Knowing Noah Trent

By stromburger

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" ... I was so certain about everything until I met you ... " More

Author's Note
One - Summer Craze
Two - First Surf of Summer
Three - Getting Pizza
Four - The Party Invite
Five - More Baby Sitting
Six - The Swim
Seven - Pasta Disasters
Eight - Friends
Nine - Birthday Treats
Ten - College Letters
Twelve - The Morning After
Thirteen - Monday
Fourteen - A Time To Try New Things
Fifteen - JJ
Sixteen - Setting The Story Straight
Seventeen - The Dinner
Eighteen - So Close Yet So Far
Nineteen - Repercussions
Twenty - Forgotten Ice Cream
Twenty One - The Graduation-Send-Off Dance
Twenty Two - The After Party
Twenty Three - Food Is Almighty
Twenty Four - Where The Wild Things Are
Twenty Five - The Phone Call
Twenty Six - One Last Hiccup

Eleven - The Amethyst Necklace

2.7K 114 50
By stromburger

Chapter Eleven

On the Saturday of Noah’s party, during the day, I was roped into helping mom down at The Breadbox because she was short staffed. So while the sun was blazing high, I was cooped up in her little bakery on the pier. It was busy though because everyone was down at the beach, and by people being at the beach, it meant they got hungry and my mom’s bakery was popular so I had a constant stream of customers to serve the whole day.

By 4 o’clock, I was sick of the smell of bread and waiting out to leave. I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open, I didn’t get home until midnight the previous night and I had to wake up at 7 and after being on my feet all day with a constant fake smile, I was ready to drop to the ground. Thankfully, the lunch rush had completely died out and the bakery was near empty. So when my phone vibrated in my pocket, I quickly pulled it out and checked it. It was a message from Katie. ‘hey chicka! What time did you want to go tonight??’

I formed a reply to her before mom could see me texting. ‘it’s starts at 7 and I’m working ‘til 5 so maybe 8ish?’

‘wow you want 3 hours to get ready?!’ Her reply was almost instant.

lol no, I want to have a nap before we go’

‘oh of course. Well I guess we could go for the fashionably late angle. I’ll be over to pick up at 8 so be ready! See you tonight xx’

I was about to reply but in that moment, my mom walked in so I pocketed my phone and made it out to look as if I were doing something useful. She glanced around the empty bakery before turning to me and smiling. “You can go home honey; I think I have it covered here. Wouldn’t want to keep you from getting ready for tonight.”

“What’s tonight?” Juan, our Spanish baker, asked as he came walking out from the kitchen.

My mom squealed. “Clara is going to a party tonight.”

Juan’s eyes lit up as he kissed me once on each cheek. “¡ay, oh, Dios mío chica! What a miracle?”

“You’re both insane, you know that right?” I stated.

Juan and mom shared a look before bursting out into a fit of giggles. Juan picked up my limp hair in his fingers. “My daughter is very good with hair! I can call her to come over and do it for you?”

“God Juan, I’m not going to Prom. It’s just a party. And before you ask mom, no, I’m not using the next four hours to get ready. So stop before you say something embarrassing.”

She laughed. “Oh okay honey, I’m sorry. I’m just excited! My baby is growing up.”

I rolled my eyes. “Mom. I’m 18. I am grown up. You know what actually? Don’t say anything. I’m leaving. I’ll see you later.”

I was gone before either of them could say anything.

As I walked along the pier, I stopped in one of the dinky jewellery stores I’ve always wanted to have a look around in. It was one of those hippie ones, with handmade bags and beaded bracelets. As soon as I walked in, the bell sounded and I was hit by a strong smell of incense.  On arrival, a woman with dreads, no shoes on and a big load of rings and bracelets came out. She had a smile on her face that was open and warm. I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Hello my dear,” she said cheerfully.


I started to look around and she asked me what I was looking for. I shrugged and told her nothing in particular. I was sifting through a table of necklaces when something caught my eye. It was a lilac stone with dark purple running through it. My hand went to my own necklace I was wearing. The one I always wore. I looked at the woman. “What does this stone mean?”

“It’s amethyst. A stone to keep a sober mind. To protect against drunkenness. To keep one free from poison. It’s a very common crystal to wear. Do you have one?”

