Scomiche - Secret Diary of a...

By feminenemy22

130K 7.8K 6.4K

Mitch was a fan way before he got the job. Can he balance friendship with fandom? Can he remain professional... More

1. Exposition
2. Priorities
3. Pushover
4. Why Is The Wine Always Gone
5. Hope
6. Heart Eyes
7. Champagne Life
8. Confusion
9. Home Alone-ish
10. Not You
11. Shipping Wars
12. Will Power
13. Crash Diet
14. Surprise
15. Green
16. Nosy
17. Truth
18. The In-Between
19. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
20. New York State of Mind
21. Fuzzy
22. Guilty
23. Someone to Love You
24. Swimming Pools
25. Magic Man
27. Ch-Ch-Changes
28. Compromise
29. Dangerous Woman
30. Locked & Loaded
31. Model Behavior
32. Flirt
33. Bad 4 Us - Epilogue

26. Comedy

5.2K 249 426
By feminenemy22

My eyes open before my mind wakes up.

If it had gone the other way around, I probably would have been too afraid to open them, too afraid that Scott had been nothing more than a figment of my imagination. I'm a little stunned to find myself faced with skin, but quickly realize I've somehow shifted and my cheek is pressed right above his stomach and though it's an odd position, i'm ridiculously comfortable. I feel his fingers sliding over my spine and if I were a cat I'd purr for my life. I wanna stretch out, but also never ever move at all.

"Welcome back." He's soft and whispery and when I shift so I can look at his face, he looks content and disheveled. If I were more awake I'd straddle him and kiss him until I suffocate....but I'm not and I'm still getting used to the fact that this is ok.

"How long was I out?" My voice is rough with sleep and he chuckles, the feel and sound of it lifting my lips into a smile.

"Almost four hours."

I pout, knowing that my sleep schedule is completely fücked. I know I'm exhausted, but there's too much to think about and I know it's pretty much guaranteed that I won't be sleeping tonight...

Unless I can convince Scotty boy to wear me out.

Oh god why would I think that!? Now I'm going to obsess on it! I mean yes, there was some serious heavy petting earlier, and boy is like a fücking prodigy with his mouth, but it's gonna take more than that to put me to sleep. Mama needs to put in some work for that, if you know what I mean.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

Me... on my knees... in front of you. Ugh! I'm a sex fiend.

Ok, to be fair I haven't had sex in over 7 months. I mean fück that! And even that last time doesn't exactly have the best memories attached. I don't even want to think about how long I stayed thirsty before that.. I mean hands and toys are fun, but sometimes a girl needs the real thing, am i right!? (We won't talk about the time I accidentally put one of those toys in a carry on. Scott laughed at me for a week... it was TERRIBLE)

I try to block that incident from memory, thank you very much.

Besides... I didn't really get my turn to have fun earlier (Scott was greedy... but I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy it ;) ) and I wanna. You have no IDEA how much I wanna.

I have no clue what expression is on my face, but he smiles and shakes his head. "Nevermind, I think I can guess."

"Hungry..." And thirsty... I tighten my arms around him, burying my face against him so I can wake up and 'stretch without stretching'. I kiss his tummy and I feel his fingernails gently moving up and down my scalp. It's literal fücking heaven.

He knows it's one of my weaknesses.

"Wanna get up and go out somewhere?"

"I'd say we should stay here but the room service here sucks."

I really don't want to, but after some coaxing I finally manage to get up and get dressed. Scott had apparently booked a hotel room and dropped his stuff off there so he went to freshen up and I decide to have a total meltdown and, of course, my go to girl is the first person that needs the news.

Apologies in advance for the sheer amount of freak out.

Mitch: AVA!
Mitch: AVA AVA AVA AVA AVA!!!!!!!!
Mitch: Crap you're at work! BUT HE'S HERE
Mitch: AND... NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitch: Well he WAS ... but not anymore b/c he's getting ready to go out but...
Mitch: Not that you needed to know that
Mitch: Can you believe it !??!?!?!?!?!!??!!??!?
Mitch: I love you!!!!!!! I want to hug you
Mitch: and him EEEEEEEEEE

Ava; FINALLY! It's about fücking time!
Ava: The world must be ending because it's a FÜCKING MIRACLE THAT HE GOT HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS ⱭSS!
Ava: What did I fücking tell you!!!!!!!?
Ava: He's loved you this whole damn time and everyone in the world knew it but you.
Ava:No but really I'm so happy for you. I expect a phone call later.
Ava:And yes you should tell me when he's naked because I want details on that too. Love you.

