My life in the naruto world

By cherryblossom666

232K 5.9K 519

A girl by the name of candace is changed around. She finds two naruto characters in her home, and what's wors... More

Why are there naruto characters in my house?
Ch 2 where am I?
Ch 3 The Chuunin Exams
Ch 4 rookie 10 and the first exam
ch 5 the forest of death,the second exam, and 'him'
Ch 6 team sound, and team gaara
Ch 7 " it's a trap"
Ch 8. The Preliminary rounds
Ch 9 training, but with who?
Ch 10. Training with Tsunade
Ch 11 Meeting Jiraiya and summoning.
Ch 12 a lazy day
Ch 13 a slumber party, oh great!
Ch 14 the finals match 1
ch 15 the finals battle 2 and 3
ch 16 the finals round 4.
ch 17 my battle with sound ninja
ch 18 I cant help it, its who i am
Random fact
Ch 19 a away to his heart.
Ch 20 a very sad day.
Ch 21 Itachi Uchiha
Ch 22 I can float? LOL
Ch 23 rasengan!
Ch 24 "she's Tsunade!"
Ch 25 we meet again, snake man
Ch 26 it's on! Three great Sannin battle!
Ch 27 I'm confused
Ch 28 Halloween
Ch 29 tsunade the fifth hokage
Ch 31 don't stoop to their level
Ch 32 he ran away!
Ch 33 we move out! And battle!
Ch 34 you came!?
Ch 35 Friend or Foe?
Ch 36 We failed. I'm sorry. And goodbye!
Ch 37 merry Christmas
Ch 38 Valentine's day

ch 30 you two are FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!

3.9K 112 1
By cherryblossom666

it was a week after tsunade became the hokage. I smiled as I was called up to her office. 

As I walked up there, I saw shikamaru coming up behind me. "hey shika!" I said and waved at him. He smiled and waved back as he cought up with me. "so, you going to see lady tsunade too?" he asked me. I nodded. "yeah I wonder what see wants." I said.

We both entered the office and stood in front of her desk. She was turned around looking at the village. "candace, shikamaru. Do you two know why I called you in here?" she asked us. We looked at each other and shook our heads. "no, milady." I said. She turned around and smiled at us. She pushed chunin vests atus. "you two where the on tones to pass the chunin exam, congratulating." she said. Shikamaru sighed as I smiled. "thank you lady tsunade." we both said as we bragged the vests and left, but. "candace, can you stay back for a min." inodded as shikamaru left.

"what is it, my lady?" I asked her. She looked at me. "how is the curse Mark on your neck?" she asked me. I put my hand on my neck. "uterine, buteverytime I'm around orochimaru, it burns." I told her as I toke my hand off of it. She nodded. "ok, and watch sasuke. He seems a bit off for some reason. Also, I need you to stay here for a bit. Your team is going to go on a rank B mission, ok." I nodded. "yes milady." she nodded and I left her office.

I walked down the street of the village. I smiled as I had the vest on. It made me happy to wear it. As I walked around the village a little bored. Tsuande said my team would have a B mission. I yawned as I went home.

A few days later, my team came back. I was waiting for them at the front gate. I looked at my nails. I was bored waiting for them. Soon, I heard running. I looked at the forest and saw naruto, sakura and Kakashi who was holding sasuke. "hey guys." I said waving. Sauce and naruto waved back. I looked at sasuke. "what happen to him?" Kakashi looked at me. "I'll tell you later, first we need to take him to the hospital." I nodded as we ran there.

I lend on the back of the wall as I saw sasuke in the bed. Naruto and sakura was next to him. For some reason sasuke had this glare look in his eyes. He suddenly looked up at naruto. "fight me! Now!" he said. I looked at him. "shit, not this' I thought as they walked past me to the top of the hospital. I followed them. I had to, to stop them.

I walked though the door to see them already fighting. Sakura looked at me. "we need to stop them." she said as she looked back at them. Sasuke headed for naruto with chidori, and naruto was headed for sasuke with rasengan, I glared as I moved fast. I grabbed their arms and flung them into the water towers. Their hands getting stuck. "what the hell! You two are leaf shinobis. Allies not enimes. You two should know better! You two are friends? Right?" I yelled at them.

They pulled their hands out. As they did Kakashi arrived. "she's right, you two." Kakashi said. Sasuke glared us. I glared back. "why do it sasuke?" Sakura asked him. Sasuke 'hm' and ran off. I sighed as I couldn't stop him.

I looked at the sky as it was getting dark. It was my turn to make my choose.

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