My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arsh...

By amira039303

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My Imperfect Mr Perfect Prologue
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 1
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 2
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 3
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 4
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 5
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 6
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 7
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 8
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 9
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 10
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 11
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 13
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 14
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 15
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 16
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 17
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 18
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 19
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 20
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 22
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 23
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 24
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part II)
Chapter 26 (Part I)
Chapter 26 (Part II)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part I)
Chapter 30 (Part II)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Maha Update)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part I)
Chapter 50 (Part II) Teaser...
Chapter 50 - Part II (Last Chapter)
Epilogue A
Epilogue B
Epilogue C
Nominations/Thank you Note

Chapter 40

11.4K 429 26
By amira039303

Arnav didn't want to interrupt this beautiful brother/sister moment, so he just held one of Khushi's hands in his, while she leaned her head against Akash.

"And if Arnav ever hurts you, you know you can come to me – I'll kick his ass for you," Akash said, to cheer up the gloomy atmosphere.

And it worked – Khushi giggled against his shoulder, sneaking a glance at Arnav before replying, "I'm counting on you for that Bhaiya."

"What the?!"


A while later, after both Arnav and Akash had spent an hour or so trying to get Khushi to laugh her heart out and forget their recent discovery, they once again sat down, all thinking about how to take this case forward now.

"So how do we get to L75...? I mean Sunil... uncle..." Khushi asked.

"No need to give that murderer any respect Khushi. It's okay to call him Sunil – or even just L75," Akash said.

Khushi nodded.

"Arnav remember you said L75 has a hierarchy within his goons, so that we would never really be able to get to L75 himself?" Akash asked.

"Hierarchy?" Khushi asked in confusion.

"Yh Khushi. Maybe you forgot. Remember the first time you got kidnapped by L75, and we managed to catch some of the goons?"

Khushi nodded.

"When we asked them who sent them, they didn't know. Because they got their instructions from an unknown goon who was above them. They would get contacted from an unknown number, they would get their instructions and then they would follow them. That's it. They don't know anything about who called them or from where. All they knew was that they were working for L75. We call it a hierarchy because it's like the goons are ranked in sets. The people who came to kidnap you were the lowest of the ranks, as they do the dirty jobs. There's many ranks in between who simply pass on the instructions. Once the message goes through enough people, it becomes almost impossible to find the person at the top. And that's what this L75 has. It's too strong for us to break through," Arnav explained.

Khushi listened intently as she took in the information.

"Exactly what I was going to say," Akash spoke. "So we need to create such a situation that L75 himself would appear before us," Akash said.

Both Arnav and Khushi nodded thoughtfully.

"And for that he needs to be given some kind of motive... A motive to come here himself..." Akash continued.

"I have an idea!" Khushi said.

"Well we all know that his aim is to kill me," Khushi started.

Just hearing the words 'kill me' from Khushi's mouth made Arnav really uncomfortable. He put his arms around Khushi and pulled her closer, as if making sure that she was there, in his arms, safe and sound.

"We don't know why he wants to kill me but we do know he must have some kind of vengeance against me or my parents. So how would it feel for him, if he himself got to kill me, with his own hands? Wouldn't he feel more satisfied killing me himself rather than killing me using some goons?" Khushi said.

Arnav's arms tightened around her, while Akash didn't quite like where this was going either, even though what she was saying was making perfect sense.

"What are you suggesting?" Arnav questioned.

"I think I need to be exposed for a few days so that they can try to kidnap me," Khushi said.

"NO WAYS!!!" Arnav shouted.

"Arnavji listen to me first," Khushi said calmly. She knew why he reacted the way he did and she was expecting him to anyways. But she knew her plan wasn't as harmful as he thought it was and she just needed to make him see that.

"I'm not saying that you let me get kidnapped. Obviously you have to come and save me before they can get to me, but the point is that we need to get them close enough to hear you," she said.

"Hear what?" Akash asked, suddenly interested.

"Sorry Arnavji, I'm going to have to turn you into a villain for this," she muttered a quick apology to Arnav before continuing, "We can make it seem like Arnavji wants to get rid of me and is waiting for the right chance to kill me himself," she said.

"What the f***?!" Arnav exclaimed.

Even Akash looked flabbergasted.

"I know it sounds lame to us because we all know the... errr... relationship that Arnavji and I share, but it won't sound lame to them," Khushi said.

"You just have to make it seem like I'm such a burden on you and I'm so clingy, that you want to get rid of me. And as for why you have kept me alive this long, you could make it seem like you want to take advantage of me before you kill me. Oh I forgot! And make sure you say that you want to do this within the next 2 days." she explained.

"And why does he have to say that?" Akash asked.

"Because then L75 would come running within those 2 days to come and get me himself, before Arnavji could kill me," she explained.

