of her, before the curse does it for you," the old man responded. I nodded and waved goodbye.


If you guys are waiting for the "moment" you guys just gotta wait ONE MORE chapter. I'm working my butt off for this fan fic so don't worry! It'll be coming soon!

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