
By Shelivesbythesea

3.4K 107 25

(A hint of Twilight, a shake of Narnia and a big splash of Labyrinth... do your homework if you don't get the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Four

111 5 0
By Shelivesbythesea

Thanks for joining the story! Keep reading, following and voting! Welcome to Radiance...

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

   Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

          She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron

Tamar tumbled into a forward roll, landing with a thud. Her legs lay splayed out in front of her and her fingers dug into the ground for reassurance. Momentarily blinded by the light that shone in her eyes, it took a second for her to see anything at all.

After adjusting to the brightness Tamar remained confused at why the initial sting of colour didn’t cease. It was obviously day time, but a yellow glow surrounded her. Vibrant swaying daffodils shone on every side. The meadow was full of yellows and greens that glowed in a way she couldn’t comprehend. At intervals huge trees stood tall and proud, but the sun beams still filtered through their high branches. After relaxing her grip she allowed a hand to drift over the petals. A warm breeze bounced off her skin, bringing a peace over her that she’d never felt before. The very air around her seemed to be humming with life. It rippled with energy. The trees swayed and set the light and shadows at war around her as the branches moved. Something glittered a few trees in front of her, outside the area in which she had managed to absorb. Scanning the spot, Tamar found the mahogany coloured eyes of a girl with emerald hair. She was about Tamar’s age, with fair skin. Her hair of the richest green tumbled in curls down to her knees, the top half pulled back into a plait, yet more still draped over her shoulder like a shawl. She wore a dress of cream, something like that of fairy tales. It was beautiful yet simple; it made Tamar think of rose petals and weddings. The girl stood frozen, clutching a basket of daffodils with both hands. Tamar rose slowly to her feet, not blinking for the fear this girl might disappear.

“Who are you?” Tamar asked, “Where am I?”

“You fell…” the girl murmured, “you fell out of thin air.”

“The other side was – was higher,” Tamar gestured behind her, “I don’t understand. Please, please tell me where I am?”

“You are in the Radiance Lands, of the Clarity people. How did you come to be here like that? Are you of the Fallen’s?” She questioned, inquisitive.

“I just – crawled? Through this field near my house at the farm, I saw a sheep disappear through it today and I came back tonight – well it was night – and just… appeared here.” She rambled out in one breath. “Who are the Clarities and what’s a fallen?”

The girl gasped. She walked swiftly to Tamar and paused a few feet away in timidity.

“You know nothing of where you are?” she asked, her voice shy but soft and musical.

“No. Should I?” Tamar replied.

The girl gasped once more. She gained composure and offered her hand in greeting.

“Evalynis Pryderi. Most wonderful to meet you.” She beamed.

“Tamar Wakes” she replied, bemused by this introduction.

“I must ask,” Evalynis continued, “would you return to your ‘appearing’ or walk this fine afternoon with me? You have been long anticipated.”

“I’m sorry?” said Tamar.

“There is so much to tell.” Said Evalynis looping her arm through Tamar’s, gently encouraging her to walk.

For a few moments they walked in silence. Tamar’s thirsty eyes drank in the sights that surrounded her.

“You find yourself in Radiance Lands.” Evalynis explained, “And as I am lead to believe, you also find yourself in a new world, yes?”

“Yes.” Tamar answered dreamily, eyes still roaming over the golden fields around her and snow-capped mountains piercing the horizon as they left the glowing yellow meadow. The grassy path they walked was lined with intermittent flat stones guiding the lane through the pinkish heathers and yellow gorse. It was all so uncharacteristic of the nature she knew. The fields around her set the scene of rolling country side, stretching for miles with its beige spectrum of colour, yet right here they walked a lane better suited to the gradual ascent of the luscious green mountains. Waterfall’s sparkled in the distance, silver lines zigzagging their way to the ground. Slanted boulders covered in dense green moss popped out among the fields as though dropped from the heavens. Buttercups danced around their feet as they passed - twice they hopped over a trickling stream that flowed across the path. And somewhere in the air Tamar could smell that salty essence of the sea. Everything simply glowed, swelling with life and beauty. Evalynis watched Tamar taking it all in a smiled.

“This is very different from your home?” She asked.

“Yes, and no, but yes.” Tamar uttered, laughing at her vague answer. “My home is beautiful but it doesn’t feel like this.”

“How does it feel?” Evalynis asked, curious.