"This is the most stupid, dramatic and unrealistic plan I've ever heard," Arnav said, totally against this whole idea.

"Hawww," Khushi gaped. "You wouldn't get an awesome idea like this in your next 7 births!" she said. "Watch when this plan works and I laugh in your face!"

"That's not going to happen because we are not going to enact this stupid plan in the first place!" Arnav replied.

"Arnavji, you–" But before Khushi could continue arguing, Arnav's phone started ringing.

"Urrrgh! My sautan," Khushi muttered audibly, making Akash chuckle and Arnav shake his head with a hint of a smile.

But the smile vanished seeing the name on the caller ID.


'Great,' he thought. He'd just managed to make Khushi come back to normal after that horrible incident yesterday, and now she decides to call and mess it all up for him.

Although he had a very strong urge to cut the call, he picked up just in case it was an emergency or something.

"Yeah Sheetal?" he said as he pressed the answer button.

Khushi instantly looked up at Arnav as she heard the name, but then looked away, refusing to meet his eyes.

Akash who had been watching the whole exchange didn't miss the way Khushi's face dulled when she heard Sheetal's name.

When Arnav finally cut the phone, he sighed as if exhausted. "Sheetal wants us to come there tomorrow – she wants to apologise to you," he said slowly, afraid of Khushi's reaction.

Khushi sent him a sharp glare before she looked away, not saying anything. She didn't want to create a scene in front of Akash. Because she knew if she opened her mouth to reply, then things wouldn't end very prettily.

Arnav wanted to let out a deep breath of relief but controlled himself.

He had expected Khushi to burst out hearing Sheetal's request but thankfully she didn't. He knew she was boiling in anger inside, but he was just being let off the hook momentarily while Akash was here, so he thought he'll give Khushi some time to calm herself down a little and divert her mind.

With that thought he said, "Khushi, Akash, how about we order dinner today? We're all tired as we worked the whole day, so why not just order out?"

"Sure," Akash replied, while Khushi nodded ever so slightly, still looking away with anger. She wasn't in the mood for cooking anyways.

Akash was about to get up, saying, "I'll go and order."

"No Akash, you stay. I'll quickly go up and order," Arnav interjected.

And with that Arnav left towards the lift, saying a quick, "I'll be back soon," to both of them as he went.

"What's wrong Khushi?" Akash asked, seeing Khushi's tensed face.

"Nothing Bhai," Khushi said, trying to put on a smile.

"Khushi if you really consider me your Bhai then tell me. I can tell there's something that's upsetting you and I want to know," Akash said.

Khushi looked up at him deliberating over whether she should tell him or not – it's not that she didn't trust him or anything. She just didn't want to share her worries with him and then add another burden on his shoulders.

"Did Arnav do something to hurt you, Khushi?" he asked, his tone hard.

"V-voh," Khushi stared at the floor as she didn't know how to reply. He was right, but where was she to start from?

"Is it to do with Sheetal?" he asked another question.

Khushi looked up instantly at that. 'How did he know?' she wondered.

"Your face says it all," he said, understanding her unsaid question, smiling ever so lightly.

"Haan Bhai. It's that Sheetal," she said finally giving in, saying the name with distaste.

Akash nodded at her to continue.

And with that she explained every single encounter she had with Sheetal, explaining everything in detail to Akash, including yesterday's events.

"How dare he?!" Akash thought angrily as he heard what Arnav had done yesterday.

He knew Arnav would never even think of another woman in place of Khushi – he knew that much about his friend/brother. He was tough on the outside, but a complete gem inside.

But that didn't mean he would sit down while he hurt his sister to this extent – intentionally or not.

He would have a man to man talk with Arnav alone, he decided. As Khushi's brother. He needed to warn Arnav that if he hurt Khushi again, he will have to face Akash's wrath. Arnav needed to know that he will be there to protect Khushi always – even if it was from Arnav himself. He needed to know that Khushi did have someone to stand up for her.

As Arnav's friend, he knew that his friend wouldn't ever hurt Khushi even in his dreams. But as Khushi's brother, he felt the need to make things clear with Arnav just once.

"Bhai I don't know what it is about Sheetal... I just... I just get bad vibes from her... I just feel like she's not what she looks... I've told Arnavji this before, but he just doesn't want to hear anything against her!" she complained frustrated, her anger against Arnav starting to resurface again.

"I don't get what black magic she has done on Arnavji that he refuses to even consider the idea of her being bad!"

"Bhai I know you might think I'm just taking my possessiveness out as anger, but believe me... There's just something off about her... I mean... Arnavji argued with me yesterday that Sheetal would never have been after him had she known he and I were together, but... She knew... I know she did! Call it a girl's instinct... but... I know she knew about us! You could see it in her reactions whenever she saw me and Arnavji close together. She knew about us. But still she was after Arnavji – in fact, she even tried to seduce him once by revealing her body more by adjusting her dress..." Khushi said, making a disgusted face as she remembered that day Sheetal came to serve Arnav food.

