Battle Horse

By Avisknight

16.7K 1.2K 366

Growing up in the Redmont castle ward wasn't the easiest. Ena grew up in the shadows of her other ward mates... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven

285 23 15
By Avisknight

Quick A/N

I apologize for the break I took...without telling you. I've been really struggling these last few months with anxiety over school, family life, school, mental issues, and school. But school is finally out, and I think it's just now hit me that I'm free for another month!

So I know it's been fooooorever! So please if you need to go back a few chapters and cuss me out, by all means do so, because I deserve it. Re-read any thing you need to, because honestly, I had to re-read about half of this book to understand any thing I had written months ago. So please don't hate me...and enjoy!


Ena hardly got a wink of sleep that night as she lay in her bed. Everything happened so quickly. She thought that she may be able to settle down in that small village, and then out of the blue, George shows up. She tossed in her bed and glanced down at where George slept on a bed roll on the floor near her bed. He had a small smile gracing his lips as he slept, his light hair almost covering his eyes. He looked so peaceful, so happy. She let out a quiet sigh and turned to face the window. Winter was on its way, and Ena knew if she was to leave, it would have to be within the next week. Though she promised George she'd leave with him the next morning, she was hesitant. She felt responsible for the care of Evanlyn. Pushing her off onto someone else felt like cheating. Ena had done quite a few irresponsible things within the last year, and she didn't want to abandon Evanlyn.

A groan startled her thoughts, and she sat up in bed, examining the small room for the source. Evanlyn's bed was near the fire, and Ena had a difficult time focusing her gaze against the light. Evanlyn's blankets were flung from her bed, and across the floor. Ena stood, making her way over to the crippled girl. Evanlyn was covered in a sheen of sweat, and the half of her face that she had control over was contorted with pain. She let out a whimper, her whole body tensing.

The noise woke George, and he shuffled over to where Ena stood, examining the poor girl.

"What do I do? Do we wake her?" Ena asked in a panic. George looked just as confused as she did. He nodded hesitantly, and Ena began to shake Evanlyn on the shoulder.

"Evanlyn... Evanlyn wake up, please." Ena begged. Evanlyn's body twisted about the bed, to the point of where Ena feared she would fall off the bed.

"She's not waking...try singing to her." George said. Ena rose an eyebrow, but George gave her a desperate look. "Well I didn't see you coming up with any ideas." She glared at him.

"I'm not going to sing, I'm horrid, but I have an idea." She said. She then took a seat on Ena's bed, gently petting her hair. She took the edge of her night gown's skirt, and began to wipe away some of the sweat from her face.

"Shhh. You're alright. We're here for you." Ena said, she slipped into the same voice she used to soothe the horses. The tone was consistent, a steady flow of the same three notes. It was the closets Ena would ever come to singing. "Don't be scared. We're not going anywhere." She said, giving Evanlyn a fond look. Evanlyn slowly but surely began to relax into Ena's touch. She let out a few whimpers before falling into silence.

"Can fetch me some water?" Ena asked. George nodded and hurried off to do as she requested. He returned promptly with a bucket of icy cold water. Ena grabbed a rag and dipped it in the bucket, gently trailing along Evanlyn's forehead. After cleaning the sweat from her face, Evanlyn seemed to have slipped into a restful sleep once more.

"Was it a nightmare?" George asked, keeping a hushed tone so he didn't wake the upset girl.

"I think so. I've never seen a nightmare like that though." Ena said, "And I hope I never see it again." Evanlyn had finally calmed down, so Ena replaced her blankets and the two of them retreated to the back of the room. Ena plopped down on the edge of her tiny bed, glancing towards Evanlyn's sleeping from.

"I don't know if I can leave her, George. I don't think I'd ever forgive myself if I did." Ena said. George slowly sat down beside her.

"I understand, En. But think about it, this could be your only chance to go back home. You have so much talent and potential, don't you think you'll be wasting that talent if you live you're life here?" George said. He slowly gripped her hand, raising her knuckles to his lips. "Of course I want you to do what you feel is best, but please think of both sides."

"I want to go back to Araluen, more than anything, George. I just can't imagine leaving her with some stranger, however." She said. She turned to him, pleading for him to understand.

"Ena...I know you've connected with Evanlyn over these past few weeks, but honestly, she's still practically a stranger herself. You've only known her a week longer than the people of this village." George said, he let go of her hand, staring down at his feet. "If you stay here, you've giving up everything you've ever worked for. You're giving up life long friends you love and care for you. For someone you've known for a month." Ena's brow furrowed in confusion.

