Adopted by Dan and Phil


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I got bored with this and no one was reading it so yeaaa. Еще

Adption center
They dont want Jynn?
Chapter 3
Going home
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Where will i go?
Before America
Tylers house
Chapeter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Part 21
Back home
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32


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Dans pov:
Paisley was acting weird last night. I herd her say her real name was Lucy but I guess I would talk to her later about it. I knew her real name. Her name is Albina Paisley last name unknown. But where did she get Lucy from? And Albina is a Russian name says Phil. But her parents were Swedish. And why was she so secretive about her past life? Should I ask her? Her records were never kept up with at the foster care so who knows what's right and wrong. I had to be able to find her real records somewhere. Library? Maybe. Or maybe I could go back to the adoption center we got her and figure it all out. That's what I would do. I checked my phone. 6:00am exactly. The center opened at 6:30am. It was weird but whatever. I figured if I got there at 6:30 I could get home by like 7:30 and get paisley to Tyler's by 8. I had to hurry though. I quickly got up and got dressed. I then went to tell Phil he and paisley had to wake up in an hour and I would be home soon after. He grumbled than got up and said goodbye without asking where I was going. I wonder what time pj left last night. Anyways I figured I would take the car to be faster. I zoomed pretty fast through out the streets because no one was there. I quickly arrived at the orphanage at 6:35. Perfect. I ran in and the same lady who gave us our paisley was lecturing the girl who ran out on us. Her name was um uhh JYNN her name is Jynn. She glared at me and ran off.Kate then turned around and looked at me and sighed. "You wanna bring her back?" OH GOD NO I was just here to ask if you had any files on her. "Ok you want the story here it is. When the cops brought Paisley here they also couldn't find anything on her. No name no birthday not even a finger print. They then figured she had lived either off the grid most her life or her parents never told anyone about her so she technically didn't exist. But we do have stuff on her parents and brother if you would like to see that?" I was shocked but wanted to know anything I could. Yes please. ". Ok so here is her mothers file. Her name is Jaqlin but she also went by many other names. She was Swedish but we have no clue what she looks like. Paisleys real father is unknown but her step father who is also Swedish is a man named Gale. And he looks like this." She held up a picture of a red haired man. Ok and her brother? Ok we don't have much on him either but his name is Jackson Dylan and he is known in his files as an only child but we did blood work and him Paisley and his mother are all related. So basically no one knew about Paisley. And when she got here she wouldn't even talk so her background is very unknown. I'm sorry mr.howell" No thank you so much for the information. It really helps! " oh no problem and I'm glad you like her!" Thank you for your time. I said and walked out. I got in the car and began to think. Her life was so confusing. Obviously her step dad wasn't her real dad because the red hair  and I'm almost positive Paisley is Phils kid. But didn't Paisley think that was her real father? How many lies was she fed as a child. I won't stress about it much because today is my last day with her for two weeks. I'm not sure how I'll handle it. I loved to tuck her into bed every night. And her sarcastic attitude. I just loved Paisley so much. But she would be in good hands with Tyler. And I knew she would have fun.
Paisleys pov
I woke up to Phil shaking me. "COMEON WEVE GOTTA BE AT TYLERS IN AN HOUR!" Wait where's pj? " i guess he went home last night." Oh. I then turned the other way and lay back down. " you know your going to have to get up." Oh really. "Ugh you make my head spin" he then decided to pick me up off the top bunk sling me over his shoulder and take me to the kitchen. He then dropped me next to the Island. Where's Dan? "Umm I think he went to your orphanage." WAIT WHAT! " we're not giving you back we would never do that! But Dan wanted to look at your old records" ok that's fine he won't find much anyway. "What do you mean?" Well technically I didn't exist till my parents died. I don't know it's all confusing. "Wait what! How did we not know about this!" Um because I don't have any records until I went to the orphanage. My name wasn't real my age nothing about me showed up in the system. But I still don't know how I got from America to England. "So why is your first name Albina?" It's not. "That's not what the paperwork says." Technically i don't have a name that my parents gave me because I don't have a birth certificate so yeah. "Yea we still need to get you one made but what will put on it?" My name is Paisley Lucy Lester, but never call me Lucy or tell anyone my name is Lucy because that's what my old parents called me. My birthday is January 30th but hell who really knows when it is but let's just go with January 30th. And I'm from New York New York. "Well I have about 100 more questions for you but we need to get ready." Dan then busted through the door. "HURRY UP YOU STILL IN YOUR PAJAMAS ARE YOU ALL CRAZY GO GO GO!" Calm down Sargent Howell. "JUST GO GET DRESSSD ALBINA!" Don't call me name is Paisley. I turned with a mad look on my face and ran up to my room.

Phils pov
Dan what the hell! "IM SORRY IT SLIPPED! I-I've been going through her records and ugh I'm sorry! " well don't tell me that tell paisley! "You think I should go up right now?" Well we're dropping her off in an hour so let her get dressed and come down on her own but yea you need to apologize soon or wait two weeks! "Ok ok just let's not think about it. Do we have all out bags at the door?" I do. "Ok so do I, but we have *looks at clock* 24 minutes before we have to leave so Paisley better book it!" Are you excited Daniel? "Oh god no! I'm gonna miss Paisley like a bitch." Watch yourself Paisley's been picking up some of your cursing, and tell me about it! I really hope nothing goes wrong with Tyler. " Yea I mean what harm could Tyler do? He is a pretty stable adult. More adult than us." Yea I guess. I just don't like the thought of Paisley being with someone else.

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