“It’s hard to describe. It’s just not as alive. I guess I take it for granted. But here, it all knits together like nothing I’ve ever seen.” She spun around in awe. “This will sound stupid, but it’s like it’s...”

“Like what?”

“...well, content.” Tamar concluded. “Which I know sounds stupid because how can trees and mountains be content but it just feels – right.”

“You are not foolish; these lands were created to be glorious. But they are tainted by some things.” Evalynis began to explain.

“Tainted? Like polluted?” Tamar asked.

“In a form.”

“Tell me, please. Who are you?”

“I am from the Radiance Sept Tamar, a community built on living as we were intended to live and loving as we were intended to love. My village is one of many but not all are like my own. The Ebony Sept is one of these. They are, well, lost in the background if you will. When the artist painted his scene they were the stubborn hearted who would not hold still long enough to listen to where they belonged in the final piece. They do not live as we do. My village is the only place they may not breech. But between their dwellings and ours both parties may venture. So as you can see, your view is beautiful but not perfect.”

Tamar tried to consider these words for a second but then jumped ahead of herself in anticipation. “Can we go to your village? Please?”

“Of course, you are safe with me,” Evalynis beamed, “but you trust far too easily Tamar.”

“I- I hadn’t thought about it.” Tamar cringed inwardly. How stupid she’d been. This girl was not only a total stranger but from a different world. And Tamar had simply been taken in by her surroundings and followed her, overwhelmed with curiosity. This wasn’t home and it wasn’t as safe as it looked so she’d just been told. For all she knew she’d hit her head in the corner field and was dreaming. She made herself stare at the floor and think things through. Was she safe? Could she trust Evalynis? Was she awake?

To answer her questions she turned and sprinted back down the lane a few strides.

“Is everything alright?” Evalynis called back to her.

“Yes!” Tamar called back, “Just needed to check something...” No one had grabbed her, no one had chased her and in dreams she always struggled to make her legs run. This felt like enough evidence to go on with.

“You are most strange Tamar.” Evalynis giggled as Tamar skipped back to her, “I hope you still feel at home with my Sept, despite our different worlds.”

“Is it much further?”

“Not far. But may I ask a small favour of you for just a little while?” Evalynis requested in the politest voice Tamar had ever heard.

“Sure?” She agreed.

“I think, well I believe, it would be wisest to conceal the details of how you came to be here for the time being. It may not mean much to you yet, but it does to me.”

“I fell out of mid-air. They’ll think I’m crazy.” Tamar confirmed. Evalynis chuckled her musical laugh again.

“No that is only a small part of it. I will explain later, I promise.” She smiled and Tamar nodded in agreement.

As Tamar began to look around her again, little figures in the distance caught her eye. They were scattered around in the fields, many heading in the same direction as them.

“Who are they?” Tamar asked.

“Just villagers finishing work. Look, the gateway is ahead.”

And sure enough as they rounded a corner an old fence came into view and a little gate waited for them to walk through.

Evalynis stepped back and allowed Tamar to enter the narrow gate to the town; she encouraged Tamar to keep walking confidently.

“Welcome to the Clarity Sept.” She smiled so at ease. The town seemed beautifully cosy and the sense of community was everywhere. Cottages with exquisite gardens lined the lanes as their occupants strolled home from a gratifying day’s work. Tamar double glanced at many beings as they made their way to the Pryderi home. Having some warning from Evalynis’ appearance it was easier to accept the rest. Every so often pointed ears poked through hair or wings sprouted from backs. One family all had distinctly bug-like features in the form of antenna and beetle blue skin shining in the afternoon sun. Ahead of them she could see a green where villagers stood chatting as musicians strummed in a bandstand. Boys and girls ran about chasing each other, squealing with delight. Some of them seemed to float a little as they dashed about. So involved with their game, they didn’t notice Tamar until a tiny girl glided straight into her. She burst into fits of giggles but was silenced when she looked up at Tamar.

“Oh! I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” Tamar asked, crouching down to help the girl up. She took Tamar’s hand warily and stood, then, scrunching up her eyes she craned her neck forward to get a closer look at Tamar’s face. She squeezed something into Tamar’s hand and, giggling, set off again with her playmates. Tamar stood up and watched them scuttle away between the grownups. In her hand she found a tiny seed, and staring at it Evalynis interjected.

