
By Shelivesbythesea

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(A hint of Twilight, a shake of Narnia and a big splash of Labyrinth... do your homework if you don't get the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Five

100 6 0
By Shelivesbythesea

Through intricate motions ran

Stream and gliding sun

And all my heart seemed gay:

Some stupid thing that I had done

Made my attention stray.

       Stream and Sun At Glendalough by W.B.Yeats

“We’re just not wholly sure what to do.” Evalynis explained to Tamar as the three of them strolled onto the grassy meadow behind the house. “The legend is not specific in who we are waiting for or how they will come. Yet it tells of how the Innocent will truly be of neither Sept, under a rule of their own, as if of another world. ‘From a kingdom not of this world, the innocent one will come to take away the Fall of us all.’ You can see how this applies to you. ‘Here will come the servant, who is upheld, the chosen one. They will bring justice to all nations.’ They are meant to be the One who could end all things as they are, but a choice on your part must be made. The Fallens believe with the Innocent blood they would spill they would have the control they long for. Domination.” Tamar stopped walking and looked bleakly from one to the other.

“Surely it’s not me?” Tamar asked, staggering for words. “How could it possibly be me? You don’t even know where I’m from! There must be a mistake. I don’t want to go yet but I don’t want to cause trouble. I don‘t understand any of this.”

Abednego sighed and smiled. “Calm Tamar. You are welcome to stay. It is just… foolishly we never thought this would happen in our lifetimes. It has been awaited so long. We gave no thought to a -a - protocol for this situation. No one has ever appeared like you.”

He sat down in the dewy grass and the girls did the same.

“Let us explain a little more to you.” he said and Tamar made herself comfortable beneath the stars before the tale was told.

“The origin of both Lands is a mystery to many but we know the Truth of The Noble. They say he wrote the very book of Truth that speaks of your coming. His presence is rippled through times gone by, ever-lasting and all-knowing; a fear to the Fallens but a hope to the Clarities. His importance has slipped in and out of our history. It is He, they say, who set the laws of the transfer from each Land. However, very few make it into the Radiance Lands unless they were born here, and even then, to Fall is so tempting. Those few who do enter our Sept’s narrow gate are unable to tell us fully how they did so. It seems that unless you experience this yourself, there are no words.” He paused to check Tamar was following. “You, however, seem to be the exception to this rule as you are not truly of any Sept. But now you see why everyone is so fascinated by you none the less, it has been quite some time since anyone new walked through the Clarity gate.”

“We Clarity people are like the stars to the Noble’s sunlight,” Evalynis continued, “we shine in the darkness and glorify his works. But the moon insists on fighting to be brighter than us all. Like the Fallens, the moon forgets the source of his ability to shine, to breathe. The Ebony Sept groups together to fight a cause they do not fully understand, craving the sunlight for their own. We glow brightly each to his own but paint the night skies in grandeur as a family of stars, something the moon could never accomplish. Our strength outweighs theirs ten-fold, but it is easy to forget when their numbers appear increased, like the moons apparently obvious dominion over the stars. The Fallens have everything we have, if not more. But our prosperity comes from blessing, the fruitfulness of hard work – theirs from greed and deceit.” Evalynis ended with sadness in her voice, compassion for those so misled.

“The Fallens dwell in the Ebony Lands, past the meadows and across the river.” Abednego pointed just to the right of the way Tamar and Evalynis had walked only hours before. “Stay this side of the Belljune Bridge and you should be safe. This side of the gate is the safest place.” “They wish to tempt as many of us as they can to increase their numbers, I believe deep down they are scared to be the minority.”

Tamar gazed at the night sky, in awe of its beauty and the metaphor it now displayed for her. But even so she found her eyes drifting towards the mysterious moon. Half hidden in shadows, she still knew so little of it. The curiosity of the Fallens gripped her. She craved further knowledge of who they were, what they looked like.

“It is your choice how your story plays out Innocent, not ours.” Abednego offered. “Our lives will turn on moments like these.”

Tamar, Evalynis and Abednego talked through the night, sharing stories of the both their homes. They watched the sunrise over the mountains to the East.


As they strolled back to house Abednego and Evalynis spoke in quickened whispers just ahead of Tamar as she took in the beautiful landscape that gently rose around her in the morning sun. They stopped sharply and flanked her either side.

“Tamar, before we sleep, there is something we feel you need to see – to make all this – real.” Evalynis said encouragingly.

“Alright...” Tamar agreed looking from one to the other. “What is it?”

“The Noble left us something to encourage us in times of need. It records all we need to hold to and it is how we know of your coming and how you could be-”

“The book of Truth,” Evalynis interrupted, “is kept and copied for everyone in the lands to read. Our copy is kept just outside of the town, so that any Fallen may read it if they wish. We would like to take you to see it for yourself; we understand how new this is to you.”

Tamar thought a moment and agreed. “Yes, I’d like to see it. Part of me still thinks I’m asleep.”

“I can assure you - you are not,” Abednego confirmed, “although we did think you would know more about what you are here for than we do.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you...” she mumbled, feeling ashamed for letting them think she was someone she clearly was not.

“Do not be sorry!” Evalynis urged squeezing Tamar’s arm affectionately. “Although we preach to you this is a time of joy! You have come to us and we are grateful! We want to aid you in every way we can.”

“Thank you...” Tamar smiled still feeling guilty. “I’d like to help you somehow too, if I can.”

“I am most certain you will.” Evalynis encouraged as Abednego looked down to the ground, unsure of whether to share his sisters’ sentiments.