Mitch: Avaaa it isn't a dream! HE'S REAL AND MINE
Mitch: I can't believe this is really happening.
Mitch: and yes THAT is proportional to the rest of him... big in ALL the places...
Mitch: Ugh I hate that you have a job because i'm selfish and needy.
Mitch: sorry for the shouty caps and chat flooding i'm excited and happy...
Mitch: ME. I'M HAPPY! can you believe it?!
Mitch: Ok i'll stop blowing up your phone before you get in trouble
Mitch: AND HIM!
Mitch: K bye

Her job is stupid... and her hours are even worse, but I don't want to give her ɑsshole of a boss any excuse to yell at her. SO, I try to put the fangirl away and put the phone on the bathroom counter. I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment, before I do a stupid little happy dance just to get it out of my system. We'll just pretend that was the extent of it and there was no squealing or anything like that.

Afterwards I get dressed and then start to work covering up the mottled mess of skin on my neck and chest.

Bitch, don't come for me. You know this girl would love to wear them loud and proud, because... it's fücking beautiful... but Scott isn't a normal boy and there is ALWAYS someone watching. I don't even know what's happening with us as of this moment, but if he wants the world to know it'll be on his terms... not my neck's.

I do what I can, but if someone gets close enough there's not much I can do.

He's back before I can finish my hair, letting himself in with the keycard I'd given him, and he joins me in the bathroom to prop his chin down on my shoulder with a pout.

His hands slide under my shirt, wrapping around my sides.

"You're so tiny I can almost put my hands completely around you."

"Or maybe you just have abnormally large hands." I smirk at him in the mirror as I slide the straightener through my hair one last time. I know I've lost a little weight... sometimes things get busy and I get stressed and the whole being sad thing didn't help but... ok now i'm getting off topic. Back up.

"Well, you know what they say about people who have big hands, right?" He kisses my neck and I put my straightener on the counter to turn to face him with a grin.

"That they have extra large mouths?"

He lets his eyebrows rise and fall before he grins and pulls me into another kiss. One of my arms snakes around his neck and I relax into him.

Heaven. *swoony cheesy sigh* This is my new favorite past time. Screw being an assistant, can't I just get paid to make out with Scott all the time? Is there a demand for that? Sign me the hell up.

He pulls away after a minute or so and kisses the tip of my nose like the adorable peanut that he is and my insides melt. Is it legal to be this happy? Is it safe!?

My hands run along his arms, fingers sliding over his shoulders and then to his chest. I don't know if it's just hormones, or just a need to know he's solid... and I'm not suffering a mental break.

He's obviously reading my mind.

"Still making sure I'm real?" He isn't mocking me, I can tell by the softness in his eyes when I look at them.

It's just all happening so fast. After years of longing to touch, of convincing myself that I'd never get to... I'm just trying to take it all in.

"I just... really, really missed you."

He slides a hand up to my jaw, swiping his thumb over my cheek. "I missed you more than I've ever missed anything in my life." He's kissing me again. No arguments here, but I can't think straight when he's holding me like that. I have questions that still haven't been answered... but this is just so.fücking.good.

I hold onto his biceps as he backs me up into the counter.

I'm on 'all systems go' at this point and whatever he wants he's gonna get, but he surprises me by pulling away and running a hand through his hair as he takes a step back.

"Come on. Let's get going so we can hurry up and eat and come back and do..." He takes a deep breath and I raise an eyebrow, surprised that I seem to have almost as much effect on him that he does on me. "more ... of that."

There's a fire in his eyes, and when he licks his lips it sends sparks between my legs. Ugh he's too hot to be real. Howwwwwww

"I have to finish my makeup."

"No you don't, you look gorgeous... trust me."