“It’s a child’s ritual, like a competition of sorts. She’s welcoming you to join in their games and grow with them. You plant the seed and help it grow as you grow, sharing the fruit with others you want to invite, although, adults don’t usually receive them.” She chuckled softly and gestured for them to move on. Only now when they walked Tamar saw that others noticed this too. Some smiled at her and nodded in welcome whereas more just looked confused. Tamar hid the seed in her pocket. She was slightly distinct in her jeans and tee to their almost medieval dress but still, she was the most normal person there - or maybe that was just her idea of normal?

A satisfied glow rippled out and around these people, like a pebble dropped in a stream. To each other they were light in dark places, especially if they were a Remmus who naturally had a beautiful glow, as Tamar would soon find out. But no, the Radiance folk didn’t have a glow that showed outwardly, but a love that shone through their kindness, compassion and generosity towards any who crossed their path. If you needed food they would empty their cupboards, if you needed shelter they would find you a home, if you needed time, they would give you hours.

Although these perfect beings seemed to live perfect lives, they were not emotionless. Just as the Fallens did not have a pure heart of stone, the Clarities did not have utter hearts of gold. It wasn’t their gifts so freely given that defined them, but that they knew what they were, who they stood for. Tamar was awed by the warmth of kindness that they radiated so easily.

“My home is just here on the left.” Evalynis instructed. “I live with my brother and parents, but my mother and father are currently visiting friends of ours in another Radiance Sept. They would welcome you to stay if they were here I am sure. And my brother will enjoy having more than me for mockery!” She said swinging her basket of daffodils by her side. “Evening Duke!” she called to a small man opposite her house. He looked as though he had been in conversation with the chocolate haired woman standing next to him as his hands were gesturing in the air but his eyes were locked on Tamar, mouth ajar. Evalynis steered them towards the pair. “Evening Nell, all well in the remedies trade?” she asked politely.

“Yes, quite well, thank you. I’m just purchasing the latest herbal range from our fine Duke here.” She replied with a kind voice, giving Duke a look a proud mother might give her son, although she could easily have been his daughter. She was middle-aged and had silver eyes that glittered when she smiled; her very skin seemed to glow a little. Duke was easily into his sixties and some form of gnome related being. He was slightly balding on the top of his incredibly rounded head. He reddened around the ears at this compliment. “Who is your friend here?” Nell asked, smiling curiously at Tamar.

“This is Tamar Wakes.” Evalynis introduced, “Tamar, these are two of my neighbours, Duke and Nell. Duke is one of the village’s best vegetable and herb growers and Nell produces and sells all kinds of lotions and draughts that keep us in great health. No doubt you will get to know them quite well.” she looked back to Nell and Duke, “Tamar is new to the Radiance Sept. We became acquainted in the daffodil field today. She will be staying with us a while.”

Duke’s mouth once again hung in the shape of a perfect ‘O’, while Nell’s forehead momentarily creased in what appeared to be sadness. Tamar frowned and looked from them to Evalynis. But before she could explain another word someone else called her name.

“Evalynis! I’d wondered where you had got to, you’ve been an age. What are we doing for dinner?”

A youthful man with very similar features to Evalynis had sauntered over to them; this was clearly the brother she had spoken of before. Tamar held her breath for a moment as she took him in. He smiled more freely than his sister and his hair was cut shorter to his shoulders. It was brown, not unlike her own, but with marine blue strands weaving through it. His eyes were the same colour as these unusual highlights. She chuckled inwardly at the muddy stains on his light green clothes, it looked more likely he had been wrestling in the fields rather than working them. His eyes fell on Tamar and she exhaled slightly louder than she intended too. “Ah.” he deduced, “it appears you have been distracted.” He offered his hand and Tamar shook it lightly, “Abednego Pryderi, annoying older brother of Evalynis.”

“Tamar Wakes.” she mumbled.

The small silence settled among the five and after a tiny stuttered cough Duke finally found his voice.

“I shall make dinner!” he almost squealed. They all looked at him fondly. “All of you, come in, come in! Please, you are more than welcome!” He gestured to his front door and began to shuffle around the garden picking fresh vegetables and mumbling a list to himself, “must get the carrots, and check all the p-plates, better get the extra firewood, wonder if they like soup? Three courses are certainly necessary, oh yes…”

“Come on in.” Nell chuckled and walked in at Tamar’s side. “He rarely gets so much company so we daren’t refuse!” Abednego fell in step with them.

