Coachella - Hemmings

By gxphoenixx

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A story in which two people who would never usually cross paths do. Both are burdened by their pasts. They th... More



267 10 2
By gxphoenixx

" Seriously. That's enough. Fuck off!!"

It always irritated Luke when his bandmates took advantage of the fact that he was hungover and had a massive headache. They would never help him get over it, they would only make it worse by screaming in his ears or banging on pots and pans. Sometimes - if Ashton really wanted to piss Luke off - he would play his drum kit. Luke was grateful Ashton's drum kit was not where in sight or he was sure Ashton would be hammering away at it.

"Lukey-poo it is your fault you feel this way." Michael said to him and to which Luke rolled his eyes.

"No one asked you to fucking yell in my fucking ear you fuck." Luke snapped back at him.

Michael scoffed and pulled out his phone. "You sound stupid when you say fuck after every word."

Luke stood up from the kitchen table and grabbed his bowl. He tossed it in the sink before he walked out of the room. He was not going to let Michael have the last word. 

"Fuck you and fuck off." Luke said as he was leaving.

He went back his shared room. He missed having his own private space, he hadn't been home in a long time. Luke slumped in his bed and pulled out his phone from his pocket, he went into contacts and scrolled through. Everyone thought celebrities would have hundreds of contacts but Luke didn't even have that many. As he scrolled through figuring out who he wanted to text his phone started vibrating and the screen flashed to a picture of him and his mum.

"Mum❤️❤️" flashed on the screen.

It didn't matter how many times that flashed on his screen. He couldn't. He was not ready to face what that meant.

It was times like this when Luke wished he wasn't so alone in this world. He wanted to talk to someone and tell them how he was feeling. He tried a therapist and it wasn't for him. Luke knew he could count on the boys but it was hard to open up to them - he couldn't put his finger on why. 

Luke wanted a companion and not in the sense of a dog. He wanted someone who would stand with - not by him. Someone who he could poor his heart out to and they would do the same to him. As much as he wanted this the thought of having it scared him. He could barely love himself and he knew that opening up to another person meant he'd have to love them. Luke knew he was selfish, he didn't know if he could overcome this obstacle. So he felt he was better off alone.

This mindset always worked for him. Until the past year when things got bad with his Mum. He needed another coping mechanism and that was pushing everyone further away than they already were.

A few seconds later Ashton walked into the room.

"Hey mate, how ya feelin'?" Ashton asked him as he summed through his duffel bag full of clothes.

"Could be worse. What are you up to today?" Luke questioned. He felt as though he hadn't really talked to Ashton lately.

Ashton shrugged and continued ruffling through everything.

Luke got up out of bed and decided it was time for him to get dressed. Even though his head killed he knew he'd feel better in a hour or so and wanted to do something. He threw on a plan black tee and found black skinny jeans and slid them on. He knew he looked like every other teenage boy here but didn't care. He was punk-rock before it was cool (at least that's what he told himself).

He heard a phone vibrate. He left his on his nightstand and wasn't sure if it was his or Ashton's. A minute later it vibrated agin and he walked over to it and he looked down at it. He read the message:

" If you want to talk meet me at The Grill in 15 mins. "

He was shocked to receive the message in the first place but even more bewildered when he read who it was from. Stevie. Was she really going to give him another chance? Was she crazy? Crazy for him maybe. Luke got mad at himself after he thought that. He couldn't keep acting cocky and smug. He knew that did not impress her and would only push Stevie further away. 

Did he want to go? Who was he kidding. Of course he wanted to and he would. He just had to find more Advil to decrease his headache.

"What are you looking for?" Ashton asked as he saw Luke with his face pressed to the ground looking under his bed.

"Advil, got any?" Luke replied.

After a few seconds Ashton mumbled something at Luke and a bottle of Advil soared through the air. It hit Luke in the back and landed on the floor.

"Thanks." Luke said half genuine and half sarcastic. After he popped one in he grabbed his wallet and his phone and turned to leave.

"Where are you headed?" He heard Ashton ask.

