endorphin ↠ jjk

By taeyeon--

12.1K 466 177

en.dor.phin /enˈdôrfēn/ [noun] a chemical released in our bodies to feel happy or be numb to pain. More

not an update 2


563 22 12
By taeyeon--

~Jungkook's POV~

I was writing my fans until I heard someone sobbing and I looked back to see Tzuyu's face covered by her hands. I stood up and went towards her seat and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Go to the garden, I'll be there shortly.", I whispered to her.

She stood up and left her seat and I returned to my seat to talk back to my fans and after responding to them I thought.

'Why is Tzuyu crying?'

I went to Tzuyu's fancafe and saw the fan's comments and her response about the rumors of us. One comment particularly shined and with 47 likes.

'are you sure, maybe you guys are having an affair and you don't care about your fans anymore.'

After reading that comment, my blood started to boil and replied with.

'what kind of fan disses his/her idol, what a fake fan. AND YES I AM JEON JUNGKOOK, touch her and you're dead.'

After I posted that comment, I closed the tab of her fancafe and casually put it back to my fancafe. I stood up and went out of the computer room to go to the garden. As I was walking peacefully to the garden, I see two figures close to each other but I do not know who the two are but when I got closer, I noticed that it was Tzuyu and Baekhyun, my heart shattered and became small fragments, I stopped within my tracks. At the same time the door opened and it turned out to be Taeyeon noona.

As soon as she came out of her classroom, she saw them and had her eyes and mouth wide open. We both had a heartbroken expression on our faces. We both had the feeling of being deceived on our faces. I looked back to Tzuyu and Baekhyun to see that they noticed that we saw them, as soon as they saw us they departed from each other.

"I-it's not what you think it is.", Tzuyu stuttered.

"Then what did we just see?", I said pointing to Taeyeon noona too.

They can't respond and put their heads down.

"I told you to wait for me in the garden and I see you hugging another person.", I said.

"I was goi-", she said but I cut her speech.

"To the fact that I trusted you, Tzuyu. I can't help to be disappointed, I liked a heartless woman. Wow, that just makes me gape in awe.", I spat my words to them.

I turned my head left and saw Taeyeon noona's head down and I went straight to her to comfort her.

"Gwaenchana, noona?", I asked her and hugged her.

She put her head on my chest and I heard her sobbing, I immediately put my hand on her head to comfort her. Baekhyun randomly looked up and slowly went towards us.

"Yah! Who do you think you are to break noona's heart, not even once but TWICE?", I said. (lol what a pun)

He slowly went back to the place where he was before he approached us. He had his head down and put his hands in his pockets.

"Noona, let's go.", I said to her in my embrace as I went towards the door to the garden.

I led her to the garden and we sat down on the bench as I was comforting her.

"Noona, gwaenchana?", I asked her.

"Gwaenchana.", she sniffled.

She hugged me and released all of her sadness onto my chest which she was beating her fists on.

"For god's sake, I thought he still cares about me.", she said beating my chest.

"Noona, it's alright, He cheated on you right?", I said encouraging her.

"I can trust you right, Jungkook?", she asked me.

"Ne, noona.", I answered her.

She hugged me again and she finally became quiet. But why did she ask me that? Something seems wrong about Taeyeon noona. We parted after like 10 minutes and we heard a person's footsteps closing our bench, we immediately shifted to the covered area. We sat down on the floor and hid from the person, the person's footsteps were closing in on us and stopped. We looked over the covers and saw our Principal looking suspiciously on our cover.

"Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taeyeon. My office, now.", he commanded us.

He walked over to the doors and left. We stood up and walked through the garden doors and walked towards the Principal's office. Taeyeon noona looks afraid to walk to the office so I attempted to hold her hand. She looked at me in a suspicious way.

"Are you making a move on me?", she blushed.

"Ani noona, you just look scared. Don't worry you can hold my hand if you're so nervous.", I said holding out my hand.

She took my hand and we walked slowly to the office when I started hearing voices behind us and I saw my classmates going back to our classroom. Everyone looked at us strolling with each other to the office until my members patted my back and went with our class. The Twice members were also looking at us but 1 seemed to out her head down when I looked at her, Tzuyu.

