The Stoner & The Blind Girl

By byteendreams

593K 18.2K 3K

It's no secret that life is hard. But when you find someone who makes it all seem easy, don't let them go. Da... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Bonus (Character Answers)
Thank You! +Updates

Part 7

17.4K 527 109
By byteendreams


"If love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it."

-Criss Jami


"Earth to Danny Boy," Levi said while waving his hand in my face trying to get my attention.

I guess they had enough of me ignoring them as suddenly Michael punched me in the arm, hard.

"What the fuck, guys?" I asked annoyed finally turning to face them. Michael simply rolled his eyes "Sorry man, just trying to help you get your head out your ass." He replied causing Levi and Devon to laugh.

They may be my friends but sometimes they act like jerks and I hate them.

I didn't respond once again as I stood in front of my locker looking down the hall towards Emma's locker waiting for her to show up.

After hanging out with her on Saturday I really couldn't get her out of my mind and just really wanted to see her again.

Since I got to school I've been waiting for her to show up, which is probably why the guys are being asshats.

"Come on let's go outside. We could smoke a quick one before school starts." Devon suggested. "Nah, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna wait here." I told them while still staring at Emma's locker.

I guess that was enough for them as they turned to leave. But before they were gone I could loudly hear Levi mutter "They aren't even dating and he is acting whipped as fuck."

Whatever, I don't need their shit anyways.

Just then Emma and her cousin walked towards Emma's locker together.

As Emma's cousin opened Emma's locker I walked over to them.

"Hey," I said as I now stood before them. Rebecca gave me a dirty look as Emma turned towards my direction and smiled.

"Hi," Emma asked quietly. "How was the rest of your weekend?" I asked trying to make conversation. "It was good," Emma answered. Rebecca cleared her throat loudly.

Emma frowned softly. I imagine if Emma wasn't wearing her signature large black glasses she would be rolling her eyes right now.

"This is my cousin, Becca. Becca this is Daniel." Emma said introducing me formally to her cousin.

Becca glared at me. "It's Rebecca, to you." She said coolly. Rude.

I ignored her as I looked back to Emma. "Don't be rude, Bec," Emma told her cousin calmly. "Whatever, I got your stuff. Are you ready to go?" Rebecca replied rudely.

"Actually," Emma said nervously turning kind of toward me, she was facing towards the right too much to really be facing me. "Daniel, I was wondering if maybe you could escort me to class today?" She finished.

To say I was surprised was an understatement. She wanted me to walk her around?

Rebecca's mouth was ajar as she looked at Emma like she was crazy. "He can't-" Rebecca started to say but I quickly cut her off by answering "sure."

Emma turned towards me completely and smiled. "Great." She said happily. Rebecca glared at me again.

I grabbed Emma's stuff from Rebecca. "I'm not just going to let you leave with this guy," Rebecca argued as she turned and face Emma.

Right, because you didn't totally leave us alone in a house together two days ago...

Now I'm sure Emma would be rolling her eyes if I could see them. "Relax, he is only walking with me to class," Emma said sounding annoyed.

I smirked. "Yeah Rachel, I'm just walking with her to class," I said purposely calling her the wrong name. Rebecca glared at me before saying "It's Rebecca, not Rachel."

I smirked again. "Same difference," I said shrugging. Emma smiled softly before reaching out towards me, her hand eventually reaching my arm.

"Let's go." She said before pulling me away. I walked away with Emma holding my arm.  I was carrying both of our books as she dragged me with her as she held her cane in her other hand.

She seemed to be leading me more then I was supposed to be leading her.

"How do you know where you are going?" I asked. My curiosity was always getting the better of me.

She stopped walking and turn towards my voice. "We've been in school long enough that I've memorized how to get to my classes."

Oh, that makes sense.

"Why does your cousin always drag you around and take you to class then?" I asked. She smiled softly before frowning.

"She 'leads' me because she's overbearing and because it's state required that somebody does," Emma explained.