I pulled my own out, a small six sided point stone on a long leather band that came down to my chest. “My aunty got it for me when she came back from South America a few years back.” I blinked tears back at the mention of my aunty.

“Ah yes, it’s commonly found in Brazil. It’s a good stone to have my dear. It’s worn to protect from self-deception.”

I nodded my head slowly, feeling the stone gingerly between my fingers. “That’s really cool. I’ve always wanted to know what it meant.”

“Knowledge is power.”

Before I could reply, my phone started ringing. It was my mom. I excused myself and answered the call. She started telling me I had left my bag at the bakery in my moment of frustration. So after hanging up and awkwardly saying goodbye to the woman, I made my way back to mom’s shop.

I kept the stone in between my fingers, rolling it around under my index finger. I’d been wearing this stone for 3 years and even though I wanted to know the meaning of it, I’d never made an effort to do so. I’d rarely taken it off. My aunty had given it to me and it was the last thing she gave to me before she passed away from Tuberculosis. She was my favourite relative by far. She was quirky and exciting and she introduced me to different books often. She was the person I went to if I had problems. After she passed, I wanted to keep something of her close by. And that was the amethyst necklace. I smiled to myself delicately as I slipped it back under the neckline of my top and made my way home.

+   +   +   +

I hazily heard someone saying my name as if they were saying it through water. It got louder though, as time passed. Then I was being shook. Then jabbed. A shot of pain ran through my side and my eyes snapped open. I blinked a few times to adjust to the bright light of my bedroom. Rubbing my eyes tiredly, I looked up to the culprit. It was Katie and she was looking down at me with a frown. “Clara! You were supposed to be ready ten minutes ago!”

“What time is it?” I yawned and stretched out.

“Just past 8.”

I shrugged. “Sorry. My alarm must’ve not gone off. I’ll get ready now.”

“Yeah, well hurry up. God, I was banging down your door before I just decided to use the spare key. Your parents are at the hospital I suppose?”

“Yeah they are.”

I stood up off my bed and made my way to my vanity. My hair was a mess and my face looked groggy from sleep. I looked at Katie and what she was wearing; a peach tier dress and powder pink platforms. I sighed. “Wow. You look really nice … and really dressed up.”

“It is one of the biggest parties of the year Clara. This will be normal.”

I looked down at my jeans. “I was just going to wear these.”

“Yeah, no. Try again.”

I groaned before walking to my closet and pulling out a black dress. I chucked it on, along with an oversized cardigan and a grey scarf. I started putting my converse on and before Katie tried to object, I gave her my best glare. “This is the best you’re going to get, got it? But I’ll put on some make up, just for you.”

She squealed. “Yay! You’re the best!”

Little did she know that my version of make-up was some concealer and a smidge of mascara. I saw her face drop but I just ignored her and raked a comb through my hair. When it looked near normal, I deemed myself ready and told her I was set to go. Her eyes scanned over what I was wearing. I looked super casual compared to her but I didn’t really care at all. I didn’t mind dressing up, but only if it were something really important, not some high school party.

As we walked to the car, she told me that Josh was going to meet us there and that he was going with one of his friends from the swim team. The drive didn’t take too long but the whole time, Katie was a jittery mess, excited and nervous over the prospect of the huge night to come. I, however, was just insanely tired and even though I wanted to see Noah, I also wanted to curl up in bed and go back to sleep. Plus, I wasn’t sure how Noah would be around his friends so I wasn’t sure if I actually wanted to see him.

There were cars lined up along the side of the road, not too many though, I suppose no one really planned to drive home drunk. After Katie parked up and I hopped out, you could easily hear the music coming from the house as well as all the shouting and laughter. Katie smiled. “Aw man, this is going to be awesome!”

“Yeah sure,” I said through another yawn.

“Hype up girl! We’re going to have fun!”

We walked through his front gate and saw the front door was wide open, people all spilling out. I frowned. “It’s like the whole of Huntington is here.”

“And then some,” she replied.