I want to protest, I mean, when you're standing next to Scott Hoying you kinda want to look your best, but screw it. He's all I gotta impress and if he says i'm good then i'm good.

I roll my eyes for dramatic effect and pull away from him. "Alright, fine, but before you get anymore kisses or other... perks,..we have to talk."

He pouts, poking his lip out because he knows exactly how to get what he wants, but not this time. "Mitchhhhyy, kissessss."

He tries to kiss me again, but I move my head and he ends up at my neck again instead. I try not to, but I can't help but laugh. "No. You can't just come in here with your perfect everything and get an all access pass without explaining first. I need to know what's happening now... like what's going on between us. What does all of this mean!? We need to figure this out."

He looks me in the eyes and smirks. "What's there to figure out? I love you ... you love me... we're a fücking Barney song. What else do you need to know?" And the bastard catches me unprepared and of course I'm kissing him again as he pulls me in tighter against him. Who needs to talk?

Talking is... whatever.

Alright, fine...maybe we can just talk at dinner.

But that would require us to actually MAKE it to dinner. *sigh* UGH FINE!

"Did you just invoke a giant purple singing dinosaur to try and get in my pants."

He shrugs with a pretty grin. "Dinosaur."

I roll my eyes and pull out of his arms to unplug the straightener before heading out of the bathroom.

"Food, Scott. Feed me."

"Fineeeeee" He huffs out in exasperation.

I watch him as he walks out and I'm still a little in awe that this is really happening. After 6 months he's still the same... we're still the same, yet more. I don't know what we're more of, just... us.. I guess? Our connection has always been intimate, which is part of the reason it was so easy to fall in love and so excruciating to leave behind, but this is just... more. More is good.

He's so fücking gorgeous, like he stepped out of one of those teen poster magazines, and I can't take my eyes off of him. I guess now I don't really have to.

Of course he notices and the shíthead just smiles and walks closer to put his hands on my hips, his voice low and sultry. "One more kiss?"

I have restraint. I do. I swear I have restraint.

I hope my face is as stern as I'm trying to make it.

I doubt it though, because he's using those crystal blue weapons with purpose. Dammit, Dammit, DAMMIT!

"I promise I'll be good after? Well, for awhile anyway." His 'innocent' face is just shy of actually innocent... and I certainly know better.

I roll my eyes, more for my own benefit than his. It's a distraction, but not much of one as I know a smile is creeping up my lips. I'm trying to stop it, honest!

"Sorry, it's just... I've been wanting to kiss you for so long and now that I know what it's really like, it's really hard to stay away"

Preaching to the choir here...

He's so cute and sweet how am I supposed to say no to him!?

"Alright, fine, but just one... that's it. And no kissing in public. I don't want Sony up my ɑss because you thinks it's smart to make out with me in the middle of the street."

He pouts and wow do I want to bite that lip, but RESTRAINT! I can DO THIS! "You're no fun."

"You love me." It's an automatic response, one I've used over a thousand times, but it's different now and it causes a brilliant grin to light up his face.

"So much" and then he's kissing me again, and I cling to him to keep me upright.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how to talk anyway.


"So how long did you feel this way?"

We've relocated to a different hotel, because Scott is a diva and he said the beds at the other hotel were too uncomfortable and small. He is a giant, but I think he just gets claustrophobic in tiny rooms.. (The dirty part of my mind is hoping he wanted more space for more 'fun'... but maybe that's just me hoping...) Regardless, Troye said he wouldn't need me until the morning so Scott and I packed up and moved to a luxury hotel. After an attempt to get food in public didn't exactly work out because of nosy fans, we had food delivered and we're sitting at the table, eating our amazing food, sorting out what all of this means for us.

"It was probably a year or so after you started. I had a crush before that, but I think about a year in is when I realized I was really in love."


He nods and takes another bite of his burrito.

All this time wasted... I tortured myself FOR NOTHING!

"So, why didn't you say anything?"

He shrugs and finishes chewing. "At first I didn't want to lose you as my friend and assistant, so I just tried to ignore my feelings. After that you just seemed to not be interested. You were always on your laptop or talking to someone to some guy on your phone and maybe I was a little jealous. And you always yelled at me for posting pictures of you because you were afraid people would get the wrong idea.... It just sounded like you thought it was the worst thing ever. Then you started encouraging me to start dating and I just thought it was you trying to tell me you weren't interested."