They all passed by us and we quietly reached the office. We went in and sat down in front of the Principal.

"What were you guys doing in the garden?", he asked us.

We both didn't speak up and started writing on our manner reports. He looked at us both and then looked at Taeyeon noona.

"I'm disappointed with you, Taeyeon.", he said to Taeyeon and she put her head down.

"It's my fault, I pulled her there.", I said and she looked up again.

"Is this true, Ms. Kim?", he said and I winked at her.

"Y-yes, sir.", she said nodding.

"Then Jeon Jungkook, pack up your things and go home you are suspended until Monday because of pulling you sunbae to come do you shenanigans with you.", he said dismissing us.

We stood up and walked out of the office.

"How could you take the blame?", she asked me with tears in her eyes.

"Well, I don't want to harm noona's record.", I whispered to her ears.

She looked at me and hugged me.

"Thank you, Jungkook.", she said.

"It's alright, noona.", I replied.

She let go of me and kissed my cheek. What just happened? Did she just kiss my cheek or am I just dreaming? She smiled at me and giggled. She left without saying anything.

After a minute of standing there, I started moving towards my classroom and looked at the time on my phone. It's only 1:30pm. 2 hours and a half for the other people to be dismissed. I arrived at my classroom and opened the door to see my History teacher, Leeteuk sunbae. He looked at me and continued discussing.

I headed towards my chair and gathered my things, I noticed while I was getting my things Tzuyu kept on looking at me gathering my things. I shot her a glare and she looked down at her notebook. I grabbed my bag and put it on my shoulder. My members were looking at me suspiciously and waved goodbye.

"Where are you going, kookie?", Jimin asked.

"Home, I'm suspended 'til Monday cause of some heartless girl.", I said emphasizing heartless girl.

I started to walk towards the door when a voice startled me.

"And who's that heartless girl?", Nayeon spoke up.

"She's in this classroom.", I said leaving the classroom.

I left the classroom, went to my motorbike and started it until a voice called for me.

"Jeon Jungkook.", a person said and I turned around to see Taeyeon noona.

I removed the stand of my motorbike and a pair of hands grasp my shoulders.

"Why is noona here?", I asked.

"I lied to the nurse that I have a high fever so I could come with you.", she said.

I smiled and gave her the extra helmet I have, she hopped on and and put her arms around my waist. That literally shocked me, it doesn't feel wrong whenever she embraces me. I feel my cheeks burn up and I drove the motorbike until we reached a stoplight.

"Noona, where is your dorm?", I asked.

"I live alone and somewhere near here. Just turn right here.", she said and I turned right after the stoplight turned.

"Turn left here.", she pointed and I followed as pleased.

"We're close.", she said pointing a white condominium.

I drove to the condominium and parked my motorbike and accompanied her to the lobby.

"Thanks for driving me back.", she thanked me.

"No problem.", I said scratching my neck.

"Wanna go in for a while?", she asked me.

"S-sure.", I stuttered.

It awkward for men to come to a girl's house or at least her room, it's mostly awkward because I'm here in my sunbae's house. I followed her to the elevator to her house and pressed the up button. The elevator came and opened the doors, we went in and stood there.

"I really am thankful for saving me a while ago.", she mumbled.

"No sweat.", I said.

"Anyways, can I just call you 'kookie' cause Jungkook is a long name for me to say.", she asked.

"Sure, no sweat.", I replied smiling.

The doors opened at the 5th floor which was 17 floors away from Taeyeon noona's floor. Many people went in which caused us to stick together. I put my arm around her to decrease the space that we were occupying. Some people recognized us and coyly looked at us. Some fans got on the elevator and giggled when we together.

The people decrease slowly as we go to the 22nd floor, which was where Taeyeon noona lives. One person stayed with us to the 22nd floor so I thought we was a fan of Taeyeon, so I pulled Taeyeon noona to me more and got off the 22nd floor. The man got off the elevator and walked towards the opposite of where we were headed to.

"What was that for?", she asked laughing slightly.

"I thought that guy was an sasaeng fan.", I said rubbing my nape.