She took the lead and I grabbed the back of her dress as to not lose her as we squeezed through all the people in the front hallway. We came out into a foyer looking thing with stairs that lead upwards and a doorway that connected to a huge living room. Katie walked past the living room, which was littered with people dancing to the distant hum of music and making small talk, all with red cups in their hands. She made her way forward and we emerged into an even bigger kitchen. Complete with a dark grey granite island bench/breakfast bar and matching kitchen appliances. I laughed to myself; of course his house was going to be this nice. There were giggling girls leaning against the island, in skimpy dresses, they were engrossed in something some person I recognised from my Maths class was saying.

Katie kept walking so focusing on her I followed on. We went through an elegant dining room before going through a set of already open big French doors. We appeared outside where most of the party seemed to be and it was obvious that there were easily over 100 people outside crowding Noah’s backyard. There was a pool in the middle that no one was swimming in despite what the movies may portray and close to that was an outdoor BBQ area where a fire was going with people crowded around it, absorbing in the heat. I wasn’t surprised by this considering 99.8% of the girls were wearing next to nothing. There was an outside table set up where it seemed people were playing beer pong. That much was typical. Despite the number of people, it seemed to be quite mellow. It wasn’t too rowdy, just loud music coming from the DJ set up in the corner and loud chatter but nothing to outrageous. I suppose it was still early.

Katie told me to keep my eyes peeled out for Josh and almost instantly, I spotted him, chatting with three guys near the pool. Grabbing my arm, she dragged me over to where they were. Josh greeted us, gave Katie a major PDA kiss before introducing us to the three others. They were swimming boys from Newport Harbour and they were quite good looking. Katie and Josh were engrossed in their own conversation leaving the four of us to make small talk. Awkwardly, I cleared my throat and glanced at them. “So, how do you know Noah?”

“He got with my sister,” one of them said and I was immediately taken aback. He saw my face then laughed. “Nah, we sometimes surf with him. And yeah, he did get with my sister but she’s a slut so no biggie.”

“Um … okay … cool?” I stuttered out unintelligibly, totally unsure as to what to make of that. “It seems he gets with everyone. Maybe he should get checked for an STI.”

All three of them laughed. “You’re funny and yes, that’s quite true. He’s the man.”

“So it seems,” I said bitterly. The little factor putting a sour taste in my mouth. When I turned my head to address Katie and Josh, it appeared that they had left me. I frowned. “Excuse me while I go look for my shitty friends who have already ditched me.”

The blonde one of the three laughed it off. “Hey girl, just chill out and have fun. It’s a party after all!”

I just walked away in that moment not interested in replying to him. I made my way back inside and it wasn’t as busy as it was previously. The kitchen was practically empty except for a woman struggling with a stack of boxes full of different alcohol. Three people brushed past her without a second glance. I cussed silently to myself over their rudeness and went over to help. “Hi, do you need some help with those boxes?” There was a muffled ‘yes’ so I took half of them. “Where do you want them?”

“On the bench will be fine dear.”

I plonked them down on the granite countertops and she grinned at me. Instantly, I knew who she was. Not from the obvious New Zealand accent but because they had the same brown hair and warm brown eyes. It was Noah’s mother. She was taller than me, wearing black trousers, heels and a purple blouse. She was beautiful for a middle-aged woman. I guess that’s where Noah got his good looks from.

“Thanks for that.” She held out her hand. “I’m Noah’s mother by the way, Julia.”

I shook her hand easily. “Cooke, Clara Cooke. I go to school with your son.”

Her head tilted to the side slightly, as if trying to figure out something. I cleared my throat awkwardly and pointed to the boxes. “That’s a lot of alcohol.”

“Tell me about it. I say blame his father, he insisted that we give the boy the 18th he wanted.” She rolled her eyes. “And do you know what he said he wanted? Chicks and beer.” She snorted. “Sometimes I will never understand my son, hopefully he changes over time.”

“One can only hope.” I gestured to a stumbling girl passing us out to the dining room. “He better be thankful though, having all these drunken teens in here must be hell.”

“I’ve been trying to keep them outside; I really don’t want my house too trashed.” Her eyebrows creased. “I’m worried they’re going to drop dead, the amount of alcohol they drink is insane. Although, it does remind me of New Zealand. I guess teens are the same everywhere.”

“Well you can count on me not to drop dead!”

“Well thanks for that.” She dusted her hands off. “Anyway, I shouldn’t be keeping you from the party. Go have fun love!”