"Not that I'm complaining, but if that's the case why did you want me to walk you to class?" I said asking another question.

I just wanted to talk to her, plus I really want to know why she wanted me to walk with her if she didn't actually need help. Not that I wouldn't walk with her, I would, I will. I like the time with her. Even if it's walking for five minutes to her class.

She shrugged making some of her long hair fall into her face. Her cheeks began to flush red. "I just thought it would be a nice change." She finally answered.

That's good enough for me.

"Well okay, let's go before we're both late for class," I replied swiftly.

Okay, maybe that's not good enough for me. I couldn't help but be a bit disappointed.

What the hell is wrong with me?

With that said we walked to her class.  Well more like her walking a bit in front of me and me following her.

After a trip up a flight of stairs and going through a few more halls, we made it to her class. Outside of her class, she turned to me. "Thanks." She said awkwardly.

"No problem, I didn't really do anything," I said awkwardly back. As she turned to go to the class I stopped her. "I still have your books," I said stopping her.

"Oh, right. Thanks." She said as I handed her the books. With that said she walked into the class and sat down at the fourth desk to the window in the last row.

The teacher greeted Emma before glancing over at me. "Who's your friend Emma?" The teacher asked turning to face me fully.

The teacher was a very short old lady, who looked to be of Asian descent. Before Emma could answer, the teacher went on the ask "Is he your boyfriend?"

And at the moment Emma and I both began to blush heavily. I looked away from them both as I took a step away from the doorway.

"We are just friends," I answered, my voice breaking midway. I coughed at the end clearing my throat as I tried to calm down.

The teacher didn't look convinced but didn't question either of us further as she walked to her desk.

Before I could walk away Emma's voice stopped me. "Daniel?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm still here," I said stepping into the room. "Would you like to walk me to my second-period class after this?" She asked me softly, her face flushing again.

I smiled softly as I bit my lip. "Sure. I'll pick you up from here." I said before leaving.

School seemed to zoom by quickly because before I knew it it was already lunch time and I had escorted Emma to all of her classes today so far.

Emma and I now stood in the hall together as people made their way to lunch.

"Want to go to the cafeteria?" I asked softly as I leaned closer to her. She shook her head no. "It's too crowded." She said back to me.

I could feel as people began glancing over towards us, watching Emma and I as we leaned against some lockers towards one another whispering.

As more people began to look towards us I began to glare back towards them. Emma may not have had anyone to defend her before but she sure as fucking does now.

Emma doesn't deserve to get crapped on by anyone. And if anyone even got the slighted idea to say anything to either of us then they would have me to deal with.

"Let's go outside to the courtyard," Emma suggested. "It's raining," I stated. "So what's your point?" Emma asked smirking.

I love hanging out with Emma. I don't love that she likes to go outside in the most unreasonable weather.

I rolled my eyes yet still agreed. "Sure. Let's go to our lockers to get our jackets." I said before taking her hand in mine and leading her against the crowd towards our lockers.

When I turn to look back at Emma I could see her face was flushed as she smiled softly.

She seemed oddly unsure and nervous suddenly.

Her fingers tangled and tightened around mine as we maneuvered our bodies through the mass of people hurrying to lunch together.

Once the halls began to clear, we quickly made it to our lockers. Emma sighed in relief as she relaxed from being in the crowd.

"Which locker is yours?" I whispered into her ear as I glancing at the lockers near us.

Yes, I may see her at her locker a lot but it's normally from a distance. I never actually knew which one was specificity her's unless she was already at it.

I didn't realize how close we were to one another until I felt her shiver from my lips brushing her ear as I had spoken.

I pulled away from her to see her a bit flustered as she breathed deeply. "Hhh... Umh.. 1559." She finally answered.

I grinned, she looked cute all flustered up.

I could feel myself lean closer to Emma. I don't know what it is about her but I could swear she has her own gravitational pull.

