Undying Love (Hidan Love Stor...

By meditatinggirl

89.5K 2.2K 682

Just a Hidan story. Read if ya like.. I'd appreciate it! ••Completed•• More

- 22 -
- 23 - (lemon)
note #2


2.7K 95 16
By meditatinggirl


I'm finally almost back to the Akatsuki base. 'Thank Jashin, I'm tired and starving.' I am just going to let the fact that I am talking like Hidan more and more to slide. It's inevitable. Just as I finish this thought, I see the normal town I have always stoped at coming up.
"What's this sudden urge of Chakra..?" I think feeling around me. I close my eyes and feel and see 20 different charka bodies running towards me from all directions around me, at least I think it's 20, my powers have been off recently but it's only because I am so tired and hungry.
"What the hell is happening?" I ask out loud. Just then two kunais flies by my face and I immediately dodge it. Then from behind me five men attack me. I counter the first four but the fifth man kicks me in my stomach, hard. I fall on my back and shake my head.
"So that's how you wanna play?" I ask them. Fire starts to come off my body as I go to attack two men. I kill one then one jumps up to a tree branch above me. I follow him but he uses his chakra to knock me off.
"I'm too tired and hungry for this." I mumble. And I'm not kidding. My muscles are too sore and too weak to fight off all these men. I just need to run.

I start to run but 10 men stand in front of me. Panting, I mumble,
"Come on, fuck."
"Who sent you guys anyways?" I ask them. All they do is laugh and seven of them attack me. All I can do is dodge three but the other four hit me hard with their chakra powers. I can't even sense chakra right now being so weak. 'This fucking sucks. This isn't going to turn out well.'

I spit out blood, I've never felt this pain before.
"Leave me the fuck alone, who sent you Orochimaru? Kabuto?" I ask.
"No none of them sent us." One men yells as he attacks me. I dodge him quickly and kill him.
"Then who!?" I yell back. One man comes up behind me and stabs me in my side with a kunai. 'Fuck I'm not used to having to watch my surroundings. I'm used to my powers doing that for me.' He pulls the kunai out of my side and I fall to the ground. I can't fucking die, I can't.
"Go to hell." I mumble as I throw a paper bomb attached to a kunai at five of the men, killing them. 'Okay Mizuki thirteen more left, you can do this.' The fire starts to die out, my chakra is already running low. 'No no no come on Mizuki you are stronger then this!' I yell mentally at myself. One man runs towards me but I take a kunai that was lying on the ground and stab him in the stomach. I kick him down, he lands on his head and he dies. 'Okay, I got this.'

'Nah I don't got this.' I think once again. All men attacked me at once and now I'm pinned up agaisnt a tree with a kunai stabbing me in either hand.
"Fuck this." I mumble. I spit out more blood and cough. Fuck I can't leave Hidan. A man comes up to me and punches me in the jaw.
"Thanks." I mumble. He punches me again but gets me in my right eye.
"I'm gonna have a black eye now, thank you so much."
"Don't be sarcastic bitch you're about to die. I'm getting good money for you."
"Someone set a bounty on me?"
"That's right, and he put big bucks on you."
"So it's a he? Who the hell put this bounty on me?"
"Do you know who the Akatsuki are?" He asks. My heart instantly drops.
"Y-yes." I mumble.
"Well I'm sure you know of Hidan then."
"Don't tell me.. he put this bounty on me."
"Yes he did." The man said. I've suddenly lost all motivation to get out of the situation I was in. And actually everything was a blur, my mind took over and I couldn't see anything in front of me. Why would Hidan of all people but a bounty on me, I thought.. he liked me.
"If I live through this I'm going to kill him." I mumble softly.
"I don't think that's going to happen." Another man whispers in my ear. Just then I feel a sharp pain in my chest, where my heart is.