I shrugged. “If you need help, I’m more than happy to give you a hand. Drunk people aren’t really my favourite.”

 She hesitated before looking at all the boxes and giving in. “Well if it’s not too much hassle, do you think you could help me put all the alcohol into the fridge?”

“Sure thing. I’ll pass, you put away.”

So that’s what I did. I passed her cans of spirits and bottles of beer and she put them into the big stainless steel fridge. We kept up a steady stream of conversation about summer and New Zealand and we had one super good conversation about books. What was even better, was that when a drunk kid came wandering in, she ushered them back outside. Sounding lame and not caring, I think I was actually having fun. Although, I don’t think it’s what mom and Noah and Katie had in mind when they told me to party. Oh well, not my problem.  

Julia was lovely and I could see where Noah got his ability for easy-going banter. She seemed laid back so I was curious to see what the father was like.

Speak of the devil, and he may appear. In that moment of thought, a man walked in and kissed Julia on the cheek. He was the same height as Noah, close to 5’11 and I suddenly looked very short next to the Trent parents only barely hitting 5’5.

Noah’s dad saw me helping his wife and cocked his head to the side. “Wow Jules, is someone so drunk they’d be helping you at a party.”

There’s the sharp-tongued side of Noah coming through.

Julia rolled her eyes. “Don’t be sarcastic. This is Clara, she’s a friend of Noah’s, she’s sober and she offered to help me, so—“she poked out her tongue then laughed playfully.

He looked at me. “Ahhh hello Clara.” He held out his hand, which I shook. “I’m Marcus, Noah’s dad.”

“Cool, nice to meet you.”

“So shouldn’t you be partying?”

I shrugged. “It’s not really my thing. Although, come to think of it, I haven’t even said hello to Noah.”

 “I just saw him go upstairs so he should be somewhere up there,” Marcus said gesturing behind him back to the foyer.

“Okay, do you mind if go see him?”

Julia chuckled. “Of course sweetie, you’ve been heaps of help as it is. Thank you.”

“No problem, anytime. Although if you have to clean up spew, count me out.” I patted my abdomen lightly. “Weak stomach.”

Both parents laughed and as I left them standing in the kitchen, I was feeling a bit happier. His parents were very lovely and down to earth, he was right; they were very humble for rich kids. Not what I expected at all.

I found the staircase and started to make my way upwards. A few people were coming down and when I came to the top, it was almost what I was imagining, a long hallway with a large number of doors. I sighed and edged forwards, hoping Noah would just pop out in instead of me having to check each door.

He didn’t though and I was about to give up and go downstairs when I hear his familiar voice. I followed the sound and came to the only door that was wide open at the end of the hall. A big bathroom was lit brightly; much more striking against the white tile that lined the walls compared to the dim lighting in the sandy coloured hallway I was standing in. A handful of boys were inside, including Noah who was in the midst of them. I stood in the doorway, unsure of how to get his attention. I was about to say his name when one of his friends with light blond hair, noticed me. He grinned. “Hey babe, did you come to take a hit?”

I frowned, slightly confused, my gaze dropping south.

That’s when I saw it. The white powder lined on top of the kitchen sink. My legs froze me in place as one of the boys bent down and snorted it right up his nostril.

The same blond guy saw me watching his friend. “Do you want some or not? We got more than enough to go around. A pretty thing like you would be a good time.”

I gasped lightly, in shock of his words. Noah, who had his back to me, turned around to see what his mate was talking about. As he spun, he had an obvious smile on his face, amused by his friend’s words. As soon as he saw me however, his expression dropped. His eyes went wide in surprise. He paused for a sliver of a moment before pushing the blonde kid out of the way to get to me. In three easy strides, he was in front of me and putting a hand on my shoulder, he stepped me backwards out of the doorframe, closing the door behind him.

The bright light disappeared along with the friends and the two of us were left in the dimly lit hallway. “Sorry, that’s something you really didn’t have to see.”

“What were you snorting Noah?” I demanded, shocked by the severity of it. “Was it ecstasy … cocaine?”

“Don’t be ridiculous Clara, it’s better to pop ecstasy rather than snort it. And I wouldn’t do Class A in my own home. It’s only speed,” he said calmly, as if that were perfect normal.