The three walked back past the cottage and down the lane towards the gate. It was exceptionally peaceful in the village as a morning breeze passed through while street lanterns flickered out after a nights burning. Abednego stepped aside and offered the ladies to pass first while Evalynis lead the way through the gate and beyond into a small copse of willow trees like none Tamar had ever seen. Each branch was a double and twisted down with petal like leaves sprouting out alongside the occasional tiny white flower. Each flower gave a tiny glow, like petite fairy lights scattered through the foliage. Evalynis walked on ahead and her bright hair swayed in and out of sight while Abednego could be heard following behind. Passing through the dense hanging braches would have scared Tamar a little because she couldn’t see far but her trust in these Clarities put her at ease, no matter how far she was from home. Plus, she daren’t let adventure escape her after all her longing for it. As the opening finally appeared Tamar was stunned by this little world inside another. It was simple but wonderful. The circular space was sheltered by woven willow branches. It looked as though they had grown that way naturally, arching up in a canopy over them. And blooming from it thousands of little white flowers glowed. Something shifted ahead of them and suddenly Tamar realised they were not alone. She was so taken by the ceiling she’d forgotten the reason they’d come here. Nell stood there in the centre by a wrinkled old book on a twisted willow stand. Her hair roughly thrown up and her hem damp with the morning dew.

“My goodness,” Nell exclaimed taking her hand to her chest, “did you give me a fright!”

“Good morning Nell. I’m so sorry we startled you.” Abednego apologised.

“It is alright. I was just – just a little lost in thought is all.” She stammered trying to compose herself. She smiled but her eyes showed sadness Tamar thought.

“We can come back if you are not finished reading Nell, sorry to interrupt you.” Evalynis offered.

“No, no, no.” Nell insisted coming towards them ever graceful; “I have read this a thousand times.” she took Tamar’s hand in a mothering gesture and held it in her own. “This new Clarity has every right to read these words again and again. Cling to them Tamar, they hold every promise we live by. They will bring you great joy.” And Tamar couldn’t help but believe her from the conviction and sincerity in her voice, but why did her eyes still show so much sadness?

Nell let her go and looked to the others, “I will leave you, I must begin my work anyway, I have had many orders of soothing remedies for the young ones of the town - they have been playing by the stinging plants again! Mischievous little things...” she laughed quietly.

“That they are,” Abednego joined, “it was our field who caught them by the river playing ‘look-out’, probably chased them through a stinging patch when they ran home!”

“Well then, they only have themselves to blame.” She said. “It was lovely to see you again so soon Tamar. Be blessed.” And she nodded her goodbye to the others before disappearing though the branches.

Evalynis moved out towards the book. “Come Tamar.” And she obliged.

“How do the flowers do that?” Tamar asked still a little in awe.

“Do what?”Abednego laughed.

“Glow!” she exclaimed, “No flowers glow where I come from. I’ve heard of glow bugs, but flowers? No.”

“They’re quite harmless Tamar; you need to be able to read the words somehow.” He smirked.

“Well they are a little exceptional Abednego.” Evalynis interrupted. “Tamar these are called the burning flowers. Mostly they bloom and glow through summer nights but these particular ones glow all year round. We do not know how but they illuminate this space for us to read day and night. I take for granted how beautiful they are.”

Tamar spun around. They made her feel warm and safe. Thousands of little tiny spotlights shone their light down onto the old book. It laid open about a third of the way through and Evalynis began to turn pages to find the passage she was looking for.

“Here.” She said with her hand on the page. Tamar tried to approach boldly but she couldn’t help but feel nervous. How could things be written about her in a world she never even knew existed? The old pages were yellowed and worn from constant use. Dog-eared pages poked in and thickened the book where people had marked their favourite lines.

“It would be good for you to read all of it but I’m sure for now you are too tired. Hopefully this passage will help somewhat, take a seat.”

Tamar sat down on the leafy ground and took the book with reverence. Abednego chuckled at her fear and she frowned at him. Evalynis smiled sweetly as always. “It is alright Tamar, there are other copies. This one is just here for us as a community, it is here for us to read and to use, not idolise.”

“Ok.” She replied a little embarrassed, “thanks.” And so she read:

‘From a kingdom not of this world, the innocent one will come to take away the Fall of us all. Here will come the servant, who is upheld, the chosen one. The One will sit with those unexpected and come in the form of weakness. They will bring justice to all nations who will be ever hearing but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving. The heart of these people will be calloused, their ears dull and eyes closed. Opportunity will come where they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears, understand with the hearts and turn and be healed. I will open my mouth in parables. Some will listen and some will not, but wait in readiness day and night and keep your light burning for truth. Keep watch.’

Tamar had read enough. She looked up at the siblings who sat away from her speaking in low whispers. Abednego noticed she was finished and stood to end their conversation.

“You see?” he asked.

“It can’t be me.” Tamar insisted again. “I’ve never read that before and it means nothing to me! I can’t bring the Clarity people anything. And you don’t want me to go near the Fallens to talk to them.”

“But it makes sense Tamar, it does.” He came to her side to explain his belief of the words. “You are from a different world and the things you say are stories of obscurity to us! We expected a great king of mighty power to show justice to the Fallen ones but you come in a form of weakness...” she frowned at him again. “...I’m not saying you are weak because you are a girl just... you understand. And you came unexpectedly. We thought we were always alert and waiting for you but here you are – and we certainly were not ready for you.”

“But what am I meant to do now?” she asked.

“That is your prerogative.” Evalynis said full of faith in her. “We only ask that you would come home with us to rest now. You truly are one of us and you need sleep just like the rest. It has been a long night.” She came over and helped Tamar to her feet, closing the book and placing it back on the stand. Tamar took her arm and followed her lead back to the village.

“The Clarity Sept is the safest place for you Tamar, I promise.”

“You can say that again.” She heard Abednego mumble as he trailed behind them.

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