I try to move, it was kinda like my last go at living but one man hits me with some kind of numbing jutsu. I hear my heart beating in my ears, then it just stops. It's dark for a few seconds but then I blink and I'm in an all white room.
"Where the fuck am I? Am I dead?" I ask myself.
"Yes my child you are dead." A deep loud voice says.
"Woah, who is that.. and where are you." I ask looking around. I see no one.
"I am Lord Jashin." He says.
"Wait.. Hidans Lord?" I ask.
"Yes. Speaking of Hidan do you wish to get revenge on him?" 'Right he fucking killed me.'
"I don't know, I thought he liked me, why did he do this to me?" I ask.
"I cannot tell you that, but what I can do is grant you your life back."
"What are you serious!?"
"Yes I am."
"Wait. What's the catch?" I ask folding my arms.
"You are a smart one." Lord Jashin tells me. I nod and smile. 'Thanks.'
"All you have to do is accept me as your Lord and follow the rituals of Jashinism. Then you will get your life back.
"Yes okay, I accept you as my Lord."
"Don't you want to think about this more, any more questions?" He asks me.
"I just want to fucking kick Hidans teeth in." I mumble.
"I don't blame you." He says and chuckles.
"You are a fiesty one, you will be a great follower. Now with you following Jashinism, you will also be granted enternal life, just like Hidan.
"Great that's just what I want, a life time to torture the hell out of him. " I say laughing.
"Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Wait will I loose my kekkei genkai or anything?" I ask.
"No no. That was made for you. I will not take away that great power. Now are you sure you want this?"
"Yes." I say. Then he snaps his fingers and I wake up on the ground. No wounds, nothing. 'Was all that real?' I ask myself. I look down at my chest and see the Jashin symbol necklace around my neck.
"Okay yes it was real." I say shaking my head. 'I just died.' I think. I slowly get on my feet and stretch. I feel like I've been dead for hours or at least laying down forever. I look towards the way the base is.
"I'm going to kill Hidan." How dare he kill me. Why the hell would he even do this. And why did Lord Jashin save me, why me? Why am I so special.
"What how the hell are you awake!? We killed you!" I hear a man yell.

I try my powers to make sure they still worked, and they did. 'Thank you.' I think. I beat up all the men, killing most, but I didnt want to spend too much time here, and waste too much energy. I can't believe they stayed around my body. Maybe they were taking a rest. 'Now to go kill Hidan..now that I can't die either, I'm just going to hurt him everyday for the rest of our lives dammit. I need to get to the bottom of this. He better have a damn good reason to why he sent 20 men to kill me. He even went as far as to put a bounty on me? Shit. He really wanted me dead. But how did I loose too those men, they were weak. Then again at that point so was I. Tired and Hungry doesn't help in a fight, especially if that fight is agaisnt 20 people at one. So unfair.

I get to the base and stand outside the door to feel for his chakra. 'Sweet he's in the living room.' Fire starts to come off my body and I kick down the door.'
"Hidan!" I yell angerly. I walk rather fast until I get to the living room. There was Itachi, Kisame, Deidara and Hidan.
"Hey babe." He says getting up and walking over to me. I tilt my head slightly and squint my eyes a little. As soon as he's in range I punch him in the chest and send him through a wall.
"Woah, see I told you this would happen un." Deidara says backing up along with the others. I ignore him and walk towards where Hidan was sent through the wall. I look inside and Hidan was still stunned. I grab him from his cloak and throw him out of the hole. He lands on his feet.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He yells taking out his sythe.
"You set a bounty on me and had me killed!?" I ask yelling at him.
"You what?" Kisame says and laughs.
"Oh this is fantastic." He adds and brings his hands together.
"Lovers quarrel."
"Why did you have me killed Hidan!?" I ask again.
"I wanted you to live eternally.. fuck." He says. I tilt my head at his answer.
"And why the hell didn't you just ask me!?" I ask yelling once again and throwing a fire ball at him. It catches his cloak and he throws it on the ground.
"I thought you'd fucking say no! And I did ask. You said you'd think about it!" He yells then he looks surprised at my answer.
"Oh what so you only did this for yourself yeah?! You knew I would say no but you did it anyways. What kind of inconsiderate person are you!?"
"One that wanted to spend a long time with you." He says.
"Fuck you." I say ignoring what he has to say.
"I don't even want to be in the same room as you right now. I'm leaving."
"You wanna talk Mizuki un?" I hear Deidara ask.
"No I'm leaving leaving." I say.
"I'm done with this whole Akatsuki shit. I want to live on my own again. I'm not meant to be living with so many other people, it's easier if I live alone anyways."
"I thought Pain said he would kill you." He adds. I turn and look at him.
"Well I can't fucking die anymore so screw it." I say and throw one arm up.
"Because I'm fucking done."

