Nerd by Night (H. Styles)

By _live_laugh_love_1D

1.5K 49 13

Danielle tried so hard to get where she is now. She is at the top of her high school, competing with Amanda... More

Nerd by Night
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

chapter 1

139 6 2
By _live_laugh_love_1D

Hi guys! sorry for the slow update, ill be faster from now on :) VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW! xox

Dani's p.o.v.

I get up early and finish my homework, as I stayed up late with Anne and Gemma. I had no clue where Harry was. And I don't really care anyways. I lean on the white headboard and finish up English. A knock on the doors startles me, and I cover up everything. "Come in."

"Hey Hun, just checking on you. You should get ready." Anne smiles. I nod and ask where I can shower. She points to bathroom in the room and I blush. She closes the door and I go over to wash up.

Once done, I get dressed in a low neck tee and denim jeans. Black vans pair nicely and I scrunch my brunette waves with moose. Mascara and eye liner complete my look, so I hop down stairs for breakfast. I see Harry eating pancakes half asleep. "Morning." I startle him. I snicker to myself and pour frosted flakes in the bowl someone put out for me. I sit across from Harry and check my Facebook and twitter as I scoop the cold milk and sweet flakes in my mouth.

"How are you awake..." He yawns again. "I just am. Bye, I don't wanna be late." I talk with a full mouth as I put the bowl in then sink. He checks the clock on the stove and curses while getting up and running to his room. I go over to my purse and look for my car keys. Instead, I find a note.

Hey sweetie, have Harry drive you to school until we get back. Love you, mum and dad.

I groan out loud and stomp up the steps. I gather my books and yell for Harry to hurry. In ten minutes, he meets me down stairs. "Don't you have a car..." "Funny you should ask." I shove the crumbled paper in his face. He does something similar to my reaction before grabbing his keys. "C'mon then!" I follow and climb into his black car. "Nice car." I complement him. I see him smirk.

"Thanks. So what do girls like you do in cars? I had a girl friend who always out on lip gloss." I roll my eyes. "Yes, because every girl does that." I notice him smirking. "Do you like bugging me or...?" I face him. He shrugs. "What are you gunna tell people?" he asks. "Wow, I never thought of that. Um, the truth. I'm being forced by my parents to stay at your house and it sucks." "Hey be nice," he snaps. "My mum really is happy you're staying. She loves your parents." I put my hands up in defence. "okay, okay, sorry." He pulls into school now. As soon as he stops I get out.

I walk away from his car and Ryan spotted me. "What are you doing with him?" He asks. "Well, my parents are going on a business trip and I'm staying over his house for a whole month."

"Why don't you stay with me instead?" He frowns. "Please you know I would." I kiss him for a moment. I hear Hannah scream and spin around. My group comes and asks why I didn't text and why I was with Harry. After explaining again, they snicker. Thankfully the bell rings. I just need to relax and do work.

School when by fast, and I have no clue where to meet Harry. I decided Ryan can drive me. "Can't we go to my place." He whines. "Babe I wish." Hes been acting weird about it, maybe too jealous. I dunno, it's probably fine.

I wave to him driving away as I start to the front door. I can hear yelling and ring the bell. I don't have a key so... yeah. "There you are!" Anne pulls me into a hug, and I gasp for air. "Harry is red faced and his hair is messy. "Where were you?" He growls at me.

"I had no clue where to meet you, so my boyfriend gave me a ride." "Next time Harry does okay?" Anne asks. I nod. "Okay good. When do you to homework?" She asks. "Usually after dinner." I answer. She nods and Harry pipes up. "Just so you know Danielle, I'm having a party here Saturday." He gets up and leaves. "Mkay?" I shake my head clear. Whatever.... This will be a long week.....


Its Friday night, and I called the boys over. We need to plan and chill. I sit down stairs waiting by the TV and Dani comes down in short pajama pants and a small baggy shirt with her hair up. She plops down on the opposite couch. "Problem?" She asks when I stair. I chuckle, knowing she'll be embarrassed. The bell rings and I jump up.