Well, shít.

"I was just trying to be a good friend. I never dreamed..." I can't stop sighing. It's like an involuntary response at this point. "Is that why you and... Cameron?"

He makes a face and rolls his eyes, wrinkling his nose like it's an awful memory. It really is ... for me... but at least he got some perks out of it.

"You kept telling me I should give him a chance." He lets out a long breath and I swear I see embarrassment in his eyes. "Then I was scared you'd get mad about ... me cuddling with you that one night after the movie. I didn't want to lose you because I couldn't keep my hormones in check. Then you mentioned Gus and ... I got way too drunk and ... well... was able to imagine he was someone else."

I use a fork to push a piece of chicken around my plate. Memories of that night are almost too much."I was going to tell you how I felt that night. I had it all planned out in my head... but then..."

His face crumbles and if his food wasn't there I'm sure his forehead would have hit the table by now. "I'm such an idiot."

"I'm not much better."

"I also have a bit of a confession..."

"Should I be afraid?!"

So many revelations... what's one more!?

"Remember when I said I talked to Gus!?"

SERIOUSLY!? "You lied!?"

"Well, no... I did talk to him... just not about you liking him." At least he has the good sense to look apologetic, but STILL!

"YOU JERK! I really liked him!" If he was closer I'd smack his arm or something. sshole.

"Sorry, but... I don't regret it.  He really liked you and I was not about to watch the man I love make out with someone else right in front of me!"

Wow. I can't help but laugh. God, this is such a comedy... it's so ridiculous and stupid.

Then a sudden thought hits me and my laughing comes to an abrupt halt. "Wait. So, if you didn't just get weirded out by my feelings when we were in Iceland, then what happened? You were fine one minute then... "

He's blushing, chewing on his lip and staring at his food. Not a good sign. "I ... was planning your birthday party and I wanted to invite Ava but I needed her number so I borrowed your phone while you were in the shower.  I was copying it down when a message from David came through. I wasn't trying to be nosy, I just... you were always talking to him so I thought maybe I'd invite him too. I didn't mean to read so much of your chat, but I was trying to find out a way to contact him without you knowing... like a twitter or something... but..."

And there it is. "You freaked out because I'm a fan."

"I just.. he kept calling you Lance and talking about writing fic and I couldn't stop myself. I'd already read most of your stories... but knowing it was you... that YOU wrote them.. It was a little weird. Then that led to 'Lance's' twitter ... and then the blog and I just wasn't sure how to deal with it. I mean... I talked to Alex about it-"

I can't help the face I make. Not only does SCOTT know I'm a total fangirl, but apparently so does Alex. Great. Just perfect. Here, you can use this fork to kill me now please. Thanks friend.

"At first he was just a little worried that you were only as close to me as you were so you could get inside info for your blog. I didn't want to believe that, and I don't think I ever TRULY considered that as a possibility, but I didn't know what to do about it. I didn't know how to FEEL about it. I mean, what did that mean for us? Were you just a fan of entertainer Scott? It was a lot of information to process.. and I know I should have talked to you about it, but I didn't know what to say. So I didn't say anything."

"I thought you just found out I was in love with you and you wanted to make it clear you didn't feel the same."

"Mitchy... I'm so, so sorry. I know I was pretty shitty to you."

I shrug. "What's done is done. There's no use dwelling on the past.... But..."


"Why now? I tried to tell you at your album release party and you made it very clear you didn't want to hear it."

"I knew.  I mean, once I knew about the fan part of it, I let myself be open to the possibility that you could love me too. After that I could see it. I saw it in the way you look at me, the way you know what I always need, sometimes even before I do. It was obvious in the way you always lean in towards me without realizing, the way you always take care of me ... WAY beyond what a normal assistant would. I knew you loved me ... and it completely broke my heart. You were leaving ...and there's no way we could survive starting a relationship like that...