I walk to where the door would be and it's gone. 'What the hell?'
"You guys aren't funny!" I yell. I punch the wall and make a hole. 'Damn Jashin has made me a lot stronger too. Speaking of that how do I become a 'good' follower of him?' I think as I walk. Just then it starts to rain. ' Fuck you Pain.' Now they all know where I am. If one of them comes to get me if better not fucking be Hidan. Twenty minutes pass until I hear a voice call my name.

"Mizuki!" I hear a voice call.
I turn my body to see Deidara.
"Come back Mizuki come on un." He says.
"Why would I ever go back there? Besides, I said I'd stay there until I healed and I'm long past healed. I'm perfect." I say smiling psychoticly.
"You're more like Hidan everyday un." He mumbles. I stop smiling and frown. Fire begins to emerge off me. Even hearing his name makes me angry.
"Woah calm down yeah." Deidara says as he gets clay out.
"Hey what are you doing?" I ask him.
"Oh nothing- NOW SASORI!" He yells.
I jump up to a branch and dodge the blow I was about to get from Sasori.
"Dammit!" Deidara yells.
"Why do you guys want me back at the base so much? Why can't I just try to live a normal life?"
"You're the living dead you can't live a normal life now." Sasori says. I roll my eyes. 'The living dead.' I think. That actually sounds kinda cool.
"Newsflash you aren't human either." I say to Sasori. He just rolls his eyes.
"We need you on the Akatsuki Mizuki." Deidara says.
"You need me or you need my powers?" I ask and silence fills the air.
"Needing your powers is needing you ! Your powers would be nothing without you being the person to use them un." Deidara says and I smile at him.
"You always did know how to make me feel better D." I say he smiles back at me. My fire starts to die down.
"So you going to come back yeah?" Deidara asks.
"Only if I get a new room, away from Hidans." I say and fold my arms.
"That's it?" Sasori asks.
"I guess. I just really don't want to see him because even the mention of his name pisses me off." I mumble as the fire around me begins to die off.
"Okay yes we can do that. You know how big the base is?" Sasori asks.
"Yeah your right. Okay fine. I'll go back." I mumble once again, then it stops raining.
"You know I really fucking hate how he can do that." I say squeezing my hair so it can get dry faster. All Deidara and Sasori do is laugh then Deidara makes a clay bird. I put my hair up so it will dry off my shoulders.
"Easiest way to travel un." He says. He holds out his hand to help me on. I grab it and smile. He helps me up and I take a seat on the bird. Deidara sits next to me and Sasori sits infront of us. I lean my head on Deidaras shoulder and close my eyes. 'Is this a bad idea?'

We are soon back at the base and my stomach starts to turn.
"I think I changed my mind." I say and turn to walk away but Kisame shows up out of no where and holds me from going anywhere.
"Fuck." I mumble. 'He's really strong.'
"Come on Itachi wants to speak with you anyways." He says and puts his hand on my back. 'Kind of like Hidan used to do.. fuck don't think about it. What does Itachi want to talk to me about?' I think trying to not think of Hidan.
"About?" I ask.
"About his little brother." He says.
"Oh right." I think and feel in my bag for the notebook. I find it and smile. It's not much, that boy was pretty distant, and quiet. But that boy Naruto brought him out of all of that. They were quite cute together. I could tell Naruto annoyed Saskue but at the same time I could tell Saskue liked him. Even though it was hard to see, I also saw that that girl Sakura annoyed him.

Hello guys, school has started yet again for me. Senior Year whoo. So that means updates will come slower. I'm sorry but school comes first and I need good grades this year. Have a great school year for the ones still in school!

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