Catching Phoenix: Renegades M...

By mangomonkey13

573K 30.8K 712

Nix was a complicated woman with a complicated past. She trusted no one, well other than her only friend Ha... More

Chapter 44
Chapter 45


10.8K 637 9
By mangomonkey13


Christ I needed a cup of coffee. Or maybe three.

That was the only cure to wipe away the fog that took up residence in my head. After dressing I made my way down in the elevator. From what I could tell the guys showered me (which pissed me off), treated my wounds (which I was thankful for) and even hooked me up to more blood and fluids (which means they went snooping to find those supplies). So I figured I would need a clear head to figure out what the fuck was going on around here.

The kitchen was empty and no longer resembled a war zone. From the smell it looks like someone has welcomed themselves to the use of my food. Glancing at the clock I realized it was mid-afternoon meaning I had been out for over 14 hours.

Fine I guess they could eat my food, after all they did do the dishes. As I sipped my coffee I decided to follow the sudden outburst of noise. Apparently the guys were making use of my game room, Christ do they have no respect for boundaries?

As expected, bikers were everywhere. Playing pool, darts, cards and four sitting on the floor playing my gaming system. Sure make yourselves at home why don't you.

"Enjoying yourselves boys?"

Like a switch the noise silenced, including the video game as a room full of eyes focused on me. So yeah that wasn't awkward.

"Jesus Major, what the hell are you doing out of bed."

"Relax Timmons, I have been worse off, I know my own body. Thanks to whoever pumped me full of blood and fluids, tended to my wounds. My next question was which one of you fuckers bathed me?"

Several chuckles sounded out as the men refused to meet my eyes. Cowards.

"Relax Jules, it was me and Tank, but mainly me. And if you are not going to go back to bed could you at least sit on the couch."

Begrudgingly I listened to Mac since I was okay with his answer, plus my body was aching. I mean the man has already seen me naked so it really wasn't a big deal. Gunner and Trigger both jumped up from the couch so I could take my seat, Mac instantly drawing my legs up into his lap and then tossing a blanket over them. How the man knew I was slightly chilled was beyond me but I didn't question it.

"Alright Timmons, I am alert and conscious so you mind telling me why my house has been overrun with bikers? I get that Raptor has struck again, but usually I am just sent the Intel, not invaded."

Clearly agitated, Timmons began to pace behind the couch. Over the years I have never seen the man even slightly rattled, so his actions and body language were a shock. Whatever he had to tell me was not good.

"Like I said, Raptor struck again..."

"Okay, again just forward the Intel..."


"Excuse me? Here? What the hell does that mean?" I asked sitting up straighter. Mac not liking my sudden movement gently eased me back to the pillow he had propped behind me. To distracted by the agents behavior I didn't fight him and I settled back down.

Frustrated Timmons combed his fingers through his hair as he collected his thoughts. It seemed everyone in the room, including me, was waiting for the agent to shed some light on the situation.

"By here I mean on US soil. Yesterday morning our offices intercepted correspondence between some group who call themselves the Freedom Fighters and the Raptor himself. From what my men could decipher, the Raptor was taking credit for the bombing at the Naval Base in Panama City, FL."

Christ how out of it was it. From the looks if it, I was the only one who didn't know what he was referring to.

"What bombing? When?" And when the hell did the Raptor change tactics.

"Right I guess you were tracking Richards for the last two days with zero outside connection. At 0600 hours a bomb went off on the center of the base. They are still digging through the rubble but so far only 12 dead, twice that amount wounded. No one knows how the bombs were planted or got through security. As of now all US Military bases are on lock down and being searched."

Shit, the bastard decided to return home. I never thought he had the balls to step foot on American soil, but this was just the window I was waiting for.

Sliding my legs off Mac I motioned for the men to follow me. If there was any hope of finally catching this bastard now was that time. I just prayed that this asshole gave me enough rope to hang him with. The Agent continued to relay what his team knew so far, which frankly wasn't much but at this point anything was helpful.

No one other than Timmons spoke as they followed my through the foyer, down the back left hallway until we stopped at two large metal doors. Leaning over to the panel I placed both palms down to scan and turning towards the camera for a retinal scan.

"Jezz Nix, paranoid much?" Axel joked before the doors finally unlatched and slid opened. Inside was my command center that rivaled both NASA and the CIA. Screens surrounded us, broadcasting news from around the world. My database was set up to not only decipher through the Intel but it simultaneously began tracking any threads. Currently most of the larger screens were reporting from the bomb site in Florida.

"Yeah okay so shit just got real. Hell Nix the paranoid comment was a joke. Fuck the Pentagon has nothing on you. This place is the size of a football field."

"Your right they don't. Especially not since they rely on the Phoenix here for Intel. Gentlemen, what you see in this room is highly classified. Hell the CIA, FBI, DEA and all the other three letter organizations would kill to have a set up like this. What you see around you is one of the most deadliest weapons in the world. Information is vital in taking down the enemy. This system here is not only able to scan and process data, it also codes it, files it and links it together until threads can be formed. Those threads more or less point us directly to the enemy."

Sitting in my large leather chair I listened as the Timmons bragged about Albert, named after Einstein of course. There wasn't anything Albert couldn't do.

"What I would like to know is how the hell you got away with obtaining all of this, I mean shit like this is not exactly legal." Axel asked as he leaned over my shoulder to see what I was typing.

"She didn't need to obtain it." Timmons boasted. Christ I felt like the man's shiny new toy for the way he was acting. But of this I really didn't mind. Albert was my best invention yet. Without him I wouldn't be alive today.

"She created it. This system here has the ability to scan every newscast, blog, internet posting, cellular waves, social media sites, hell anything that can be digitally obtained. Albert here pulls in an inputs and relays to the appropriate party, such as the CIA. Albert is constantly feeding through data and finding treads. Because of him, hundreds of events have been stopped before they even have the chance of unfolding. Terrorists have been caught and lives saved."

"Um...who the hell is Albert?" Mac asked as he took Axel's place over my shoulder. Damn these guys were nosy.

Me of course.

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