I mean... a couple of weeks together then not being able to see each other for months at a time? I just thought it would be easier to let you go than tell you the truth and have a glimpse at happiness only to have it pulled away from me. I wasn't sure I could survive if I knew what I was missing. So I just ... tried to find the balance."

He slides a hand across the table and I take it in mine. He squeezes it for a second but then slides up to my wrist to run his fingers over the love bracelet that still sits exactly where he left it. "I knew I shouldn't... but I couldn't stop myself when I bought it. Alex tried to talk me out of it, but... even if I couldn't say the words... I wanted to do SOMETHING. I asked Ava about the size of your wrist when I texted to invite her to your birthday, and she said if I hurt you she'd shove a cactus down my throat."

That's my girl.

"I think it's the only time I really thought about not giving it to you. I didn't want to hurt you, but that night you looked so beautiful in the moonlight.. I'd spent all day watching you laugh and smile ... my heart couldn't hold it in anymore. I wanted to say it... I swear I did, but then I'd remember that you were leaving me and I held it back every time."

He has tears in his eyes and I can't stop myself when I get up to go sit in his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a quick kiss. "Well... I'm never leaving again. Ever."

He smiles and kisses me again for just a moment before putting his forehead against mine. "Mitch, when I heard that voicemail... with you crying and screaming... I felt like someone had ripped my heart out and was stomping it into oblivion. I wanted to find out where you were... fly there and fix it... whatever it was, but Con wouldn't tell me where you were.

I knew you weren't doing well, the circles under your eyes, the weight loss, the song with Troye...but hearing you break like that... I don't know what it was over, but if it was because of me... I don't know how to express just how sorry I am."

I wipe away a tear from his cheek before I can speak. "I went on a few dates with Troye's friend and.. I called him Scott... but he wasn't you. When he tried to kiss me I completely panicked for no reason. I'm sorry I called you."

It's my turn for tears and he takes my face in his hands. "Never be sorry for calling me. I'm so sorry I didn't answer, I was in an interview or you know I would have."

I nod, sniffling a bit as I remember just how lost and hopeless I felt then. It's such a contrast to the way I'm feeling now. "Is that why you're here now?"

"Yes and no. It's part of it... but the final push came from you. I saw the video you made, the one where you said what I wouldn't let you say that night."

"What?" I stand up and look at him with disbelief. "How??" He takes my hand to keep me from getting any further away.

"Don't be mad at him. He was only doing what he thought was right."

"David!? Are you kidding me?"

"He was worried about you and so was I. I'm glad he sent it to me. Even though watching you like that was the most painful thing I've ever been through, it also told me that the only reason you left... was me. You weren't taking advantage of opportunity or chasing a dream or anything like that... you left because I'm an idiot. I knew then that I had to fix it. I had to before I lost you forever."

He stands in front of me, eyes full of tears and I have to wonder how everyone isn't in love with this man. How could you not be?

"I love you." I don't know why the words fall from my lips, but I guess there's no need to wonder why... I already have a million reasons.

He smiles before kissing me and I love the way he holds me tight like he's afraid I'm going to disappear. It's amazing.

He still looks sad when he pulls away and I realize I don't want this to be a sad day... I need him to smile so we can get back to sexy things. I've already wasted way too much time being sad.

"You have burrito breath."

He grins before laughing and when he buries his face in my shoulder, I finally let myself exhale. He's here and this is real. I get to be happy.

I get to call him mine.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" He gives me a look as he settles back against the headboard.

"Hell yes! He deserves it!"

Ok, so I'm not really angry at David in the 'pissed off' sense, I mean it DID get me what I wanted... well, WHO I wanted... and what a 'who' he is. So pretty.

Stop staring or you'll never ever get anything done ever again. Ok..

What was I saying?


OH! Right.

That video, while originally intended for Scott anyway, was still for our eyes only. It was PRIVATE for a reason! I gave him and Ava my passwords because I trust them... and this ... while the intentions were obviously good, still upsets me a little. Not a lot, mind you, but enough to make me want to make him squirm.

Right after Scott told me the truth, I sent off a single text to David.

Mitch: We need to talk.

It's been a couple of hours since then and he's sent probably 10 messages in return, but I haven't answered. I'm sure he's sweating bullets by now.

