You're My Hero [My Hero Acade...

By Torishii

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(TodoDeku) Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku (BakuDeku) Bakugo Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku(?) [ONESHOT COLLECTION... More

(1) Todoroki Shouto: Drama
(2) Todoroki Shouto: Sadist
(3) Bakugo Katsuki: Chocolate
(4) Todoroki Shouto: Court
(5) Bakugo Katsuki: Possessive
(6) Bakugo Katsuki: Addiction
(8) Bakugo Katsuki: Jealous
(9) Bakugo Katsuki: Frustration
(10) Bakugo Katsuki: Neighbor

(7) Bakugo Katsuki: Notebook

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By Torishii

WARNING: Contains lemon. This also contains too much for innocent beings. Not a fluff, at all. Read at your own risks.

Bakugo Katsuki is a jerk. Mind you, readers. I was just trying some things out. Please don't get mad. Hahahahhaha.

Author's Rants:

Geez, sorry if it may seem a little half-assed work. The spark of my mood in writing lemon is slowly fading. Hahaha, couldn't find any inspirations in the internet. Damn.

And about episode 7 of Boku no Hero Academia, Kacchan's getting too hot especially with the combination of his seiyuu! Yiiiiieeeee!!!! That moment when Kacchan appeared on Deku's back, about 13:20s, and he says; 'Are you saying you can win even if you don't use it?' And damn shît! Kacchan's evil smirk! Kyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!♡♡♡♡

I've been replaying that part a lot of times until now and it never fails to make me fangirl my ass out.

Anyway... continue reading. Hihihihi...


[Midoriya Izuku]

The last school year of my middle school days' about to end in a few months and weeks from now.

Today, our homeroom teacher asked us what do we want to be in the future. It was obvious that everyone will reply him that they wanted to be heroes and will take hero courses.

Since I was part of the class, they also knew I was about to enter hero course as well. Upon hearing that, they were in laughing craze and I felt so small all of the sudden.

So much for being the only person in the class with no quirk. What can I expect? But that didn't made me give up. I am still believing that I could be a hero whether I have a quirk or I don't.

And also, thanks to our jerk teacher, he even dares to mention that I will enroll the same school as Kacchan's, Yuuei, resulting him to get pissed off more of my whole very existance.

He gave me a warning but today was different. I didn't follow his words. I proved him that the 'Deku' he knew all along was now different. While Kacchan's pouring his anger on me, I could see my other classmates teaming up with him and some laughing at me on the background as if I just gave them a hilirious joke-not.

As usual, I ignore their mocks and insults about my efforts and just live life like I decided to be. Or so... that's what I thought.

It was finally dismissal and I was fixing my things to prepare myself to head home. Today was definitely tiresome but before I could even continue on my thoughts, my attentiom suddenly alerts up.

I searched inside of my bag and even the pockets, everywhere, every part of the bag... I could not find my 13th notebook.

Panic suddenly boil in me and I frankly searched for it. I looked under my seat, none, then under the table, none also. I looked everywhere. I searched every corners on the floor, also none!, and even under the teacher's table. It wasn't there.

I was about to cry, literally. That notebook had extremely rare data about heroes that just got their debut the past two weeks. And completely losing that notebook is going to cost me an arm. Not a joke but not going to be realistic. It's just that notebook is very important to me.

I was the only person left in the classroom so I couldn't get any help.

Like hell they would even bother helping me.

"Where did I put that notebook?" I asked myself with desperate on my tone.

I stood in front of the classroom and thought hard.

"Is this what you're looking for, fûckface?" I flinched and felt cold shivers crawling on my back and on my shoulders.

My head quickly searched for the owner of this familiar voice. When I locked eyes to this person, my body went cold. Kacchan was at the door holding my notebook while wearing a mocking smirk on his face. He steps forward before he closes the door behind him and I heard a click, meaning he locked it.

I didn't know why but I feel nervous. I knew Kacchan didn't like the idea of me enrolling to Yuuei, heck yeah he hates it. But the Kacchan I am looking right now looked... dangerous.

After closing the door, he walked towards me in a normal pace. When he was two steps in front of me, I stepped backwards but he kept nearing me.

I was about to take a run for it and to escape him but I was stopped when Kacchan pulled my arm and slammed me on the blackboard. A yelped escaped my mouth.