“We’ll be right with you,” Evalynis called to them, “Abednego and I just need to clean up and we’ll be right over.” Abednego stopped and looked down at himself.

“Oh, I had forgotten about that. Thanks Ev” he said as he turned back to their house, patronising Evalynis by patting her head as he passed. She rolled her eyes and nodded for Tamar to go ahead.

Tamar settled herself at Dukes kitchen table with Nell and watched as he rushed back and forth refusing their help. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself, an hour ago she’d been crawling around one of the Errington’s fields on a whim of discovering something new and now she found herself in a completely different world, sitting down to dinner with the most lovely of strangers. She wasn’t sure if she should feel awkward or just go with this bizarre dream. Did anyone else know about Radiance or Ebony Lands? Was it the farms family secret? She couldn’t quite picture the Errington’s all sitting down and discussing what to do about the entrance to a magical land that happened to have placed itself in one of their fields. They never seemed suspicious of it or even protective of it. She was sure they genuinely didn’t know. It really must have just been left to grow over the years and seeing as no one ever went in there they wouldn’t make the discovery Tamar had, but it had only been a matter of time. The farm hands were all of simple minds and simple joys. They worked hard, reaped the rewards and appreciated one another, which was life enough. But Tamar was never satisfied.

As Nell and Tamar finished laying the table, finally permitted a task by Duke, Evalynis and Abednego reappeared. Evalynis was kind as before and added to Dukes flustering by offering to help, but Abednego was sullen in comparison to his previous congeniality. They all took their seats and his gaze fell determinedly on Tamar as though trying to work out an equation. She looked to Evalynis who shrugged apologetically. So she’d told her brother the truth about how they had met, and she was guessing that wasn’t good news to Abednego.

Duke insisted again that they allow him to prepare dinner for them all in honour of the newcomer. He slaved in the kitchen and fussed about their comfort, always ensuring his guests felt his joy in having them there.

“We are so blessed to have you j-join us Tamar, it is so rare to have new c-company.” Duke beamed. “I wish to make you as at home as possible; you are most certainly in the r-right place.” A quiet smile from Evalynis told Tamar that her true origin was still a mystery to Duke, and was to remain so.

Conversation and jokes flowed as they ate; parts of it alien to Tamar. Abednego joined in the laughing and in no way excluded himself, but the slightly confused frown always returned as he looked in Tamar’s direction, yet he said nothing of it.

As they bade goodbye to a practically bowing Duke, the fresh night air woke them after the warmth of the cosy fire. Nell wondered off to her own home and the siblings showed Tamar across the lane to theirs. The laughter subsided as they entered the house. It had a similar layout to Dukes but felt much more lived in, clearly a family home. There were fresh flowers on tables, brighter colours on the walls and forgotten messes scattered around.

Abednego turned on Tamar towering over her. Evalynis sat down.

 “So, here you are. The legend fulfilled. Where do you choose to go from here?” Abednego asked.

“I’m sorry?” Tamar replied.

“Will you stay under our roof, go home or run straight to the Fallens?”

“Abednego! She is our guest, please do not interrogate her. She knows no better.” Evalynis defended.

“She needs to know. The Noble’s legend spoke of the Innocents association with Fallens. She is not above the Clarities, she could Fall just as easily as any of us. Think of how many losses we have seen walk through their wide gate and never return; think of how that affects us. This is worse Ev, if they get her, it’s over.”

“What did I do? I don’t understand? What’s an Innocent?” Tamar almost pleaded, she was so confused.

“Your being here is really quite dangerous to us all. I’m not so sure Evalynis has explained this to you. The Innocent legend is passed down through generations. It’s not only known to our Sept, the Fallens are always in waiting of it to be fulfilled. If they knew we harboured you we would all be in more danger of them than we already are. They are fiends. I have had many run-ins with them and they have injured us in many ways.” He stopped talking and paced the lounge.

“So they’re pretty dangerous then?” Tamar asked.

“Dangerous! Yes you could say that. Their weapons are crude but accurate for their purpose; then again, it is the creatures that do not need weapons that cause the most devastation.”

“Surely they wouldn’t hurt you unless they were provoked?”

“You really are from another world.” he smiled at her. “It is not your fault you are a liability to us but we can only keep your secret for so long.” he sighed and walked out to the back garden. Evalynis rose and they both followed him.

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