CROSSFIRE •|L.H fanfic|•

By sierram09

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*disclaimer* my username has changed but this is still the same story thx I hope you like it. Jessica's lif... More

In the Beginning (INTRODUCTION)
Chapter 1 The New Me
Chapter 2- bedrooms and homeroom.
Chapter 3- quiff it baby
Chapter 4- This Means War.
Chapter 5- Was I wrong?
Chapter 6- Milkshakes
Chapter 7- Official hand holder?
Chapter 8- people are rude.
Chapter 9- stealer
Chapter 10- your delusional
Chapter 11- Honour **
Chapter 12- Like a Rock
Chapter 13- undercover
Chapter 14 Rings And Room Keys
Chapter 15- Cornered
Chapter 16- Confessions
Chapter 17- phone calls
Chapter 18- I just don' t know anymore
Chapter 19- The beginning of the end...
Chapter 20- Shes fine
Chapter 21- I Tried.
Chapter 23- Whipped
Chapter 24- Find her.
Chapter 25- He'll pay
Chapter 26
The End
new book

Chapter 27-

16 1 0
By sierram09

Ana's POV 

I looked at my mom, stared at her really, I was hoping to get her attention. She finally looked over at me and I mouthed to her, 

" Look outside," 

She glanced at the window as another black figure slid past the glass. She gasped, and Her eyes grew wide and she looked at me again, then back at the window, then back at me. 

"What now?" I mouthed to her. She shrugged her shoulders, she didn't know what to do. We were bound at the wrists and ankles with zip ties, there was no way to get through them without rubbing our wrists raw to the bone. I looked around trying to find out what was going on outside, there were only a few windows in this warehouse, and most were impossible to see out from my place on the floor. My mom caught my eye again. 

"Stop moving around," She mouthed. 

She was right, to much moving might make the guards suspicious, but they weren't paying attention to us anyway. Whether these people were here to help, or to harm, we couldn't do much either way. We were forced to let fate take the reins. 

A man walked through a door on the other side of the room, he was wearing all black just like the ones at the front door. He was muscular and looked like he could stop a train. The other guards stopped chatting when he walked in, almost as if they were afraid of him. He walked straight over to me. I looked up at him, my neck cramping because I could hardly see his eyes, he was so tall. 

"You," the word vibrated from inside his chest, a deep menacing sound. He leaned down, his arms outstretched towards me. I tried to back away and evade his grasp but I couldn't move fast enough. He grabbed me with his huge bear claw sized hands. He lifted me off the floor, I jerked and writhed and tried my hardest to make him let go of me, but his grip was too strong.

"Stop squirming" his voice boomed in my ear, as he threw me over his shoulder. Walking out of the room back through the door he came in, I looked back at my family their eyes concerned and worried. My mothers eyes filling with tears. 

"I'm coming back mom! Don't worry about me!" I yelled as the door closed behind us. 

He walked down a hallway and through another door where there was a lamp casting a yellow glow throughout the room. He threw me down on a chair and sat me upright. 

"So tell me, where's that money you're supposed to me getting me?" Higgins asked from across the table. 

"Well ya see I've been kinda slow on getting you that money because I've kinda been busy." I said. 

"Busy doing what?" 

"Being tied up and laying on a dusty warehouse floor, but other than tha-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before something hard hit the back of my head. Sending shockwaves of pain through my skull, down my neck, and throughout the rest of my body. My eyesight went blurry for a few moments then cleared again. 

"Don't give me those smart-ass remarks Jessica!" 

"That's not my name," I said. 

"Yes it is," 

"No it isn't. Jessica died the night her father left his family to save his own ass, Jessica Montgomery doesn't exist anymore," I said. 

Luke's POV 

"What part of stay in the car did you not understand?" Samantha asked as I walked up to her. 

"Um, well, all of it." I said, and she rolled her eyes. 

"You're going to get yourself killed out here!" She whisper screamed. "And I am not going to have Ana hating me because you didn't want to stay in the car like I told you." 

"I am going to be involved in this, the girl I love is in there, and you can't do anything to stop me from helping them." 

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