"You want this, right?" Kacchan says and his face's very close to mine.

I couldn't look anywhere but to his red eyes that were scary. My heart was beating so fast in my chest and I was having a hard time to breath properly.

I unsurely nodded my head. Kacchan raises his hand, which holds my notebook, and neared it on my face.

Kacchan places his face beside mine and whispered; "If you want it, then do as I say."


I stood on my knees on the floor while I was in front of Kacchan's lower part.

"Mmh... mmh..." a soft hum kept sounding in my throat as I slurp with my inexperienced mouth Kacchan's shaft.

It was hard fitting him in my mouth that made my jaws hurt. I couldn't even suck all of him so I did what Kacchan instructed and used my hand to do the other half.

I licked the tip then slid my tongue on the sides, like what people usually do when eating an ice cream. What we're doing right now is really new to me and Kacchan seemed to be enjoying this though.

Honestly, I wouldn't ever do this to Kacchan if it weren't for my notebook. And even if I reject his wishes, I knew troublesome problems would be the outcome than this.

"Fûck, suck more, Deku." Kacchan breaths as his hand on my head, fingers tangling with my hair strands.

I did what he said and continued my work. I sucked his manhood at my best and, upon doing this, it felt hard not to admit that this is a little bit enjoyable.

While doing my work, Kacchan's hand suddenly grip on my hair and it hurt me a little. It made me thought if I did something wrong but Kacchan, out of the blue, pushes my head down making me deep-throat him.

I gagged and jolted when he came in my mouth, shooting his white seeds also on my face. I pulled myself off and coughed harshly. It tasted weird and I accidentally swallowed some.

"You didn't warned me!" I complained with teary eyes.

"Like hell I care, dîcksucker." He scowls and ordered me next to suck his fingers.

I made a quesioning look but he threatens me that he will explode my notebook if I didn't do it.

Kacchan gives out his hand and said that I'll only take in his three fingers. I took it so I started off licking slowly the sides. I don't know what he's planning to do so I have endure it until the end.

After coating his fingers, he ordered me next to stand on the side of the teacher's table with my back turn on him. I did not question him further and reluctantly followed his intructions.

I stood with my back turn on him and the teacher's table on my front. Awaiting his next action, I grunted when Kacchan pushes me down, by forcing my shoulder to fall, and my chest hitting the flat surface.

Planning to question his sudden actions, my eyes widens when I felt my pants getting pulled down and my lower part exposed.

My face feels like burning from embarrassment.

"K-kacchan, wha- ah..." I gripped the edges of the table when Kacchan pushed in something inside my entrance.

I covered my mouth to contain my soft cries. I saw that Kacchan was using his fingers in me which really feels awfully weird and new. At first, he entered one finger. It move in a rough pace as it kept thrusting in me. Then, he entered the second along with his third after that, doing scissoring motion.

It hurt, of course. The feeling of my inside slightly ripping from his harsh thrust and eventually I got used to it but this is not good.

I just lowered my head and let Kacchan do whatever he wants. Right now, I want this to end quickly. I hate this. I'm so ashamed of myself. If anyone in this school sees us, I'd shut myself in my room forever.

"Hey, Deku... you're so fûcking tight around my fingers. You feeling good there?" Kacchan whispered in husk on my ear making me lower my head and remain my hand on my mouth to block the uncontrolable moans that might escape from my mouth.

My legs were getting weak as they tremble but Kacchan's free hand grips on my side to prevent myself from falling.

After asking that, receiving no reply from me, Kacchan thrusts in unbelievable pace his fingers in me. I sealed close my lips and supported it with my hand to stop the moans that I accidentally let out.

"Not talking, huh?" I heard him snicker and swiftly pulled his fingers out of me.

Finally, I thought. I thought everything was finally done and I even breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, let's go to karaoke later." I heard a girl's voice just outside of the room.

"Yeah, how about we invite one of our classmate with us?" Then came another girl's voice.

Their voices were just outside of this classroom and I could even hear their foot steps very near. I breathed another sigh of relief in my thoughts. Good thing eveything's now don---


A pained cry suddenly came out of my mouth when I felt something hard and weirdly bigger than Kacchan's fingers penetrated inside of me. My head arches up, hands gripped on the sides of the table, as hot tears roll out of my eyes.