Let's see if I can do this without laughing... or without getting distracted by the pretty man in my bed. Damn, he is pretty.

Ok, focus.

I sit towards the middle of the bed facing the headboard so Scott won't be seen, and open my laptop.



I look up over the screen at him and he grins. "You're beautiful."

"Stoppp I'm supposed to be angry." ... Dammit, Hoying... now my smile is like tattooed on.

"Right. Sorry." He tries to put on a frown, but it's only partially successful.

I have to resort to closing my eyes and thinking about things that make me angry to even come close to getting my smile to go away.  I think of things like Cameron.... or how shitty Scott was when I first met him.  I think about that douchebag that yelled slurs at Troye and I when we were exploring Houston during a tour stop. I think about how angry I was with Tyler when he first told me Connor was coming to replace me earlier than planned.

Ok... now we're getting somewhere. I got this.

I send a second text.

Mitch: skype. now. and if you're fücking naked i swear I will end you

I know he's not. Scott talked to Connor earlier and he was doing something boring like grocery shopping or something, but it just felt like it would add to the text y'know? I'm over thinking but hey it works.

Before answering i think of things that piss me off again, and if the almost frightened look on his face is any indication then I'm pulling it off nicely. I hope I covered up my neck enough...


I don't answer immediately, clenching my teeth and tapping my finger on my leg as I stare straight at him. He's practically withering under my gaze, shoulders slumping as he starts shifting in his seat. His eyes get a bit bigger before he speaks again.

"Um..can you..hear me? Mitch?"

I take a deep breath and finally decide to speak. Shall we take bets on how long it will take before I laugh!?


He tries to play dumb, but his face is red as he quietly asks... "about..?"

I explode. "WHAT THE FÜCK DO YOU THINK!?" I throw my arms in the air to add just a lil bit of flair. You know we love the drama.

My eyebrows are putting in some serious work and i swear I can see the poor Italian beginning to sweat. "YOU COULD HAVE FÜCKING WARNED ME OR SOMETHING"

"I.. Mitch let me explain please.. " Ooo I got him now. He can't even look at me anymore. Time to turn it up.

"FIRST HE DEMANDS IM HIS ASSISTANT AGAIN ... which surprise... I get the info in a fücking PHONE CALL FROM TYLER! THEN ... oh... then... he fücking SHOWS UP AT MY HOTEL ROOM!!!!!!"

I watch his eyes widen with a sudden wave of hope. "OH MY GOD HE DID??"


He cowers back a bit, like a dog about to get swatted with a rolled up newspaper. "Wait what? But I thought-"

"OF COURSE you THOUGHT ! David, how could you!?"

"I'm...I'm sorry I were so sad and... I wanted to help. I'm so sorry!!"

His eyes begin to tear up and I know I can't take it any further. So, instead I roll my eyes in typical Grassi fashion and look straight at him. "Alright fine. Being angry is exhausting and Scott's making me laugh." I look up at him over the laptop where he's been making faces for most of the chat. He gives me a wink and I shake my head before looking back at a confused David. "I hope that will teach you not to go through someone's private things ..."

I pick up my laptop and move to sit up at the head of the bed next to Scott before setting it back on the comforter.

"Wait..wait you're not really angry? But I thought.. " And then his eyes find Scott and he basically squeaks as he inhales and stops mid sentence. "Oh.." I raise my brow as he blushes, staring at Scott like he's physically unable to look away. I certainly know the feeling. "Right. I'm sorry. I'm so SO sorry Mitch, I just wanted to help and.. you were both so sad." He dips his head a little in embarrassment, still not used to seeing Scott in his chat screen I'd guess. "..h-hi ..Scott.."

Scott grins and waves a little. "Hi."

"You're lucky that i originally had the intention of sending it to him anyway... he just asked me not to tell him so i didn't."

I doubt he's even listening to me, and when Scott waves he just blushes an even darker shade of red. "For the record, I didn't even want to see it... and I didn't show Con. I just wanted to help and I thought it would.. but ...Oh wait.. IT TOTALLY DID, DIDN'T IT!"

I try to keep my smile down, but heart eyes over there next to me is staring at me again and I'm sure I'M blushing now. "Maybe."