Had I not been so drawn to her at this moment I would be tempted to throw my pack of cigarettes at her just to see if it would orbit around her.

Instead of doing that though, I took her hand in mine again and lead her a few more lockers down, in front of hers.

"What's your combination?" I asked as I let go of her hand and turned to the lock on her locker.

"No, I got it." She said as she reached out her hand towards the locker. She felt around for a moment before I reached out and put her hand on the lock.

Emma felt the lock in her hand for a moment before she began spinning the dial, after a moment her locker opened.

"How'd you do that? The numbers aren't in Braille." I asked, unable to stop myself.

"Muscle memory." She said simply before shrugging. With that said she reached into her locker and pulled out her jacket.

She slowly began to put it on. "Do you need hel-" I said to ask but was cut off as she swiftly said. "Don't be like everyone else, Daniel."

I looked at her for a moment before asking "what do you mean?" She sighed.

"Don't be like everyone else. Don't try to take care of me like I can't do things myself. Don't. Just be you. Dumb questions and all. Don't treat me like everyone else does. Okay?" She stated more than asking.

I nodded my head quickly, "Yeah, sorry. Okay."

She smiled softly. "Hurry up and get your jacket, if we stand here talking any longer lunch will end." She said almost teasing.

It was strange to see the way her mood shifted so quickly.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," I told her before walking down the hall some to my locker.

I quickly unlocked it and grabbed my locker. I stopped as I held my jacket in my hand and look down the hall to Emma.

Her hair was loose and down in messy waves down her face. As she played with a strand of her hair with one hand and held her cane in the other. Her green jacket zipped open revealing her bright red sweater made her look like she came out of a Christmas movie.

Gosh, she's beautiful. I thought to myself.

Fuck me over and hit me with a car. Damn it, I like her. I really fucking like her.

I quickly put on my jacket before walking over to her.

She smiled as I approached her. "Took you long enough." She said sarcastically. Yup, I'm screwed.

"Come on, we need to hurry before it stops raining." She said as I took her hand in mine and began walking down the hall towards the courtyard.

"You're afraid we'll miss the rain?" I asked in confusion. "No, I just like the smell of the rain." She asked. "The smell?" I asked spectrally. "Yup." She said quickly.

We quickly made it to the courtyard door and stepped outside. She let go of my hand and sat down at the same table as I had found her at last week. I sat down next to her.

I have a feeling that this is going to become our spot. We sat together silently.

The rain fell against my hair making it begin to mat again my forehead. I really wish my jacket had a hoodie.

"I'm sorry." She said suddenly. I couldn't even hide my confusion as I asked "for what? You've done nothing wrong."

She frowned making her look like an adorable pouting wet cat, as her hair started to become stringy from being wet.

"I brought you out here because I want to tell you about me becoming blind because you asked me on Saturday and I felt bad for not answering you when you're the only person besides my cousin or teachers that's been kind to me and tried to be my friend. But I can't and now we're getting all wet from the rain for nothing." She rambled.

I could see each raindrop as they slide against the black lens of her glasses. I didn't know how to respond so instead I stared at her blankly for a moment.

"It's okay, I get it. You can tell me whenever you're comfortable. I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to tell me." I said suddenly feeling bad.

She snorted in disbelief as she shook her head and smiled softly.

"What is it?" I asked as I bumped my shoulder playfully with her's and smiled.

"You're different, Daniel. Most would be angry at me or at least annoyed right now. But here you are apologizing to me. You keep on surprising me." She said smiling towards me.

Before I could reply the bell rang ending lunch.

I slowly took her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers.

"Come on, let's go before we're late," I said as I began to get up.

I don't think I could be mad at her if a tried.

I really like her, and I'm really really fucking screwed.

A/N: Sorry this took me forever to write, I've been struggling with some serious writer's block. I'm so sorry for leaving you all waiting.

[Published: May 1st, 2016]

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