“And that makes it better?” I counteracted. “Your parents are downstairs and you’re up here snorting shit?!”

He frowned. “Wow chill. It doesn’t even concern you so why do you care?” I didn’t reply and he sighed. “Let me guess? Along with not partying, you don’t drink, smoke or do drugs?”

I dropped my gaze. “I drink wine sometimes at family dinners.”

“Holy fuck, you’re funny,” he laughed.

“I’m not gonna stand here and try and make conversation with you if you’re all drugged up. It’s a waste of my time.”

He tilted his head back and pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering something I couldn’t quite catch. “You really are one innocent girl, aren’t you? I’m not drugged up. If I were, my pupils would be the size of coins and I’d be tripping out right now. Heck, I’m barely drunk.” I must’ve looked surprised because he added on, “It’s only 9:30, if I was completely fucked right now, I’d be coma’d out in bed by midnight and I definitely don’t want that on my birthday. And before you ask, I wasn’t just about to take Speed in there. I was just checking up that the amateurs did it properly and didn’t make a mess of my bathroom.”

“And you’re such a pro?”

He shrugged. “You’d be surprised.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. He laughed and asked me to wait a second. He disappeared back into the bathroom for a few moments before coming back out. He put his hand on my lower back and started to guide me back the way I came. I was slightly thankful; I really wanted to get of there.

He cleared his throat as he walked. “Sorry again … that you had to see that. I forget that for some people it would be really shocking.”

“I wasn’t that fussed,” I lied.

“Yeah right Clara, you were like a deer caught in headlights.”

I poked my tongue out at him. “Oh shut up.”

We got the top of the stairs and instead of continuing on, Noah stopped. I peered at him curiously, as he turned to me. “So I had no idea you would come tonight.”

“Yes well, I thought I better since we’re friends and all.”

He laughed once. “Yeah, friends, that’s right. Well thanks for coming anyway.”

“No problem. I’m having fun. Happy Birthday by the way. The big one eight. It’s no different to 17 I’d say, because you know, I know seeing as I’m older.”

“Shut up idiot.”

I laughed before sobering quickly. “I helped your mom and had a good conversation with her and I avoided every drunk person that crossed my path. It’s been a good night.”

He laughed. “Aw shit, you met my parents? My mom didn’t say anything embarrassing, did she?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary of what parents usually say.”

“Phew.” He leaned against the banister and crossed his arms, the lean muscle in his arms straining slightly. He looked delicious tonight. His style was simple and very street skater but I found it insanely hot. Okay, maybe it had a lot to do with the fact he was just generally good looking but still, his clothes made it just that much better. I didn’t realise he was talking to me until he snapped his fingers in front of my face. “Hey spaz, did you hear what I asked?”

I shook my head and he rolled his eyes playfully. “You’re such a day dreamer. I asked you how your exams went.”

I cocked my head to the side. “Noah, it’s your 18th party and you’re really standing here asking me about my exams—which by the way went fine—but you don’t have to stand here and make small talk. I’m not really a party person.”

“Yeah but I still want to talk to you. I haven’t seen you for the last two weeks. It’s been too long! I want to have at least a decent conversation with you tonight before I start getting properly drunk. I’d rather you had this conversation rather than one when I’m fucked off my face.” He frowned slightly as if saying the next bit to himself quietly. “I’m not sure you’ll like the drunk Noah.”

I shrugged even though my heart sparked a bit at what he just said about wanting to see me before he was drunk. I grinned. “Well then let’s talk.”

“How’s Bobby?”

 “Bobby is fine. He was actually asking about you the other day.”

“Thanks for telling me that earlier,” he said sarcastically. “I’ll visit him sometime this week.”

“Aren’t you cute,” I stated.

He fluttered his eyelashes and curtsied. “The cutest.”

At the bottom of the stairs, someone started calling Noah’s name, wanting to do birthday shots. Noah glanced down but ignored him. I rolled my eyes and nudged his shoulder with my hand. “Go Noah, it’s fine. I can handle myself on my own; I might go talk to your mom again.” He gave me a look and I sighed. “I was joking.”

“Oh right. Funny joke. Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m definitely sure. Go! Have fun! I’ll see you again sometime tonight most probably.”

