The Evil Within Boyfriend Sce...

By Shyerue

267K 5.7K 1.8K

Just a few One-Shots with the 'The Evil Within' guys <333 More

You met him
Meet again
They confess their love
They meet your parents
They get ill
Date time :D
They react to your obession with Pi.
They listen to I Prevail
Ice Skating ~
Someone breaks in their apartment
You are on your period
Date on the Cinema ~
You move into their apartment
It's your birthday ! ~
Your friend tries to seperate the both of you ~
You have a twisted knee and he takes care of you ~
You have to watch after your cousins ~
Car Crash ~
Someone flirts with you in front of him ~
You get robbed
You get raped~
The electricity goes off on Valentine's Day ~
They are drunk ~
#Lemonade ~ !! R-18 !!
They are in a kissing mood ~
You are sick
You realize that you are pregnant ~
Baking/Cooking together :D
First Doctor's Appointment with him ~
You have a miscarriage
You break up ~
Your days without him ~
They make it up to you :)
They Get Hurt On The Job ~
Hot Day On The Beach
! Requests !
Theme Park~
Scary Movie Night~
Your Ex Shows Up~
They Enter While You Take A Shower~
Halloween :3
When You Come Home From A Shitty Day At Work
When You Get Drunk~
Christmas Time :3
New Year's Eve
Your First Anniversary Together~
Boys Boys Boys...
Lemon #2

Tumblr Restart :D

4.1K 41 55
By Shyerue

Yes. I did it xD

I changed to Tumblr.

There are two main reasons.

1. It is WAY more reliable.
I mean, do I have to explain ? Wattpad deleted my drafts more often than not. I do not have much time, and such things don't make it better xD

2. I like the layout.
And it is closer to the community I think. You can also message me there. And not only requests. Also trivial things xD

I will continue this thing there. More or less xD I already posted the rules xD

Check it out if you liked this work :3

Love you guys !

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