2. Five Men and a Baby (Trent)

By TCforever22

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23 year-old hottie of the boyband called The Collective named Trent Bell wakes up in the middle of the night... More

2. Five Men and a Baby (Trent)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five: Last Chapter

Chapter Eighteen

100 7 2
By TCforever22

William continued to drive, trying not to run over the people running in fright. There were also tremors here and there due to the meteor rocks falling down on the ground.

"Can't you drive faster?! Our lives are all at stake right here, you know!" Jayden said.

"I know but I just can't!" William said. "We can't speed off right away especially with these people running here and there, top it up with the fact that there are also tremors because of the stupid meteor rocks falling down."

Just then, another meteor rock fell down from the sky and it hit the concrete road a few feet away from their car. William stepped on the brakes but it did no good as for their car spun around the road and that made them scream on top of their lungs.

Their car continued to spin and as it slowed down and came onto a stop, they let out a sigh.

"That... was..." Julian trailed off.

"Close." Jayden said, finishing it off for him.

And then, a few seconds later, they heard a rumbling sound at behind them and William looked from his rearview mirror, "Fuck! Guys, get out now!" He shouted.

"What? Why?" Luke asked.

"The building! The building's gonna collapse!" Trent said then he turned to the rest of them, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW!!!"

"But Uncle Trent!" Luke protested.

"Just GO!" He yelled and Luke, together with William, Julian, Jayden and Zach went out of the car and immediately ran off to god knows where while Trent ducked below the seat, making Rebecca lay on her back on the car's floor while he, on top of her.

The building collapsed and it squashed the car, like a filling in a sandwich. "Uncle Trent!!!" Luke said.

"Luke, let's go!" Zach said as he tried to pull him away.

Meanwhile, Trent could feel the rubble on his back becoming heavier by any second.

"My leg hurts... Ow... I think I injured myself." Rebecca thought to herself. "I can't move my right leg."

But then, even though she's already injured, she can't help but to still feel conscious about Trent being on top of her, knowing the fact that he's just trying to prevent the rubble from squashing them alive by blocking it with his broad back.

"Trent, s-stop... You're hurting yourself." Rebecca said.

"I can't. We'll both die if I stop blocking it with my back." Trent replied and she could see the pain and difficulty in his eyes.

"You could've just left me here." She stated.

"And what? Let you die? No way Rebecca." He said firmly while looking into her eyes and he felt his heart racing at that moment.

"I... I've already lose a girl in my life just a few minutes ago." He continued. "And I don't want you to be the next." Just then, the rubble got heavier and he winced in pain and difficulty as he started to press his body lower to hers, making Rebecca even more conscious.

"Trent, just stop and let the rubble squash us both off. We'll never ever survive." Rebecca said firmly but he didn't listen, instead, he still blocked the rubble with his back, making it more difficult for him.


"Luke, don't go there! We'll get some help, okay?!" Zach said.

"Help?! Uncle Zach, we'll get no help from anyone around here! Just look around, they're busy helping themselves right now and the only one that we can count on at a time like this is ourselves so don't tell me to not go there and save my uncle and that poor girl!" Luke outraged and then he ran towards the rubble and started lifting off some of the fallen debris of the building effortlessly. 

Meanwhile, Trent is still struggling to him and Rebecca not to get squashed off. "Trent... Please... Stop. Just let your body down. You can't do anything about it! You're not a fuckin' meteor freak like me!" Rebecca cried and both of their eyes widened in surprise.

"You're a meteor freak?" Trent asked and tears were starting to flow out of Rebecca's eyes. Just then, Trent couldn't handle it anymore and his body collapsed on top of her.

Rebecca let out a fake laugh, "I guess you hate me now because I'm a meteor freak." She said. And Trent didn't reply. "Trent?" Then she turned his head to her direction and saw that his eyes were closed. He lost his consciousness..


"Have you found them yet?" Jayden asked.

"Not yet." Luke said as he continued to remove all the fallen debris while praying to himself that he finds Trent and Rebecca. "Wait, if I can't find them both by my eyes then maybe I can find them with my ears. I could listen to their heartbeats." Then with that, he closed his eyes and concentrated on finding their heartbeats and when he finally did, he opened his eyes. He found out that they are right below him.

"Oh god... No... NO!" He said as he stepped away and quickly removed the fallen bricks, cement and all other things. "No! No! They can't die! They have to live!" After a couple of minutes of removing the rubble, he found them. He saw that Trent was lying unconsciously on Rebecca while she was crying in fear.

"They're here!" Luke declared and the other boys ran towards them and helped by removing Trent off from Rebecca. They laid him on the side while Zach and Julian trying to wake him up.

"Are you alright?" Jayden asked her and she shook her head 'no'. "What's wrong?" he asked as he tried to make her stand up but she ended up falling on his arms while crying and wincing in pain.

"You're hurt." He said with a concerned tone in his voice then without wasting any second, he carried her in his arms, bridal-style.

Just then they heard the siren of an ambulance, and as it stopped for them, they were all thinking of the same thing. It's over.


--Evacuation Centre--

"I hope Uncle Trent will be okay." Luke said.

"He will be." Julian said, trying to sound convincing.

"Urrrgh..." Trent groaned as he opened his eyes.

"Trent, can you hear me?" William asked.

"Yeah. I'm not deaf, Will." He said.

"You did a pretty good job of saving this pretty girl right here." Zach said while pointing to Rebecca. Rebecca locked her eyes on Trent and so did he to her.

"Uh... I think we might have to leave them for a while. Apparently, they have some important things to discuss." Jayden said then they left the tent, leaving the two behind there.

"Uh... How's your back?" Rebecca asked a little bit nervous.

"Sore." Trent replied.

Rebecca looked down on her lap and then she heard him spoke up again. "It's been a long time since this happened." Trent said and when she looked up at him, he found him staring up the white sheet of the tent that was used for their own ceiling.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"This... This meteor shower thing." He replied. "It's been a long time since it happened."

"I lost my parents because of the meteor shower."

He looked at her, quite shocked and sorry for her. "And that was when I also got this power of mine." She said.

"What kind of a meteor freak are you?" he asked her.

"I... I can make things into a statue figure." She replied hesitantly. "So that's why I always wear this." Then she showed to him her silve wristband.

"Can you come closer?" he asked and she shifted closer to him. He looked into her eyes and then he smiled charmingly at her, "You may be a meteor freak but you're still a good person." He said and then Rebecca's cheeks flushed.

Suddenly, he got her left wrist and removed the silver wristband. She got startled. Then he held her hand, "I don't feel any pain at all." He said. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze and then, he felt the pain. The pain was like a hundreds of needles, poking through his flesh inside.

She looked at his hand and noticed that it is turning into gray and for the fear that she might kill him, she immediately pulled away. Trent's graying skin turned back to normal as soon as she let his hand go.

"See? That's why I always wear this thing." She said then she put her wrist band on.

"Rebecca..." He said.

Then she looked at him, only to find him leaning over her, their faces a few centimetres apart.

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