He grinned at me as the other guy kept shouting his name. Before he left, he closed the space between us and wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug. I wasn’t expecting it all so my arms stayed by my side, as if it made a difference anyway because Noah was hugging enough for the both of us. My head fit perfectly under his chin because I felt him rest it on top of my blonde hair. “I’m really glad you came tonight Clara even if I do think you need to loosen up and have a drink.”

I laughed gently. “Thanks and maybe one day. Then again, maybe not.”

He squeezed me firmly but comfortably, lifting me slightly off the ground. “Ahhh, party time!” He stated as he set me back down and let me go. “Catch ya later Cooke.”

He ruffled my hair and then he was gone, bounding down the stairs two at a time.

I was left at the top still, buzzing over that one hug. How his arms came around me easily. And how warm he was, a good warm, a warm you’re drawn to when it’s cold. A warm you’d want to be hugged by in the middle of winter. I was buzzing over one stupid hug, and in that moment, I knew my crush was just getting worse and worse as time passed. You’d think the two weeks without him would’ve weakened it. But it hadn’t. It had just made it stronger because being away from him in that two weeks to seeing him now, made me realise just how much I missed his presence. At least we were friends I guess. Friends at least, was better than nothing.

+   +   +   +

By midnight, Noah’s party had turned into the ones you saw on TV. People were in the pool, everyone was drunk off their faces and the vibe had turned from mellow to rowdy. I’d eventually found Katie and along with Josh, were both well on the way to drinking themselves to throwing up. So while I made the decision to drive them home in Katie’s car, they kept drinking and having a fun time. They were in their own world so I was left to fend for myself. After a while, the vibe outside got too consuming so I made my way inside, where it was near empty. I was walking into the kitchen when I crashed into something solid. I bounced back and went sprawling to the floor. 

"Oh sorry girl," someone said from above me. "I didn't see you there." 

I glanced up from my place on the ground and was met by perfection. My jaw dropped open and I struggled to form words. "It's fine," I eventually managed to stutter out. 

He was the hottest boy I'd ever seen; a perfect tan, sculpted arms, sandy blonde hair and a perfect smile. Putting down the guitar he was holding, he grinned at me, bent down and put his hands under my arms. And as if I barely weighed the same as a feather, he lifted me and set me on my feet. With wide eyes, I gaped at him. "Um. Thanks."

"No problem." He stuck out his hand. "I'm Drew."

My own hand went into his. His was big and warm and it engulfed my hand with surprising softness. "Clara," I replied. 

"Nice to meet you, with exception to the circumstances of course."

I giggled. A sound I didn’t realise I was capable of making. Least of all making it sound cute too.

He smiled at me. “So how do you know Noah?”

“We go to the same school. What about you? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Are you one of his surfing buddies?”

“Yeah … something like that.”

Just as he finished speaking, someone came bustling into the kitchen. We both turned around just in time to see Noah crashing into the bench. Drew went over and grabbed him to steady his balance. “Alright there bro?”

He smiled at us, a lazy smile, with his eyes half closed, but a smile nonetheless. “Hey Drew, my main man. I see you’ve met Clara. Have you pulled the famous line on her yet?” I gave them both a funny look and Drew look slightly pained whilst Noah just chuckled. “He’s from X Factor, Emblem3. Has he pulled that yet? Gets all the chicks.”

I cocked my head to the side. “I knew you looked familiar.”

“Sometimes it’s not my favourite line to lead with.”

Noah scoffed. “You’re joking mate! It gets all the chicks!”

Drew just rolled his eyes. “You’re drunk Noah.”

“Of course I am. It’s my 18th,” he slurred.

Before Drew could reply, someone popped his head through the door. “Yo Drew! Kyle wants to see you.”

Noah’s eyes lit up. “Wes man, meet Clara!”

Wes turned to me and gave me a sup nod. “Hey, I’m Wes.”

“The other guy from Emblem3?” I pondered.



Drew turned to me. “It was nice to meet you Clara,” then he winked before saying, “maybe I’ll see you around.”

And then he was gone.

I stood there in slight shock. Did he just wink at me?

Before I could think about it any longer, Noah came closer to me. “He’s a ladies man that one, stay away from him.”

“As opposed to you?”

He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of the beer in his hand. He made his way over the fridge and opened it up, revealing the lines of different drinks. “We should do a birthday shot!”