"Hey guys." I let them in. Danielle gets up, waves, and rolls her eyes. "DANI COME HERE!" mum yells. She comes back and Louis smacks her bum. She turns around and threatens "Dare touch me again and I'll break your balls." I laugh with Zayn and run to my room.

"So how you like Danielle so far...?" Niall trails off. "Not at all. I hate her. She's so annoying and a drama queen. I hope she doesn't ruin my party."

"Nah, she wont. Be she's the hottest girl in school!" Liam licks his lips. "That's nasty. Plus, Ryan has a BAD temper. Don't joke. I heard he busted up some guys nose for talking about her ass and saying shes a slut." Zayn shivers. "Not a slut." Louis laughs. "True true. So, about tomorrow night..."

Danielle and I are just walking towards Target right now for party food. Mum made me take her, even though we both objected. I spot the boys sitting on a bench inside talking. I hurry towards them. "Hey Harry. Danielle?" Louis has a confused look on his face, along with the other boys. "Anne made me come." She rolls her eyes.

"Lets go. Are you gunna stay with us or...?" Liam wonders out loud. "She has too. Mum will freak." I say. "Fine, but we are looking at things I like." We all groan and follow her. "No make up-" she cuts zayn off. "I have enough. I need art stuff. I love it." She blushes. "Really?" We all gape. She nods. "Fine, but after the food." I tell her.

Once we have sodas, chips, and other necessities, we follow Danielle to get what she wants. "Yes!" She screeches. "What?" We all harmonize. "They have spiral pads, extra big." She picks one up. "Whatever." I take out my phone. I notice her blushing again. Huh, weird. "All I want is this and charcoal pencils." She takes something else. "You really love art. What else do you like?" Niall raises an eyebrow. "My boyfriend." She walks away. Yup, back to sassy.

Once paid for everything, we all decide to go to my place. Danielle isn't talking. I break the five minute silence by saying "Why were you blushing?" She does it again. "No reason, I was just excited and that was weird." She ties her hair back. "Oh." Is all I say. I know shes lying...

We both carry in bags and set them on the counter. Mum left a note saying no drugs and alcohol. Definitely no drugs, beers, yeah. "Hey Harry, I don't need to set up right?" She asks. "I guess not." I shrug. "Okay bye!" She goes up stairs. Just then the bell rings to my four best mates. I let them in and we have a late lunch.

The party is already going for like an hour. People are asking about Danielle so I go upstairs to see what shes doing. "Darn! No no no no no! Damn another kill!"I hear her scream. I crack open the door and I see her playing a Nintendo DS and getting really into it. I also see books all over her bed from studying. She studies?! I take out my phone and recorded her yelling for fifteen seconds before knocking. I come in and shes on her phone.

"Yeah?" She thinks I don't know... "I saw you with the books and playing the game." I lean against the closed door. She blushes and chuckles nervelessly. "I recorded it." I mention. She turns a deeper red and cries.

"Please don't tell anyone. I'm begging you." She makes out through her hands. I stair wide eyed at her. Is this happening? She looks at me. "I-I wont." I mumble. She smiles and grabs a dress and goes into the bathroom. I close the door after leaving. What the hell?!

In fifteen minutes she comes down in a black short tight dress and heels. She looks like her old self. I shudder. "Hey everyone!" She beams. "Good, just in time to play." Angel claps. "Spin the bottle mark!" He does and has to kiss a hot chick. This game always makes me nervous.

After a few people, its my turn. I spin and watch the bottle go round and round. It begins to slow and it lands on Danielle. "Hell no!" She yells. "Yes! Now!" Liam laughs.

"God..." I pray. Zayn hits me and I lean in. She does too and kisses me fast. "Didn't count! Too fast! Rule is three second." Amanda says.

"Ew now." Dani backs away. People start chanting and we give in. We kiss but move in sync for a moment before both backing off. "What the hell?!" Ryan yells. People "ooh" and Dani stands up.

"Ryan, its a game. I had to." She begs. "Didn't look like it... I can't believe you..." he walks away. "Wait!" She runs after him. "I swear, hes a total asshole and they forced me! Plus, he's a terrible kisser." People start giggling. I just have my mouth open.