"Yesterday's events really took a toll on me Bhai... I... I'm acting normally with Arnavji now, but only I know the pain I feel every time I see that image in my head again... I... I'm trying Bhai, but... She's never going to stop is she?" Khushi felt tears prick her eyes.

Akash hugged her from the side, rubbing his hand up and down her arm comfortingly, "Shhh everything's going to be fine, Khushi. Don't worry, you have your brother with you now okay? I'm with you. I trust you. If you feel that there's something wrong with Sheetal... then maybe there is... Or maybe there isn't. But there's no harm in doing a quick check right?" Akash said softly.

Khushi leaned more into him, feeling comforted. "You'll do a check on her?" she asked, surprised.

"Yes, I will. But don't tell Arnav okay? Not until I tell you to. I just want to make sure she's harmless," he replied.

"Thanks Bhai," she said, truly feeling happy that she now had someone else who she could share her thoughts with.

"It's okay, just keep smiling like you are now," he replied, feeling happy that he was able to make her feel better. "And by the way I meant it when I said that if Arnav ever acts like a jerk, then you can come to be and I'll kick his ass for you, okay?"

Khushi nodded, feeling content to have found such an amazing brother in Akash.

Just then, they heard the sound of the elevator doors opening, making them aware that Arnav was here.

They didn't move away from each other as Arnav walked towards them.

When Arnav saw them he didn't feel any jealousy towards Akash, because he knew Akash, and he knew Khushi. He knew they felt nothing for each other except what siblings felt for each other.

'But if Akash did feel something towards Khushi, that's not what a brother feels for his sister? Would you be okay with this then?' a question suddenly popped up in his.

The mere thought of any man hugging Khushi with other intentions made his blood boil. He would break that man's arms, bone by bone!

And in that moment, he realised what Khushi must have felt seeing him and Sheetal so close yesterday. That too with him kissing her on the forehead.

He'd known that it would have hurt her, but only now could he actually feel the anger and pain she must have gone through himself.

Guilt and remorse swarmed him all at once.

She had every right to be angry at him. And he would do everything he could to pacify her and get rid of her insecurities. And for that, he needed to get rid of Sheetal in his life.

Sheetal had never mattered. So why was he fighting over her with Khushi now? Why was he giving her the importance that he'd never given her, now?

He was considering her a sister now, but before, she had been nothing. It was like she didn't exist in his life. He knew she was a nice girl but he'd hardly even interacted with her. It was only after Khushi came into his life, did he actually start looking at Sheetal. And that too only because she had helped with Khushi at the beginning when he'd first brought Khushi with him.

He realised that even his brotherly feelings for Sheetal had arisen because of Khushi.

He smiled as his epiphany sank in.

Khushi. Khushi. Khushi.

Every single part of his life was about Khushi now. In fact his whole life was Khushi. And he needed to show Khushi that.

He realised that he was messing up his love life by giving importance to a woman who had never mattered before.

But he's understood his mistakes now – and he will do everything in his power to correct them. He'll restore Khushi's trust in him and show her that only she mattered.

And with that thought, he sat down next to Khushi and Akash, telling them that the order will arrive downstairs in 10 minutes.

Akash nodded, saying he will go and get it when it's time, while Khushi didn't even turn towards Arnav.

But Arnav didn't mind. He knew that she was right in her place, and he'll change her mind tonight.

Soon they all had dinner together, talking and laughing – though Khushi still ignored Arnav – as Akash tried to clear the awkwardness between them.

When it was night time, Akash bid bye to them both, as he needed to get home.

The moment Akash was gone, Khushi walked straight to the bed and laid down in her place, her back facing the side where Arnav normally slept, pretending to go to sleep.

Arnav knew that she wasn't sleepy and was just trying to avoid a conversation with him. But he wasn't going to let her this time – because he was going to clear all her doubts about him today.

A few minutes later, he slipped into bed next to her and just laid there for a few moment before he called, "Khushi?"

But Khushi didn't reply.

"I know you're awake," he said.

With that Khushi opened her eyes, but she still didn't turn around, nor reply.

Not getting any response, Arnav turned onto his side, placing an arm around Khushi's waist and pulling her closer as he placed a quick kiss on her neck. He leaned his chin on her shoulder as he asked, "Naaraaz ho? (Angry?)"

So I'm going to leave it there, because the next part would be too long to write and I wanted to post as soon as I could.

So how was the update? This is the last phase of the story and it will come to an end soon and so I really would like to hear all your opinions, thoughts and guesses... Please let me know with your likes/comments... Your response is my motivation.

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