“No thanks Noah, not tonight, I’m driving.”

He turned around and pouted. “Oh come on Clara, just one.”

“Don’t push it Noah, I’m driving tonight, okay?” I said tiredly.

“Ok then.” He came back around to my side of the bench and sat at one the breakfast bar stools.

I sat down next to him and grinned. “Are you having a good time?”

“Yeah, but I’m going to have an insane hangover tomorrow. I just know it.”

I don’t what it was, but in that moment, something pinged in the back of my head. Before I could really figure out what was going on, my hands moved towards my neck where I took the leather rope between my fingers and lifted it over my head. I pulled the amethyst stone out from under my cardigan. Noah glanced curiously at what I was doing. I cleared my throat. “This is amethyst. It’s a stone to guard against drunkenness and to instil a sober mind. You should wear it, maybe then it won’t be so bad tomorrow.”

For a second, when my mind caught up with my movements, I panicked. Here I was offering a purple necklace to a guy. I mean, what was I really thinking when I did that? Talk about c o o l. I held my breath as I held it out to him, in hope he wouldn’t laugh in my face.

Slowly though, with a face of confusion he grabbed the long rope necklace out of my hand and surveyed it. I averted my gaze, mumbling pathetically in hopes of downplaying my offer. “You don’t have to wear it. I mean, I just thought because I didn’t get you a birthday present it might be cool. But if it’s not cool enough for you then I can easily have it back no worries.”

He shook his head. “No, it’s sick.”

“I think you’re just saying that because you’re drunk,” I muttered.

He laughed. “No. I’m serious Clara. It’s cool as. Where did you get it from?”

I hesitated, my voice dropping. “My aunty gave it to me before she passed away.”

Instantly, he shoved it back into my hands. “No, I can’t take it.” My eyes went wide in shock but he just shook his head. “I couldn’t take something from you that meant so much.”

I smiled slightly and gave it back to him. “My aunty would feel better knowing it was actually getting some use. I mean, when am I ever getting drunk?”

“No Clara,” he said quietly. “It has a lot of meaning.”

“Fine Noah. You can keep it temporarily. Keep it safe for me. See if it does what it says. Just let me give you something for your birthday, at least so I don’t feel as bad.”

He sighed but took it back anyway. There was a pause before he took off something from around his neck. It was a thin silver chain with a silver ring dangling off it. I recognised it from the times I’d seen him with his shirt off. It seemed he was always wearing it. He held it out to me. “Swap then. I didn’t get anything for your birthday, so now we’re even.”

“You don’t—“

“Oh shut up Clara and just take the fucking thing.”

“Oh. All right then.”

He put it into my hand and I lifted it close to my eyes to get a better look at it. It was medium width, an obvious ring for guys. It had a wave encircling the whole thing. “Where’d you get it?” I asked softly.

“My best mate gave it to me before I came here so keep it safe, would ya?”

“Of course,” I murmured.

At the same time, we both put the necklaces over our heads. The ring fell a small distance below my collarbones, just long enough to hide under the neckline of my dress. It was cool against my bare skin. The amethyst stone fell easily to the middle of his chest. He tucked it under his t-shirt and grinned at me. “Happy Birthday to us.”

“Happy Birthday to us,” I repeated softly.  

“Did I mention how glad I am that you came tonight?”

“Yes, yes you did.” Although, I had no problem in hearing it over and over again.

He got of his seat so he was standing in front of me. And by standing in front of me, I mean, my knees were touching his legs and he was looking down at me with that lazy smile of his. My head came up to his shoulder and if I leaned forward a mere 15cm, I would’ve been touching him.

I gulped nervously.

“I mean it though,” he said quietly. “I’m super glad you came—“

A group of boys bustling into the kitchen interrupted us. I recognised them from school. They carried a cloud of sour smelling smoke. Not quite cigarette smoke. Something more potent. I scrunched my nose up in distaste.

They came over to the bench and Noah looked up at them, and then fell back into his chair. “Sup boys!”

One of them took a drag of something and blew out a big cloud of smoke. I coughed. Then I realised what it was. Marijuana. How typical.

“Noah!” They all yelled simultaneously. “How’s the birthday boy?”

