Truth or Dare (boyxboy)

By Phaniacliontoast

426K 13.8K 6.2K

~~~FINISHED~~~ Tristan Tucker was your typical cliché high school football jock. Loved by all, Tristan was at... More

Truth or Dare (boyxboy)
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 1: The Dare
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 3: Stage 1
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 4: Breaking through
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 5: People Change
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 6: Worth knowing
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 7: You're in love!
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 8: Mystery boy
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 9: Pretty interesting
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 10: Living hell
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 11: Love and Let go
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 12: Just you and me
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 13: Not yet
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 14: My angel
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 15: Sweatshirts and Mac and Cheese
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 16: Rest now
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 17: Safe
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 18: Never become like me
Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 19: Help me
Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 20: And so it begins pt. 1
Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 21: And so it begins pt. 2
Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 22: Now and Forever
A/N ???????
A/N - Rewrite?
Update: Rewrite!

Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 2: Harder than I expected..

26.6K 787 758
By Phaniacliontoast

Picture of Tristan Tucker

"Hey Triiiiiissss" an annoyingly high-pitched voice sang as someone poked my cheek violently. I groaned and pulled the thick duvet over my face so the disturbance to my sleep would hopefully stop.

Of course, it didn't, it only increased as I felt a heavy body jump on top of mine, extracting a loud pained grunt to come from my mouth as Tanner bounced on top of me.

"Trissy wake up today you're gonna make a new friend, remember?" The voice was an innocent child but I knew that he was grinning rather maniacally on the other side of the thick blanket that remained over my face.

I growled and pushed the annoying five year old teen off of me and onto the floor. He let out a dramatic yelp of pain when he hit my hard-wooden floors and started whining like a child.

"Hunterrrr!! Tris pushed me onto the ground and now my ass hurtsss!" He cried dramatically. Seconds later, I heard the slow shuffling of feet a series of annoyed curse words coming from a still half asleep Hunter.

Needless to say, Tanner was a morning person. Hunter and I were not.

A heavy feeling of dread sank in my stomach as I pulled up to the school parking-lot. Why did I have to do this? Why couldn't he dare Hunter to do this? I'm the last person who should even consider this situation.

I don't know what he looks like, what he acts like, if he's shy or has anger issues, hell, I don't even know the kid's name! I got out of my car and slammed my door shut, locking the car and marching toward the front doors.

"I'm so fucking excited for this, man! This'll be so much fun seriously." Tanner squeaked. I rolled my eyes and glared hard at Tanner. I hated cussing, and he knew it. Hunter just sighed and hit him behind the head,

"Calm down, nitwit. We shouldn't even be doing this."

Tanner let out another dramatic sound and grabbed Hunter's arm, "What do you mean?? Doesn't it sound fun?"

"Well I admit that it sounds a bit entertaining, but it's not something we should do to an innocent bystander. This is a bit much, even for you." Hunter grabbed Tanner's wrist and pried him away from his arm.

Tanner only shrugged and walked into the crowded hallway. I looked around nervously. I really hoped he wasn't here today, or at least in different classes for some unimportant reason. I began to get my hopes up when I didn't see him at all while at my locker, but my luck didn't last long.

"Hey Tris there's your new bff." Tanner whispered in my ear before shoving me in the direction of the hooded figure sitting in the corner of our physics classroom. I stumbled forward and shot a death glare at my two friends who were both smirking pridefully behind me.

I decided to just man up and get it over with, so I say my backpack on the side of the desk next to his, sitting down and facing him.

"So uh, hey. I'm-"

I was interrupted by an arm lifting and revealing a rather offensive gesture. I stand there in shock for a few seconds, then continued on,

"Well, that was rude. I'm just trying to be nice you know. My name is....uh...." I quickly looked around the room for help. My eyes landed on a Thor poster in the corner of the room on the wall behind the teacher's desk. "Uhm...Loki....yeah! My name is Loki. What's your name?" I was beyond nervous and I felt like a fish out of water. I didn't want him to know my real name okay?

After that, I began to start worrying about what he would thing or do.
Would he believe my ridiculous lie? What would he do if he found out it was a lie? What if he already knew?

I gave him another nervous glance, only to realize that he didn't do anything. There was no reaction at all.

What the...

"Uh....okay well...nice to meet you!! I'm probably gonna hang out with you for a while from now on, I ditched the other losers that were beating on you. Got tired of it."

I sat there awkwardly for a while, watching to see if I could get a reaction out of the kid, but all I got was him reaching into his backpack and taking out a book and a pen. He opened the book and started drawing with the pen, completely ignoring my existence.

I sighed and looked over at Tanner and Hunter from the other side of the room, scoffing as Tanner tried to hold in his hysterical laugh.

For the rest of the class period, I just stared at the hooded teenager next to me. He was a pretty damn good artist if I do say so myself, although what he was drawing was a bit concerning.

On the paper was a beautifully sketched rose, but around it, sharp thorns wrapped around it tightly, as if it were a snake suffocating its prey. Surrounding that scene, is puddles of blood and a shiny knife.

My stomach churned at the sight. Kinda creepy. This kid really is a mystery.

"Mr. Tucker?" I jumped at the sudden loud voice, snapping my eyes up to my teacher, who looked a little less than pleased.

"Y-Ye-es?" I stuttered.

"Please choose a partner for your project before everyone is taken. Oh wait, everyone is already taken because you were off in your own little daydream." He snapped, this teacher hated my guts. Always has, always will. He takes pride in my low grades.

I quickly looked around to see that everyone was staring at me, all sitting in pairs, two people to a desk. Hunter and Tanner were sitting together, Tanner just smirking at me, and Hunter shrugging.

I looked back at the-now furious-teacher and gave him an innocent smile that practically said "Oopsies..?"

A low growl left his throat and he snapped his head in the direction of the gay kid next to me,

"Mr. Preed, you will be Mr. Tucker's partner for this assignment." My head shot up immediately, my mouth opening to argue, but by then, the teacher had walked away.

After a few seconds of silence, the class began to talk amongst themselves about the project. I huffed and leaned over, poking the kid's shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, you're gonna have to talk to me at least once during this, bud. I have no idea at all what this project is even on. Please tell me you were listening."

I waited for a while, staring at the side of his hooded head as he stared down, playing with his thumbs.


The same gesture as before was made toward me, then the bell rang. As soon as the loud sound faded away, the kid was up and gone.

This was going to be harder than I expected...


I'm bored.

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