David does a Bender fist pump and I can't stop my giggle. "YES. YOU BETTER BUY ME A PRESENT BITCH... I mean.. i'm very happy?"

I roll my eyes again. I know I should stop as I'm sure they're getting tired by now, but at least this time it's accompanied by a laugh. "Bitch that's my guest room you're currently lounging in... and MY wifi you're using... Merry fücking Christmas... Plus you'll get to meet Scott ...which is quite the present... and I mean ... he is a bit slow sometimes so I guess a nudge was appreciated."


David is stuck somewhere between pouting and smiling, but at least he's not crying. "You were both very stupid. Sorry Scott."

"Well there is a bit of a problem now." I look between the two of them and both seem to be afraid of what I'm about to say.

David furrows his brow and speaks first. "What? Don't give me bad news please!"

"Well, I was just thinking that if i go back to Scott.... i'm not sure what will happen with Connor and Troye"

Scott visibly relaxes and I don't want to know what he thought I was gonna say. "I already talked to Con and Sony... he's going to take your place with Troye. I'm pretty positive Con already talked to Troye about it. I mean, that's how he found out what hotel and room you were in."

David is obviously NOT a fan of this information. "Oh," he chews on his lip nervously. "I's okay. Nothing we can do about it, right? But ...Troye is so cute though." Ugh... and now he's whining...   At least it isn't me this time.

"and single"

"Stop it." Scott elbows me a little and I can't stop my pout. "Connor really likes you"


Oh, don't look so dour. This was your idea in the first place, D.

"Well, Scott's way cuter than Troye, no offense, and you didn't seem worried then."

He waves a hand and scoffs like my words were absurd. "Please. Even my blind grandma could see Scott only has eyes for you, He would have never tried anything.

I shake my head, ready to protest, but Scott has wrapped his arm around behind me and is pulling me into his side.

OOoo cuddles. He is warm... and comfy. Wait... not alone. Focus.

"He has a point." Scott grins down at me and I stick my tongue out at him.

He pokes my side once and I jerk closer to him in response. "Nnnnoooo"

David is grinning like he's a child in front of a toy store. "Stopppp you twooooo!! I ship it!"

"Don't encourage him... " I try to pry those fingers from my waist, but he's holding onto me and not letting go.

"Trust me. Con is really into you. Give him some credit. I mean, he's put up with me and still found time for you. That's gotta count for something."

"Well I hope so..cause I really like him." He stares at Scott for a second before laughing and shaking his head. "Sorry. I just can't believe i'm discussing liking Scott Hoying's assistant with the Scott Hoying. What is my life."

"Once a fangirl always a fangirl... " Ain't it the truth.

"Yeah?" Scott looks at me... and my heart is doing cartwheels I swear. Noooo don't do that to your lip! STOP IT!!!!!

"I'm so done with you right now"

David laughs a bit and I force myself to look at him so I don't jump on Scott and give him a show I'm not quite sure he'd survive. "Stoppp you're gonna make me melt! And I would love to at least ask Con out to dinner before dying, thank you very much"

"So go do it now... don't wait..." I shift my eyes to look at Scott as he speaks and he leans in closer to me. "Besides... Mitch has to go now..."

"What!? Why" I flip my head around to look at him with a raised eyebrow, but he isn't looking at me.

"He's a little busy..." He continues to ignore me and, talking to David as if I'm not there. When I feel him shifting, his other hand making contact with my side, I try to squirm away.

"Oh my God NO!"


"so he has to say goodnight now" He gives me a brief second to breathe but then he's right back to tickling me.

"Oh my god!!" I hear David laughing and I want to punch him in the face too! It's not funny. "Okay okay. I'll let you two do..your things. Wish me luck with Connor. and oh I'm very happy for you two."

I really want to just say FÜCK YOU! but I can't stop laughing long enough to get it out. I do manage a "stoppp" but Scott is leaning so far onto me now that he's practically on top of me to keep me from escaping.

"Good luck! and thanks... bye!"  And he closes the laptop.

And then he stops tickling me...

And then... mama gets to play >;-P

Pray I survive!

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