Rejects // Punk Luke Hemmings

By 5sosfanfics-

353K 9.6K 3.1K

"Is it some huge secret? I know I'm a reject," I shrugged as I said the words and turned to walk away. Kara... More

>Chapter One<
>Chapter Two<
>Chapter Three<
>Chapter Four<
>Chapter Five<
>Chapter Six<
>Chapter Seven<
>Chapter Eight<
>Chapter Nine<
>Chapter Ten<
>Chapter Eleven<
>Chapter Twelve<
>Chapter Thirteen<
>Chapter Fourteen<
>Chapter Fifteen<
>Chapter Sixteen<
>Chapter Seventeen<
>Chapter Eighteen<
>Chapter Nineteen<
Rejects Official Playlist
>Chapter Twenty<
>Chapter Twenty-One<
>Chapter Twenty-Two<
>Chapter Twenty-Three<
>Chapter Twenty-Four<
>Chapter Twenty-Five<
>Chapter Twenty-Six<
>Chapter Twenty-Seven<
>Chapter Twenty-Eight<
>Chapter Twenty-Nine<
>Chapter Thirty<
>Chapter Thirty-One<
>Chapter Thirty-Two<
>Chapter Thirty-Three<
>Chapter Thirty-Four<
>Chapter Thirty-Five<
>Chapter Thirty-Six<
>Chapter Thirty-Seven<
>Chapter Thirty-Eight<
>Chapter Thirty-Nine<
>Chapter Forty<
>Chapter Forty-One<
>Chapter Forty-Two<
>Chapter Forty-Three<
>Chapter Forty-Four<
>Chapter Forty-Five<
>Chapter Forty-Six<
>Chapter Forty-Seven<
>Chapter Forty-Eight<
>Chapter Forty-Nine<
>Chapter Fifty<
>Losers Sneak Peek<
The Final Author's Note
Updated Playlist
Happy Birthday!!

YouTube Channel?

1.1K 20 6
By 5sosfanfics-

Hello my little cupcakes!! So as I'm hoping you know by now this isn't an update, it really an author's note of any kind, this is just me asking for a few opinions from you guys. They are very important to me and I need outside opinions on them because I can't make up my mind, so where better to ask than on here?

So the first order of business is what I named this part in the first place: should I make a YouTube channel? If you're reading this right now, hopefully you've read the entire story, and if you've done that you may remember back in the day when I asked for band name suggestions? (All of which were wonderful, by the way.) Well, I figured before I actually post songs and covers as a band (we still only have my friend and I. It's a struggle guys....) I should probably post a few of my own covers just to like start off or whatever. Then maybe people will come to me and it would be a bit easier to find another band mate. Plus then maybe I could build a bit of a fanbase for when our band actually starts. It could also be a place for me to share funny videos with friends or rants.

The only thing is, I really can't decide if I want to do it. On one hand, I think it would be really cool and helpful in a number of ways. But at the same time I'm kinda scared to go through with it because it IS  the Internet and I would be putting pretty up close and personal stuff on there (no personal information obviously, but music is a very personal thing for me so it could be kinda weird or uncomfortable at first....)

Then there's the whole problem of a cool handle that I could use... I was thinking CCsCoversnChats or something stupid like that but I literally have no idea. So essentially the things I'm asking you here are: should I make a YouTube channel, and what should it be called?

Now onto the next subject...


So, as you probably also know by reading pretty much any of my stories, I like to make up my new characters instead of having them be based off real people in appearance. HOWEVER, I have found that can be a bit difficult when there is a chapter where I need a picture of a character and I can't find one that looks how I imagined her/him. Plus, I'm sure all of you have different images of what each character looks like, and they're all different from how I imagine them to be. And that is perfect because that makes the story yours and that makes me happy.

But pretty much what I'm getting at here is...I'm planning on basing some characters in Losers on real people.

I know, I know, this is weird for me too. You might be happy that I'm not making you imagine your own character now and you have someone to base it on. But there is a practical reason for this as well.

See, I've found that when I base a character off a real person (aka a celebrity), it's obviously a lot easier to find pictures of them. And in Losers, I'm gonna need a lot of pictures of several of the characters. But the main reason for this is because I'm introducing a LOT of new characters, and I'm worried it'll be kinda confusing after a while about who looks like what. And when I say I'm introducing a lot of characters, just remember, Kara is on her way to college, and the boys (5SOS) won't be there for most of that. So I have to bring in a whole slew of new faces.

So, what am I talking about this all for? I am asking you all for some suggestions for people I could base characters on. They could be anything: actors/actresses, YouTubers, artists, musicians, literally anyone you want to suggest to me, I will look them up and try to see if they work. They can look like anything because I haven't really made images of the characters in my mind yet for this very reason.

I need more girls than guys, but ones I already have are Lucky Blue Smith, Cara Delevigne, and Emma Wattson. The only request I have is that they are kinda unknown people. I also don't really want anyone who's too pretty. Obviously you can suggest anyone you want, I'm just saying what I was thinking about.

So in conclusion, should I make a YouTube channel? If so what should it be called and would you watch? Then you can also suggest people for me to base characters on.

Thanks as always for so many freaking reads and bless your beautiful souls. Stay positive!!


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