I huffed heavily and slowly looked at my back to see Kacchan but he didn't let me have a break and pulls out then thrusts back in.

I immediately covered my mouth to prevent another moan to escape.

"Wh-what's that sound just now?"

"I-i don't know. I think it came inside of this room."

I felt cold all of the sudden. Just the idea of us getting caught in act doing such thing in here really scares the shît out of me. I started to panic.

Does Kacchan even cares if we ever get caught by other students? That I do not know because he continued pounding and only muffled noise could be heard with my hand blocked.

Praying was the only thing I was thinking right now. Hoping that we won't get caught by the students outside and would just go away, acting like they didn't heard a thing.

"H-hey, I think it's a-a gh-host..."

"L-let's just get out of here."

Their foot steps began to fade away and that answers it that they are now gone.

"K-kaccha--Aahh!! Ah!" He interrupted me by thrusting in a harsh way.

I knew now it's useless to make him stop so I planned to cover my mouth until the end. If anyone passes by again, oh, I don't know what will become of me.

And about the plan I just made up, it suddenly failed.

"Fûcking damnit!" Kacchan growls and his grip on my hips loosen.

His hand took my hand, that's covering my mouth and secured it on my back. I panic that now I don't have something to prevent my cries, since my other hand was holding the side table for support, Kacchan laughed.

"Now, let's see if you can contain those lovely sounds you're making, Deku."

He resumed his rapid pounding and occassionally our skins make contact creating indecent sounds. The moans I've been preventing to let out failed.

Each of his thrusts, strained whimpers escapes my mouth and warm tears continued flowing down my cheeks.

The pain felt so horrible that I think I might break any moment now. But what's more worst is our situation. I wanted to tell Kacchan to stop this but instead of those words to come out of my mouth, sounds that I did not know I could make were.

Graudually, the pain that I've been feeling through his hard thrusts became... good.

I was having conflict with my thoughts. What am I thinking all of the sudden? How come I'm feeling good when it's very painful?

I don't get it. Why am I responding now to Kacchan's thrusts?

Kacchan lets out a chuckle on my back. "Now, you're looking desperate there, huh? Deku."

I let out a pained scream when Kacchan's pace got even rougher and faster. The surprise of his change on pace didn't fully registered in my thoughts. My mind's, as of now, scrambled due various of emotions and unanswered questions.

I was a moaning mess, I know. But what could have I done? For a brief moment, I didn't care if anyone who passed by sees or hears us. Heck, I have the feeling that my cries were heard even outside of the school, which I hoped not.

But there was a question that was repeating itself in my thoughts.

Why on earth am I enjoying this feeling?

My gripped on the table tightens when I felt myself nearing my climax.

"K-kaccha-ah!n... I'm ahh!-about t-to c-ah!mm!" My words were ragged and sounded needy.

As I gave Kacchan a warning, his hand, that was supporting my hips, went to my shaft and warped his hand on it to give some attention.

He synchronized his strokes to his thrusts and before I knew it I came on Kacchan's hand while screaming ecstasy. As I scream in pleasure, Kacchan gave me one last harsh thrust before I felt him came inside of me next.

I couldn't move for some moments as I was catching my breath after Kacchan slips out me. I shudder when something dripped out of my entrance.

My back suddenly felt heavy and I noticed Kacchan was on my back. His face was near my ear and he whispers; "I love you, Deku."

My eyes widens in shock. For a moment there, K felt my heart stopped beating. I couldn't believe what I just heard coming from Kacchan's mouth.

I averted my eyes and looked at the floor. Feeling my cheeks heating up, I replied with my voice stuttering; "I-i l-love yo-you too, Kacchan..."

"Good. I'm glad." The weigh on my back disappeared and his voice sounded relief.

"I'm returning your notebook now, Deku."

Kacchan says and I slowly looked at him on my side. I have this smile on my face that I could not remove due to the sudden rapture of happiness in me.


Bit by bit, the smile on my lips fade when my eyes landed on Kacchan, who was smiling innocently while holding a video recorder that's directly facing my face.

My body went cold and felt my heart stopped pumping blood all over my system.

"Since you're mine, you have to do everything I say. Don't enroll to Yuuei or this goes in internet."

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