Cold Coffee (Niall Horan)

By Sabamalik55

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"Promise me you won't leave me," Emily said as tears streamed down her face. "I won't leave you ever," Niall... More

Cold Coffee (Niall Horan)
Chapter 1 ~ Skyping, assignments and movie night
Chapter 2 ~ Break up, Little things and bumping into someone
Chapter 3 ~ Movies, getting ride and Niall Horan
Chapter 5 ~ Fans, Leaning in and Details
Chapter 6 ~ A Grades, Starbucks Job and Reports
Chapter 7 ~ Texting, He is back and Cutting
Chapter 8 ~ Glee, Directioner talk and little things live
Chapter 9 ~ Relationships, peri peri chicken and cuddling
Chapter 10 ~ Confusion, Fans and Asking on date
Chapter 11 ~ Nervousness, Princess and dinner picnic
Chapter 12 ~ Getting ready, Italian restaurant and best kiss
Chapter 13 ~ Deal, DMing and New Iphone
Chapter 14 ~ Friday night party, Making cupcakes and Tour
Chapter 15 ~ Not a goodbye, Letter and Cody
Chapter 16 ~ Confuse Truth, Leparchun and Going back home
Chapter 17 ~ Rumour, Cute little angel and Shopping with alice
Chapter 18 ~ Airport, Twitcam and Confession
Chapter 19 ~ The dark truth, His shirt and Snogging
Chapter 20 ~ Ed sheeran concert, Memories of him and Charity
Chapter 21 ~ High school photos, Target and New Hair
Chapter 21 ~ Gifts, Realizing and Slapped Him
Chapter 22 ~ Some hours break, Demi's talk and New items
Chapter 23 ~ Gifts, Answers and Big Accident
Chapter 24 ~ Coma, Mental breakdown and Relationships
Chapter 25 ~ Welcome, First Time and Tour
Chapter 26 ~ Rose Petals, Our Dance and Getting Engaged

Chapter 4 ~ Twitter, Yelling ashley and Hanging out

353 8 0
By Sabamalik55

Chapter 4

I came home at 2pm, throw my bag on table, and layed down on bed. Someone knock the door, I look it was my mom.

"Hey," She came sit next to me.

"Tired," I nodded my head.

"You should take rest, you know, do you remember what doctor said, you should not take any stress," I smiled.

"I know mom, but today I have to go somewhere," I said as I went to my closet to change into some shorts and shirt.

"Really where?" She asks,

"A friend wants to hang out with me," I said as I tossed my shirt on me.

"He or she?" She says,

"Um, his name is niall," I said putting my hair in bun.

"Are you okay with it, I mean you know what happen last time?" I nodded, because something in me told me that niall is not like other guys.

"Ok then, have fun," She kissed my cheek, I grinned at her.

I opened my labtop checking my twitter, I was going through news feed, when I saw his tweet. 

Jackson_88 New girl new money (A/N: I suck at tweets)

So he got a new girl again, and now i don't know who is she and she is his target, to ruined her life.

I slammed down my labtop, how he could do it to any girl, i wish he had a sister, so he can see, what happen when the same thing will happen with her sister.

My thoughts were interuppted by my iphone, which was ringing like crazy.

"Hello," I said lazily.


"Geez ash, slow down what happen?" I chuckled.

"You were with a guy and he is a singer, and you didn't dare to told me, and every single person of uni knows about it, were you going to hide from me forever," She said, I shook my head,

Typical ash..

"No, I wasn't I was going to call you but the day just got mixed up, so I couldn't talk to you," I said.

"Oh ok, I'm coming over your house, in just 2 hours ok," She said and then I remember my date with niall, oh what? It isn't a date just 2 friends hanging out.

"No I'm going out to hang out with a friend," I said, as I started to take out clothes from my closet.

"Which friend?" she asked, I sighed

"Um, niall, the singer," I said while laughing awkwardly.

"WHAT!" She yelled again,

Seriously this girl have to stop screaming, it really hurt my ears..

"Geez ashley, I'll tell you everything tomorrow, now I have to get ready, bye." Before she could say anything I hang up the call. I plugged my phone in charger and went through my dresses, I really didn't know what to wear, I mean I'm hanging out with a guy after 2 years, I have to look good.

Finally debating on clothes, I got perfect outfit, that look stylish but casual.

It was winter, so I decided to wear something comfy and cozy.

I took a quick shower, shampooing, conditioning and shaving, i came out.

I wore red sweater, with some printed leggings, and on it I wore black jacket. I wore my combat boots and dryed my hair and wave it, with waver. I wore a natural make up, and sprayed perfume. I took my messenger bag and went downstairs waiting for niall.

"Wow sweety you look great," My mom complimented as she was making sauce.

"Thanks mom, are you sure I look okay?" I ask her as I was so insecure of my looks,

"You look amazing, ok" She said, and then I hugged her.

"Thanks mom, I love you," I said to her.

My house bell rang, and I went to open and saw niall standing on my door, with his white tee, black jeans and white converse, his hair were quiffed, he look at me and smile.

"You look beautiful," He said, which made me blush.

Nobody has ever said me that I was beautiful, even jake hasn't my ex.

"Are you ready to go?" He said, I nod my head, and then I went into his car.

We came to a nice restaurant, and I only ordered pasta, but niall he ordered tons of dishes, which he ate also. I was shocked and confuse that how he ate so much.

We were walking in the park, when I finally got the courage to ask him. I wanted to know who is he?

"Niall can I ask you something?" I said, he nodded sitting on bench.

"Who are you?"

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