"Gwaenchana.", she said patting my back.

I followed her to her apartment and she stopped at this white door. I stopped and waited for her, she took out her keys and put it in the doorknob. She twisted the key and the door opened to this white room. She went in and I followed her, I took off my shoes in her shoe area. I silently went in and followed her, when I went in I was greeted with a creme colored room with a sofa, tv and a coffee table full of magazines. I quietly sat down on her couch and brought out my phone.

I opened the V app because I wanted to broadcast and to see my fans comments. I started a live broadcast and waited for the fans to come in. I put the phone facing the ceiling so I can hide from them. I see that there are 100 viewers already so I came out in view.

"Hello, ARMY.", I said waving at the camera.

"Guess where I am right now.", I winked at the camera.

'at your house'
'at school?'

"That's a secret.", I said putting my finger on my lips.

"Kookie, I made instant ramen and it's on th-", Taeyeon noona said but turned quiet when she saw me broadcasting.

"Okay guys, guess who's house now.", I said winking at the camera.

'are you cheating on me, Jeon Jungkook.', one comment said.

"Ani, I'm not cheating on you.", I winked at the camera.

I stood up and went to Taeyeon noona but I didn't show her face and hugged her.

"Still can't guess?", I asked the viewers.

'taeyeon unnie.'
'taeyeon unnie'

"Bingo!", I said showing Taeyeon noona's face.

She said hi and waved to the viewers. She responded to some of the comments.

"Hehehe, thank you for supporting Soshi, everyone.", she said smiling at the camera.

"Let's make this a meokbang since we have the ramen.", I winked to Taeyeon noona.

I took my phone from her and headed to the table. I sat down and opened the ramen cup and took my chopsticks. I started to dig in as soon I got a hold of my chopsticks. Taeyeon noona was looking at me while she was eating her ramen so I faced the camera to her to show her eating her ramen. She covered her face as soon as she saw that I faced the camera towards her.

She hit my arm and laughed which caused me to face the camera towards me again. I ate my ramen quickly so I could broadcast more but I was getting tired. I finished my ramen and drank the soup. I stood up and threw my cup ramen bowl, I showed Taeyeon noona again and I went to her back and tickled her which caused her to hit my arm again. I left her alone to eat her noodles. I sat down beside her and filmed us both.

"Stop filming me.", she laughed.

"Why? This our meokbang noona.", I said.

"I'm so gonna kill you.", she said.

I stood up and ran to the the shoe room and wore my shoes and ran outside, I looked behind me and I saw a running Taeyeon noona. I ran faster showing to my fans that noona is chasing me. I finally met a dead end and stood there.

"She's bad.", I frowned on camera because she was chasing me.

"Yah kookie, calling me bad.", she said.

"See? She's bad.", I said to camera facing her.

She faces the camera towards me and kisses my cheek. I blushed so hard when she kissed my cheek.

"Is that still bad?", she questioned.

"Yes.", I said.

"Arraseo.", she said and hugged me and kissed my cheek again.

"Is that still bad?", she questioned again.

"Guys, is she still bad?", I asked the viewers.

'awe, kookyeon.'
'omg is this ship real?'
'jeon jungkook, omg you are cheating on me.'

"Oh come on guys, we're just friends.", I said hugging Taeyeon noona.

"Yeah, just friends.", Taeyeon noona said to the camera.

"We're gonna go now. Annyeong, have a nice day everyone!", I said and hugged Taeyeon noona and kissed her cheek.

I turned off the camera and faced Taeyeon noona.

"What was that for?", she asked me.

"Payback for kissing my cheek on broadcast.", I said.

"People are gonna start rumors you know, they'll start to ship us and you know how that can effect to someone.", she said.

"Then let them ship what is not true, they'll just fool themselves.", I said.

"Y-yeah sure,", she said.


so, im sorry for not updating for a while, shit just goes in the wrong way in life.

lol im sorry guys for the kookyeon moments, but i had to. shits gonna go down when i write that so please do not hate

im addicted to jimin of aoa omg guys help me

im in my grandma's house and it's burning hot, the wifi is slow, im starving to death here.

this chapter has 2494 words :)

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