"George, I gave that all up the day I stole Dancer. I'm not saying that I don't wish is was back to normal, but I've accepted that this is the only future for me. The option of being able to go home is brand new, and I'm still trying to comprehend it." She said, she was beginning to sound frustrated with all the confusion. She glanced up as George placed his hand on her cheek. He looked her in the eyes, his full of tears on the brink of slipping.

"We thought you were dead, Ena. I thought you were dead." His voice broke, and a tear slid down his cheek. "I just want you to come home...I want you to come back to Redmont. We can always come back for Evanlyn once she's stronger. Once the princess and Will are safely back home. With every thing so out of place right now, you coming home would be a bit of normalcy restored." He sounded so desperate, so passionate. She had never heard him sound so passionate about anything before, and he was quite the expressive person. His big eyes, full of tears made her crack.

"You promise we'll come back for her?" A wide grin broke out across his features, and he nodded confirmation.

"I promise. The princess will want to see her any way." George said. Ena let out a sigh, slowly nodding. George closed his eyes in relief. If she had really pushed to be able to stay, he would have let her, but he would have felt the same emptiness he felt since he discovered she was possibly dead. He opened his eyes and turned to her, slowly leaning in for a kiss. Ena smirked as she noticed his intentions. She really liked this more forward George. He was much more confident than the small future scribe she remembered from childhood. As he placed his lips on hers, she melted into the kiss, the doubt she had been feeling previous slowly diminishing.


"Aren't they just the cutest?" A voice giggled. Ena was exhausted, and simply wanted the giggling to stop. She tried to shift, but someone was restricting her movement. She froze, this moment felt very familiar. She opened her eyes to find herself face to face with a sleeping George. She once again paused to admire his peaceful features as he slept.

"Good morning, lovebirds!" Evanlyn cooed. Ena raised her head slightly, noticing Evanlyn and Corbin at the end of her small bed. Taking in her situation, she realized that she was curled up against George, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. They were pressed against each other so they could both fit on the tiny bed. She jabbed her elbow into George's ribs, causing him to wince. He opened his eyes, glaring at her.

"Not everyone appreciates waking up to your pointy elbows." George grumbled sitting up. Ena sat up, slipping out from underneath the covers.

"What are you doing here?" Ena asked briskly, addressing Corbin. Corbin shrugged.

"I just felt like a nice breakfast with Evanlyn was in order. Is that so wrong? We left you two some bacon." Corbin said, smirking at Ena's bed head. Her hair was sticking up in the back, and she was clearly unaware, making her fierce glare more amusing.

"Get up and eat, you two. You have a long journey back to Redmont." Evanlyn said grinning. Ena rose an eyebrow.

"How did you know?" Ena asked. They had discussed her return while she had been asleep.

"Oh please, Ena. I wouldn't let you stay here if you tried. You don't belong in a small village. Your heart belongs in Araluen. Go be with your horses. Go be with George." Evanlyn said. She reached out and grabbed Corbin's hand. "Don't worry about me. I'll have plenty of people to look after me." Ena felt her eyes well up with tears and she pulled Evanlyn into a tight embrace.

"The second the Princess is safe, we'll bring her here to see you." Ena said. Evanlyn hesitated, shaking her head.

"No. I don't want her to see me like this. I'm not ashamed, because I earned these scars so my best friend would be safe, but I know she'll blame herself for the way I am." Evanlyn said.

"So you'd rather she think you're dead?" George asked, confused.

"It's better this way. If I'm dead, she'll be able to forget, eventually." Evanlyn said. "Now go. Go live your lives. I think it's time I retired from the bustle of Araluen. I'm content living here for the rest of my days."

"We'll be back to see you, as soon as I know my safety in Araluen is secure." Ena promised, holding the maids hands.

"Of course you will. And I look forward to your visit. Now go!"


Sorry for the lengthy chapter, and the multiple authors notes. I promise to work harder for more chapters. Please comment on and like this chapter. Also, I know George seems a bit OC and selfish, but please try to see from his perspective. Evanlyn's nightmare, I picture as more of a mild Night terror. If you've never seen one, they are pretty horrible, I have personal experience, both me and my sister had them when we were younger. My parents used to help me through them, and in turn I helped my sister through them. It's difficult because the person effected is not aware of their surroundings. I would sing my sister back to sleep, and calm her down by singing. You're not really supposed to wake them, so I figured if I could just calm her down it would be better than her suffering. Okay, sorry for the length of this...I'll stop talking now.

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