“Fucking great eh. Have you met Clara?” He gestured to me happily and they all waved.

One of them spoke up loudly, “Who’s down for birthday shots?”

What was it with everyone and birthday shots?

Noah jumped up. “I’m keen!”

They gathered around the breakfast bar and someone laid down a number of shot glasses while another filled it with something that looked like vodka. They all picked up the small shot glasses and prepared to knock them back. I just watched, happy to avoid participating.

But of course, that little fact couldn’t go unnoticed because one of Noah’s friends frowned at me. “What about a shot for the pretty lady?”

“No thanks, I’m good,” I replied easily.

“Nonsense! Have a drink babe,” another one added on.

“I said no,” I replied bluntly.

“Loosen up cutie.”

A group of girls walked in at that point. They were from school too. I knew a few from my homeroom class. They looked to the boys. “What’s going on?”

The week smoker nodded to me. “Trying to get this little one to have a shot.”

“I’m the same age as you,” I muttered.

“Tight ass girls aren’t anyone’s favourite,” he cut back.

I cringed. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Live a little babe. Don’t be on our nut, just have a shot.”

“No thanks,” I said evenly, despite a growing anger bubbling on the inside.

The same guy cussed. “Noah! Get your girl to loosen up. Shots all around bro!”

I looked to Noah to back me up but he just grinned. That lazy grin. “Yeah have a shot Clara. Loosen up!”

“Seriously? I already told you before Noah. I’m driving.”

One of his mates clapped him on the back. “You tell her birthday boy. You’re the boss.”

“One shot isn’t going to hurt you Clara,” he cut back. He cocked his head to the side and gave me one of his best smiles. “Just one?”

His smile was irresistible and I would’ve said yes right then and there had it not been for one of the boys deliberately blowing a big cloud of smoke into my face. “Yeah, just one shot Clary.”

“It’s Clara and can you please stop?” I asked politely. “I’m not having a shot nor do I appreciate the cloud of smoke you’re blowing into my face.”

He laughed. A taunting laugh. A laugh that mocked. “Oh boys, she doesn’t appreciate the smoke.” He blew some more into my face. “Just have the stupid shot you nun.”

“Yeah grandma. Just have the shot,” another added on mockingly.

They all laughed as if his joke was the funniest ever. I tried to appear unaffected but when I turned to look at Noah and saw he was laughing as well, a part of me cracked slightly. I bit back the tears threatening to surface. I was tired. I was hungry. I was definitely not in the mood for this. “I’m not having your stupid shot so go harass someone else.”

“Stop wasting our time. Just have the shot slut,” someone hissed.

I’m not sure who it was. It sounded like a girl. I didn’t have time to see who it was because I was splashed by something. It hit just under my chin and dribbled down my cardigan and cleavage.

It was the shot of vodka.

I stood up abruptly in shock, my expression one of horror. “What the hell?” I semi-yelled.

They all just laughed. Loud cackles. The girls. And the boys too.

Including Noah.

And in that moment, I knew I was wrong. About everything.

Noah wasn’t sweet. He wasn’t caring.

He was a prick. A grade-a prick and I was wrong to think otherwise.

The tears I bit back earlier were threatening to spill over.  I blinked rapidly, pleading my tears to stay put. I distantly recalled someone coming in; asking us what was going on. He sounded sincere. He wasn’t laughing. Or mocking. I think it was Drew. I’m not too sure though. Because I was gone. I’d pushed past everyone to the door. I didn’t look back. I didn’t try and find my friends. I just went straight to the car, my head bowed in embarrassed. It wasn’t until I’d gotten into Katie’s Sedan, that I realised the tears had spilled over and were falling in thin streams down my cheeks.

 +   +   +   +

Whoo, I hope you guys liked that long chapter! ... because it's not going to happen again hahah 

Anyway, shit went dowwwwwwn. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?!?!

What do you think is going to happen next? With Noah? With Drew? At school? Ooooh d r a m a.

Also, to motivate people to vote and comment more - if I get heaps of comments and votes (lol not really), I'll post a small snippet of Noah's POV at the beginning of the next chapter. Now, that's a big thing for me because I neeeever do that during a story but you guys are special and I wanna see what I can do with it. So yeah, have fun with that!

Outfits in the external link yo (: 

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