"Fine. But don't ever kiss my girl again, here me douche?" He says in my face. "Wouldn't dream of it." I copy. He leaves now for good.

I woke up with a start. I had dreams all night about Danielle. Weird, I know. I come down stairs and mum hasn't come home yet. Danielle and Gemma are talking and doing homework. I hide behind the wall so I can listen to what they are saying.

"Yeah, last night wasn't so hot. I'm going by Ryan's for a date. I'm actually kinda getting scared of him..." Danielle's voice shakes. "Why?" Gem asks. "Well, he uh... He yells at me a lot. He slapped me twice..." I can hear her crying.

"Oh my God, Dani, leave that asshole." "I cant! He'll really hurt me and then thrash out on me! Plus, I can't tell anyone what he did to me. He'll break my school status, and people love us as a couple, so breaking up with him, well, that's what he cares about."

"Danielle... Can I please come?" Gemma begs." "No. Don't tell Harry, I really don't want him to get hurt, Ryan's strong, and well Harry... isn't." They giggle while I blush. "No problem-"

"Hey guys." I stroll in. "Hey." Gemma says. "Hi." Dani mumbles. "I should go. Thanks." Dani says to Gemma. When she's gone Gemma stairs at me. "What?" I ask as my bagel is in the toaster. "Well, did you eves drop?" She asks. "No." I roll my eyes. "Harry, if you did tell me. That was personal of her." I sigh.

"Maybe I did..." Now Gemma sighs. "Dude, you're so dumb. Don't say anything about this to her understand?" "Sure sis." I hold up my hands.


I step out of Gemmas car and thank her for driving me. I ring Ryan's bell while pulling up my pants. "Hey." He smiles. I copy and kiss him. He takes me up stairs to him room. "Parent aren't home..." he wiggles his eyebrows. I never did it with him, and sure as hell don't plan on it.

"Cool." I take out my cell. He leans over my and starts kissing my neck. I pull away, but he sighs angrily. "Its because of that Harry kid right? You like him now?!" He raises his voice. "Ryan I-" he slaps my cheek pretty hard. I crawl to the door. He picks me up and punches my face. "Why do you love him?!!" He yells. I cry out again and this time open the door. I bold down stairs but trip. I scratch my hands and chin on the cement and run faster. "Were not done!" He yells.

I pick up the pace and run to the local store, which is CVS. (A drug store.) I sit down on the bench out side and cry my eyes out. "Danielle?" A familiar voice calls. I look up and Liam and Niall are standing in front of me. "Are you okay?" Niall asks. I wipe my face and don't even bother noticing the mascara all over my hands. "Yeah. Gotta go." I go inside the store to the girls bathroom and call Gemma. "Hello?" She answers. "Please pick me up at CVS. Hurry." My voice shakes. "Holy crap, yeah." She hangs up. 

We burst through the door and I'm crying still. "Danielle?" Anne calls. She gasps me brings me to the kitchen. "Gemma get the first aid kit. Honey, what happened?" Gemma runs back and I look at her. She nods. I tell her everything. "I'm calling the cops."

"Please don't! I really don't want this taken further. Shit my eye!" I sob. "Here." Harry hands me ice in a bag. "Did you hear?" I stutter. He nods, and I sigh. I place the cold package on my eye. "Can I clean your face?" Anne asks. "Yeah." She takes alcohol and wipes it on my cut, causing it to burn. I yelp out in slight pain. "Shush." She orders.

"Can I do anything to help?" Harry asks. I bug my eyes and shake my head. "No you'll make it worse. He'll beat you." I shiver. He just sits there. Anne puts a bandage on it next. "No foundation on this." She shakes her finger at me. "I don't use that, I use a tinted moisturizer." I say. "Or that." I half smile and get up. I thank her and head to my room.  

Harry open my door and I sigh. "What do you want?" I sigh. "I'm just trying to help-" "okay don't. You're the reason I get beat up! What do I tell people huh? I can't believe this fricken happened. Leave me alone, I gunna play Call of Duty." I cry a bit. I turn on my X-Box and take my controller. "You play video games?" he gasps. "When I'm bored. Go!" I blush. I actually play a lot of games. He leaves and I can play in peace.

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