"I'm going to take a walk." Luke lied and left.


The whole walk to The Grill Luke's mind was going everywhere. He first wondered why he lied to Ashton. Was it selfish of him to want to keep Stevie all to himself? Was he jealous of what her and Ashton could possibly have? He felt guilty. Like he was standing in their way. But then was he? Did she like him? He didn't know and didn't know if he ever would.

Then last five minutes of the walk Luke's mind was anxious. He didn't know what he was going to say to Stevie. He didn't know if he should start off by apologizing or just let her speak. Was she even going to say anything? Would she just sit there? His mind ran through all the different scenarios. He tried coming up with solutions to all of them but knew it was pointless. He would see her and forget everything.

He approached the doors of the pop-up cafe. It was small and once in not hard to spot someone. All the girls in the shop had funky coloured hair, something Michael probably had at one time or another. However there was one with dark brown hair that was facing towards him. Staring at her phone with one headphone in. He stopped in his tracks. He was still close enough to the door that he could turn around and she would never even know he came. Luke took a step back and his shoe rubbed against the ground and made a squeaking sound. 

The girl's head shot up and he knew he could't take anymore steps back. As he took a step forward their eyes met. Her mouth opened a little as she was almost surprised to see him. Maybe she wasn't expecting him to actually show up. However she closed her mouth a few seconds later and looked at the table pulling her headphone out and wrapping them around her phone.

"Hey." He said as he approached the table. "Is this seat taken?" He motioned to the booth seat across from her.

"I guess not." She replied and he sat down. "I'm surprised to see you." She told him.

"Didn't think I would show?" Luke smirked and the waiter came up and asked him what he would like to drink. He politely said he was fine with the water on the table.

"I didn't think you would show up... considering Riley told me to meet her here." Stevie replied and Luke looked dumbfounded for a minute. 

He cussed under his breath. He knew it was too good to be true. Screw Riley, oh wait -

"But I'm glad you're here, we needed to talk." Stevie finished and took a sip from her glass of water.

"Look-" They both said at the exact same time. Stevie let out a small smiled and Luke chuckled.

"Go ahead." She told him.

He didn't know what he wanted to say. She was going to talk. Why did he even say anything?! He looked at the wall next to them gathering his disoriented thoughts before he started.

"I'm sorry, I know thats long deserved. I know I'm an asshole 99.9% of the time and I don't mean to be - not to you at least. I know we never began on the right foot and this probably won't be our last fight. But for what its worth I really enjoy spending time with you, even if its just hanging out and doing nothing. I really hope you'll give me another chance and we can be friends." He finished.

She stared at him as if she was almost hesitant about what she wanted to say. Was she going to tell him to fuck out of her life forever. Was this it?

"Luke... I don't even know where to start. You really drive me insane sometimes." She chuckled. "Thank you for apologizing. As someone who has fucked up a lot I understand the importance of multiple chances, so of course Luke I forgive you. I enjoy hanging out with you too and think we could be great friends."

He smiled at her response. It was something he was definitely not expecting.

"And since we're friends, I wanted to make sure you're OK if I went on a date with Ashton?"

There it was. The bomb had dropped. Stevie was always full of surprises and here was the next one.


What do you guys think Luke is going to say to Stevie? Will he be an ass?

Can anyone guess what's happening with Luke and his Mom??


I'm back I sorry I know, I am THE worst! When I actively read stories on here I hated writers like myself who took forever to update. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope it was worth the wait.

An update on my life (not that any of you all are interested) I am having surgery next Tuesday (it was supposed to be this Tuesday but it got cancelled). I'm not going to say what for because its very personal, but don't worry I am healthy and will survive LOL. Ergo I will be unable to socialize for a few weeks and since I have finished my first year of University and cannot work due to my surgery, I have nothing else to do but write.

So I'm hoping I will update this story more and finish it by the end of summer. I am going to try and continuing writing while I am away at Uni but who knows, I have very active housemates that like to do things all the time - aka I get easily distracted.

I hope everyone is doing well.

When do you all finish school?

Love always,

Geneva xo

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